Okay this is FREAKY: (((their))) OSiris=17 X 3 (power) = 51 POTUS tweet time stamp1:53 Q DROP: Nov 14th POTUS 7/10 "Planes" taken out PLANE CRASH The story of the Nov. 14, 1970, tragedy was told in a 2006 feature film, "We Are Marshall," MARSHALL LAW
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Miranda Koontz
@mkpsu42· 44m
Replying to @VincentCrypt46
@Time4U2Know So “The Contest” episode of Seinfeld is episode 51. Trump retweets 51% approval rating with an additional (add 7% or 10%) at 1:53PM. VK tweets this at 1:49. We all know about that episode of Seinfeld Season 4 episode 11...or 51st episode.
More Corruption at the Vatican. Pope Francis Overrides a Cardinal's Financial Decision Resulting in a Money Laundering Scheme
Praying with you. May God mightly bless you.
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Regina Thornton@ReginaT01716957
· 1m
SPEAK: I DECLARE that ALL satanic & evil forces against Pres Trump, VP John Kennedy Jr, their Families & ALL Who concern them are EXPOSED & REMOVED. They are PARALYZED, DEAF, BLIND & their speech is CONFOUNDED. ALL Traitors & CABAL are REMOVED in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Forgotten no more ... #PromisesMadePromisesKept
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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· Nov 9, 2016
Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before
Thousands of guns carried in Virginia today and not one person shot or arrested. Rifles, 50 cals, and plenty of pistols I'm sure were concealed. Wow, it's almost as if guns aren't the problem. Fake news networks must be bummed that they have nothing for their hoax narratives.
Aliscia Andrews@alisciaandrews·
Ladies and Gentlemen, the disgraced, black faced Governor’s comment from today— he fear mongered and vilified Americans who only wanted to practice their 1st amendment right to peacefully assemble.
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Ralph Northam@GovernorVA
· 18h
We are all thankful that today passed without incident. The teams successfully de-escalated what could have been a volatile situation. I will continue to listen to the voices of Virginians, and will do everything in my power to keep our Commonwealth safe. https://governor.virginia.gov/newsroom/all-releases/2020/january/headline-851013-en.html…
Sweet Girl On Fire@kristenluvslife·
Virginia gun buyers totaled 73,849 last month. A 47% increase over Dec 2018. Can Virginia go Red? I’ll bet it won’t b too difficult if everybody gets out and votes. I do believe the sleeping giant has woke! #PatriotsUnited there’s nothing more powerful!
Nicolas Clamorgan @Nick_Clamorgan·
In the West there're only 2 countries which have been democracies from the beginning: USA & Switzerland In the West there're only 2 countries where weapons are allowed: USA & Switzerland COINCIDENCE?! #2A MAKES DEMOCRACY POSSIBLE #2A IS DEMOCRACY #2A PROTECTS DEMOCRACY
Team Trump (Text FIRST to 88022)@TeamTrump·
WATCH: Brad@Parscale on @LouDobbs
Democrats have nothing to run on because President@realDonaldTrump
is winning in every metric!
Sean Hannity@seanhannity
· 12h
#HANNITY EXCLUSIVE: The Biden family’s corruption is being exposed like never before! @PeterSchweizer previews his explosive book, “Profiles in Corruption” -- NOW! Part 1 is explosive findings on Biden’s family with more to come on Sanders & Warren tomorrow. Don’t miss it!

Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK·
Join President Trump's Legal Team
The legal team will now feature Mellow-My-Mood Meadows, Teach Me how to Dougie Collins, the Legend of Zeldin and the Jacket-Less Jim Jordan.
Replying to @kabamur_taygeta and @realDonaldTrump
There are 21 days between Q's Drop 2867 "Are we having fun yet?" and Drop 3094 "The real 'fun' starts soon." POTUS connects "The best is yet to come" to Paul

#MAGA #Trump #Q #Brexit #GiletsJaunes #MIGA@tlshaw1997·
"Am I going to get my money back?" "Of course not!"
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Miguelifornia @michaelbeatty3
· 15h
OUCH Lizzie is confronted by a father who worked double shifts to pay for his daughters education and wants to know if he gets his money back.. Lizzie smirks.. @realDonaldTrump #IOWA
We're #NowHiring volunteers for John Titor Space Agency (JTSA). Here are some of the jobs but will be hiring others. (open full thread). We'll be building a city on #Mars, #Moon, #spacestation, & crews for #starships for #deepspace travel. Join #Discord
#NEW MONTAGE from me showing how@CNN
and@MSNBC spent their mornings hyping fears that "white nationalists" and "extremists" would cause "violence" at #VirginiaRally for the #2A like in 2017 at Charlottesville #LobbyDay2020
Trump team calls 'flimsy' impeachment 'dangerous perversion of the Constitution' in lengthy filing
THANK YOU to all the protestors who stood up peacefully and respectfully for their Second Amendment rights in Virginia today. God bless you. You were there representing the voices of many.
Tribe so afraid of the Senate hearing my constitutional arguments that he actually says, I “should not be allowed” to make them. Is that the American way?
Mr. President....did you just drop another breadcrumb? 17 = Q
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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 3h
...And they say you can add 7% to 10% to all Trump numbers! Who knows? https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1217927213179338758
Miguelifornia @michaelbeatty3·
Tomorrow the Trump team will destroy & expose Adam Schiff for the whole world to see The media will be fed his opening statements & given their impeachment talking points. They will be in propaganda overdive & THEY WILL FAIL I MOCK THEM IN ADVANCE
Brenda Hackett@BrendaHackett3·
We Are Seeing Through The Veil In Real Time #2A :coded:
· 16h
Please answer a very simple question for me. And take all the time that you need. What the hell are they saying and what the hell do they want?
Keep your on Broward Cty. Lots of secrets there!
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· 15h
Broward County Legal Analyst that ran Barry's Fla Campaign ran Castor's campaign http://PressReader.com - Your favorite newspapers and magazines. https://pressreader.com/usa/tampa-bay-times/20180420/281513636750926
Dr. Robert Epstein@DrREpstein·
Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google's power to rig elections, one of them said, "I think you're going to die in an accident in a few months." A few months later, my beautiful wife #Misti died a violent death. Makes you wonder.
THE SHOT HEARD HEARD AROUND THE WORLD Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter? Coincidence or message?
today "So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY." ARTICLE "a shot that was heard around the world, silencing the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

"Now the trumpet summons us again; not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle; a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease & war itself."
· 15h
3 years ago today....Hillary Clinton was walking through a park wondering what the hell just happened @HillaryClinton
What’s up with Mappin encouraging ppl to donate to redpill78? And why does M3thods need a gofundme. He got doxxed but at the same time got deathly ill. What is going on?
We applaud the announcements of Colombia, Honduras, and Guatemala to designate #Iran-backed #Hizballah a terrorist organization. It and other transnational terrorist groups remain active in the region. The U.S. continues to rally international support to counter these threats.
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Jon Scribnerscribbyj
· 22h
16.7 million views strong and growing. My daily PSA that @HillaryClinton killed 4 men in Benghazi to cover her tracks. Ensure she is held accountable. RT this Everytime you see it. Onward to 20 million. #WWG1GWA https://twitter.com/EyesOnQ/status/1181804712519188481
Pool: POTUS stepped off of Marine One at 6:35 pm. He was wearing a red tie and dark overcoat. He waved to the assembled reporters, but did not take questions. He waved again at the top of the stairs and entered AF1 at 6:36 pm ...
You think we've seen UGLY? You think we,ve seen EVIL? This week we will see Lucifer himself speaking for corrupt Democrats. Say your prayers tonight! Now I lay me dow to sleep, I pray the Lord my Soul to keep... God loves us!
U.S. Navy@USNavy
· Jan 19
In a historic moment just in time for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, @SECNAV announces that the newest #USNavy aircraft carrier will be named USS Doris Miller #CVN81. Miller was the first African American to receive the Navy Cross. Full story: https://navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=111881
Who ever ordered that these supplies be hidden in a warehouse just to try to make
look bad, is responsible for the DEATHS of REAL PEOPLE who didn't get help in time. There must be an investigation AND conviction(s) of those responsible. This is a capital CRIME.
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· Jan 19
Puerto Rican politicians tried to make it look like President Trump wasn’t sending aid to them after Hurricane Maria in 2017 A video has surfaced showing aid sitting unused in a warehouse They were hiding aid from their citizens who needed it desperately This is disturbing
Video of President Trump's Trial Memorandum
President Trump is going to be acquitted and not guilty, forever.
"The process that brought the articles here violated every precedent and every principle of fairness followed in impeachment inquiries for more than 150 years." Read the full trial memorandum of President Donald J. Trump: http://45.wh.gov/Bj9aE4
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
CIA Satellite Offline https://qmap.pub/read/2013 #Qanon #WeAreTheNewsNow #FactsMatter #WWG1WGA #WakeUpAmerica #UnitedNotDivided #SaveAmerica #GreatAwakening
Biden as VP transferred $140 million dollars from the Federal Treasury to the Cayman Islands in an account owned by the same foreign company his son worked for. How has he not answered for this yet? It’s beyond egregious.
@JoeBiden#WheresTheMoneyJoe Via:@OANN
Why would the federal government EVER send money to the Cayman Islands? It’s literally synonymous with money laundering, unaccountability, and fraud.

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA.. “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” John 3:19 NASB
144,844 Sealed Cases #Biblical
It's Gonna Be Biblical
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
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Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
· 17h
Q and POTUS Are in Very Close Proximity to Each Other https://qmap.pub/read/2948 #Qanon #WeAreTheNewsNow #FactsMatter #WWG1WGA #WakeUpAmerica #UnitedNotDivided #SaveAmerica #GreatAwakening
Conor McGregor@TheNotoriousMMA·
Replying to
Phenomenal President. Quite possibly the USA . Most certainly one of them anyway, as he sits atop the shoulders of many amazing giants that came before him. No easy feet. Early stages of term also. Incredible. Congrats and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day America
#Iran is unable to download the black boxes of Ukraine Int'l Airlines flight #PS752 that was shot down with IRGC SAM missiles, according to Reuters. Tehran requesting necessary equipment from the U.S & France to download black boxes in Iran.
01/11/2020 The US reportedly sent secret messages to Iran via Swiss intermediaries Did you know that the very first Central Bank was Swiss? Yep 1668- The start of central banking monopoly money control & financing wars. https://businessinsider.com/us-swiss-intermediaries-backchannel-communicate-iran-2020-1… #EndTheFed #QAnon #IranRegimeChange
2. Consider Swiss being first central bank, Consider Central Bank's current insanity https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1219423164570038272… announcing they may soon "save the environment" by printing money and outright buying all the power plants in Australia. Is this their idea of leverage?
3. 01/20/2020 Trump heading to Switzerland "trying to charm global CEOs" This is a much bigger deal than most are thinking. The timing of it being during impeachment? This could be the fall of another side to the triangle. Let's go over that. https://wate.com/news/politics/trump-heading-to-switzerland-as-impeachment-trial-reconvenes/… #Qanon
Reconcile with
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4. We know from Q there were three sides of the triangle. One side, Saud was confirmed by Q to have been taken out November 2017 with the fall of Al-Waleed https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1167674280794120192…
It cut a lot of strings. I recommend that thread for context of where we are now. The other two?
5. The other two are Rothschild (Central Banks) & Soros (MSM) - unlike Saud we never had conf of the fall of those. Clearly Rothschild exist still as central banks are using climate scares https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1179923460518109184… to threaten printing trillions to buy much of Australia. #8kun
· 19h
01/20/2020 World's Top Central Bank Warns That The Australian Central Bank Branch Could Soon 'Mobilize All Forces' i.e. print infinite money - To "buy up coal mines and fossil-fuel power stations" To 'Rescue The Environment' From Climate Change https://theage.com.au/politics/federal/rba-told-to-mobilise-all-forces-to-save-the-economy-from-climate-change-20200120-p53szi.html
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Michael Murdock 🇺🇸🇮🇹 (#Cult45 Bonafide Member)@the1murdock·
Jan 19
@realDonaldTrump giving State of the Union says...My Fellow Americans...not long ago I was impeached. I was then acquitted. Tonight when you leave here, pay no mind to TROOPS arresting each Democrat for perpetrating a Coup against the REPUBLIC! Payback’s a bitch!
White House Photos@photowhitehouse·
THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C., en route to Zurich, Switzerland st the Joint Base Andrews.
/ Photo by William Moon at the South Lawn of the White House on January 20, 2020 # MarineOne @SecretService
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump·
Heading to Davos, Switzerland, to meet with World and Business Leaders and bring Good Policy and additional Hundreds of Billions of Dollars back to the United States of America! We are now NUMBER ONE in the Universe, by FAR!!
Replying to@CodesUcq
The Swiss have a long tradition of ‘impartiality’. If WW2 were likened to two guys fighting outside a pub, the Swiss offered to hold their coats then when no one was looking they stole the wallets dropped the coats then ran away.
Replying to@golanvonbrik
lol, well, it's a worldwide evil. My inference was why in the heck they so involved in Iran? The Central bank connection seemed plausible. Iran's is in Tehran after all and one wonders who really runs a country if not the ones with the licence to print infinite money?
Q659 Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved. Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED. The shot heard around the world. TG> WE, THE PEOPLE. FREEDOM DAY. LIGHT.