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Santa Claus Of The United States



#Q has been dropping...Do you still believe in #Q? #SCOTUS

Yes  93.8%

No    2.8%

I’m not sure   3.4%

178 votes · 7 hours left

Rise Up@sara8smiles·


US military plan to spread viruses using insects could create ‘new class of biological weapon’, scientists warn


Jan 28

Replying to


Thank you sir. Watch live the Senate trial tomorrow with NO INTERRUPTIONS.

l E T 17@Inevitable_ET·


BREAKING: Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal is calling for "serious sanctions" against Sen. Rand Paul for his attempts to name the "whistleblower" in the Senate trial…


Man these people are scared

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Paul Sperry@paulsperry_

· 1h

BREAKING: Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal is calling for "serious sanctions" against Sen. Rand Paul for his attempts to name the "whistleblower" in the Senate trial


Jan 28

Replying to


Thank you sir. Watch live the Senate trial tomorrow with NO INTERRUPTIONS.

Jim Hoft@gatewaypundit·


BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts Plays Politics, Sides with Democrats -- AGAIN REFUSES TO READ RAND PAUL'S QUESTION ON WHISTLEBLOWER! (VIDEO)

@RandPaul… via


Claire {@cjdtwit·


HUGE NEWS! Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over fake dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’! Ha, this is going to be sweet! Time for the Deep State and Demwits to pay the piper! Will justice be served now? DOJ isn't doing it!

It’s TIME to WAKE up




SURPRISE SURPRISE . I heard yesterday that the Superb Owl were doing a promotion that was tied with kobe Bryant . . And now Kobe is .. . And therefore that promotion will change to some Tribute . . Funny how things seem to work out in this Matrix we live in . You can make it up

IIt’s TIME to WAKE up


And do NOT believe this is isolated one story planned for years . . It is ALL connected. . When i say ... The scripting is VAST beyond Our comprehension ...VAST ! . WWe Just had Very first Scottish born Champion. Mcmahon , close friend to Trump, is Scottish Freemason . Dates !!

t’s TIME to WAKE up@TonyMarano6·


Well now you know it is not that . . It is all scripted , years , and months and weeks and days in advance . Nothing you see is by chance . . It is all planned out and played out . . Peace

G Jean Miller@GJeanMiller1·


"I've Been Taken Hostage - And Subjected to Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Listening to the Rantings of Adam Schiff" - Sen. Rick Scott GOES OFF on Democrats' Sham Impeachment (VIDEO) via




Pens? I got pens! You want to play the pen game? Here, how's this?@realDonaldTrump

uses a $2 Sharpie to sign a $1.2 Trillion trade deal.@SpeakerPelosi

uses $15,000 bullet pens to sign #ImpeachmentHoax. True businessman vs career politician! #TrumpForever!

Jason Miller@JasonMillerinDC·


Great show, Mayor@RudyGiuliani!

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Rudy Giuliani


· 5h

Episode 2, The Trial: Opening Statement, is LIVE on our website and YouTube now! We discuss the bombshell medical reports that prove there was an attempt to murder Viktor Shokin in the Biden-Poroshenko double bribery case. &

RNC Research@RNCResearch·


Pat Cipollone reminds Democrats that “power comes from the people” and “they should decide” who is president

Mike 'Thomas Paine' Moore




Longest-ever border smuggling tunnel found stretching between Tijuana and San Diego, officials say

Rena Text TRUMP 88022@ROHLL5·


#TBT Back in the day everyone wanted .⁦


⁩ on their show! Viewership mattered! Baby Barron making his television debut on Oprah with his parents, now it’s First Lady Melania & President Trump! May 2006 So adorable! KAG2020

Rena Text TRUMP 88022@ROHLL5·


#TBT Back in the day everyone wanted .⁦


⁩ on their show! Viewership mattered! Baby Barron making his television debut on Oprah with his parents, now it’s First Lady Melania & President Trump! May 2006 So adorable! KAG2020

Skipper Sheldon@zerkuuqsena·


We have all gathered on Twitter to spread the truth. We feel the need to educate those around us blind to the truth. We only follow God, we have no leader, no meetings. We are Qanon. The Truth and only the Truth is what we seek. Patriots, feel proud, you are making history

Adrienne 0711 Text TRUMP to 88022 




Thread by@redpill_beena

: Vatican Exposed #Biblical #Vatican #RealityCheck #TheGreatAwakening #Q #QAnon #FactsMatter #History #Redpill #FYI WeAreTheNewsNow … do you know what you're L KING at Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos Well let'…

On January 19, 2016, Eric Ciaramella chaired a meeting of FBI, Department of Justice and Department of State personnel, which had two main objectives:

  1.       To coerce the Ukrainians to drop the Burisma probe, which involved Vice President Joseph Biden’s son Hunter, and allow the FBI to take over the investigation.

  2.       To reopen a closed 2014 FBI investigation that focused heavily on GOP lobbyist Paul Manafort, whose firm long had been tied to Trump through his partner and Trump pal, Roger Stone.

That is, contain the investigation of Biden’s son and ramp up the investigation of Paul Manafort.

According to White House logs, the attendees at the January 19, 2016 meeting in Room 230A of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building were:

Eric Ciaramella – National Security Council Director for Ukraine

Liz Zentos – National Security Council Director for Eastern Europe

David G. Sakvarelidze – Deputy General Prosecutor of Ukraine

Anna E. Iemelianova (Yemelianova) – Legal Specialist, US Embassy Kyiv and US Department of Justice’s Anti-Corruption Program.

Nazar A. Kholodnitsky, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor

Catherine L. Newcombe – attorney in the Criminal Division, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, with the U.S. Department of Justice

Svitlana V. Pardus – Operations, Department of Justice, U.S. Embassy, Ukraine.

Artem S. Sytnyk  – Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine

Andriy G. Telizhenko, political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC

Jeffrey W. Cole – Resident Legal Advisor at U.S. Embassy Ukraine, presumed to be FBI

(The American Thinker, 12/06/2019)  (Archive)

The White House@WhiteHouse·


For the first time in 29 YEARS, drug overdose deaths are DOWN! The Trump Administration is committed to fighting the opioid epidemic, and we are seeing the results!



Sen. Ted Cruz spars with the media over the impeachment sham (and wins). These reporters are absolutely RUTHLESS and are so butthurt because things are going their way. TDS is running rampant.

Ellen Caroline@EllenCa78112564·


Soon, bloop, soon-

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· 1h

Replying to @StormIsUponUs




New Q. All of the sudden the DOJ has relented and is now okay with probation and no jail time for@GenFlynn

Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK·



202Q We hired him to do whatever it takes! 4 MORE YEARS VID By



The media could not be played.



Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK·


Replying to@love4thegameAK

Q Drop 3814


#WWG1WGA DluiFK6UcAAxf6n.jpg

Today is January [30].

Coincidences are fun!

Thanks, DOJ. Q

Luke 10:19  (NIV)

19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Joel B. Pollak@joelpollak·


Another brilliant question from


, who has forced the Democrats to admit they don't know what the Bidens discussed. This sets up a reason for Republicans to call the Bidens as witnesses if witnesses are called by the Senate #ImpeachmentTrial for any reason.

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Joel B. Pollak@joelpollak

· 47m

@RepValDemings: I don't know what @JoeBiden and Hunter Biden discussed. But that's not why we're here. [The question, and answer, sets up Republicans to call the Bidens as witnesses.] #ImpeachmentTrial

The White House@WhiteHouse·


"I am concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger." — Jonathan Turley

Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK·


Worth Noting!!

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Tom Cotton@SenTomCotton

· 30m

China claimed—for almost two months—that coronavirus had originated in a Wuhan seafood market. That is not the case. @TheLancet published a study demonstrating that of the original 40 cases, 14 of them had no contact with the seafood market, including Patient Zero.

Mr. Jones@MrJones_tm·


Surreal... Hot mic moment catches someone discussing Schiff’s statement about contact w/ the whistleblower. “He’s protected by, there’s a Speech and Debate Clause for members of Congress, so they can say anything they want with immunity.”



BREAKING: The World Health Organization declares China coronavirus a global health emergency



“...and that Hunter Biden’s job at the gas company Burisma was a bribe to his father, the US vice president.” Poroshenko ‘most corrupt president ever,’ Hunter Biden’s board job may have been bribe for his father – UkraineGate documentary… #



GAME OVER Don@realDonaldTrump

tweeted at 6:00 pm #Q3599 Treason. Sedition. How do you remove a liability. Six o’clock can be dangerous.

 RICK MAGA @barmore27·


American's elected Trump to shake up Washington and that's exactly what he has done. He has exposed all the fake politicians and media for what they truly are. TURN COATS AGAINST AMERICANS MORALS AND VALUES. Which is, of course, precisely what Mr. Trump got elected to do.

 RICK MAGA @barmore27·


American's elected Trump to shake up Washington and that's exactly what he has done. He has exposed all the fake politicians and media for what they truly are. TURN COATS AGAINST AMERICANS MORALS AND VALUES. Which is, of course, precisely what Mr. Trump got elected to do.

Squirrel Mama@Squill_whispers·


Look here Pickled Pelosi, you don’t decide the Presidency, We the People, choose the President Not You! You people have lost what little minds you have left! You can not unseat a duly elected President because you hate him! Seriously shut up!

Alan Dershowitz@AlanDersh·


They characterized my argument as if I had said that if a president believes that his re-election was in the national interest, he can do anything. I said nothing like that, as anyone who actually heard what I said can attest.


Redgate #WhoLeakedGenFlynn Retweeted


Charlie Daniels@CharlieDaniels·


General Mike Flynn is an innocent American hero who was railroaded by the Democrat’s defunct wet dream (Mueller Investigation) He has a new lawyer and ready to clear his name and give another black eye to the democrat conspiracy juggernaut cum broke down jalopy with 3 flat tires



New Q. All of the sudden the DOJ has relented and is now okay with probation and no jail time for@GenFlynn

𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕒 @my3monkees·


Visibly angry Joe DiGenova on John Bolton & his book- “Ive known John 40 release this now is an act of treachery. What John did is a betrayal of the President of the United States..It was clearly done to harm the President of the United States.”

U.S. Naval Institute@NavalInstitute·


Happy 90th Birthday #GeneHackman! Hackman served with the Marines in Tsingtao in 1948 to protect U.S. interests from Chinese Communist forces. Decades later, fellow Marines could get his attention by mentioning Ping Kong Tung Lee's, a favorite destination for Marines on liberty.



The worst kept secret in the history of our nation ... The "Whistleblower" (Farting sound)

Nick Frechen@NFrechen


Guiliani- "he will testify at great length as to how the Ukrainian embassy, Ukrainian officials, conspired with the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign. He was directly asked to dig up all the dirt that he could on Donald trump.". Lol this year will be interesting!

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