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please know we truly appreciate you all!
New in October - PODBEAN -
Morning Minute
Julian Edward
It's official...
$15,000,000 Military courthouse finally built in GITMO just in time for the Durham Indictments. This is about to get interesting.
11.3 by Fox News today. Coincidence?
Remember i said Airli nes will be going away? We are going to Superso nic Electric Je ts. Autonom ous Cars, Flyi ng Ca rs etc. Think Te sla. Nothing is going to be the same people. Remember i said many will lose jobs. - Hence Ges Ara. Why do you think God has gotten this plan et ready early and trying to get you all in early... BOOM my friends.
-T sb
John Quent
Sometimes 'public awareness' of certain events prevents occurrence. Sometimes 'public awareness' of certain events forces accountability. The end of the game is approaching! #GodsTime
Patriots and Frog Family
I don’t know about you frogs but I am feeling very optimistic in how far we have come and how close to the finish line we are. Look at all the children we know about that we helped to save. I am sure there are more than we even know about. When we found out about the children’s situation we didn’t hesitate to get the word out. We flooded social media with our memes. Yes, it DID make a difference. This is called the Great Awakening!!! Our memes and editorials helped to wake up millions of people. Look at all the dumbs (underground tunnels and cities) that have been discovered, uncovered and destroyed. Look at all the corrupt politicians that have been unmasked. Look at all the so-called celebrities that have been shown for who and what they really are. Look at how the countries have all united under Trump’s leadership to take on an almost impossible task of cleaning up this evil. Look at how we have united as an international family. Do we see race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference? No no no. We see family. Why did we get involved in all this? For fame or fortune??? Hell no!!!! We did it because we were called to do it. We were chosen for this time in history. God whispered and we accepted.
So yes, i am feeling very optimist. But Mar, there is so much pain, death and devastation surrounding us. Innocents are dying. Yes, I am very aware of that. We are in a war. That’s what happens in a war. I wish the innocents didn’t have to pay the price but I put the blame where it belongs……on the enemy…Cabal…elites…big pharma…satanists…etc. They are the ones responsible for it all. They are the ones that have a plan to depopulate our planet by 80-90% of us!!! Personally I got involved because my anger toward the missing children’s situations drove me to it. Now I understand that we were chosen as digital warriors to help awaken the whole world. We were chosen to educate. We were chosen because we are the ones to lead the way when the war is completed to begin the rebuilding. The White Hats are destroying what needs to be destroyed including all their symbols.
This war IS a spiritual war. Our souls were on the line. This is a war between God and Satan….between good and evil… our HUMAN survival depends on us winning this war. Spoiler alert: God wins! We win! This battle has taken its toll but we are stronger for it. We will teach our kids and future generations our true history. We will educate them so humanity never goes down this road again.
We are entering a new golden age with new technologies and knowledge. The earth is moving to its next stage and so are we. Lets stay alert. Lets stay prepared. Lets stay patient a wee bit longer. We know what events must happen to get us to the finish line. Lets hold the line until we are told to “stand down”. We are Flynn’s F.R.O.G.s and Fully Reliant On God. God bless you all. I am so proud to stand with each and every one of you, you magnificent frogs!!!
Mar 10/14/21.
Good morning Patriots
Talking to dear friends yesterday got me emotional. People I care about taking the vaccine really got to me.
War is Hell
I never heard of a war with no casualties and this war is no exception
I wondered why Q kept us so ramped up...we would get board if there weren't things to do or any news pointing to the plan
Now I know why
We are having to move fast now
We are running at the speed of faith
I would have buckled like a lawn chair being visited by the FBI if it were at the beginning.....but not only did I not fear.
They got the sermon of their entire lives. One cried and liked me, one I could feel the hate.
He said that in all his interviews, this was his favorite.
Only God could prepare me for this
It's not because of me...I don't even know how I remembered everything so clearly.
We have lived this. We are ready.
We pray and sow in tears.
But we will reap in Joy.
As long as I can follow The Lord of the Harvest....the King of Peace...it matters not what comes
We kicked God from our courthouses to the schoolhouses and nobody much said a thing. We don't deserve God's mercy tbh....none do
But I know there are Momma's and Daddy's calling on the Name of God
The Lord of Armies is about to pull back the curtains for all to see....
Love you Patriots
My prayers are with you all
In the days to come we are going to face many challenges. There will be people that will rise to the occasion and people that will willingly or in ignorance submit themselves, their families, loved ones, society in general to a severe diminishing and loss of health and freedom. The integrity challenged and socially engineered will walk lockstep down a very dark path. They are driven by manufactured fear, lies and deceptions by the corrupt, bought and paid for integrity and morally challenged politicians, mainstream and social media. The socially engineered, unconscious will be offered promises of positions, power and wealth of which are ill gotten gains. In the end they will lose all of it due to Universal Law.
It is time to apply a little base logic to where society now stands. Never before have we seen so much decadence, corruption, lawlessness, extreme disregard for the well-being of humanity and the Earth. If you look behind the curtain you will see almost every agency and organization has betrayed its mandate. They betrayed the people they serve and positions of power over others, wealth and notoriety have become the most sought out attributes. It is as if evil is rewarded and rises to the top in these organizations and agencies.Their Gods are money, sex. power and notoriety with a complete disregard for others or the effects within their soul. Thus, they have opened the door to darker forces. Eventually the soul becomes a mere shadow to those darker forces. It starts with a lie or two, actions here and there that are self-serving or harmful to others, a bribe here and there all escalating to level where if you want to retain your position, financial status or move up the ladder of success you will be expected eventually to perform the most hennas of acts. It’s called soul bargaining.
We did not get here alone. Base logic dictates that there has to be a force behind this decline, a very dark force that cares nothing for humanity and the Earth. Logic also dictates the reason there is so much inhumanity on the Earth must be due to non-human intervention by beings with no compassion or empathy. Beings that despise and are at war with humanity and the Earth. In truth it is a war on the Creator within all Creation. Whether you call it the Satanic/Luciferians replete throughout high levels of government, religions, the movie/music industries, all institutions at the highest levels. Or if you call it the jin, demonic/reptilian/grey alliances often referred to as archons there are seen and unseen negative influences weighing heavy on humanity and the Earth. These unseen negative influences are waiting for a chink in the armor, a door to open and many are holding the doors wide open.
Many are in disbelief, cannot even comprehend such forces exist. They just want to go about their socially engineered, critically thinking and research impaired lives in denial. Few are even aware of the social engineering and even fewer ask the question who is behind the social engineering? The awake question would be where is this social engineering taking us. Are we aligned with Universal Law or Unity Consciousness? Are we aligned with Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? Are we creating Heaven on Earth?
The biggest question is are we setting boundaries with those who are trespassing on our God given rights or are we afraid to rock the boat? These darker forces have infiltrated every level of our civilization. Defense departments have become the offense departments, an enforcement arm of the global elite and deep state. Many on the highest levels in the military are guilty of treason. Generals are judging, condemning and jailing others who have maintained their honor and oath for questioning their decisions and actions. Top generals in the military were involved with child and drug trafficking, soldiers were sent to guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan to keep the opium flowing. Your criminal justice system is run by criminals at the highest levels ignoring the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. The justice department is Just Us, laws for thee and not for me. Other alphabet agencies have involved themselves in covert operations on orders from the global elite, false flags, bribery, pay offs, falsifying information causing harm or loss of freedom to those working on humanity’s behalf.
Research the siege on January 6th, who truly orchestrated it and ask yourself, what happened to those arrested and their right to a speedy trial? The health agencies have embarked on what can only be called a eugenicists dream. Hospitals, big pharma, doctors, nurses in general have abandoned their Hippocratic Oath. Money is first and foremost over the health and well-being of the patients. The secretary of health is an obese man who thinks he is a woman in charge of your mental and physical health. Let the beyond ridiculous of that sink in. At the top of our food chain, the president is a man giving orders with dementia who does not know where he is or who he is with. A man who loves to fondle and sniff children, he and his son are deeply indebted too and receive orders from the CCP, Communist Chinese Party. Why else would every action he has taken been in China’s best interest? He and his corrupt allies are destroying America by design, it can’t be any more obvious.
Did you know socialism is the preferred government of tyranny? Socialism/Communism are now taught in schools by teachers and professors as the highest path to take. This has been sponsored by the CCP and the global elite for decades. This social engineering plan has been executed by politicians, lawmakers, even law enforcement funded and installed by the CCP and the global elite. Whenever you centralize the power and wealth in the hands of a few, in this case Satanic/Luciferian narcissist billionaire eugenicists, where will that lead you? For those history challenged Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini all were socialist genocidal dictators. There were also communist genocidal dictators like Pol Pot, Mao etc. They were all sponsored by the international banksters, the global elite who financed both sides of every war since Napoleon. They are the war and disease profiteers, the originators of the plandemics, dividers of religions, races and now genders to stop unity consciousness. They hijacked every movement to bring about change for the better and in its place created division, hatred, and disunity. The 4thReich is real, it is alive and most governments if not checked by the people will march lock step by the same playbook ending is starvation, mass poverty and a total loss of freedom. Tyranny has many faces and it is international in scope.
Now the tyrants have socially engineered the masses to do their bidding, participate in their own enslavement and eventual demise. The virtue signaling, shaming, unlawful enforcers, the talking heads, corrupt politicians, oath betrayers are all participating in their own demise taking the socially engineered along with them. It is a descent from freedom and prosperity and now fast tracking to hell. The dangling carrot, “money” without a consciousness of impeccable integrity is poison to your soul. Now it has become converted into poison to your body. “The jabs”. The last attempt to carry out their population reduction and total control agenda.
Woke is another word for socially engineered to do the bidding of the puppet masters. Awake is knowing who the puppet masters are and their agenda as well as the guiding forces seen and unseen behind their words and deeds. Awake is knowing and making your own personal connection to God/Creator/Great Spirit, honoring the sacred circle of life and discerning between lesser gods and lesser agendas. Awake is acknowledging the omnipresent Creator within all Creation, understanding quantum entanglement, the connectiveness of everything, the sacred circle of life and acting accordingly. It transcends race, color, culture and religion. Those who are awake focus on character and applying Universal Law in all they say and do. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is the foundation of the awakened. It transcends all cultural and religious boundaries. This is the upward spiral. Why not teach the children what it means to be awake?
There is a lot of talk about timelines, dimensions, temporal and multidimensional wars, different Earths just out of phase from each other. There is not a single answer as to who is right, it is all unfolding. It is like ufology, are they off world, ours from back engineering, benevolent, malevolent, German, Inner Earth vehicles from ancient ancestors, is there a controlled narrative? Who is right? The answer is all of them, it is a multiple choice question. Yet some demand you accept one answer.
True science is not the recycled ignorance taught in most universities to train the masses to become dependent consumers void of soul, spirit and multiple realities. If true science was taught, we would have anti/counter gravity, abundant fuelless energy, increased longevity and the cures for all diseases. We actually already have all of that, it is just in the hands of the controllers. True science comes to you, it is outside the box. That is where the breakthroughs originate. A fact is a theory enough people agree upon until a new theory blows it out of the water. Imagination is real on the level of imagination. Because something is nonphysical does not mean it does not exist. If it was not written in the old professor’s book it does not exist. When the old professors die is when the new facts are born.
Humanity is in the middle of influences from higher and lower dimensions some refer to as densities. It is all about vibration and frequency. There are lower dimensional beings that come in every size shape and color filled with lower frequency consciousness. Fear, anger, hate, jealousy, greed, pride the desire to control and dominate others, holding grudges, self-service and division thinking, all of these attitudes and emotions have lower frequencies. When we address and heal the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences we rise in frequency.
Love, joy, bliss, service to others, the Creator in all Creation, being a blessing to life are frequencies of the highest vibration. It is said the closer you get to Nirvana or Heaven which is a state of consciousness the more the demons rear their ugly heads. You become a threat to the unhealed and the unconscious both physical and nonphysical. Learn to depersonalize emotions, energies and actions of others. Practice loving detachment, simply thank them for establishing their ignorance and character and move on. Little dimensional humor there. Never forget the only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. Be it love acceptance, approval, security all can be found within. The temple has always been within, God/Creator/Great Spirit is within, an internal not an external journey.
Humanity and the Earth are moving through a cycle, a highly energized place in space, the electromagnetic light spectrum is increasing with new bands, the Sun is throwing off CMEs coronal mass ejections or flares, the Schuman Resonance is off the scale. In other words, we are undergoing a vibrational lifting and healing some refer to as Ascension. This is affecting multiple dimensions. Within this process are the temporal wars, shifting timelines, the veils between worlds are growing thinner with bleed throughs of events unfolding on different dimensions some call densities. Many are experiencing the attitudes and emotions of lower density beings. Anger, sadness, fear, againstness, “yes I made that word up ” a plethora of emotions are flooding into this dimension, into the energy fields of humanity looking for a place to express. The electromagnetic fields around the body are being invaded especially those who are already operating on a lesser frequency. Many refer to this as negative influences or possession in extreme cases. Everything from excessive bouts of anger, violence, unfounded fears, sadness, emotions and attitudes which are mistakenly acted out in unthinkable ways not knowing their source. We call these unseen negative influences and they are not limited in time. It could be coming from deceased ancestors ancient and recent, past lives, past cultures, religious be lie fs etc.
The good news is just as there is a lower vibrational dark side there is a higher vibrational light side. There are enlightened beings above humanity assisting in the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. There are what are referred to as angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off Worlders. “We are not and never have been alone”.
There are also very advanced cultures living multidimensional lives on the interior. There are tools for clearing these energies, I call them power tools. They have to be plugged in to your higher selves or those who have ascended. These tools can be used in conjunction with the high vibrational beings to clear these lower vibrational influences. As we said earlier, excessive fear, anger, sadness, violence even accidents can originate from these negative influences. This can all be healed by the use of positive influences with a little assist using tools and techniques like proper prayer, meditation, invocations of Saints, Sages, Masters, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders. The tools are free on our website www.eceti.org and in the books on the site covered in more detail. We are being pulled in both directions, there is the upward spiral living a loving, joyus, abundant life in service to others, the Creator within all Creation and the downward spiral, a life of fear, anger, division, greed, self-service etc. The upward spiral will continue, the downward spiral will implode and collapse in on itself. Both directions are being amplified and accelerated. We get to choose which path we take. We choose to be a victim or a master. A master gains the wisdom from each experience, forgives, and allows the wisdom to settle in the soul continuing on their journey. A victim projects, blames, uses their victimhood to gain emotional or physical support from others taking no personal responsibility. Become the observer of self, monitor your emotions and thoughts, release the past and don’t worry about the future. Move out of the reactionary mind into the creationary mind and create your tomorrow. Make decisions and actions based on Universal Law with impeccable integrity. In simple terms if it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good. If it is harmful to humanity and the Earth, if one man”s/woman’s gain is another man’s/woman’s loss, cease. It is really that simple.
I want to end this newsletter with a dream I had. I was overseeing several timelines. I was also seeing more than one Earth. I saw as many as 8 Earths all just out of phase from each other. Each Earth had a different collective consciousness. On the timelines I was observing one was very dark some people were becoming grey opening to spirit. I saw an older man, his energies were very light grey. He was so close to ascending off his time line but he was dying. There was another timeline just next to his. There was a line of monks all carrying what looked like pizza full of toppings. One particular monk put a pile of toppings on the left hand corner of his pizza to share with others. The dying man reached out from his timeline and grabbed a handful of toppings eating them with such delight. The energy of the gift that one generous act was all he needed to ascend off his timeline. The monk was exhilarated to see the offering disappear and felt the transformation. We all need to be like that monk. Set a little aside for others. Beware of those in need reaching out from other timelines and dimensions. Don’t forget those in need on this dimension. Have a consciousness of gratitude and generosity. Most important, learn we live in a multidimensional world with different timelines. Some are bleeding into others, the veils are getting thinner. Our thoughts and actions affect others not just on this dimension and time line. Learn how to heal unseen negative influences, maintain your own self authority, create sacred space and be of multidimensional service to others. You are not just a body and a socially engineered personality. In truth you are an eternal soul, a multidimensional being existing on a vibrational continuum all the way back to source in more expanded states of awareness.
Just reading this article changed everything. Now do something with it. Keep an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. Choose wisely in your thoughts and actions.
James Gilliland
Permission to pass far and wide granted.
source: www.eceti.org
art by vashta.com
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Humanity is ready, it has all been Divinely Prepared reasons why You should not hesitate and join gpms.world NOW
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Elijah RyanQsentme
5D Earth, Twin Flames and Lightworkers ·
Based in Norway
True Love is measured in transformation. As true love is alchemy. Like chemistry, their meeting leaves them both forever altered and they can never go back to who they were before they met. They are forever changed and change isn't always easy and rose tinted glasses.
Change is growth, friction, reaction and above all growth pains.
True Love is not just sweet and tender, which of course it is,
It is also passion, heat and burning desire, what burns must endure pain. And the pain is a major catalyst for change.
True Love is not black and white,
It is a myriad of colors and hues like a kaleidoscopic splendor of various emotions ranging through the entire emotional spectrum.
True Love changes our lives and shows us our true colors.
True Love forces us to become authentic and transparent,
It shakes off anything that is not true to the soul. Every pattern, program, belief and anything out of alignment with who we truly are as a soul is challenged,
brought to the surface and transmuted into something pure,
something new, altered, yet at the core being more true to the self than ever before.
True Love forgives and allows the entirety of our being so we feel comfortable revealing our shadows and stand naked in the light of love. Shadows which aren't always pretty, but they call out for our love and integration.
True Love embraces the shadows and holds space for them to become part of the whole.
True Love is beyond unconditional, it is divine.
It loves without agenda and it transforms the pain of expansion with tender love and care.
True Love is alchemy,
it's spiritual, it is yin and yang flowing in and out of one another in a unified field creating a third energy beyond the two lovers,
True Love is destruction and creation. Dark and Light.
It is Shiva and Shakti,
True Love is tantra,
Sexual alchemy.
True Love is transformation.
- Ulf Haukenes
Joe Kanteny
TH: They are the highest level of individualized consciousness before Source. Some call them the Nine Gods, some call them the Nine Prophets of Source. They don't live in a defined dimension but in any dimension; I mean, so you understand: they live between created universe, in a place where time and space are uncreated. We call it: The Empty. Or the Sanctuary. Their conscience encompasses all consciousness. They can split fractively to be present simultaneously in as many places as they want, because they don't travel in space or time, but they connect to a place and entity when they want to spread a message , or act, no matter the distance, at all times. For them, time only occurs when they connect to a space-time continuum. These are the first children of the Source.
E: Archangels?
TH: Higher than that. They are pure conscience, not incarnate, informative, but with each their own individual thinking, although they are one. Nine mouths, one heart. It's the Nine, they have no other name.
E: Can they sometimes be called the Council of Nine?
TH: Well yes sometimes. You know there's a lot of advice. These Nine are a kind of intergalactic advice, and you also have the Nine Council of Nataru (this galaxy), which is now ′′ The Five ". And at the head of the Zenae (Andromedes), you also have nine elders.
Joe Kanteny
On October 4th, I asked Elena if she knew anything about ′′ something big... entering our solar system ", she replied:
I've also heard of another great comeback, powerful benevolent forces, another dimension and another kingdom. A great force that always tried to free humanity from slavery. It's also back. We are ready for a grand finale.
This brings me to the latest information from Elena [E] from Thor Han [TH] received on October 10, which provides much more information about this incoming benevolent force and connection with Ganymede:
TH: The Intergalactic Confederation fleet has arrived in this star system. Their ships will be parked around Jupiter for awhile, until further notice to get closer to the Earth's orbit. Staff and logistics are welcomed on the Ashtar outpost. Senior officials are staying at the Installation of the Five Moon Ganymede Council. They come to assess the outcome of our joint work on the dismantling of the Black Alliance and collaborate with the federation Galactics of the Worlds on an action plan for the next stage.
10/13/21 - Bob Nardelli, former CEO of Home Depot calls on the military to step in to solve our supply chain crisis.
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in Alliance with
Tesla BioHealing/Cancer
Each of our 5 trillion cells are like batteries with a store of energy. When we were born all our cells were fully charged to the optimal 70 to 90 millivolts. As we age, or when there is illness or stress, or toxins in the body, our cells become depleted in energy. What do we say when a battery loses its charge? We say the battery is dead. The same with cells. When their energy is low the cells are weak and when they lose their charge, they die. A cancer cell has very low energy but instead of dying they multiply mutated cells exponentially in an effort to stay alive. When you return cancer cells to the optimal 70 to 90 millivolts, they can stop multiplying! Once cells are restored to their full energetic vitality, they go to work, doing what they do best, repairing DNA, producing ATP, the body’s energy molecule, and reproducing healthy copies of themselves. It may be said that old age, sickness, and death is caused by cells dying faster than the body can reproduce healthy vital cells. Anti-aging, then, is simply when vibrant cells reproduce faster than unhealthy cells are dying. Energy permeates our world, our universe, and all people, down to our cells, our molecules, and all atoms. Our energy field is the collective sum of the energy of each of our trillions of cells. The body and its energy field are like an orchestra playing a symphony. If each instrument is tuned to the same scale, there is coherence, resonance, order, and harmony. If, instead, the tuning is off, the result will be dissonant and disharmonious, creating chaos, disorder, and dis-ease.
Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices are a breakthrough technology, with the capability of harnessing a field of pure Life Force Energy. Life Force Energy is the essential vital force of nature acknowledged in many ancient traditions and even today in modern science. Life Force Energy has been known as Chi in China, Parana in India, and in scientific communities, it is commonly referred to as Scalar Waves or Tesla Waves.
Nikola Tesla created technology that proved the existence of Life Force Energy (hence the name Tesla Waves) and discovered how to harness the Life Force Energy that is naturally occurring in the environment. Our cells need this Life Force Energy to be as healthy as possible, but similar to how oxygen is also found in nature and our cells need it to be as healthy as possible, the typical concentration of oxygen found in the environment is not enough to be used for therapeutic purposes. If you need to deliver oxygen therapeutically it needs to be concentrated, and the same thing is true of Life Force Energy. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices act as amplifiers to create a concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy. Essentially these devices are creating their own environment, and as long as you are within this environment, or amplified Tesla Wave field, your cells will be able to uptake this vital force of nature as needed, utilizing as much as Life Force as necessary for optimal cellular support and functioning.
Life Force Energy is what we are made of and what nourishes our body at a cellular level. The more Life Force Energy our cellular structures have available, the more they are able to recharge themselves and activate their own self-repair mechanisms. The body is incredibly intelligent.
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