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Circle Q no background good copy.jpg
under construction work in progress.jpg

If you would like to contribute to our efforts

please know we truly appreciate you all!

Il Donaldo Trumpo

F*u ci says only the vax**xed can enjoy Christmas this year, SO WE'RE CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND OF DECEMBER!!!



Neo Anderson









You know - THE EVENT

SEC CONF will be Analysed

Dark [10]

The Phoenix Rises after the Rods Of God Do what needs to be done. [34,]

And Global Mass Arrests [1776]

JFKJrIsQ, [12/3/2021 10:43 AM]
[ Photo ]
We're Not Gonna Take It
5 Days Ahead Of Schedule

JFKJrIsQ, [12/3/2021 10:47 AM]
12/08/2020 - 17:05:50

Forwarded from Whiplash347

D5 - Queen same day as the photo shop was done 2019 being released from hospital

Evergrande notice that they can't pay.

Monday 6th Delta for Shutdown - 10 Days of Darkness

Super Close.

Neo Anderson

Yes they tell you in the Video about the Queen & CERN.

As i explained.

Nov 28, Nov 29 to Dec 5 (2019) Queen Operation London Bridge.

March to May 2020 - CERN raid by French Foreign Legion - Charles De Gaulle.

JFKJrIsQ, [12/3/2021 7:23 PM]
[Forwarded from JFKJrIsQ]

JFKJrIsQ, [12/3/2021 7:25 PM]
[Forwarded from JFKJrIsQ]
You Say Fauci
I Say First Arrest

I'm Watching Vice President JFK Jr Front Row As We Destroy The Reptilians And Nanotechnology- He's The Most Militaristic General Out In The Digital Battlefield.


Andrew Shaw

​Did they launch today?

jay figueroa

​Are they launching today or this is just a live view of the pads?

jay figueroa

​Ok ppl stop watching, this isn’t going to happen until December 5th at 404am est

Neo Anderson

On the eve of the trial and after the start of the first hearings in the case of Gilane Maxwell:

- The trial of Jussie Smollett begins.

- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is resigning.

- Walmart's CFO resigns.

- CNBC CEO resigns.

- Chris Cuomo is being ousted from CNN.

Neo Anderson

7m  · 

Merkel officially said goodbye and left

Madyson Marquette

FB deleted let me post again and get put in FB jail !

Connecting dots Friday…

Astro World happened on “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November.”

“Plumber” finds “check & cash” behind a toilet in the walls of Joel Olsteen Church how many days later after the concert?

Kids missing in Houston from Astro world. “Plumber” finds something in Houston Lakewood church? Y’all are smart you can connect the rest.


Chinese govt summons embattled Evergrande founder - DETAILS

The construction giant has warned there is “no guarantee” it can meet financial obligations in a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Here’s what you should know:

▪️China's Evergrande says it received a $260 million guarantee Friday - which it might not be able to pay

▪️Repayment date on its $300 billion debt may be pulled forward if it’s unable to meet obligations

▪️The company, formerly China’s top developer, failed to pay coupons totaling $82.5 million due on Nov 6

▪️It’s highly likely Evergrande will default on its obligations, even taking into account the 30-day grace period which is about to end

▪️Authorities from the Guangdong province are sending a committee to keep the company functioning for the time being

WallStreetBets, anyone?

Subscribe to RT

Neo Anderson

Congress Avoids Devastating 'Festive' Govt Shutdown Deadline - With JUST Hours To Spare

The US Senate has approved a stop-gap federal funding bill by a 69-28 vote to avoid a govt shutdown, and secure funding for federal agencies until 18 February.

The bill had narrowly passed through the House of Representatives by a 221-212 majority earlier on Thursday - HOURS before millions of public sector workers would have been left unpaid over the holiday period.

A group of Republican Senators had reportedly attempted to derail the bill in an attempt to apply pressure against President Biden's vaccine mandate for federal workers.

Subscribe to RT News:

Neo Anderson

An Azerbaijani serviceman shot a video using artillery hitting the Armenian territory.

While everything looks very alarming, the conflict may escalate into major military actions.


Neo Anderson

 Reunification of Belarus = Soviet Union

Neo Anderson

HACKED: FB, Insta & Twitter of Pakistan embassy in Serbia attacked - with video slating PM Khan

Pakistan's Foreign Office has insisted its Serbian embassy's social media accounts have been hacked. Posts appeared with a short music video criticizing Prime Minister Imran Khan along with claims that staff hadn't been paid in 3 months.

"With inflation breaking all previous records, how long do you expect that we government official will remain silent?" read the hacker's message. Ambassador Shehryar Akbar responded to confirm the accounts had been hacked, and salaries had all been paid.

Subscribe to RT News:

Russian forces have capabilities in place along the Ukraine border to carry out a swift and immediate invasion, including erecting supply lines that could sustain a drawn-out conflict,

As Biden was leaving for Camp David, he was asked if he would accept #Russian President Vladimir #Putin's 'red line'. Biden replied, "I won't accept anyone's red line".

Read More:

Mars Place

9i51Supnishcollrf711adh9  · 

9-20 Gene Decode

When I first RedPilled & started investigating this cabal

I didn’t think it was possible.

I spent 20+ years watching it get worse & their power grow.

It’s amazing to watch all this come about.

What started in 1903 with Nikola Tesla

→ Howard Hughes

→ Van de Graaff

→ John G. Trump & Tesla's papers

→ President Kennedy

→ Q Team

→ U.S. Military Intelligence

→ JFK Jr. & President Trump

they have literally taken EVERYTHING

every possible play.

In Chess it's called Zugzwang.

No matter what the enemy does—he’s done.


The majority of the war is done.

All the upper handlers have been removed.

Realize NESARA is getting Tesla Free Energy & Anti-Gravity tech

& you've just made

the entire infrastructure of the world go away.”

When people say President Trump & JFK Jr. were “chosen”

they were not only chosen

they were trained for mission Freedom Earth since boyhood.

President Trump by his Uncle.

JFK Jr. by Q-Team.



Neo Anderson


This Prison location code can't be found?


On Monday the day beginning of the Maxwell trial... Multiple flights flew from Gitmo to DC ///

More over the DOJ and Director of Homeland Security and Deputy Director of Homeland Security have Wiped Flights c101 and c202 from flight trackers/

____________________________053 Philadelphia

054 Manhattan

Are New York prison code locations

Supposedly MAXWELL is in Manhattan.. But her prison code is 509?

And can't be found.. For most prison codes only register from 001-100


Epstein was in Manhattan at 054 .

____________________________where is Maxwell?

Why do many flights to Gitmo?


If White HATS didn't exist.. Why would the most Elite PEDOPHILIA, human trafficking ring leaders (Epstein/Maxwell) connected to all countries and all Fortune 500 companies be Brought to justice and being tried????


Good people behind the scenes working (WHs)




This is it. The hour is upon us and I am bringing the storm of the century.
History in the making.
Welcome to the main event, patriots.
It's showtime.
A show so big that will leave everyone speechless.
They are not ready for it!


Neo Anderson

I dont know about everyone but the tiiming is lined up perfectly from 2 years ago. [ELIZABETH]

November 28 2019 - Queen goes to hospital. Festival of Lights begin

November 29 attack on London Bridge

Ghislaine Maxwell court.

December 5 (Photoshop Queen released from Hospital) That is the 7 to 9 day Operation London Bridge.

Also the same day George Scherff Jr (Bush Snr) Funeral in 2017.

The UK Royals own the CIA and other intel agencies.

Was it to get Hillary or to get the Queen?

Corona = Crown

1776 is and was the key

[Elizabeth] [9]

EAM Loyalists will fight?

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary

Neo Anderson

Space Pearl Harbor Comms?

On the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, join us for a online screening of "December 7th," which won the 1944 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject.

Audrey Amidon, motion picture preservation specialist, will introduce the film.

We Must Work to Prevent a ‘Space Pearl Harbor’

Protecting America's comparative military advantage above the atmosphere.

Twenty years ago, a congressionally mandated commission warned of a “Space Pearl Harbor” if the United States did not act urgently to protect its assets orbiting above the Earth.

Taking a page from the pioneering playbooks of companies like Planet and SpaceX, the Space Force should field larger satellite constellations made up of dozens or even hundreds of relatively inexpensive and disposable satellites.


Lambert Page

The atlas is upside down, the Promise Land is America and that’s where the focus is! The cabal are topsy Turvy, always!

Neo Anderson

Mr Pool posted an ancient Greek music instrument called Lyra.

Δ(delta) and O(omicron) are formed on it. Covid’s variants. From delta to omicron.

Lyra is also a constellation. Interesting info is that often was represented as an eagle carrying a lyre (Aquilla constellation is next to Lyra) and sometimes referred as “falling eagle”. Lyra is also bordered with Hercules, Draco and Cygnus (namely [SWAN] as cygnus the latinized Greek work for swan). From stellarium, looks like swan is above Lyra.

Lyra’s constellation boundaries are defined by a 17-side polygon.

Also, XRP comms. Delta (triangle), Omicron (Circle) and a logo looks like Deutsche bank’s logo.

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

Let everyone you know BTC, ETH and all of the Old Fork is coming down to 0.

All going to the new ISO20022 Regulated Quantum Financial System

See map & Hi Res QFS chart with all the Q.R Codes i provided.

All official. Save them to your computer and enlarge them. Whiplash 347

Danny Strausbaugh

Should the people responsible for South Park be arrested for airing this right before it actually happened??? How did they know and if they knew why wasn’t a warning put out ... and what about the sheriff or was it chief of police and his lame ass description of what happened should he not bare some of the burden... opinions anyone???

Patriots and Frog Family

I have learned many things on this mission…this journey….but one important point that I have had to acknowledge is that peace in the world has always been difficult if not impossible to achieve because the world is currently just not a place of peace. It is a place of activity, growth, friction, competition, disappointment and accomplishment but just not peace. I did accept that peace comes from justice, and justice comes from truth. This mission, for me at least, was not initially only to save the children but it also was to find the truth. I acknowledged that truth does not change…it remains true for always and forever simply because it never does change. Think about that for a minute. Truth can be denied but it cannot be changed by anyone. Beliefs and opinions are all there is here because we have had our eyes opened to the fact that our world for many many years has been built upon a foundation of lies and deceit. How could truth possibly exist in a world where absolutely everything is constantly changing? The closest thing to it here is a distorted reflection of the actual truth. So during this mission we all dropped down into many rabbit holes in search of the truth. Many things we learned were very difficult to believe or to swallow. The lies that we were told and taught all our lives were unfathomable. How could we be taken in by all these untruths??? What was the purpose of these lies??? Well we all know that we were being controlled by the evils because they wanted power over us so they dictated and distorted facts and convinced us by using fear. Even our religions used fear to a great degree to make us obey. But the fact remains…truth is…. the way things really are. Reality is what it is because God declared it so and made it so. Therefore, God is the author, source, determiner, governor, arbiter, ultimate standard and final judge of all truth. Jesus believed in absolute truth and made it the fundament of life. He prayed to his Father for his disciples: "Make them holy in the truth; your word is truth" (John 17:17). He also said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). As I have heard in debated arguments…”you are entitled to your opinion but not distorting what is actually fact…the truth.” So that tells me i need to continue discovering the traits that God gave me that makes me great and develop those to become all I can be…but that is only achievable when I embrace only the truth. So i now Question everything, believe nothing and perhaps the Light of Truth will one day dawn upon my mind…if and when I am ready to accept it …and now at this point in the mission/journey, i am ready to accept it. I may need to draw upon God’s strength to accept it at times but truth is truth. Many truths are about to be revealed to the world. Some we will celebrate….some will be devastating to all of us….but truth is truth and we are so much better off with it then continuing to be slaves and living under so many lies. As I stated above, I accept that peace comes from justice, and justice comes from truth. Once the truth is revealed, we will be able to claim justice and peace …and that is why I fight so ferociously on this mission. I do this knowing that we win because I am fully reliant on God and God’s will. Have an amazing weekend my frog family and embrace all truths for that is our greatest weapon in this war. Love and peace to all.

Mar 12/3/21.

From whiplash347

There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.


What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible.

Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel

Israel/Khazarians controls CCP.

The Media etc

34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW


Planes & Trains grounded

Lights/Power switched off

Changing over to Tesla Free energy

Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good.

99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.

WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens

Water Event

Stock Market Crash

Global Martial Law

CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange.

Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.


Election Flipping via Military Courts - FISA

Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie - 3 × 8 hr sessions.

10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.



The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.

Attached is Q1871 outlining this.

Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.

Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.

Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.

This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.

THE EVENT has many facets too it.

The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.

34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.

They are very significant.

Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.

This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.

Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)

Are we still comfy?

Or are we scared?

A little bit of both is normal.

Trump keeps his promises.

Have faith in the Lord Our God.

He will comfort you through the storm.

Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force?

Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too.

If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.


Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place.

Its all happening in front of you.

It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History.

Transition to Gesara/Greatness.

Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.

This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.


Donald Trump Qteam (ex YU)

Lidija Lidija  · 

People often say, why not just wake the sheep up.

The process of awakening is very serious and delicate.

You are dealing with some big serious lies that are about to be exposed. Nasa, Cia, Disney, WW2, 911, Antarctica, Vatican, Mockingbird Mossad Media, Stupid, Central Banks, Fed, Synagogue Satan, Black Triangles, Earth, Royal Bloodlines, Frazzeldrip, Vrill, Adrenochrome and much more. Now imagine all this being taken over at once.

People would be in padded rooms or jumping off a cliff.

Yes, even conservatives who don’t wear masks fall into this category.

This needs to be taken gently for the sake of your sanity. Coming out drop by drop.

Nothing at this point can stop that.

You may not understand the process, but in the end you will greatly respect and appreciate it.

The battle has already been won, this is operation Awakening.

Pay attention to everything, but don't let anything swallow you up. Everything is important and connected in some way. You can't tell people, you have to show them. Decades of brainwashing are slowly declining.

After 1 WEEK I will lock this channel down to PRIVATE, which means you will only be able to access with provided INVITE LINK. You will not be able to JOIN or VIEW my channel, unless you JOINED before the lockdown.
It must be this way so no one can stop me from SPREADING THE TRUTH.
This will last until the BLACKOUT.
Patriots are in control.
20-40 Million Patriots Worldwide.

You have 1 WEEK to join this channel. After that I will activate invite links.

Lambert Page

The City of Asgard was built on the mountain by D'Aryans with a large temple. The name Asgard in translation means the city of the Gods.

The holy land of Daariya was divided by rivers into four parts. A copy of Daaria's map has been preserved to this day, which Gerhard Mercator copied in the Middle Ages from the wall of one of the Egyptian pyramids at Giza in 1595.

All four rivers formed in the Arctic Ocean, flowed into the inland sea. In the center of this sea was the island of Arctida, on which stood Mount Mira. The city of Asgard and large temple that was built on this mountain.

According to legends and written sources of the believers, settlers in ancient times visited other Earths (planets) on their spaceships, and people from other planets flew to Daariya.

Everywhere they went, our ancestors created new cities, built temples and shrines.

If you like what we post and want to support us, you can find the complete post here -

Gematria Calculator that calculates numbers & words



Tucker on Clinton at Epstein

Trump on Sly Stallone

Baby Shark - LGBrandon Xmas House

Down the Rabbit Hole - Epstein

Omnicron cartoon deeper than you think

Fox News drops COVID truth bomb

Starlink video

Trump TV


il Donaldo Trumpo Published December 2, 2021


Dec 21, 2018

By_the Book

Dec 1 8:38 AM ·

Omg WHIP😱 that was 11.3!!!! ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

And it takes 23 seconds!!!

Look at the 0.07 time marker in the far right-hand corner!

Age of Aquarius!

The Satanic Music Industry EXPOSED Part 1

Apr 1, 2020

Jeremiah Cohen

Rittenhouse Just Sent His Lawyers After Biden – Kyle Accuses The President Of Defaming His Character

By Adam Casalino|November 23, 2021

Satan Performs at the Super Bowl

Premiered Feb 12, 2021

Good Fight Ministries

BREAKING: Evergrande says they cannot make good on their financial obligations and extreme caution is necessary with their securities.

Satellite attack: the mounting arms race in space

4 seconds ago @9:10pm cst



Sen. Rand Paul: “Fauci should go to prison for 5 years for lying to Congress.”…

Read It: Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘Degrading’ List of Staff Rules Revealed in Court   by Tony Gray

December 3, 2021

Jurors get 'virtual tour' of Josh Duggar's computer to learn how he hid child porn including horrific video of baby being tortured that FBI agent said was one of worst he'd ever seen

Some of the files found on Duggar's computer were titled 'Jailbait,' 'Pedo Mom' and'Daisy's Destruction'

Whew bros. This is some dark shit. Normies about to take the elephant-sized red suppository.



n December 3rd, 2021.


Jetpacks, flying cars and taxi drones: transport’s future is in the skies

By Jane Wardell

Posted on December 3, 2021

Naupa Huaca Portal: Is This The Evidence That All Ancient Civilizations Were Secretly Connected?


Why Nikola Tesla Was Obsessed With The Egyptian Pyramids?

The most important video I will ever make. Time is literally about up! Dec 4th will prove MASSIVE

Dec 1, 2021

Rebecca Bee



Jesus Strand Part 1

Oct 30, 2021

Jesus Strand 2

Oct 31, 2021


Negative 48 ( JOHN F KENNEDY ) : Jesus Strand Part FULL VIDEO ( NEW UPDATE TODAY )

Premiered Oct 31, 2021

NEGATIVE 48 News Today!


PrymeMinister Published November 18, 2021

Gods Message in your DNA

WeekendWarrior17 Published September 20, 2021

Christian Churches & WW Cemeteries  In Libya 

The Church of Cyrene

YouTube History Channel America Unearthed - Season 3 Ep 13

Talks about Holy Grail Bloodlines

The Best is Yet to Come - Jim Caviezel

Mar 1, 2021


The Rolling Stones Live in Dallas, Texas Cotton Bowl 11/02/2021

DJ Gerry from Starlight Music

The Opening of the Stones Concert was Tiffany Blue


Lambert Page

The Rolling Stones Live in Atlanta, Georgia 11/11/2021 Full Concert ~Subscriber Chat

DJ Gerry from Starlight Music


Live From the Grassy Knoll for QAnon's Anticipated Arrival of John Kennedy Jr.

Conspiracy Castle

I Told you So Song

Welcome to, the home of the National Quantum Initiative and ongoing activities to explore and promote Quantum Information Science. The National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law on December 21, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to ensure the continued leadership of the United States in quantum information science and its technology applications. It provides for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

The Global Peoples Monetary System & Simplified Divine Law– Interview with Rick Jewers

Sep 27, 2021

Meet Rick Jewers who works with God and introduces The New Global Monetary System For the People!

Nov 1, 2021

Global People's Monetary System

Journey2Service Episode 31 - A New Lee-f!

Oct 31, 2021

Randall Earl Kaiser

‘Public & Banking Debt Is Just An Illusion’

Humanity is ready, it has all been Divinely Prepared reasons why You should not hesitate and join NOW

Awakening Journals

Real World Awakenings


So the unrestricted travel, utilization of Unalienable Rights is rapidly growing, as governments separate airline workers through discrimination. With increasing accidents occurring with the operations of machinery due to the uncertain and instant effects caused by vaccinations upon those operators of machinery, the safety is now being created and seen in the less risky environment of the unvaccinated.

Rick Jewers


Replacing politicians with patriots

TAPs America is a community of like-minded True Patriotic Conservatives who have joined together in a concerted effort to combat the evils of the liberal agenda upon our beloved America. We are structured and organized for the unique purpose of effective conservative victories in local elections. We have agreed to combine our resources and exist as a cohesive community with similar goals.

Rather than each individual trying to effect change alone, we have formed a more perfect union among ourselves to make our voices heard and the effects of our resources recognized in the conservative movement. We have been called by God for such a time as this and to preserve the original American way of life.


Healing Meditation Frequency Healing Videos on YouTube

AKASHIC RECORDS PORTAL┇Remember Who You Really Are and Remember the Secrets of Life and Universe

Lovemotives Meditation Music

DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras┇DMT Power to Open All Chakras┇UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation

Started streaming on Oct 30, 2021

Lovemotives Meditation Music

DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras, DMT Power to Open All Chakras, UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation with this music for deep meditation and trance experience.

Relaxing Music. Healing Dolphins Songs + Alpha Binaural Beats for Study, Meditation, Deep Sleep

Queen Romana's Telegram Channel

Queen Romana Didulo of Canada posted healing link:

She reccomends playing it 24/7 for those who are very ill - but best if done in the morning and at night

All 6 Videos recommended by Queen Romana, infused with 10D vibrational energetic frequencies.

*How to Loop* right click on the video and a pop-up menu will come up, first choice = Loop**

1) Terminate A.I Nano Bots- Smart Dust Nanites. DO NOT loop this video. Safe for Children and Pets

2) Healing MorgellonS LymE Disease Sine Wave. Safe for Children and Pets.

DO NOT Loop this video.

3) For those who want to be Healers....This video is for you...

IF you want to also heal your Pets - let your Pet listen to this as well while you are listening... Safe for Children and Pets

4) Listen to remove duality from your life.

Note: Low frequencies people and those that no longer resonate with your high vibration will be removed from your life, ie friends and Families, places and things- so that's a Head up.

You will notice you won't be able to stand certain people.

Safe for Children and Pets.

5) To sleep listen to this video 30 minutes before going to sleep...

Do not drive or operate mechanical device(s) after listening to this video until next day.

6) Anyone who may have anxiety, foggy minds or negative energy attachments...

Please, listen to this on a Loop or as much as possible.

Play it out loud in your home or room to remove any entities hanging around.

It is safe for animals and children

Infused with 10D vibrational frequencies...

It's time to permamently erase Dark Archetypes from 3rd and 4th dimensions. Play this 24/7, IF you can...



The bankers are agents of the QFS. The bank is also an agent for the QFS. It is a way to set up up your accounts. You are not on the “banking retail” side anymore. You are on the commercial side for high net worth clients.

What you want is a designated computer or iPad or something to connect ONLY with the internet for your banking. You will not use for anything else other then banking

Let me say it a different way:
Yes your computer will connect to the internet, however, your banking computer will only connect to one app which is your online banking and you will not do any internet searches or anything else on that computer but strictly banking. Your other  computer will be to check emails or do internet researches. I hope this is clear now
The bankers are agents of the QFS. The bank is also an agent for the QFS. It is a way to set up up your accounts. You are not on the “banking retail” side anymore. 
You are on the commercial side for high net worth clients.Yes but you only want a computer dedicated to your banking not to use it for anything else on the internet.  Just the banking solely. You want another computer to do anything else on the computer for emails or searches.
It is supposed to be Wednesday but I would stay fluid if it shifts with world events. I don’t like to see people get all upset if a date comes and goes. I am hearing nothing but positive news. But again anything can shift the date as this is event driven not date driven.
Guys you are missing the point. 
The QFS is different then you going online to check your banking. You will have a code to input to get into your account. 
You want a dedicated computer for that strictly. The QFS is the main global computer and you will then  get a treasury direct account and digital wallets. 
Someone could hack into your digital wallet not the QFS which is why you want a designated computer ONLY for that!!! I hope you all got it now…QFS does not generate interest
My admin Marcus is working with Rolls on that. He can advise us. I’ll ask him
You do not want to access your bank account from any other computer you use for the internet, so you want a separate computer.
Yes it should be the same across the board globally
The people at our exchanges are from a bank they are representing the bank as an agent.  We are not banking with the bank they are merely an agent to put us on the QFS. 
If you keep your money in the bank in a regular account like we have now yes you will earn interest but you are not then on the QFS. 
You want your money in the QFS not in a bank account do not get confused with what people are saying.
There will be representatives or agents from say Wells Fargo or hsbc so you do not choose. 
They are to assist you in Setting up your QFS. 
It has been recommended to have a trust, and then you need an EIN#
You can ask for bank perks, there is no interest on the QFS.

In Whips post... He's missing a very critical detail. He failed to mention that it was a Zimbabwe Bond Note specifically ... trillion.

Also... All Zim are good. Million. Billion. Trillion. It does not matter which. Even smaller bond notes are good

Neo Anderson

Notice a pattern,..

My New Twitter

H/T to HH


Chaze Matthews

The White House Physician says Biden has a “frog” in his throat.

Biden is asked why he sounds so sick: "I have a 1 & 1/2-year-old grandson who has a cold who likes to kiss his pop. He'd be kissing my, anyway... But it’s just a cold."

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

This frame appeared for a split second in one of the new interviews with Trump. Quite symbolic.

Neo Anderson

Watch: White House Publishes Doctor's Report After Biden's Unusual Voice, Coughing on Stage

Neo Anderson

Trump calls for National Guard to help stop 'smash-and-grab' looting: 'It is all not even believable'

Join @OfficialBarronTrump

JFKJrIsQ, [12/3/2021 7:22 PM]


[ Album ]

Don't You Know Who I Am?

We Faked Our Deaths

Lit A Match

Closed The Door

Waited For The Flash

Greyhound Station, we paid in cash

Miss Lazarus, we're coming back

Interstellar Was A Documentary

Seen in Jefferson County Missouri.


Gonna go out on a limb and say maybe we were right on this one.


Mr. Pool


Masssssssssive Bitcoin/crypto dump

Mars Place

9-20 Gene Decode

When I first RedPilled & started investigating this cabal

I didn’t think it was possible.

I spent 20+ years watching it get worse & their power grow.

It’s amazing to watch all this come about.

What started in 1903 with Nikola Tesla

→ Howard Hughes

→ Van de Graaff

→ John G. Trump & Tesla's papers

→ President Kennedy

→ Q Team

→ U.S. Military Intelligence

→ JFK Jr. & President Trump

they have literally taken EVERYTHING

every possible play.

In Chess it's called Zugzwang.

No matter what the enemy does—he’s done.


The majority of the war is done.

All the upper handlers have been removed.

Realize NESARA is getting Tesla Free Energy & Anti-Gravity tech

& you've just made

the entire infrastructure of the world go away.”

When people say President Trump & JFK Jr. were “chosen”

they were not only chosen

they were trained for mission Freedom Earth since boyhood.

President Trump by his Uncle.

JFK Jr. by Q-Team.



Punisher Patriots will finish.jpeg

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