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Nick Hinton


· 17h

So coronavirus, or COVID-19, takes over the headlines right after Kobe passes away. If you translate COVID into Hebrew it becomes KOBE. Kobe was also buried in Corona del Mar cemetery. Either we’re in a simulation or the universe loves coincidences.


Prepare for the Storm Anons

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV620 Feb 2020 - 7:59:58 PM

Anonymous20 Feb 2020 - 7:53:44 PM

They fear an awake public. Each Q Proof proves our strength too. Thank you, Q and Q+!

You have come far, Anons (Patriots).
You are ready.📁
Prepare for the storm.

angelia lowerison@anglo13


9mAwesome thread!! This thread was the work of


, check it out

Quote Tweet

Well Hells Bells@WellHellsBells_

· Mar 1

1. #PenceEvidence RNC forced Karen's envelope Secret note handoffs Lied about Gen Flynn Indiana child trafficking Page/Strzok text briefing Chummy w/HRC at funeral Stays 4 optics — on a short leash Pence/Ryan emails (NOT fake website) #WellHellzBellz


Beautiful Day Patriots United




[5] Timestamp and gap code Time difference between this tweet and the last tweet from yesterday is 9:55 955-[5]=950 Qdrop 950 date of Qdrop is March 15. 3/15. Or. 15/3 Qdrop 315 Qdrop 153 Timestamp and gap code

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

· 3h

Our CoronaVirus Team has been doing a great job. Even Democrat governors have been VERY complimentary!

dirty natasha@madly_offkilter


5mReplying to


Nothing Is Random +++ 123 <> 321 33 / 3:21 March 21st is the 81st day of the year, due to leap year. 81 : 18

Beautiful Day Patriots United




[5] Timestamp and gap code Time difference between this tweet and the last tweet from yesterday is 9:55 955-[5]=950 Qdrop 950 date of Qdrop is March 15. 3/15. Or. 15/3 Qdrop 315 Qdrop 153 Timestamp and gap code


dirty natasha@madly_offkilter


12mReplying to@VincentCrypt46

Nothing Is Random +++ 123 <> 321 33 / 3:21 March 21st is the 81st day of the year, due to leap year. 81 : 18

Vincent Kennedy@VincentCrypt46





No Sheeet! Keep playing them maestro!

Quote Tweet

Karli Q  - Text TRUMP to 88022@KarluskaP

· 46m

Hell just froze!

Gavin Newsome praises Trump for cornona on cruise line


Speak out omaha@OmahaSpeak



All those who feel coronavirus is no big thing, New York is now activating the NY National Guard. You'll see more states doing the same!


· 12m

He has to be an ACTOR... truly acting his part !!

I AM...QR(V)@P0A_Triot23


Mar 9

This Pedophile I Bet Dows Not Even Know What Planet He Is On.. Or Should I Say Clone. Just Get The Corona Virus Already And Be Gone. *+*

Quote Tweet

Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330)@JoeBiden

· Mar 8

If we give Donald Trump four more years in the White House, our planet may never recover.

Jim Rivera@jimrivera5


21hReplying to@Sun_Q_Tzu

Absolutely on point! For some of us pre-Q awoken, we approached Q with caution at first, but came to see Q was no LARP. I can not describe the feeling when that realization set in & having@POTUS at the helm of it was phenomenal. The momentum now is unstoppable! #WWG1WGA 4EVER!



21hReplying to@Sun_Q_Tzu

I've been researching alternative tops and DS for 35 years. Q came to me as a much needed confirmation that I was not crazy as everyone around me had thought for decades.





shill. Remember this is a war: good versus evil. Patriots versus the Deep State. Child eating rapists versus patriots who value life and freedom. There is a start contrast between a patriot and a shill





expose themselves. Truth is what ultimately matters. Don’t get caught up in the “cult of personality”....leave that to the sheep as they worship Hollywood icons. Merely disagreeing with a person’s religious views or perspective on the economy doesn’t mean that person is a




I said to a friend earlier Imagine how confusing things would be if Q never posted Many of us were digging for truth before Q but Q has trained and sharpened our minds to prepare us for now. As we enter what appears to be “March madness”, prepare to see even more shills

Colt Xavier@ColtXavier



There will be many cancellations of B1G events w0rldwide that u will soon notice. Many B1G f1she$ being or about to get caught. C0r0na is [their] C0unter bt it didn’t work. Yet it backfired bec [their] m0vements r In Turn restricted. As the W0rld Turns...


Jennifer Mac@TheJenniferMac


Mar 9Juan O Savin sent the


meme the other day. Look who reposted it!


Also, an article posted March 8, 2020 from Juan O Savin on what could be coming. ARTICLE: Juan O Savin on March numbers #JuanOSavin #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing

John Cardillo@johncardillo



Joe Biden: - Tells this guy he’s “full of shit” - Says an “AR-14” holds 100 rounds - Pushes up on the guy very aggressively yelling in his face. Biden isn’t well




Mirror mirror... #TajMahal




16h^56 This is the time to re-ignite the American imagination. This is the time to search for the tallest summit, and set our sights on the brightest star.





#MAGA WWG1WGA INFRASTRUCTURE!!! We can do so much (((more)))! >


· 11h

Prayer Warriors! Let’s show lots of love and send @JoshuaVats healing prayers!…




New Q Silent running is a tactic used when... Stealth mode of operation naval submarines-The aim is to evade discovery by passive sonar by eliminating superfluous noise... reminds me of Stealth-Bomber BB Durham ready? Nothing can stop what is coming #marketcrash

Quote Tweet

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

· Mar 9

The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!


Chief of Naval Operations@USNavyCNO




#Shipmates in the #ArcticOcean are doing great work with our #partners & #allies to ensure our #NavyReadiness stays sharp as #ICEX2020 continues. #IntegratedNavalForce #ForceToBeReckonedWith Commander, Submarine Forces #COMSUBPAC


Recent Tweet from Kabamur

Per Q, there are 7 CIA Supercomputers named after 7 Dwarves (Snow White). Q+ changed Joe's nickname from "Creepy" to "Sleepy" just as Joe emerged as a candidate, w/ a strange new appearance. What's the connection between CIA Supercomputers & Sleepy Joe? As Q said - GO DEEPER.

James Woods@RealJamesWoods



This from two years ago in Wuhan China...

Quote Tweet

People's Daily, China@PDChina

· Jan 7, 2018

China's first bio-safety Level 4 lab has been put into operation in Wuhan, central China's Hubei. It is capable of experimenting with highly pathogenic microorganisms. The lab will conduct research in anti-virus drugs and vaccines

Brandenhoff Retweeted


Vendetta is V@V_4_Vendatta


5hCNN FAKE NEWS REPORTER CHRISTIANNE AMANPOUR TAKES SOROS CASH Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations? #FoxNews #DCQStaff #Trump2020









Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations?

Journalists, we are constantly told, are neutral in their reporting. Many also bemoan the influence of money in politics. It is also a maxim of many in the media that conservatives are bought and...



1hI shall not tweet silently into that great twitter night... I shall not lose my followers without a fight. Tho my retweet's be blocked and my follows deemed spam... I shall never surrender... I''m a man not a mamm !! RT & FOLLOW





Berlin on lockdown

National Guard released in NY

Shut down Washington for corona




Berlin government quarter is on lock down

Quote Tweet

Anett Przybille@AnettPrzybille

· 7h

Berliner Regierungsviertel ist abgeriegelt...!!!


DOQ @doqholliday



National Guard released in NY.





“I’ll slap you. Don’t be such a horse’s ass.” - Joe Biden

Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK



arrives at U.S. Capitol.

Corona virus update from POTUS


I AM...QR(V)@P0A_Triot23




It's Just A REALLY Goofy Movie, With A TWIST And A Trun Here N There.. Some Up's And Downs, But Most Importantly WE Are FREE .. This (IS) Free Bird . *+*

Quote Tweet

I AM...QR(V)@P0A_Triot23




It's Just A REALLY Goofy Movie, With A TWIST And A Trun Here N There.. Some Up's And Downs, But Most Importantly WE Are FREE .. This (IS) Free Bird . *+*


Beautiful Day Patriots United@Gregham47472271

· 1h


[5] There is only Q And I talk to the QTEAM Timestamp and gap code Time difference between this tweet and the last tweet from yesterday is 8:34 834-[5]=829 Qdrop 829 Kill box. [1=A]. [1123] Qdrop 1123 Timestamp and gap code…


17th Meme Pathfinder Ops @17thOps


Mar 6Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic, Operation Paperclip. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #DarkToLight via


Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip" Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience. T...

Robert Patrick Lewis@RobertPLewis


17hHoly forking shirt. #DarkToLight podcast w/


nails a crucial issue-bc@DevinNunes

delayed Brennan testimony, the #FakeNews articles meant to bolster his testimony were off on timing. Wow. That's why Schifty was so upset- Divine intervention.

Dark To Light: An Interview With Svetlana Lokhova

Mar 9, 2020 - Today on Dark To Light, Frank and Tracy Beanz are excited to be joined by Svetlana Lokhova, who takes the time to share her story with us. How did she meet General Flynn and what was...

" target="_blank">" width="507" height="286" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Tim Johnson@NedJohnson01



Listen from 1.05, wow!

Quote Tweet

Robert Patrick Lewis@RobertPLewis

· 17h

Holy forking shirt. #DarkToLight podcast w/ @RealSLokhova nails a crucial issue-bc @DevinNunes delayed Brennan testimony, the #FakeNews articles meant to bolster his testimony were off on timing. Wow. That's why Schifty was so upset- Divine intervention.…





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Robin TEXT TRUMP to 88022@HyltonRobin

· 14h

The IG report found 17 errors and omissions in the FISA applications against Carter Page.

Think Stormborn@_00111111_



stock talks make me feel even more poor i'll never be the type of guy who can afford a "portfolio" I'm part of the 69% of Americans with less than $1k in savings & 74% living paycheck to paycheck i work 2 jobs the NWO made me a slave to debt #FixItQ #EndTheFed

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Martin Geddes@martingeddes

· 4h

I don't own any shares in publicly quoted companies. I don't worry about the stock market going up or down. Life will work out fine. I've contributed enough to be safe. Watching people fret about their portfolios makes me wonder if they own their stocks, or the stocks own them.




Ever again. A message of things to come...

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GEORGE @TheCollectiveQ

· 1h

Pence said the insurers represented at the meeting have agreed to waive copays for coronavirus testing and ensure "no surprise billing."

GEORGE @TheCollectiveQ



"We want people to get tested. Over a million tests are out," VP said, adding that 4 million are coming this week. "We want the American people to know that they are covered with private insurance, they are covered with Medicare and Medicaid." - VP




Hilary, Haliron, Hitler. Potatoe-potahtoe

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Joe M@StormIsUponUs

· 1h

Biden calls Hillary "Hitler". I'm sure she's flattered.…






Are being taken out by an asteroid...

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Vincent Kennedy@VincentCrypt46

· 1h

Somewhere right now in an alternate timeline we ....

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump



Going up fast. We need the Wall more than ever!

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Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11

· 9h

Now, more than ever, we need the wall With China Virus spreading across the globe, the US stands a chance if we can control of our borders President Trump is making it happen I explain why this matters & SO MUCH MORE! Subscribe—




I Wonder Why The Church Removed All The Women Apostles From Scripture... Surely It Should Of Been The Other Way Around. Maybe They Were All Women. I Wonder What There Names Were ...???

steve_interesting_silent SLAVES NO MORE- Q - QANON@silentmodv2

· 4h

Replying to @VincentCrypt46

1st indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening Italy closed.. who's the biggest name- Pope Francis Theory only..






Woo Hoo!!

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TinkerTweets45 @Tinktweets45

· 1h

Here comes the Julian Assange show!!!




How's it going Humpty Dumpty? More 'great falls' in store for you...

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PatriotThunder @ScottyPatriot1

· 17h

Weinstein’s Publicist: After Jailhouse Fall, Harvey Thinks He Has A Concussion...…






Let them go on vaca so we can arrest them!

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Dawn Michael, PhD@SexCounseling

· 3h

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

All investigations at all times, they have been working really hard, except not for the American people! Now they want a vacation

It’s me Lazy@MimiZimms



It seems Putin never forgot about Erdogan humiliating him in 2016 in front of the cameras! Last week #Putin had the opportunity to repay him in kind!

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