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Melania Trump
Jun 6
Today, on the 76th Anniversary of #DDay, we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice & we honor those who courageously served. I cherish my memories from last year’s visit to #OmahaBeach & the Normandy American Cemetery with 
 & Brigitte Macron.
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Melania Trump
 · Jun 12, 2019
We must never forget the lives lost and heroic actions made by so many on D-Day in Normandy, France.

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Dan Bongino
Jun 6
If Black lives really mattered to “Black Lives Matter” then they’d come out strongly against the outrageous “defund the police” garbage which will UNDOUBTEDLY cost tens of thousands of Black lives.
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BardsFM Flag of United States
Jun 6
By Federalizing the Guard no more need to deal with the idiots in Congress, Governors or Mayors.

Prayers up for our men and women defending the WH. Things are going to get rough. The LEFT is encouraging the #DomesticTerrorist protestors to burn down the WH.
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GEORGE Flag of United States
 · Jun 6
Just moments ago, here in DC. Florida National Guard Soldiers from the 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team swear in as temporary U.S. Marshals in support of citizens at the Nation’s Capital.
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Santa Claus Of The United States
Jun 6
Good Morning!

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Jun 6
Amen... Folded hands
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X22 Report
Jun 6
When you know the [DS] playbook, you can use countermeasures.
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Chris Murphy
 · Jun 4
An Air National Guard RC-26B reconnaissance aircraft circled the DC protests last night. Flight path below.

First time I can find that this aircraft, normally used for war zones/disasters/narcotics, has been used to gather intel at a protest.

Very troubling. I have questions.

Jun 6
#DDay Flag of United States

I salute the fearless warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice while trying to preserve our freedom 76 years ago today...

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Vincent Kennedy
Jun 6
The 10 Things you Need to Know about D-Day
On D-Day, 6 June 1944, Allied forces launched a combined naval, air and land assault on Nazi-occupied France. Codenamed Operation 'Overlord', the Allied landings on the Normandy beaches marked the...
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Catturd ™
Jun 6
I'm old enough to remember Barack Obama and Joe Biden throwing weekly elitists parties for only the rich and famous and having monthly $36,000 per plate fundraising Hollywood snob dinners - while completely ignoring the inner cities and black community for 8 straight years.
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GEORGE Flag of United States
Jun 6
GEORGE News Latest:
Protesters pour into DC for city's largest demonstration yet #GEORGEnews RAEFORD, N.C. (AP) — Protesters streamed into the nation’s capital Saturday for what was expected to be the city’s largest demonstration yet against police brutality, while George Floyd...
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Vincent Kennedy
Jun 6
Pelosi's pushing hard to take the reigns.
They NEED Trump and Pence isolated. 
Final Stand?
Pay attention to DC.
Really looking forward to see what ADS and LRAD look like in action.
This Tweet is unavailable.
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DOQ Flag of United States
Jun 6
Timing is everything
Jun 6
Anyone else wonder what happens when they get to 17th Street?
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 · Jun 6

"The section of 16th [Street] in front of the White House is now officially 'Black Lives Matter Plaza,' " tweeted Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washington, D.C.
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I AM...
Jun 6
Look How Our Soldiers Are Being Treated Here On #HOME Soil ..
Now, Imagine Over Seas ..?

[They] Are Purposely Making You Feel Like (NOTHING) When All Should Be Just Fine With (NOTHING).

I Would RATHER Sleep In The Streets With Our Soldiers, Protecting Our #HOME Land ..

Jun 6
A lot of comms going on in this 14 second video clip.
—> V22 Osprey (shadow)

Watch the water.

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Dan Scavino Jr.Flag of United States
 · Jun 6

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Martin Geddes
Jun 6
Which month should be Green History Month? Frog face
Jun 6
How soon can we start sniping people.  Asking for this guy Down pointing backhand indexWinking face
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Tribunal Watch
 · Jun 6
Their army is amassing weapons. This is about to get real bad...…
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
Thank you for taking the wheel.. 

Love you all, I'll see you in 4-6 <3
Jun 6
Normies are awake on FB!!   Let me know when we all switch to Parler.  I am set up there and ready to roll, just LITERALLY cannot handle monitoring 3 platforms right now so I'm keeping up with the Normies on FB and gathering info from here - for now.  Folded handsGod speed out there!
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Vincent Kennedy
 · Jun 6
Replying to @cjtruth and @Sun_Q_Tzu
Let me know if I can help. Just will need to tweek the hashtag. Worked for the past 2 day locked up. They are designed to get around the Trending AI. Just keep in mind of what you want people to see when they click the hash. May want to use something designed to wake normies.
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Vincent Kennedy
Jun 6
Replying to 
Let me know if I can help. Just will need to tweek the hashtag. Worked for the past 2 day locked up. They are designed to get around the Trending AI. Just keep in mind of what you want people to see when they click the hash. May want to use something designed to wake normies.
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Jim Hoft
Jun 6
Revolutionary Communist Group Announces Mass Protest Across from White House at 4 PM Saturday -- As Secretary Esper Neuters National Guard on Patrol via 
Revolutionary Communist Group Announces Mass Protest Across from White House at 4 PM Saturday -- As...
The top revolutionary Communist group Refuse Fascism announced plans to meet in Lafayette Park across from the White House this afternoon at 4 PM  ET. Refuse Fascism is a violent far left group with...
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John Q. Galt
Jun 6
Replying to 
As the insult it was intended to be?

Eyes On Q
Jun 6
I spy a Q sign Eyes
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Dan Scavino
 · Jun 5
President Trump’s motorcade route earlier today, in Maine. The Silent Majority is BACK! #MAGA
Jun 6
Of you go to Parler, look me up!
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 · Jun 5
To all my followers, I thank you. 
Without all of you,  I'd  be nowhere. 
I'm thinking of leaving twatter.
Thank you
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Ray Novelly⭐⭐⭐
Jun 6
Paul Ryan Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Antifa Violence via 
FYI many in GOP House think like him.Thinking faceRhinocerosUnamused faceFlag of United StatesCowboy hat face
Paul Ryan Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Antifa Violence
Speaker Ryan took to his social media Monday to condemn the white supremacists in Charlottesville AGAIN, yet remained completely silent about the violence from Antifa towards Trump supporters and...
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Jun 6
Replying to 
What do you expect? MeghánMârklé is a dude. moonbump
Archie is being raised ‘gender fluid’ and may become an ‘eunuch’. How a transgender can be pregnant. Beyonce has some insight about this.
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Vincent Kennedy
Jun 5
Replying to 
You know she is Voodoo
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Larry Johnson
Jun 4
Rich coming from someone who knowingly married into a family that’s benefited from the biggest theft of African lives, wealth, land & history...

...We won’t even get into the pedophilia that remains a constant thread in their bloodline. 

But #CandaceOwens is the coon?
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TV FanaticCrownFleur-de-lis
 · Jun 4
The Full video of Queen Meghan Markle speaking in support of #BlackLivesMatter
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0:10 / 5:53
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Kevin Trump
Jun 5
Try being a white guy, in like the past 70 years and walk at night, through the south-side of Chicago, Compton or other places, then tell me how racist Blacks are.  Thank you!

Dan Bongino
Jun 5
RNC and Trump Campaign Plan to Resume In-Person Campaigning Next Week Thumbs upThumbs upThumbs up
RNC and Trump Campaign Plan to Resume In-Person Campaigning Next Week
A great sign of leadership, indeed.
Jun 6
Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing
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Tammy Towers Parry, MD
 · Jun 6
Where’s John Nazi Brennan?
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I AM...
Jun 5
I Tried Explaining ...

Ones Refuse To COMPREHEND .
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 · Jun 5
Looks to be coming Right up Louisiana Unamused face#TropicalStormCristobal
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Jun 5
Replying to 
Was our ancient past an ancient worldwide civilization?

This is a 30 minute video comparing architecture of several monoliths around the world. Eye opening, to say the least.
Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually...
This will likely blow your mind. 250+ photos and comparisons of ancient sites around the world, show that there is a LOT more to the story of our ancient pas...
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Gemma O'Doherty
Mar 23
Is this a US army officer standing in front of a giant white rabbit in the NWO Austrian enclave of Gallenkirch linked to the Satanic St Gallen mafia? ‘Three in quarantine... put away from the rest of us’ And a big endorsement for fresh air and sunshine! #Coronavirus #WWG1WGA

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Jun 5
Replying to 
Orion's Belt
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Jun 5
Replying to 
they found liquid mercury under the pyramids. Mercury can be turned into gold. but it takes a great deal of energy. Like from a nuclear reactor.
River of Mercury in Underworld of Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl may lead to
Archaeologists believe that a recent discovery of liquid mercury in a subterranean tunnel beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico, may represent an underworld river that lea

Jun 6
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Svetlana Marra
 · Jun 5
Replying to @austere1717
Implosion technology, sonic tools... Built above ancient aquaduct s... Water is important!
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Jun 5
Replying to 
The  Smithsonian  is  complicit;   In  hiding  artifacts  that   Reshape   The history we have been taught ;
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 5
I think Q might have made his point...

 You had Enough, Yet?

#Qanon Sends Our Regards,

Jun 6
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John F. Kennedy Jr.
 · Jun 5
Jun 6
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
 · Jun 6


#Qanon #wwg1wgaWORLDWIDE 

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Mrs. Claus
Jun 5
Who else is missing the Trump Rallies? Can't wait for the next one... #KAG2020TRUMPVICTORY
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Dan Scavino
 · Jun 5
Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States

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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
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Jun 5
Replying to 
Stop the presses!

Lots o' info. here... ('big picture' eluded me a bit).
The Lincoln Assassination
Visit the post for more.

DonaldVictory handPatriot
Jun 6
In case you missed it yesterday - more Transition to Greatness.

Obummer the Globalist Puppet had been screwing New England’s fishing industry..
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Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)
 · Jun 5
President @realDonaldTrump on Obama and Biden closing 5,000 square miles of ocean off the coast of New England without justification: “We’re opening it today" for our commercial fishermen

I AM...
Jun 6
He Is One Of Us, Remember ?

Wakey Wakey ..


Jun 6
A grateful nation humbly thanks you for your service.Folded hands
We will continue to pray for those you love.Blue heart
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JFK Jr2024
 · Jun 6
God Bless America!!!
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Jordan Sather
Jun 6
Remember, the revolution will not be televised. Any revolution they show on the TV is feigned.
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Sun_Q_Tzu Medium starMedium starMedium star
Jun 6
What did 
 do that got George Floyd killed?  I am so sick of it

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Karli Q Medium starMedium starMedium star
 · Jun 6
I’m not suspicious at all now - listen Carefully #TheMoreYouKnow
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Hannity and Levin
Jun 6
Worth remembering... (Dec. 2019) #QAnon

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Thread Reader App
Jun 4
Replying to 
Saluti, here is your unroll: 
: ‘A Gray Marble And A Den Of Vipers.’ In 1773, A Wealthy Goldsmith And Coin Dealer Named Mayer Amschel Bauer… See you soon. Robot face
Thread by @WarNuse: ‘A Gray Marble And A Den Of Vipers.’ In 1773, A Wealthy Goldsmith And Coin...
Thread by @WarNuse: ‘A Gray Marble And A Den Of Vipers.’ In 1773, A Wealthy Goldsmith And Coin Dealer Named Mayer Amschel Bauer Summoned Twelalthy And Influential Men To His Place Of Business In...

Jun 5
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 · Jun 4
This Is The [Shadow Government] HQ In Washington D.C. Where Every Single Step To Take Down A Duly Elected U.S. President Is Meticulously Planned, Executed, And From Where All Commands Are Distributed To All [Parties] Involved In The Coup.
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l E T 17
Jun 5
Who are their attorneys
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Tom Fitton
 · Jun 5
Antifa is real. They sued us.…
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Thread Reader App
Jun 6
Replying to 
Hi! here is your unroll: 
: Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light THREAD ALERT Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light Feeling down from all the craziness? I have good news. I think we're in the final… Talk to you soon. Robot face
Thread by @BeeJaySee: THREAD ALERT Feeling down from all the craziness? I have good news. I think...
Thread by @BeeJaySee: THREAD ALERT Feeling down from all the craziness? I have good news. I think we're in the final stage of The Plan. We wid us everything in the first few posts from Oct 28 - Nov...
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Brian J.
Jun 5
The US military is the only way to bring down the cabal / deep state / black hats. Trump has total control of it as Commander-in-Chief. Military Intelligence MI is not subject to Congress approval or oversight, so NO LEAKS. This operation stayed secret from the 3 letter agencies.
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Brian J.
Jun 5
Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light THREAD ALERT Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light

Feeling down from all the craziness? I have good news. I think we're in the final stage of The Plan. We win.

Q told us everything in the first few posts from Oct 28 - Nov 2, 2017.

Plz like & retweet to spread good cheer!

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Lacy Johnson
Jun 6
Within a 48-hour period in Chicago last week there were 82 shootings with 23 deaths.

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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
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Alen Gluhic‎ to R They ALIVE? John Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Bessette & family members?

Before you start laughing, hear me out. You know how I know JFK Jr. is alive? Easy, Elvis just called and told me.

Just kidding… about Elvis calling, that is. How to remain objective on such a topic? Simple. Ask questions - ask a lot of questions. This is a quick review to decipher between what looks like crazy thinking of starry-eyed wishful conspirators to insightful speculations of individuals attempting to connect some thought-provoking dots.

First, let’s define the phrase “conspiracy theory”. Conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. From my view point, the belief that JFK Jr., Carolyn and Lauren are still living falls into the category of conspiracy theory. However, truth can be stranger than fiction and I’m willing to starting lining up and connecting factual dots as best as I can.

Is JFK Jr. still alive? Did he fake his own death on July 16, 1999 in a plane crash?


•Jun 16, 2020

JFK JR and Family are they Alive?


•Premiered Mar 23, 2020

Santa Surfing


Jun 5
Shortly after I started sharing NESARA vids, I got a DM from s/o that said...look for POTUS to tweet something like Santa in Hawaii, Santa that surfs, Santa, etc. and she referenced it is his indirect way of pointing to NESARA.  
Then POTUS tweeted this Collision symbol

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Flying saucerGem stoneTooTallRNGem stoneFlying saucerMedium starMedium starMedium star
 · Jun 5
Replying to @SantaSurfing
Hey Are you keeping a secret Santa ?! 
Winking faceSmiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyesWinking face
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I AM...
Jun 5
This Tweet is unavailable.
Jun 6
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DOQ Flag of United States
 · Jun 5
In 2002 I had a dream that matches the chaos going on today. The angels from the biblical days returned to earth to fight the evil that existed. It was completely destroyed. Hope the angels come. If not, looks like we’re going to have to do it. Enough is enough.
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Jack Posobiec
Jun 5
The Communist Party of Germany headquarters in Berlin, 1932

Look closely
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Secretary Pompeo
Jun 6
On June 6, 1944, more than 130,000 American and Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate Europe. Today, we still stand in awe of their bravery. We remember those who did not make it home. We honor their sacrifices.
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Martin Geddes
Jun 6
I am sure many of us find it distressing right now to be living in Zombieland. Our families and friends are bombarded with continual false narratives via the media and have no idea that brainwashing and mind control are deeply embedded into society — indeed are considered normal.
Jun 6
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
 · Jun 6
The JFK Jr Hype Train AND #LQVEWave Going hard tonight!

Heike Mildenberger Black heartWhite heartHeart suit🇺🇲Flag of CanadaFlag of Australia
Jun 6
Yes, pray, pray, pray Folded hands
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 · Jun 6
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l E T 17
Jun 5

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Toxic Avenger 1 Flag of United States
 · Jun 5
On the eve of DDay even. 

National Guard Members Look for Place to Stay After DC Mayor Kicks Them Out of Hotel
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Jun 5
The Pentagon orders National Guard to disarm.

Someone forced Trump to change weekend plans and stay in DC this weekend.

Mayor Bowser demands national guard leave.

Antifa organizes million person march on the White House.

Odd set of coincidences, no?
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Tom Fitton
 · Jun 5
ANTIFA Victory: Pentagon disarms National Guard activated in D.C.
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Jun 6
Replying to 
Police officers. Men in blue.
Thin blue line.
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AussieF#kTheCabal🇭🇲Flag of South Africa🇭🇲

Jun 5
The Pyramids of the Grand Canyon
The Pyramids of the Grand Canyon, its “Off-Limit” Areas, & Egyptian Relics
In a restricted area of the Grand Canyon there are pyramids & caves full of hieroglyphics and Egyptian relics. Many people do not know about them as this information has been suppressed by the …
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Aussie PATRIOT for Q
Jun 6
Ill just leave this here...I think it speaks for itself!

#AussieQ #MAGA2020 #KAG2020 #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #WakeUpAmerica #PanicInDC #PanicDownUnder #AllLivesMatter !!!!

Trump walks from WH to Church BW
Cyrus A Parsa, The A.I. Organization, ✍
Jun 2
They Killed JFK & Abraham Lincoln They will Not succeed in Harming 
 Good Will Trump over evil

SUPPORT YOUR PRESIDENT Nation-World Depend on it

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Sara A. Carter
Jun 6
Letter From Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, 'I Am Not Done' via 
Letter From Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, 'I Am Not Done'
Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who has been fighting the courts to have his case thrown out, said in an email that was posted Friday on Twitter that "I am not done."
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Saint Germain
Jun 6
If this is her now imagine what she will look like after 12 months in Gitmo Rolling on the floor laughing Her guards deserve to be issued with protective eyewear. #Adrenochrome #GITMO
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Herb🕊Carminda B🕊Herb
Jun 6
The Pyramids of the Grand Canyon, its “Off-Limit” Areas, & Egyptian Relics

In a restricted area of the Grand Canyon there are pyramids & caves full of hieroglyphics & Egyptian relics. Many people do not know about them as this has been suppressed by the federal government

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AussieF#kTheCabal🇭🇲Flag of South Africa🇭🇲
 · Jun 5
The Pyramids of the Grand Canyon
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Flag of United States 3Days3Nights Flag of United States
Jun 5
Birth is always preceded by labor pains. The water just broke. Flood coming. 

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Alex W
Jun 5
President Lincoln’s unconstitutional civil war rescued the divided US and defeated the Democratic Party that maintained slavery. Why didn’t anyone say that Lincoln was a dictator?  Why was Lincoln not impeached?  Why was Lincoln not investigated by the  DOJ?
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Jun 5
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Barack Obama
 · Jun 5
On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, we #WearOrange to honor the victims and survivors of gun violence––which continues to disproportionately harm Black communities. Then keep speaking up, voting, and changing laws across the country.

U.S. Navy
Jun 5

#USNavy aircraft fly in formation over #USSNimitz while underway conducting #COMPTUEX, an intensive exercise designed to fully integrate units of the carrier strike group, and test their ability to carry out sustained combat operations from the sea.
Jun 6
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FKUJAK {Medium starMedium starMedium star} #IAmNotDone Red heartFlag of United States🙏🏻
 · Jun 6
Raise you hand if your ready to see @GenFlynn back in the WhiteHouse!!!
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Catturd ™
Jun 5
Requirements to join Antifa ...

1) Weigh less than 150 pounds.
2) Have linguine arms. 
3) Have your mom do your laundry 
4) Bench press at least 4 pounds 
5) Play video games 24/7
6) Watch the Matrix 1,000 times
7) Live with parents till age 40
8) Dream of having sex one day
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Thread Reader App
May 4
Replying to 
Bonjour, here is your unroll: 
: In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home in Baltimore. She was killed… Talk to you soon. Robot face
Thread by @Johnheretohelp: In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home...
Thread by @Johnheretohelp: In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home in Baltimore. She was killed because she d satellites were being used to alter State and national...
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May 4
much of their access because they had other ways of guaranteeing their candidate would win the presidential election. I'm sure we are all familiar with what those are.

They will not make the same mistake in 2020.

Overall control/access of many of these satellite systems
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May 4
In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home in Baltimore. She was killed because she had discovered satellites were being used to alter State and national elections.
   Some of this came out in 2016 and the Deep State lost control or closed down
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l E T 17
Jun 5
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 · Jun 4
so uh apparently kanye has been running the long con this whole time???

Praying Medic
Jun 6
FireFireGutfield gettin lit FireFire
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TruthHammerMedium starMedium starMedium star
 · Jun 5
Wow .@greggutfeld completely DESTROYED. I’m blown away.
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GEORGE Flag of United States
Jun 5
Native Fury 20 was a joint exercise involving thousands of forces demonstrating the ability to respond to contingencies, natural disasters & other possible crises in the region. Special thanks to the 
 and the lovely people of #AbuDhabi ~ #NativeFury20

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I AM...
Jun 5
My People Are NOT Slaves To YOUR Filth !!

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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
Or at least I hope that's it else I'm going CrAzY :D
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
"Plausible deniability" within a joke form... only understood by Qanons.
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter

un 6
I'm simply showing... that he knows.. that I know... That he knows... that I can handle him ignoring me.

Which is the best part of it all.  That's the inside joke. :) 

He knows... I knows.. now you knows:)
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
I never said he Never has...
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*JFK Jr Makes Fun of me on Twîtter
Jun 6
You'd think for a guy who follows me;

He'd retweet one thing I've said...

"Plausible Deniability"

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Eyes On Q
Jun 6
[They] want hell on Earth. That is their objective. It is the underlying theme of their Luciferian Cult.

Carlos Osweda
Jun 6
Look at the really scary guy on the left.

He doesn't like the fact that the Jewish Iraqi uncovered his head.
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Jun 6
Prayers upFolded handspatriots!
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BardsFM Flag of United States
 · Jun 6
Prayer call.

We have entered a time where American's are uniting as our communities come under siege. Trials build character, strength and the return to GOD and FAITH. May we humble ourselves before GOD in thanks and forgiveness as we assemble for the defense of LIBERTY.

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Ashley StClair Flag of United States
Jun 5
Can we just cancel all celebrities at this point
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Carlos Osweda
Jun 6
People are shocked and angered by that, but they better be  damn grateful that we have them.

This was a MAJOR ATTEMPT at insurrection, years in the planning.

And it was stopped in about three days.

Have you watched police helicopter videos?
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Patriot Transition Voice🇺🇲 #Transition2Greatness
Jun 5
EyesEyesEyesFlag of United States

 Have NO Scheduled events Sat or Sun...
This Tweet is unavailable.
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Broken heartFiredirty natashaFireBroken heart
Jun 6
Replying to 
:57 Smiling face with sunglasses

As The World Turns 
Come out and play Seth! ♟ 

Picture dump works too!

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