
Cyber Security Issues with Maricopa County election. The last time the system had been patched was August 6, 2019, more than a year prior to the election, the same was true for the anti-virus program. The Dominion systems were INTENTIONALLY left WIDE OPEN to compromise over the internet.
Join us https://t.me/realJohnQuent
Houdini Matthews
Queen Romana, several have asked the question, one on 9/1, another on 9/19 and another today (besides this question), IS the vaccine the MARK of the BEAST from the book of Revelation?
If YES, and since you indicated that the MED BEDS would heal the vaccinated, can those people have their SOUL saved?
A: The injection is poison to Children, Women and Men's body. It is a self replicating nano technology designed to seek, weaken, and destroy the vital organs of an individual over a period of time.
Yes. The MedBeds can kill the Nanobots and restore the individual's health to optimum.
Their Soul preserved and is intact..
Canada 2.0, please list the taxes the Pissositos imposed on Canadians since 1867. It's time to remove all financial scams out of Canada.
Queen Romana
Shell Evans
CaptKylePatriots - Telegram
Huge findings in Arizona! However, the Fake News Media is already trying to “call it” again for Biden before actually looking at the facts—just like they did in November! The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD! Until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure. This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately. The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4:00PM ET. I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.
- Donald J Trump
Leslie Nelson
Biblic al floods or world peace; which is it to be? Ben jamin Fulford, Sept. 20, 2021 report.
The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter (about 300 foot) tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US, the Southern coasts of Europe, and large parts of coastal Africa and South America.
This comes after the Three Gorg es Dam in Ch yna came under heavy pressure from “once in a thousand-year flooding,” earlier this summer. If the dam burst, as many as 600 million Chine se would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded.
It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake, criminal administration of Joe “rubber mask” Bid en faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet.
On the surface, this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and Chi na, each threatening to flood the other. These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported (in the West) imminent collapse of Chin a’s Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about “budget deadlock” in the US government. The Evegrande collapse, if related entities are included, would affect $1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chine se economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US, C I A sources estimate.
That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/Ch yna conflict. However, fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society, the French Grande Lodge de L’Orient freemaso ns, the Swiss-based Octagon group, the Italian P3 freemasons, and the Satan ic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders. Parties such as the Chin ese Lotus freemaso ns, the Scotts rite freemaso ns, the Russians, and others are also involved to varying degrees.
The startling discovery was that according to MI6, the thousands of earthquakes followed by the volcanic eruption in La Palma were traced to a “Haarp array” based not in Ch yna, but Norway of all places. This is fascinating because last week a Japanese diplomat was murdered in Norway and Norwegian police seized $2 million in cash, according to Asian Dragon family sources. The money was to be used to finance the travel and protection arrangements for Dragon family members to monetize historical Asian bonds. These bonds, in turn, were to be used to finance a massive Western-led project to save the planet that would dwarf Chin a’s belt and road initiative.
The Haarp array in Norway identified as the source of the imminent disaster in La Palma is located around a massive underground base complex there. This base came under temporary scrutiny in late 2009 as the place of origin of the mysterious “Norwegian spiral.” In other words, the Northern European Thule society seems to be involved. We contacted a Thule society source who linked it to events at the Thule airbase in Greenland and “a complicated connection between Greenland and what’s under Lake Geneva.” Remember, the Octagon group that controls the fake Bid en administration is headquartered around Lake Geneva in Switzerland. SB
Leslie Nelson
This is Matthew's web page for all to join -
Facebook must have known I was up to something.
While Facebook was busy taking down one of my accounts I was busy at work building a webpage that we can all use to bypass their censorship.
The idea is for everyone to be able to create posts on this webpage that you can share on other platforms.
So far this has had a 100% success rate at bypassing their filters.
This will come in handy when DECLAS starts to come out.
Hold the line, Riders.
Justice is coming.
We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.
Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!
Leslie Nelson
11m ·
Peace of mind post I need to share: Scott B Thank you
If you are a little frustrated then you need to take a break for a moment. Do not allow the movie to work you. The script is to wake others who are sleeping not you. But if you feel at peace I congratulate you because you’ve paid attention for many years during this complicated movie period. Yes you truly are sitting back and taking it all in without blinking an eye or having one worry. Why is that? Very simple. It is because you know the ending. The day when the EBS comes, the world will be freaking out, while you will be celebrating. Look, if I’m not worried you shouldn’t be either and I say that to assure you that all is great no matter how it appears. Yes trust me I know. It doesn’t mean anything it’s all a distraction to simply usher in gold backed currency, the New Republic, common law, NESARA GESARA, full exposure of the corruption and to bring forward a new beautiful world of peace, love and prosperity.
Everybody knows it cannot keep going indefinitely. Patriots have had enough of this never ending movie. This game is not easy for anyone and it is time for the END game. It is here. The final act is coming and we can all feel it. There are mass resignations and arrests lately that all points to something bigger coming.
Trust the plan. It is perfectly well done. You won’t believe how good the end will be. It will be the most EPIC ending we’ll ever see. This is The Great Awakening! Light shines bright. Awakening to the truth is not easy for anyone. For those still in deep sleep it will be even harder.
God bless.
Emma Ann
Copied from Scott Brunswick. Peace of mind post I need to share:
If you are a little frustrated then you need to take a break for a moment. Do not allow the movie to work you. The script is to wake others who are sleeping not you. But if you feel at peace I congratulate you because you’ve paid attention for many years during this complicated movie period. Yes you truly are sitting back and taking it all in without blinking an eye or having one worry. Why is that? Ver simple. It is because you know the ending. The day when the EBS comes, the world will be freaking out, while you will be celebrating. Look, if I’m not worried you shouldn’t be either and I say that to assure you that all is great no matter how it appears. Yes trust me I know. It doesn’t mean anything it’s all a distraction to simply usher in gold backed currency, the New Republic, common law, NESARA GESARA, full exposure of the corruption and to bring forward a new beautiful world of peace, love and prosperity.
Everybody knows it cannot keep going indefinitely. Patriots have had enough of this never ending movie. This game is not easy for anyone and it is time for the END game. It is here. The final act is coming and we can all feel it. There are mass resignations and arrests lately that all points to something bigger coming.
Trust the plan. It is perfectly well done. You won’t believe how good the end will be. It will be the most EPIC ending we’ll ever see. This is The Great Awakening! Light shines bright. Awakening to the truth is not easy for anyone. For those still in deep sleep it will be even harder.
God bless.
late yesterday: sb
From multiple reports:
Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange redemption appointments was expected during, or right after Defcon 1 Scare Events – that were happening right now.
Judy: Multiple sources have confirmed that RV appointments would not happen this weekend, though Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) was very likely to be liquid sometime next week, withsome sources saying Tier 4B would start appointments on Mon. 27 Sept.
A contract with Wells Fargo that was tied to Bond Holders said that emails to Tier 4B with 800 numbers on them to make exchange redemption appointments would go out once Bond Holders have been paid.
Bond Holders were supposed to receive their funds on Sat. 25 Sept. right before start of the Trump Rally.
Fleming Report Thurs. 23 Sept.:
Everybody is zipped up tighter than a drum.
Iraq has a new budget to announce. They’ve got a new currency in the bank.
This announcement is committed before the first of October, which is also the same time to deliver the budget to the Iraqi Nationals.
The new Golden Dinar is in the banks.
The Iraqi People, throughout this nation which now includes Kuwait, are joyfully anticipating this new lifeline of hope for a brighter future.
Once Iraq makes the announcement of the new Golden Dinar, as international, they have 4 days to get certain things done. It usually takes 3 to 4 days to get all protocols done.
Announcements are expected to be out in the Mosque on Saturday Sept. 25.
Seven Presidential messages from Trum p Team would soon be sent to every phone in the world, after which service would be disconnected. This won’t last long. All you need was a connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies. The Emergency Broadcast System would be broadcast by 10 countries, covering the globe.
Power supply to be interrupted: The global power cut would consist of switching to Tesla power.
This would block the media worldwide and lead to activation of the Quantum Systems as part of project Quantum Star Link broadcasting in languages of Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English (American) English (British), Estonian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
Airplanes and trains would be grounded.
There would be a unique Water Event: destruction of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam. Below the dam were 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a Cyber Attack launched from space. There was also a large laboratory where Andrea chrome was produced. The water of the dam would fall on the city of Wuh an folks. In recent months, the population of the area was evacuated.
The Three Gorges Dam destruction was one of the most important elements of the Big Event and would finish off the C sea P and the World Media.
Events would certainly lead to a collapse in the Stoc k Market. The Sto ck Market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months – losing 95 % of Crypt o Currencies values and would inevitably collapse.
Disaster events that triggered a State of Emergency would activate the army to deliver food and vital products around the world.
GESARA NESARA would launch.
To destroy the med ia QFS would implement Cyber Attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams. These included the Whit e House, the Get ty Museum near Los Angeles, Vatica n, Buckingh am Palace, CER N on the French Swiss border and the Three Gorges Dam in Chin a and MOSS AD media satellites would be destroyed.
-God bless.
During these Ten Days of Darkness Milita ry court sessions would be
broadcas t.
DD sb
Leslie Nelson
On multiple occasions “CUE”has said that near the end there could be reasons to "lose heart" and feel that all hope was gone. Those reasons abounded today.
DD sb
Lambert Page
No need to search the world for it, the Holy Grail is within all, reach inward
Nancy McCreery
God loaned our children and grand children to us and I declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper! I cancel every assignment of the enemy! I plead the Blood of Jesus over them. They shall live and not die and declare the Work of the Lord in the land of the living! They will be successful and will prosper! In the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!
I challenge all Mothers to repost. Our words have power! Let’s pray for our children!

Carolyn BeGood
5m ·

Cyber Ninjas:
23,444 voters voted by mail, despite having moved from the specified address.
2,382 voters voted in person, despite the fact that they moved from Maricopa County.
In the official survey, 3,432 more ballots were cast than in the list of people who showed that they voted.
9040 votes received by mail returned more ballots (EV33) than were sent (EV32).
The official survey of 277 polling stations shows that more ballots were cast than people who came
to vote (VM55), a total of 1,551 extra votes.
In EV33, 2,472 bulletins are shown, in which there are no corresponding entries in VM55, and only
2,042 ballots were rejected in the Official Bulletin due to discrepancies.
397 ballots sent by mail are displayed as received (EV33), which are never displayed as sent (EV32).
255,326 early votes show in VM55 that they do not have a corresponding EV33 record.
A large number of technical violations and cybersecurity problems were also detected, for example, it was not possible to perform basic management of operating system fixes, update the definitions of antivirus programs, provide protection for certification, which is now considered invalid.

Telegram WhipLash347
Fam— The “leaked” forensic audit report documents are damning!!
Trump won Arizona & won Arizona BIGLY!
Trump supposedly “lost” the state of Arizona by roughly 10,000 votes.
There are 15 counties total in Arizona.
The Maricopa county forensic audit found more than 55,000 illegal ballots.
Keep in mind, this does not include the CANVASSING REPORT that was done by Liz Harris & her team, which showed 173,104 votes were not counted & 96,389 ghost votes.
There are also other categories which have not been fully forensically audited yet.
The documents are long, but the Summary (7 pages long) sums it up nicely— THEY FOOKED!!
Qtah -Telegram
AZ Governor RINO DUCEy is pretty much saying “we have never decertified an election before so we’ll let the corruption stand.”
These Governors of Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin don’t realize that they can be charged with crimes for deceiving the people they represent. Never forget that Trump tried to give all of them a chance.
They’re sticking to their scripts. PANIC all over Arizona today!

Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle 9-24-2021
Disturbed - Sacred Lie 9-23-2021
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming
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9/24/2021 - Audit results - leads to criminal investigation! They got caught!
SantaSurfing Published September 24, 2021
if you could see
Sep 24, 2021
Trump Hails ‘Unbreakable’ Transatlantic Bond At D-Day Ceremony
What is Russelll Pickett in Gematria?
Check out the 1:11 Mark. Hello, Mr. President!
Jun 6, 2019
The Selfie Cult: NARCISSISM-101 (Image Worshipping) *Part 1
Sep 24, 2021
Source Codes of the Holy Spirit ~ Blue Ray Empaths ~ The Ninth Wave of Ascension ~ Blueprint Energy
The Choice Point | The Lovers⎮Kryon Late Night Series
THE EVENT Next Phase Sitting back awaiting Our Path | APOCALYPSE
Premiered Sep 22, 2021
Nov 20, 2016

We’ve had some delays. Delays that are for the better. (You will all see the delays are for the good of humanity.) Just keep hanging in there and don’t stop believing! I want you to visually see there is so much going on under the surface. WHITE HATS IN CONTROL. MOABS incoming! DARK TO LIGHT. TRUST THE PLAN.
Carolyn BeGood What do you think of these videos and the information in them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V61xmQVAohw
Patriot Dave and Oksana Gabby Petito
Patriot Dave and Oksana Gabby Petito
Carolyn BeGood And then this video. Sloan Bella talks about the other 700 missing women and children that will be found in that area. The underground facilities are connected to the Denver Airport and there are many demon/aliens there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWt-db2-OAw&t=120s
Emma Ann
Copied from Kendra Esmonde-Stetler.
Ok. We have some definite Fuc*ery afoot.
Compare weather description to weather alert just e mailed here.....
Remember.... NCSWIC.... we read and dissected the entire packet. They can use weather as an alert as well.
WW. Watch Water
Weather Warfare
Severe weather alert eh? THIS is how they are informing us of the EBS. Via e mail weather alerts. What better way to get back at
DAR PA and HAA RP than to use their own tools against them.
September 23.... at 5:23 pm. 9 (month) +2+3 is 14. 7-7. 5:23 is a 5:5.
Ends on September 23 at 8:00 pm.
Pain. 9+8 is our Q.
Warning til 7pm. That goes with our double 7 to hit trips (which is a nice 21... black Jack. Days of Prayer... Jack Ace Illumina TI card...played on 10-1-17)
Beach hazard.... 4 am. There’s our Delta!
10-1-17+4 years is 10-1-21. NEXT Friday.
Watch the water right?
Waves of 7-13 ft subside to 3-5 ft
Add em up.
Both ways
7+13+3+5 is 28. 7-7-7-7
7+1+3+3+5 = 19. The Secret God number. We have the book.
BUT..... oops. Aud it was already mentioned in drops.
Do not look here
Look here
Easy. You subtract a week. It’s tomorrow.
Oh and notice on all the W’s as of late.... they made them into VV instead?
W is the 23
VV is a 22 and 22. 11-11-11-11
Or 44. And who was #44?
Barrie the Fairy and Creepy Joe.
Not anymore....
TT pepe ski

Leslie Nelson
THANQ YQU Matthew!
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?

Martha Krul
Today's energy update 25/09/2021
Saturday the 25th of September 2021
Change of ad again... A billions increase in wave...
Here's what you can see on the German website. Again a very strong increase. That rocket of ours is getting more and more strength to come up faster. We feel it. For many it will have been another restless night. The excitement in the earthly process keeps getting bigger. It still seems like a game of secession. But lightworkers know better, they know that it's just the energy of connection we need. Right when you don't have something you're going to feel it. Divorce takes us to connection. Those are universal laws and those are the laws we are committed to. Hold on to something and you will lose it. Universal laws are about the opposite that sparks. When you do everything you can to sit on your money, that's what you're looking for and you don't see what's going on around you. You will lose your money. By separating the people, they will want to go to each other. Look at the Berlin wall. How was that wall emphasized the separation. Because of that, families were taken apart and that's what gave people strength to fight for each other. To finally hold each other back in arms. In the universe they are always opposite.
You are a messiah
You died on earth, along with many
others, freeing the people.
Freeing from the darkness where we are already
long in it.
That has caused a lot of confusion
and still is.
The darkness is still present.
Has more grip our way
of functioning, than we realize ourselves.
You are a chosen one.
You've achieved the highest thing you've ever had
could achieve.
A ticket to go to earth.
To be here on earth and participant
to be of the greatest upheaval in
the history of man and earth.
Why can't you see yourself as a messiah?
Exactly, that's what the church deliberately took away from you.
YOU weren't allowed to see that.
You were only allowed on your knees to the Messiah
to worship, so that you didn't see who you were.
Every time you had to take a knee and sacrifice.
Not for you, but for the other.
Do you recognize something?
The distraction of yourself became a structural component
of their preaching.
False prophets, they knew how to tell you all about that.
But who the real false prophets were they told
You don't.
You are still in the unconscious ban of them
Dogmas that are so intertwined with us.
It's like pitch on your hands.
Every time you pull on it, you pull new ones
Wires. Wires.
You are here on earth to see what the truth is.
Not just about the stories you were told,
but also see and find the truth in
And about yourself.
Feel what happens to reading this text.
Feeling whether you're making yourself bigger or smaller.
That says a lot about the still present
influence and effect of these dogmas
Only when people see and experience that they
the highest good of light and love is,
the work can be done.
Then everything can come to light.
Then we see the light in each other and form
we the group of light workers for which we NOW
Here we go.
Then the darkness can light
It's becoming.
It's not an easy road.
There are different ways to go.
The way of our personal process.
If we have traveled it, we will be
guided to the great earthly process.
Then people will finally be able to see how
Our Creator has created us.
Then we will show who we are.
Then it will be created by the church in pieces
fall and will it finally free man
of consciously imposed dogma
God is love and this is how he created the people.
In love and uniqueness his diamonds went to
the earth.
To honor Mother Earth.
The church stopped doing that.
They deprived man of his loving insights.
Man started to believe, like the church wanted.
Now it's the time we put it back in all our cells
we are going to feel that we children of a loving one
Being a creator and that we may in love with each other
life and work on the so precious Mother Earth.
Nothing can stop us from that assignment anymore.
We are going to bring Mother Earth back to her
Original ones.
We are here for the highest assignment of our
Creator to be achieved.
Each of us is a messiah.
A liberator of humanity on earth.
Namast é
I see the light
Martha Curl

Martha Krul
A high energy vibration is now almost of ′′ vital importance ". Earth has shifted. There is now low earth (3 D) and high earth (5 D). The experience between the two worlds is not comparable. By putting and keeping your focus on that high vibration, you will experience it all very differently.
Fly up. Put on rocket shoes and launch yourself to great heights. Outside the earth, the universe inside. There you feel the limitlessness. You feel the freedom there. You have the resources available. Use them and you will feel like you will feel very different. Make use of visualizations and feel the freedom. It's inside you. By flying you will feel that freedom and you will notice that your energy vibration is and remains high. Then you will experience many more beautiful things. YOU are the creator of your own life. Don't look down, look up. There is the light and that is what YOU are attached to. You are the master.


