Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity
ATLANTIS is the subject of a short but important article appearing in the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30th, 1915.
The author, M. Pierre Termier, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of Service of the Geologic Chart of France, in 1912 delivered a lecture on the Atlantean hypothesis before the Institut Océanographique; it is the translated notes of this remarkable lecture that are published in the Smithsonian report.
"After a long period of disdainful indifference," writes M. Termier, "observe how in the last few years science is returning to the study of Atlantis.
The History of Atlantis - TheStormIsUponUs
EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
I just read that the word "Covfefe" means "In the end we win".
It was used by the Sons of Light in the Great War between
the Sons of Dark in the Last Days of Atlantis.
Could America be the New Atlantis ?
Is that why Q posted "It's going to be Biblical" and "God Wins" ?
Hammurabi (Eye For An Eye) @i4ni2th4a2th
“We are living in BIBLICAL times.” — Q
COVFEFE is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.The Dead Sea War Scroll describes the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness (Army of Belial & those who assist them from among the wicked) with inscriptions TRUMPETS, banners and liturgies for the priests during the conflict.In the War against the Evil ones each side will fight alongside angelic hosts and other supernatural beings and final victory is achieved for the Sons of Light directly by the hand of God. In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us 6-22-2021
The original story of the lost island of Atlantis comes to us from two Socratic dialogues called Timaeus and Critias, both written about 360 BCE by the Greek philosopher Plato.
Solon had been to Egypt where priests had compared Egypt and Athens and talked about the gods and legends of both lands. One such Egyptian story was about Atlantis.
Atlantis was arranged in concentric rings of alternating water and land. The soil was rich, said Critias, the engineers technically accomplished, the architecture extravagant with baths, harbor installations, and barracks
A small but just city (an Ur-Athens) triumphs over a mighty aggressor (Atlantis). The story also features a cultural war between wealth and modesty, between a maritime and an agrarian society, and between an engineering science and a spiritual force.
Atlantis as a concentric-ringed island in the Atlantic which sank under the sea is almost certainly a fiction based on some ancient political realities.
Remember all that was Hidden will be made known. Now lets talk about the fallen and Atlantis . There were 3 rings of water and 2 ring of land with a center island and a small mountain in the middle. Posidon found women of a mn fair and took one for his keeping. Then they had 5 births of 2 each to make 10 children. Atlas being first , The second in the hellenic language name was Emulus. The second twins were named Ampheres and the other Evaemon. To the third pair of twins he gave the name Mneseus to the elder, and Autochthon to the one who followed him. Of the fourth pair of twins he called the elder Elasippus and the younger Mestor, And of the fifth pair be gave to the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger Diaprepes. These were the Nephilim.
Then proof of where Atlantis was once.
The Fallen still posses the knowlege of the universe and have their slave build these UFO’s even certain Angels of God used use them to travel as not all Angels have wings or not one to fly with such as Cherevum . Read Ezekiel Chapter 1 its all there and they’ve been zipping around the planet since time began,
They Eygptian Sphinx was built long before Ra by Atlantians and Ra wanted to honor his son and had the Lions face carved away to make the perfect image of his sons face. The Sphinx was built by survivors of Atlantis 11,600 years ago.
Ra had the face recarved prior to Eygpt rising to a major power in the Ancient world. Ra was an Anunnaki and the Pyramids were builts as I will explain. The Anunaki need two mountains to land their spacecraft on and after the flood none were suitable in or around Eygot so the Pyramids were built to land their spacecraft on according to interpretations by Sitchen of the Anunaki writings in the 14 Tablets. In fact the Leader on earth for the Anunnaki got trapped in a pyramid that took sometime to free him.
That is what happens to humans who where taken underground at the time of the great flood in Noah’s day and have lived there ever since as slave to the fallen. Lose skin pigment, eyes grow large over thousands of years due to very little light in subterrainian bases and tunnels that the Fallen had built. Slender with large head to accomidate the very large eyes and small statue due to poor diet. This is why they come to the surface in what we call UFO’s to collect DNA for prolonging their existance. They are total subterrInian dwellers from the days of Noah. The Fallen also built the Megaliths that were carves with such precision we can’t even do it today.
Atlantis was created by a fallen one called Posidon and his Son Atlas was next t-o rule and Atlas’s family retained leadership there until the Great Catalysm 11,600 years ago and it was destroyed. Long and short their soldiers went to war with Athens to conqueor and sequester the people , but, the Army of Athens defeated the Atlantian Army dispacted to sudue Atens and when word got back to Atlantis they powered up one of their most powerful weapons which used crystal and it expolded destroying Atlantis forever. So to answer your question No we are not a second Atlantis as we are not led by the Fallen Angels rather mortal men and women.
In conclusion , Posidon was one of the Fallen and his 10 sons which were 5 sets of twins were Nephilim of old also as many Nephilim of ancient times were octen recognised as the Hero’s of old before the Great Flood . The Fallen who fathered children of women on earth were condemed to be enchained in Hell until Judgement Day. So Gabriel caused all the Nephilim to make war on each other until almost everyone was killed who was a Nephilim and the remaing few were drowned in the Great Flood and a very small number as in less than 5 were taken into the earth to hide behind rock and metal doors until the waters were gone. Now only the Fallen who never mated with daughters of men are left and the humans taken beneath the earth that we refer to as Grays today.
The explosive disappearance of a
Atlantis might have been a reference to the eruption of the Volcanic Center Island. Now Atlas had a numerous and honorable family, and his eldest branch always retained the kingdom, which the eldest son handed on to his eldest for many generations; and they had such an amount of wealth as was never before possessed by kings and potentates, and is not likely ever to be again,
And, beginning from the sea, they dug a canal three hundred feet in width and one hundred feet in depth, and fifty stadia in length, which they carried through to the outermost zone, making a passage from the sea up to this, which became a harbor, and leaving an opening sufficient to enable the largest vessels to find ingress.
So here is Atlantis as described by Plato had Three Rings of Water , Two Rings of Land and a center island which had a mountain or volcano at the very center.
It did although it wasn’t a continent it was on the northwesten western edge of Africa and was destroyed in a volcanic catastrophy. Its on the Google earth maps I showed all along with the largest ancient river based on Satalite imagery in western Africa runining next to it. Posidon wasn’t a God but a Fallen Angel and had a mate who was a woman of earth who had 5 sets of twins . The eldest was Atlas.
Atlantis held sway in the other direction over the country within the Pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia (Italy).
And, beginning from the water they dug a canal three hundred feet in width and one hundred feet in depth, and fifty stadia in length, which they carried through to the outermost zone, making a passage from the sea up to this.
The largest of the zones into which a passage was cut from the sea was three stadia in breadth, and the zone of land which came next of equal breadth; but the next two, as well the zone of water as of land, were two stadia. The island in which the palace was situated had a diameter of five stadia. also see where ancient rivers were in North Africa. You’ll see one of the largest intersected this location for Atlantis. Also note distance to the Sea from Atlantis 544 Km. Athenian unit being equal to about 607 feet (185 m). A mile is 5,280 feet; therefore, a mile would equal 8.69 = 1 stadia
Atlantis . If you look closely T the satillite photos you’ll notice the color white which is vast quantities of salt dried up over time and is still collected there today. It also boarders on the largest river ever to have existed on earth in photo 3. A perfect place for a large city since at the time it was a fertile plain with many animals and a wide variety of edible plants. Elephants were also very plentaful. Where our errors occur today is looking for a Lost Continent in the Ocean which is a complete mistranslation of what Plato was told by Eygptian Prienst. The Spink was but by suvivors of Atlantis and had the head of a lion until thousands of years later Ra had the face of his son carved where the Lions face once existed.
Here is the Eye of the Sahara along with an artist renederring on what Atlantis looked like based on Plato’s description. Its no coinncidence they match almost exactly ,but, know that the cataclysm removed even the bedrock and of course the metal covering on the rings. It ended 11,600 years ago and survivors went to Eygpt , Italy, Spain , South America, North America and other part of Europe. In fact , in the Temple of Horus in Eygpt is inscribed information about Atlantis and the Atlantians built the Sphinx and the chamber beneath it to hide detail information about Atlantis.
Yes and later I will get into how Atlantis was actually destroyed and why in India there is an area that today is still highly radioactive from an ancient event then we will dig into some of the mysteries of the Anunnaki, Ra ,Posidon , and Gilgemesh , Atlas and many hero ‘s of the old days. Lots of history no one know so tonight and tomorrow I will take you down the biggest rabbit hole you have ever experienced in your life. You will have to sit back and give it some real consideration. a Remember , everything hidden will be made known and historically this is a whopper.
I have posted about this off and on for 2-3 months and this video supports everything about this being Atlantis in NW Africa where Atlantis was destroyed 11,600 years ago and the Sphinx built during that time and the secrets from the survivors are under the Sphinx and on the Temple of Horus walls. Posidon was a Fallen Angel and Atlas a Nephilim. And the poor mother of Atlas had 5 sets of twin boys that would have been giants. So this also supports this is in fact, Atlantis. There main mining was Gold , copper and iron and Atlantis is the richest city to ever exist and that will ever exist and in a day was destroyed. For all you treasure hunters I give you where to look as its b not where you think it would be and hopefully an archeologist would like to take this on and discover artifacts that areike nothing ever to be found before and the military also as the weapons they had make ours look like BB guns. All that is hidden will be made know by your Lord God the Almighty “I AM “.
EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
1 day ago
In response Johnny ⭐⭐⭐ to his Publication
"The Law of One" material said there was a Great War
in the Days of Atlantis between the Sons of Light and
the Sons of Dark. Their weapons caused large Earth Changes.
Last of Atlantis sunk into the Ocean around 9,000 B.C.
No One Special @godrus
So perhaps the bloodlust and cannibalism in the Caribbean and Mexico was from that part of them? They managed to make it to Central America and Mexico. Then went further west and hit New Zealand,
I believe that. If you find Robert Sepehr on youtube, he goes into some depth about it.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
Yes, some did make it there to meet Mayan and Aztecs. Old man with a a white beard remember their description ?
Bratty ONE @brattyone
will or does this connect to project Taramar to which G. Maxwell has been linked to? imo i have read anazing things that they mapped certain areas of the kxean that will rise above water and become land masses. these areas sold as they plotted out the ocean floor and sold amongst the elites. can you speak to this idea?
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
No, as this was the ancient Atlantis given to Plato by Egyptians during Plato’s time. In fact, the Sphinx was made by this race of people that escaped and under the Sphinx is the records of this event. Africa in those days was a very fertile grassland and forest with enourmius rivers in it and the Sahara wasn’t a desert but full of life with hippo’s, elephants , Lions, Tigers , all sort of grazing animals and preditors.
I know a lot about pre flood ansd post flood acienebt civiliations as well as the Annanaki who were also Fallen Angels . They possesed the knowledge of the universe at that time.
The map above is not the NASA map. It does show the largest river to once have flowed on the NW Corner of Africa and 11,600 years ago was wet and fertile land and around Atlantis was a large plainland or praireland where there were marches and hundreds of thousands of grazing animals and the entire Sahara was not a desert as today. a Very rich forested area with abundant life.
It was full of life and was a grassland like the wheat belt in the US and where I show Atlantis to be had the largest river in the world at the time. But, the Sahara had forest too and abundant wild lice gazelles, Elephants, Lion , Leopards, Ox and many many more along with marshes and lakes. It was everything but a desert then.
It wasn’t a continent but just a place with established trade with Eygpt and Italy. It was Eygptians Traders that told Socrates about it. They being Atlantis built the Sphink .
In 1927, a quartz skull was found during the excavation of Mayan remains. As carbon test could not be carried out, the age of this skull could not be determined. However, it was believed that such a perfect cut could only be achieved by a highly developed civilization. The Crystal Skull is still in the British Museum in London, These were taught to the ancient inhabitants of the Mayan culture by a slender old white haired and bearded man who was caucasion. who came and taught then left in his ship alone. Many theories abound as to who or what this man was or came from . It really doesn’t matter as he taught them astronomy, physics, Herbal medicine mathmatics and a written language as well anong many other more advanced knowledge . I wonder about the blood sacrafices and drinking of blood as that was done in Atlantas too.
The true location of Atlantis and this was made 3 weeks ago and the CIA flew flights over this area in 1967 to measure geomagnetic properties that although Declassified all information about this are is blocked out. They know what it is and that it had weapons that would make ours look like a firecracker.
Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa - YouTube
Bizarre Declassified CIA files on The Eye of The Sahara (The Richat Structure) - The Lost City of Atlantis, hidden in plain sight?Peru Tour: August 9th-18th ...
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
19 hours ago
In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication
Well the Annanaki were very technically advanced ,but, were not aliens rather the Fallen One of God Kingdom who had all the knowledge of the universe. They enslaved humanity in Sumaria to do all the labor for them like mining for gold. Just like the angels of Our Lord they are not bound by space and time as for them the past, present and future were all assesable. They knew that gold would help them build an Empire on earth and had nothing to do with a planet called Nubiru and saving their planet.
Many left in time as they were only thrown out of Heaven for rebelling against Gid and into the universe. I’m certain in the entire universe they found planets that were equally as pleasant as earth and they also took human women as wives.
They return even to this day and now to fight the Angels of our Lord as a Spiritual Battles is occurring now. They did not create humanity as God did not Fallen Ones. If there are more specific detail you want just ask.
No , actually they’ve been around since time began and I didn’t date any pictures as photography in the sense of time has been around only a tiny flash of this time. I can take the statement by you as you just don’t believe they are seen or photographed and that is your choice. I do hope your a believer in Christ and were Baptized as the day of Rapture draws closer each day. Again, your choice not mine.
Thank you I have researched this alot and 11,600 years ago it was a fertile plain like where we grow wheat in America bd a volcanic cataclysm destroyed Atlantis and survivors mDe it to Eygpt and South America and North America plus part of Spain and Italy.,
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
Just give God thanks , and not me. The day is so close now that all have had the opporitunity to read 500+ the Additional Holy Books or listen to many as God is so Merciful he doesn’t want too, not bring one human home if you believe and are Baptised in the water as an Adult (Important do not miss this one) . The time of the Great Rapture of the body of Christ is close and there is little time left to repent and be Baptised in the water as written in John 3:5 as spoken by Chist. Also believe John 3: 16-21 and doing both you will be Rapture by Our Lord and never even know death. I have only done a small part for God in returning his Words to humanity which he exposed by unhidding what was hidden in the tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem in 2017-2018.
Chris Brown @chrissydog63
Bright Insight has some really good videos on YouTube about the Richat Structure. Some excellent overviews of what Africa looked like at the time.
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
I`m familiar with that, this might be interesting as well
Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa - YouTube
Plato’s Description of Atlantis “ Timaeus “
Ancient Code History of the Anunnami
Tablet 1 by Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 2 of Enki of the Anunnakitranslated by Zecharia Sitchinhttps://youtu.be/x-gzcO4D-wU
Tablet 3 of Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 4 of Enki of the Anunnami
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 5 by Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 6 by Enki of the Anubnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 7 of Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 8 of Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 9 by Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 10 of Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 11 of Enki of the Anunnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 12 of Enki of the Anubnaki
translated by Zecharia Sitchin
Tablet 13 of Enki of the Anunnaki
Translated by Zecharia Sitchin
The Book of Toth was an Ancient PapRus manuscript supposibly used by the Gods Osirus being the main one . It was hidden in the Nile inside several Boxes within boxes.
Again, read this with discernent as the Eygptians believed in magic and other non Godly things. But, just understand how it ties into Eygpt and the earlier Atlantis.
The Book of Thoth
If you get board tonight, here is a condensed written interpretation by Sitchen on the writtings by the Anunnaki in the 14 Tablets of Enki.
But, Remember Satan is the Great Deciever and he claimed Gods work for himself as did the Fallen Ones. So if you read this please use reasoning and descernmebt as Lucifer is the father of Deciet and Lies. Remember, God created Adam and Eve and every living thing and things of the earth. These are nothing but the souless Fallen Ones and their deception so use caution here. I will later explain the Book of Lagaeth and the Gebofal being the lock. The Loagaeth contains 49 Cryptic Puzzeles which are 49 Leafs and there size are 49x49 and a square grid. Plus 96 Grids where there are 117,649 talisment letters. When God created earth he spoke 49 Speeches from the Book of Logaeth. We will discuss this more after showing you the truths about other things.
I understand and its a lot to absorb andI know this too. The aerial footage of this area where Atlantis did exist is to much a coincidence not to be one and the same. In most descriptions as in the Bible translations were made in error such as being a single contentient. Even the measurements of distance were incorrect as ther are 5 different ones for the lenght, or distance called Stadia. So Plato’s account given to him by an Eygltian priest are hard to determine much from them. Same as continent, Ocean or sea and so on. 11,600 years ago many words were diffrent just think about how meanings have changed in 100 year of present day.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
3 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Enochian if you know how to translate their written words .
It says “ Repent the time of Christ Approaches.
EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
2 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
I also read on Restored Republic Update that the 7 Trumpets
will be 7 Emergency Alert Messages.
Do you believe that ?
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
2 hours ago
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
not in the Biblical sense but on this plain yes it could be 7 emergency alerts as most of the men are men of God and 7 is a Holy number to our Lord. As is 777 Holy to representing God. 7 days in a week, 7 trumpets and many times in the Holy Bible.
Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things.
Overview. Highly spiritual Angle Number.
777 is the Sign of getting Divine Guidance. That indicates Its time to get rewards for your efforts. Angel numbers can mean different things. However, if you are seeing the angel number often and often then you should be happy.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
7 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
So to refer back to a strand of double helix DNA or a strand od RNA are made up of Quadrillions if not sextilliuns of atoms in a single strand of RNA . So to destroy it using a frequency plus intensity of that very narrow frequency you have to see it vibrate and basically disintergrate. Thats what we are working on now. If a DNA double helix is no longer of the original DNA of your body it also vibrates at a very slight difference from your healthy DNA if a virus mutated your DNA in any way it can be specifically destroyed or that part corrupted only. In Cancer it would have to be done on localised areas since killing all mutated DNA or the parts that are corrupted would lead to cell death and possibly hemoraging to death. So very isolated ares would be treated art a time.
0 3 2 0
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
7 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
What is the smallest thing you can see with an electron microscope ?
With an electron microscope you can see atoms. This is what an atomic structure looks like. Those stone-looking objects are atoms.
Currently, the smallest thing that can be seen using a microscope is about the size of an atom. Anything smaller is below the current limit of resolution of the electron microscope, although the microscopic scale is likely to encompass even smaller objects as the technology of electron microscopes becomes more advanced. We know there are objects smaller than atoms, but they cannot be seen by microscopes. Scientists must turn to other tools to study these objects, including particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.
Atoms of hydrogen below.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
7 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
So anyone that tells you we haven’t been able to find the CV19 virus is not informed in Sciences yet.
A virus , A virus particle is made up of genetic material housed inside a protein shell, or capsid. The genetic material, or genome, of a virus may consist of single-stranded or double-stranded DNA or RNA and may be linear or circular in form.
Virus sizes vary , but, Most viruses vary in diameter from 20 nanometres (nm; 0.0000008 inch) to 250–400 nm. The largest viruses measure about 500 nm in diameter and are about 700–1,000 nm in length.
Viruses dangers : When some disease-causing viruses enter host cells, they start making new copies of themselves, often outpacing the immune system’s production of protective antibodies. Rapid virus production can result in cell death and spread of the virus to nearby cells. Some viruses replicate themselves by integrating into the host cell genome, which can lead to chronic illness or malignant transformation and cancer.
continued next post…
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Utsava Prophecy to his Publication
No on some of the points which has not happened. Here is the sequence of events that will come cultivating into the STORM and all civilians in the US are protected and will not be harmed. This has been meticuolously planned and the Military Intelligence already know all the election results in every county and State. It was a Military Sting Operation and you do not get by the US Military and those who assisted in fraud are all already known. Global arrest have been occurring and more flights to just GITMO in 30 days than the year. See MonkyWrex videos. The Plan :
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
4 days ago
Angels of Our Lord Glow with Light in their Angelic form from being in the presence of God, just as Moses did when he saw only the back of God and glowed for many weeks and had to wear a covering.
This video shows many Real Angels of Out Lord and two that are not of God. You watch it and you decide. The Fallen can no longer fly as God took their wings when he cast them out of Heaven. Its and interesting video and the one over Miami is an Angel of the Lord and not photoshopped as I checked it using Fotoforensics and its authentic.
EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Are the Fallen Angels E.T.'s or Inter-Dimensional Beings ?
How do the Draco Reptilians from Orion fit into the picture ?
I heard the Greys are the slaves of the Draco.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
First look at a statue or painting of Moloch does he not look reptikian ? He does as the rest do too. Orion was a name suggested by man due to alignment of the pyramids to Orion and they are in the Universe or were up until recently so to speak. The Greys are slaves of the Fallen on earth and 10’ of thousand of years living subterrainian they’cve adapted to a none light dimly lite encviroment. They were taken down there with the wives of the fallen to do work right before the rain begain. They built these ancient tunnels and bases found in destroying newer ones. One in Anartica is over 1 million years old and can only be reached by sub.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 777
The meaning of multiple number sevens such as 777 and 7777 is derived from it being a reinforcement of perfection and God's unmistakable hand in the affairs of man. While many examples in the Bible exist, this article will review its role in prophecy, the perfect worship of God, and his complete correction of unrepentant sinners.
Multiple sevens (777, 7777) were involved in Israel's victory at Jericho. It was the first battle God's people waged, west of the Jordan River, to possess their inheritance in the Promised Land.
Seven Levitical priests, on the seventh day they and others circled Jericho, blew their seven trumpets each of the seven times they journeyed around the city (Joshua 6:4, 15 - 16). When the seventh circuit ended, the people shouted at Jericho's wall and it miraculously came tumbling down! The Israelites then decimated all human and animal life within the city except for Rahab and her family (Joshua 6:21 - 25).
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
777 is God bumber and 666 is Satans number what are you not getting its in the Holy Bible.
That was a nightmare to see that evil being .
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
Yes, an Archangel does not look like other Angels either , so your correct there too.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
Yes, Lucifer was an ArchAngel and can emmit light and is the only fallen one that can do that. so you are correct.
Kim Donaldson @kimdonaldson07
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
satan can transform himself into anything, & as the bible says, including an angel of light...he appeared to me in a dream a couple of years ago & i vsn assure you, he doesn't look like a lizard, a goat, a horned devil, or anything monstrous
Auntie_M 369 @auntie_m
12 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
I was 40 when I was baptized.
After 40 years, the naturalness of Moses, which was not fit for God’s use, was ground out of him; he truly saw God’s faithfulness, almightiness and sovereignty, and that nothing is impossible for God. Moses lived in the wilderness for neither several days nor a couple of years, but for as long as 40 years. Though we don’t know how he made it through those years, there is no doubt that God had always led and helped him. Through such trials and refinements, Moses saw the hand and deeds of God, and thus developed true faith in Him, and had the courage to accept the commission of God and face the powerful army of the Pharaoh.
Only in difficult environments will we truly look unto God and rely on Him, see His wisdom and almightiness, and have true knowledge of Him. 🙏❤️
Angie Mac @angiemac
12 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
NASA is an antichrist. I honestly don’t believe anything they put out there. Nasa=Nazi - trying to “lessen” God’s creation. Sun worshippers (worship the creation, not the Creator) would love for us to believe we are a ball of chaos spinning around the sun (their god).When Juan O Savin said that- it made complete sense.
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TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
12 hours ago
In response Johnny ⭐⭐⭐ to his Publication
I agree that they were to be Sealed to the End times which I believe we are very close. The cideo was very good and I did watch it. But, returning all the Lost Holy Books excluding the Book of Jubilees amount to 777 Holy Books total and most Bibles today have 66-72 Holy Books ,but, God is merciful and wanted all to have a chance to listen or read them. This work for me started in 2017 and continues today as the rest found in the tunneks being scrolls or tablets are being translated now. But, if you believe what is written in John 3: 16-21 and Beaptism as an adult spoken by Christ in John 3:5 you will see the Kingdom of God and never have to face death at the 1st Rapture of the bofy of Christ.
In response Johnny ⭐⭐⭐ to his Publication
We are near the end now and I believe thats why God inspired me to begin researching this 2-3 months ago. The true is exactly as stated it is in NW Africa and according to NASA imaging the largest river in the world flowed by this location during the time prior to 11,600 years ago. See photos below…..
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
14 hours ago
In response CynM *** to her Publication
They were all destroyed ,but, prior to the Great Flood the daughter of men and slave of the Fallen were taken beneath the earth by the Fallen to protected tunnels and cities and again women of men had mated with the fallen and made more Nephilim. Then again they roamed the earth.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
14 hours ago
Demons are not the Fallen rather all the spirits of the Nephilim who were killed. They are an abomination to God. All Fallen Ones who mated with women of earth are enchained in Hell until Judgement Day.
2 Peter : 2: 4
2 Peter 2:4
“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;” So Posidon , Who made Atlantis and claimed to be a God but was a Fallen Angel is enchained in Hell until Judgement Day.
Numbers 13:31-33
31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak , Decendents of ( Anannaki ) come from the Nephilim.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
19 hours ago
In response xxxx xxxxxxx to his Publication
Then read the Lost Holy Books available today and the are over 500+ translated now with the rest being translated now and total 777 and this number is Holy in itself. Please enjoy these 500+ Holy Books and 380 + Audiobookks and I suggest to start with Enoch first, the Wisdom of Solomon, Book of Adam and Eve and then the 6 Books of 6000 years. Also read the 66-$2 Holy Books in most all Bibles today.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
17 hours ago
Prophesy of Enoch - The Second Coming
Understand why God has given back the Holy Books removed by man in this season in time. All Spiritual beings are not confined by time. You have been given what God wants you to know today in the Lost Holy Books and the time is now here where you either Believe in Christ fully and be Baptized as an Adult knowengly what it means and its significance. If you were Christened that is Not Baptism in the water. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must believe what is written about Christ in John 3: 16-21 and be Baptised as it is written in John 3:5 as Jesus Christ was 29 years old when he was Baptised by John the Baptist .Little time left for all and God being merciful gave all the relative Lost Holy Books back so you will not be left behind to have to go through the Tribulation for 7 years as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have began their ride already.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
They are worshipping a Fallen Angel not a alien or a God a fallen Angel who may be a Prince in Hell. Nothing more just look at the dpictions of him and he sure looks reptilian to me.
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EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
All those worshiping the God Moloch are really
doing it to a Draco Reptilian.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
Yes, just look at Moloch statues they are bow reptilian as a curse by God. Just like the one in the Garden curse to crawl on its stomach for all time.
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EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
To be clear are you saying the Draco Reptilians
are the Fallen Angels ?
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
5 hours ago
In response Chonita Nigus to his Publication
He is Restoring humanity free from the slavery of debt created by the very Weathy Elite Globally that have taken advantage of humanity for over 3,500 years. The 13 Elite Families are of the bloodline of Cain and Lucifer and even having very large painting of him in the entrances to their Mansion or Castles. The Tribulation hasn’t started in it entirety although the 4 horsemen of the Apocalyse are riding now. Remember, all who are of the body of Christ will be Raptured by Christ and never face the Angel of Death. This occurs before the Great 7 Year Tribulation where many will want to die but death is taken away so they suffer. There will be a 2nd Rapture towards the end of the Tribulation and those who did not take the Mark of the Beast if they believe and were Baptised will go with Christ in the final Rapture before Armeggedion the last battle on earth in the valley of Magog. So it is written and so shall it be. Amen
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Chonita Nigus @chonita
6 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Is God crying for us during this time because we have been deceived and a lot of truth has been kept hidden from us? Or are you saying this because you believe we will be going through the tribulation?
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TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
5 hours ago
In response Janet DuPre to her Publication
Amen in Christ Most Holy Name.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
6 hours ago
God knows many have lost loved ones and know that they hurt no more. The Fallen Ones and their Minion the Illuminati unleashed a virus first then a vaccine but using MSM they sought to stoke fear so all would rush out and get the vaxx and many did and many have died. But, know some still may die but God has seen to it this vaccine will be destroyed in your body. And it will be available after the corruption is removed. But, know thats why God is crying for the living having to go through this entire mass of events. God does only cry for the liviving.
God Only Cries
Diamond Rio
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
6 hours ago
In response Chonita Nigus to his Publication
God absolutly will win and God only cries for you who are living through this time. But, know soon a beautiful day will dawn for all humanity world wide and its happening now , today. What is to come will be known as the Golden Age of Humanity where his children finally grew up spiritually.
Chonita Nigus @chonita
6 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
This reminds me of the first video you shared that I saw. The guy from Seal team 9 who had abilities. He basically said there is only one outcome and that the bad people are going to lose! They even know they are going to lose! I was rejoicing because I knew that meant God won/wins!
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
6 hours ago
In response Generica Persona to her Publication
Yes all are about to see the bloosoms bloom from Gods Plan for all humanity . Its happening now even if you can’t see it.
Generica Persona @akalaurel
6 hours ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Sit tight, you are about to witness His plan
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
6 hours ago
I have a dream that one day The Glory of the Lord will be seen by all people and ever mountain made lower, and ever crooked road made straight and the rough rocks on the path will be made smooth.
You are about to see this occur today right before your eyes as God will make his Glory known to all. Be prepared , for the day of the Lord and those who had a dream of Freedom, Equality and Justice for all. You chose to be here for this time and season long before you were ever born. We are approaching our “Promised Land” as the entire population of humanity on earth will see it happen. The hands of God are moving now in all things and to be clear all of the events occurring today are Gods Plans, not mans or the Fallen Ones. God does Prevail in this time and season.
IT WILL BE BIBLICAL and all will see. And that is by no means just a catchy slogan, its real Have FAITH in your Father in Heaven. And Happy Father Day.
Yes, I said earlier all should read all religous text like the Book of Mormon, the Quran all Hebrew test and any others as the motre you learn you’ll find out all are connected in many ways. All religions formed around the worship of God ,but, not Pagan ones they worship falses Gods as in plural as there is only one who all worship that goes by many names and since no one knows the true name of God I prefer the Almighty “ I AM “.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
22 hours ago
Your Father in Heaven on Judgement Day will cry if he has to cast any of his children on earth into eternal Hell as you would if it were your child. God will always love you even if you sin as he gave humanity his son knowing he would be sacraficied as the Lamb of God for all of humanities sins past , present and future and all you have to do is ask though Christ to God in the Holy name of Christ and you will be forgiven. Its that simple even as a theif said to Christ on the cross being sacraficed next to Christ the thief said :
I believe in you and that you are Gods Son. Christ reponded immediatly and said today I will meet you in Paradise. And right then and there the 1st man was saved by the blood of God lamb. I can only say Praise God and Thank You Christ Our True Messiah for deliverance from our sins and I’m sorry you suffered so much for humanitys souls to be forgiven so they could be saved from Eternal damnation and know Heaven awaits all. In Christ Most Holy Name I pray. Amen
We will pick up again in the morning. Remember , God is moving in both Heaven and Earth now , don’t wait to long to believe all written in John 3:16-21 and be Baptised as an adult as Christ said in John 3:5 .
See and read both scriptures attached below.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
1 day ago
In response Weinerdog WWG1WGA to her Publication
Yes very valuable in those days and today. That why all our pennies are zink now coated in copper.
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Weinerdog WWG1WGA @kdoner12
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
So how valuable is copper? I know Gold and Silver are wildly under valued. But I have a gut feeling copper may be under valued as well??
No One Special @godrus
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Yes the Chachapoya
EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
1 day ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
I noticed you shared a post with photos of
JFK Jr. and Carolyn as they look then and now.
The one of Jr. is NOT him.
It's his half brother named Vincent Fusca.
Another son of JFK.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
2 days ago
In response Have Faith to her Publication
Angels love to take the form of birds since they fly and are free and as I said all birds except Vulchers. But, certain species tend to be host often as mentioned before.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
2 days ago
In response Have Faith to her Publication
Yes, there are billions on earth and do take human form very often along with Red Birds, Blue Birds, Blue Jays , Doves Nd most all birds except vulchers.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
6 minutes ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Back when JFK Jr had George Magazine.
1: Indictment Day, Will Hillary get busted ?
2:Bill Gates talks about world Domination ?
3: Survival Guide to the future ?
4:Good News Lives Forever
5:Can politically inncorrect Bill Maher make it in Big Time ?
6: Significant of Mount Rushmore
Future proves past , get it yet ? that Q post spoke of future events with 100% accurracy.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
In response Angie Mac to her Publication
I understand and its a lot to absorb andI know this too. The aerial footage of this area where Atlantis did exist is to much a coincidence not to be one and the same. In most descriptions as in the Bible translations were made in error such as being a single contentient. Even the measurements of distance were incorrect as ther are 5 different ones for the lenght, or distance called Stadia. So Plato’s account given to him by an Eygltian priest are hard to determine much from them. Same as continent, Ocean or sea and so on. 11,600 years ago many words were diffrent just think about how meanings have changed in 100 year of present day.
1 hour ago
In response judith Kennison to her Publication
Enki and Enlil were jealous of his brothers . So the city in India and the one in NW Africa called Atlantis were destroyed.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
3 hours ago
The Real Atlantis destroyed be Enki . Founded by Posidon a Fallen One and ruled by his sons. A few eacaped to what is known as Eygpt today they made many of the Fallen Ones their Gods. But, when there wasn’t much there they collected slaves and built the Sphinx along with designs for the Great Pyramids.,The escapes also set in place worship of the Fallen as Gods of Eygpt such as the Male Gods:
Osiris, Aker, Amun ,Anhur, Aten, Atum, Bennu, Geb, Hapi, Horus, Khepri, Khnum, Khonsu, Maashes, Montu, Nefertum ,Nemty, Neper, Petah, Set , Shu, Sobek, Sopdu , Thoth, Wadj-wer,
Female Gods:Amunet, Anuket, Bastet , Bat, Hathor , Heqet, Hesat ,Imentet, Isis, Maat , Menhit, Mut, Neith , Nekhbet, Nyphthys, Nepit,Nut, Pakhet, Renenutet, Satet, Sekhmet, Tefnut, Wadjet, Wosret.
Male and Female Gods
Anubus/Anput, Heh, Kek , Nun , Ra ,Tatenin
8 Photos included.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
53 minutes ago
In response The Mac to his Publication
Atlantis had a crystal Direct Energy Weapon ( DEW) that could fire and mirror off an object in space and destroy any city on earth. So this was the reason Enki got scared and used 2 of the 5 nuckear weapons they brought to earth. Annialating Atlantis and the City in India ( Does anyone know where that city once was on todays maps of India. It still highly radioactive and dangerous for any kife) ? .
So Atlantis in NW Africa and Rajasthan in India were suppose to be destroyed in 6000 BCE and Archeologist have dated the explosion in India to 8000 years old and most likely older around 12,000 years old. That would corrispond to the estimated date the Sphinx was built from symurvivors of Atlantis.
N216XX144 Qxsquare @hollandfrog
20 minutes ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
Mohenjodaro and Harappa.
Rajasthan: Evidence of Ancient Atomic Explosion
Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous.
A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, .
The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region.
A Historian Comments
Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that "Indian sacred writings" are full of such descriptions.
Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.
"It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
31 minutes ago
8,000 Year Old Indian City Irradiated by Atomic Blast.
The are in India that was hit by a Huge Nuclear blast. Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent.
“A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe… An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor… It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river.” 2 photos continued next post.
Giant Unexplained Crater Near Bombay
Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Bombay. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater, located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity.
No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world's only known "impact" crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.
Supporting evidence
Four main categories of supporting evidence are claimed and presented in varying degrees of detail.
Supporting evidence
Four main categories of supporting evidence are claimed and presented in varying degrees of detail.
Anomalously young radiocarbon dates in north-central North America. Example: the Gainey site in Michigan. [Other map sites include Thedford & Zander, Ont.; Potts, NY; Shoop, Penn.; Alton, Ind.; Taylor, Il.; Butler & Leavitt, Mich.; and far to the north Grant Lake, Nunavut; and in the far southwest Baker, N.M. - TWC]
Physical evidence of particle bombardment. Example: chert artifacts with high densities of particle-entrance wounds
Anomalous uranium and plutonium abundance ratios in the affected area
Tree-ring and marine sediment data
The authors claim that the burst of radiation from a nearby supernova, circa 12,500 years ago, not only reset radiocarbon clocks but also heated the planet's atmosphere, melted ice sheets.
Vernon Nielsen @vernonnielsen
45 seconds ago
In response TheStormIsUponUs Now to his Publication
its all in the maha burata, mahabarata? stories of nuclear fall out and people washing themselves in rivers, the Vimanas etc.
TheStormIsUponUs Now @stormis_us
58 minutes ago
In response The Mac to his Publication
So this is an Advanced DEW and Communications tower and the pryramids were amplifier for the radio wave. But, the Tower of Babylon schematics here look like an energy power plant too. Very very interesting find my friend, indeed.
Cancel Request
Manu SeiniCecilia Talalotu · 1d ·
... #Tartaria #Mudflood ... #FlatEarthDome #Firmament .. God sits at the Top 7th Heaven This is History... in Plain Sight ..yet with all the deception AND STILL.. TRUTH remains .. Do you see ?? It all resembles the same concept ..
#TruthResonates ...
( #Isaiah 40:22 )
“It is he that SITTETH upon the CIRCLE of the EARTH, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that STRETCHETH out the HEAVEN(S) as a CURTAIN, and SPREADETH them out as a TENT to dwell in:”
Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans
Rhen Carberry
I typed out some important information regarding Atlantis/Lemuria, from a book called Telos, Volume 1, Aurelia Louise Jones.
Beloveds, if you are reading this now, know in your hearts that your former brothers and sisters of Lemueria never left you.
Mount Shasta, CA, is the home of many present day Lemurians who are survivors of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago.
They are still here in physical, immortalzed bodies, living life in an unlimited fifth dimensional reality inside inner Earth.
Other dimensions exist around them, but those living on the surface of Earth (as in you and I), do not yet possess a consciousness evolved enough to perceive them.
Prior to the sinking of their continent, the ancient Lemurians were fully aware of the eventual destiny of their beloved land and used their mastery of energy, crystals, and sound vibrations to hollow out a vast underground city with the intention of preserving their culture, their treasures, and their records of ancient Earth history.
This section of history has been lost to humanity since the sinking of Atlantis.
Lemueria was once a vast continent, larger than North America, connected to parts of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington states.
This large continent disappeared over night into the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago during a vast cataclysm. All inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria their motherland and there was much grieving on the Earth when it was lost.
Approximately 25,000 Lemurians were able to migrate to the interior of Mount Shasta, CA, along with the most important of their various administration centers prior to the sinking of the Motherland.
The Lemurian Age stretched from approximately 4,500,000 BC to about 12,000 years ago. Until the sinking of the continents of Lemuaria, and later of Atlantis, there were seven major continents on this planet.
The lands belong to the gigantic continent of Lemuria now under the Pacific Ocean include Hawaii, the Easter Islands, the Fiji Islands, Australia and New Zealand.
The continent also encompassed lands in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar. The eastern coast of Lemueria extended to California and part of British Columbia in Canada.
As a result of wars, great devastation took place on Lemuria and Atlantis. 25,000 years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria, the two highest civilizations of the time, battled each other over the direction of other civilations on the planet.
The Lemurians believed that less evolved cultures should be left alone to continue their Evolution at their own pace, in accordance to their own understanding.
The Atlantians believed the less evolved cultures should be controlled by the two more evolved civilations. The dissension caused a series of thermo-nuclear wars between them. When the wars were over and the dust had settled, there were no winners.
Earth is in the process of shifting to the 5th Dimension, where they are eagerly waiting to reunite with us.