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Children of The Matrix - 17 - Inicio

Serving the dragon - the future

Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.
Adolf Hitler

The Sumer Empire was the start, or rather re-start, of the Anunnaki takeover of Planet Earth, and the period we are living through today is designed to see its completion. If we take a deep breath and refocus our eyes, the human predicament could hardly be clearer.


For the few to control the many, decisions affecting the many must be made by the few.


This demands the constant centralization of power over all aspects of life. And if you wish to control the entire planet, as the Anunnaki-Illuminati do, the major decisions must be made at a global level. Now look at what has been happening throughout these thousands of years since the last cataclysm. First there was Sumer -a centralized empire controlled by the same bloodlines. When that dismantled amid the squabbles of the "gods", this empire collapsed into its individual parts and, for a time, decision-making was decentralized.


But the Anunnaki covert empire, which then began, has manipulated the world once more to the brink global dictatorship. In fact, in most areas of our lives, that is already the case. As the bloodlines and their influence expanded, especially from the Near and Middle East, tribes have been brought together into nations; the nations are being brought together into power blocs like the European Union; and the final stage, which we are now seeing unfold, is to bring the power blocs together under a world government, central bank, currency, and army.


Game, set, and match to the shapeshifters -unless we awake from our hypnotic state. All this is not by accident, but by coldly calculated design and the structure they are planning to introduce can be seen in Figure 41. Without it, the centralized control of the world by the Anunnaki would not be possible. Try controlling from the centre if the key decisions affecting countries and communities are being made by those who actually live there and care for the freedom of their fellow citizens.




Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati (1990 Interview)

“Who And What Kind of Family Are Allied with The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines?


The Illuminati Seeks to Capture the Occult Power of Powerful Occult Bloodlines Around the World."

Author Of Bloodlines of The Illuminati Is Interviewed About His Book That Exposes the Aristocratic Illuminati Families That Want You Gone!

Fritz Artz Springmeier, Is an American Author Who Has Written Several Books About the Global Elite Who Belong to Satanic Bloodlines Are Conspiring to Dominate the World.


He Has Described His Goal As "Exposing the New World Order Agenda. Springmeier Has Written and Self-published Several Books Based on The Subject of The Bloodline of The Illuminati and Their Use of Mind Control. He Has Also Endorsed the Existence of Project Monarch, A CIA Mind Control Project.

📖 Read Bloodlines Of Illuminati By Fritz Springmeier, HERE 

🔗 Video on Rumble 

Santos Bonacci on Jesuits, Black Nobility Bloodlines and Flat Earth

Posted on June 17, 2018 by UponTheFaceOfTheWaters


I am pleased & honored to present this book to those in the world who love the truth. This is a book for lovers of the Truth. This is a book for those who are already familiar with my past writings. An Illuminati Grand Master once said that the world is a stage and we are all actors. Of course this was not an original thought, but it certainly is a way of describing the Illuminati view of how the world works. The people of the world are an audience to which the Illuminati entertain with propaganda. Just one of the thousands of recent examples of this type of acting done for the public was President Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union address. The speech was designed to push all of the warm fuzzy buttons of his listening audience that he could. All the green lights for acceptance were systematically pushed by the President’s speech with the help of a controlled congressional audience.

The truth on the other hand doesn’t always tickle the ear and warm the ego of its listeners. The light of truth in this book will be too bright for some people who will want to return to the safe comfort of their darkness. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I deal with real facts, not theory. Some of the people I write about, I have met. Some of the people I expose are alive and very dangerous. The darkness has never liked the light. Yet, many of the secrets of the Illuminati are locked up tightly simply because secrecy is a way of life. It is such a way of life, that they resent the Carroll Quigleys and the James H. Billingtons who want to tell real historical facts rather than doctored up stories and myths. I have been an intense student of history since I could read, and I am deeply committed to the facts of history rather than the cover stories the public is fed to manipulate them. I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II.

Being a follower of Christ does not mean we should fear. Perfect love for Almighty God casts out our fear for the situation He has place us in. Don’t think for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the major and minor political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information flow, they control the process of creating money and finally they control Christendom. (However, God controls the hearts of His people.) I have provided information on how to respond in some of my other writings. This book will not tell you how to deal with the Illuminati families. This volume is simply the first of two volumes which is published to give an overview of what the Illuminati is. In short the Illuminati are generational Satanic bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as "Satan’s elite."

This book is not written to cause fear. It is not written to provide names for a witch hunt. It is not written to provide another theory. This book is not about a theory. It is about the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world. When brought together, the facts of this book will begin to speak for themselves without me. I don’t ask that you take my word. Investigate for yourself. God Himself has told us that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. Some people after they have read my material have gone out into their own geographic area and seen for themselves that a small group of people control their nation and the world from behind the scenes. They have seen for themselves the power that secret societies exercise from behind the scenes.

This book will not be error free. There will be typos, and misspelled names, and errors of various kinds. The author is not God Almighty. I do not have every hair on these people’s heads counted. This book has not been put out with the luxury of ghost writers, editors, a paid staff of researchers and a large budget. I look at many trivial projects which the elite are able to pour millions of dollars into, and I look at the research I do when at times I’ve not had a dime to photocopy some document I want. There is so much for me to communicate about the Illuminati, who they are, what their rituals are like, and how they control the world that it has taken several years of writing to begin to give people a fully cohesive picture. Finally, after a number of requests that I assemble my writings exposing the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines, I have taken the time to put it all together in a book with a comprehensive index. History is important. In order to know where we are going, we need to know where we have been. To control the past is to control the present. The Illuminati’s control over the entire learning process from cradle to grave gives them great ability to shape our frames of references. Jesus spoke about historical things. Paul reminded people of historical things. Josephus wrote a history of the nation of Israel.

Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking. These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence. I began my research when I began to get first hand reports from very informed people that an elite group did rule the world. My research into Satan’s hierarchy went fast because of my skills as a researcher and because I knew from the beginning from my informants about the reality of what I was investigating. My investigation into the Illuminati, led me to read and pray about thousands of books. The quantity of books, newspapers, magazines and manuscripts and papers which were read to get me to where I am today numbers in the many thousands. I do not know how many nights I stayed up studying and finally collapsed into sleep with blurred red eyes.

I do know that I was driven enough in my study that I often would not stop until my eyes and mind could go no further. Men and women with sharp intellects like Edith Star Miller (author of Occult Theocracy) and Alexander Hislop (author of The Two Babylons) have tried to research the occult world and the connections between the different groups. I first read Hislop’s book in 1981. His book shows that there is a continuity between the ancient occultism of the Mystery Religions and modern day religion. Edith Star Miller’s Occult Theocracy was very helpful for me to rapidly see some of the many hidden historical and operational connections between occult groups today. Finally, the book Holy Blood. Holy Grail and its first sequel The Messianic Legacy gave me a deep insightful look into the 13th bloodline. But my understanding has been lifted by countless other investigators, who are worthy of praise because they dared to challenge the power structure to get to the real facts. In mockery and imitation of God’s 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines.

One of these bloodlines was the Ishmaeli bloodline from which a special elite line developed alchemy, assassination techniques, and other occult practices. One bloodline was Egyptian/Celtic/Druidic from which Druidism was developed. One bloodline was in the orient and developed oriental magic. One lineage was from Canaan and the Canaanites. It had the name Astarte, then Astorga, then Ashdor, and then Astor. The tribe of Dan was used as a Judas Iscariot type seed. The royalty of the tribe of Dan have descended down through history as a powerful Satanic bloodline. The 13th or final blood line was copied after God’s royal lineage of Jesus. This was the Satanic House of David with their blood which they believe is not only from the House of David but also from the lineage of Jesus, who they claim had a wife and children. The 13th Satanic bloodline was instilled with the direct seed of Satan so that they would not only carry Christ’s blood--but also the blood of his "brother" Lucifer.

One of the bloodlines goes back to Babylon and are descendent from Nimrod. Down through the years the occult world has remained hidden from the history books. (Publishing and education have been controlled privileges.) They have ruled behind the scenes. The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body. The Mystery Religions in turn ruled the masses and the political leaders. When I first began investigating the Illuminati a clear picture developed that the history books were doctored, and that great power was concentrated in the hands of oligarchies around the world. But who were these powerful people? I have been repeatedly asked, "If there is a conspiracy who are the conspirators?" That is what this book is about. The history books are full of information about the elites and the masses. Interestingly, upon very close scrutiny and examination the investigator finds that the elite have perpetuated their power for centuries, and have worked hand in glove with other elites to control the masses.

When seen in better light, wars between kings no longer appear as wars between elite factions, but contrived wars to control the masses by their greedy elite masters. But who are these people? The answer may not be the answer some might expect, because power comes in many shapes and sizes. Power doesn’t have to have high visibility to be active. In fact, due to the evil dark nature of these evil bloodlines they have traditionally tried to remain secret. I am indebted to people who have stepped out of the generational Satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati and who have given their lives to Christ for many of the tips which got my investigations on the right track. This book tells what many witnesses of generational Satanism would like to tell, but are too intimidated to tell. Witnesses like Tom Collins, and John Todd, and David Hill have tried to testify what they themselves saw--they each were destroyed. But the truth will not die with Tom Collins or David Hill. The truth did not go out of fashion just because John Todd was framed and dishonored by the Illuminati’s henchmen. Several people from different places have confirmed that there are 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Further, several ex-Illuminati people have confirmed my list of 13 families.

It is possible that my list is off on a name or two, but if it might be off, it can not be off much, if any. I believe the facts speak for themselves. As you study these bloodlines you will also see how powerful they are. David Hill, who was investigating the Illuminati, lost his life because he had been close to the inside as a high ranking Freemason who worked for the Mafia. I received David Hill’s research manuscript two years after I had begun reporting on the 13 families. David Hill had done what I had originally done. He had asked questions and began to dig into who pulled the strings in this country. Both David and I discovered the names of some of the more obvious powerful families. For instance, in David’s notes he writes, "Yes, it is a fact: the Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses and other super rich Illuminated families generally get along quite well with Communists, who supposedly want to take away the wealth of these men and give it to the people.

However, this is only double talk designed to bolster the superstructure of delusion that Communists are the enemies of all Capitalists. But Communists, like the super rich families, are not the enemies of MONOPOLY CAPITALISM: they are the foes of FREE ENTERPRISE." (Untitled manuscript of David Hill, p. 215.)

My research had already entered another dimension beyond David Hill’s, because people trying to escape being part of the Illuminati had given me the 13 family names. But each round of validation I have received is a pleasant encouragement that others have seen the same things. It was a pleasant surprise to see that this researcher had singled out some of the same families as I had. Some of the allied families if not all of them probably have intermarried somewhere with one of these bloodlines. Because this book is a collection of things which I have written over the years allow me to review what was written. In 1991, I first self-published my Be Wise As Serpents manuscript which exposed the top 13 families. In 1992, I began my newsletter to continue exposing the Illuminati, and came out with some monographs exposing the Monarch Mind Control program and the Illuminati Plans/methods to create earthquakes. From the mid-Dec. ‘92 newsletter up to the most recent ones in 1995, I have ran feature articles exposing the different top 13 families. This book is a collection of things, I, Fritz Springmeier, wrote between 1991 and 1995 about the top 13 families.


Besides feature articles about the top 13 families, I have also written articles about the Illuminati in general. When I went to assemble what I had written on the 13 families, I realized that much of what I’d said was in the content of articles about the Illuminati in general. I made the decision to use the approximately 250 pages I’d written specifically about the 13 families as Book #1, and what I had written in general about the families, which was also 200 plus pages as Book #2. Volume two will explain how the Illuminati control the world, and what some of their beliefs are, and about their secret and semi-secret organizations. The two books will provide perhaps the most in-depth complete picture of the 13 top Illuminati families that has been done to date. In fact, I know of no other book which is devoted to exposing the top 13 Illuminati families. In Volume two, you will read about Illuminati life, Illuminati control, and Illuminati organizations including the ACL, the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, MI-6, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, the Pilgrim Society, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power, and other groups. These two books will give the details behind what was written, "the whole world lieth in wickedness" and that the god of this world is in its full reality Satan.


Grace and peace be with you,

Fritz Springmeier,

Feb. 10, 1995

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I am pleased & honored to present this book to those in the world who love the truth. This is a book for lovers of the Truth. This is a book for those who are already familiar with my past writings. An Illuminati Grand Master once said that the world is a stage and we are all actors. Of course this was not an original thought, but it certainly is a way of describing the Illuminati view of how the world works. The people of the world are an audience to which the Illuminati entertain with propaganda. Just one of the thousands of recent examples of this type of acting done for the public was President Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union address. The speech was designed to push all of the warm fuzzy buttons of his listening audience that he could. All the green lights for acceptance were systematically pushed by the President’s speech with the help of a controlled congressional audience.

The truth on the other hand doesn’t always tickle the ear and warm the ego of its listeners. The light of truth in this book will be too bright for some people who will want to return to the safe comfort of their darkness. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I deal with real facts, not theory. Some of the people I write about, I have met. Some of the people I expose are alive and very dangerous. The darkness has never liked the light. Yet, many of the secrets of the Illuminati are locked up tightly simply because secrecy is a way of life. It is such a way of life, that they resent the Carroll Quigleys and the James H. Billingtons who want to tell real historical facts rather than doctored up stories and myths. I have been an intense student of history since I could read, and I am deeply committed to the facts of history rather than the cover stories the public is fed to manipulate them. I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II.

Being a follower of Christ does not mean we should fear. Perfect love for Almighty God casts out our fear for the situation He has place us in. Don’t think for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the major and minor political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information flow, they control the process of creating money and finally they control Christendom. (However, God controls the hearts of His people.) I have provided information on how to respond in some of my other writings. This book will not tell you how to deal with the Illuminati families. This volume is simply the first of two volumes which is published to give an overview of what the Illuminati is. In short the Illuminati are generational Satanic bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as "Satan’s elite."

This book is not written to cause fear. It is not written to provide names for a witch hunt. It is not written to provide another theory. This book is not about a theory. It is about the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world. When brought together, the facts of this book will begin to speak for themselves without me. I don’t ask that you take my word. Investigate for yourself. God Himself has told us that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. Some people after they have read my material have gone out into their own geographic area and seen for themselves that a small group of people control their nation and the world from behind the scenes. They have seen for themselves the power that secret societies exercise from behind the scenes.

This book will not be error free. There will be typos, and misspelled names, and errors of various kinds. The author is not God Almighty. I do not have every hair on these people’s heads counted. This book has not been put out with the luxury of ghost writers, editors, a paid staff of researchers and a large budget. I look at many trivial projects which the elite are able to pour millions of dollars into, and I look at the research I do when at times I’ve not had a dime to photocopy some document I want. There is so much for me to communicate about the Illuminati, who they are, what their rituals are like, and how they control the world that it has taken several years of writing to begin to give people a fully cohesive picture. Finally, after a number of requests that I assemble my writings exposing the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines, I have taken the time to put it all together in a book with a comprehensive index. History is important. In order to know where we are going, we need to know where we have been. To control the past is to control the present. The Illuminati’s control over the entire learning process from cradle to grave gives them great ability to shape our frames of references. Jesus spoke about historical things. Paul reminded people of historical things. Josephus wrote a history of the nation of Israel.

Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking. These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence. I began my research when I began to get first hand reports from very informed people that an elite group did rule the world. My research into Satan’s hierarchy went fast because of my skills as a researcher and because I knew from the beginning from my informants about the reality of what I was investigating. My investigation into the Illuminati, led me to read and pray about thousands of books. The quantity of books, newspapers, magazines and manuscripts and papers which were read to get me to where I am today numbers in the many thousands. I do not know how many nights I stayed up studying and finally collapsed into sleep with blurred red eyes.

I do know that I was driven enough in my study that I often would not stop until my eyes and mind could go no further. Men and women with sharp intellects like Edith Star Miller (author of Occult Theocracy) and Alexander Hislop (author of The Two Babylons) have tried to research the occult world and the connections between the different groups. I first read Hislop’s book in 1981. His book shows that there is a continuity between the ancient occultism of the Mystery Religions and modern day religion. Edith Star Miller’s Occult Theocracy was very helpful for me to rapidly see some of the many hidden historical and operational connections between occult groups today. Finally, the book Holy Blood. Holy Grail and its first sequel The Messianic Legacy gave me a deep insightful look into the 13th bloodline. But my understanding has been lifted by countless other investigators, who are worthy of praise because they dared to challenge the power structure to get to the real facts. In mockery and imitation of God’s 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines.

One of these bloodlines was the Ishmaeli bloodline from which a special elite line developed alchemy, assassination techniques, and other occult practices. One bloodline was Egyptian/Celtic/Druidic from which Druidism was developed. One bloodline was in the orient and developed oriental magic. One lineage was from Canaan and the Canaanites. It had the name Astarte, then Astorga, then Ashdor, and then Astor. The tribe of Dan was used as a Judas Iscariot type seed. The royalty of the tribe of Dan have descended down through history as a powerful Satanic bloodline. The 13th or final blood line was copied after God’s royal lineage of Jesus. This was the Satanic House of David with their blood which they believe is not only from the House of David but also from the lineage of Jesus, who they claim had a wife and children. The 13th Satanic bloodline was instilled with the direct seed of Satan so that they would not only carry Christ’s blood--but also the blood of his "brother" Lucifer.

One of the bloodlines goes back to Babylon and are descendent from Nimrod. Down through the years the occult world has remained hidden from the history books. (Publishing and education have been controlled privileges.) They have ruled behind the scenes. The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body. The Mystery Religions in turn ruled the masses and the political leaders. When I first began investigating the Illuminati a clear picture developed that the history books were doctored, and that great power was concentrated in the hands of oligarchies around the world. But who were these powerful people? I have been repeatedly asked, "If there is a conspiracy who are the conspirators?" That is what this book is about. The history books are full of information about the elites and the masses. Interestingly, upon very close scrutiny and examination the investigator finds that the elite have perpetuated their power for centuries, and have worked hand in glove with other elites to control the masses.

When seen in better light, wars between kings no longer appear as wars between elite factions, but contrived wars to control the masses by their greedy elite masters. But who are these people? The answer may not be the answer some might expect, because power comes in many shapes and sizes. Power doesn’t have to have high visibility to be active. In fact, due to the evil dark nature of these evil bloodlines they have traditionally tried to remain secret. I am indebted to people who have stepped out of the generational Satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati and who have given their lives to Christ for many of the tips which got my investigations on the right track. This book tells what many witnesses of generational Satanism would like to tell, but are too intimidated to tell. Witnesses like Tom Collins, and John Todd, and David Hill have tried to testify what they themselves saw--they each were destroyed. But the truth will not die with Tom Collins or David Hill. The truth did not go out of fashion just because John Todd was framed and dishonored by the Illuminati’s henchmen. Several people from different places have confirmed that there are 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Further, several ex-Illuminati people have confirmed my list of 13 families.

It is possible that my list is off on a name or two, but if it might be off, it can not be off much, if any. I believe the facts speak for themselves. As you study these bloodlines you will also see how powerful they are. David Hill, who was investigating the Illuminati, lost his life because he had been close to the inside as a high ranking Freemason who worked for the Mafia. I received David Hill’s research manuscript two years after I had begun reporting on the 13 families. David Hill had done what I had originally done. He had asked questions and began to dig into who pulled the strings in this country. Both David and I discovered the names of some of the more obvious powerful families. For instance, in David’s notes he writes, "Yes, it is a fact: the Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses and other super rich Illuminated families generally get along quite well with Communists, who supposedly want to take away the wealth of these men and give it to the people.

However, this is only double talk designed to bolster the superstructure of delusion that Communists are the enemies of all Capitalists. But Communists, like the super rich families, are not the enemies of MONOPOLY CAPITALISM: they are the foes of FREE ENTERPRISE." (Untitled manuscript of David Hill, p. 215.)

My research had already entered another dimension beyond David Hill’s, because people trying to escape being part of the Illuminati had given me the 13 family names. But each round of validation I have received is a pleasant encouragement that others have seen the same things. It was a pleasant surprise to see that this researcher had singled out some of the same families as I had. Some of the allied families if not all of them probably have intermarried somewhere with one of these bloodlines. Because this book is a collection of things which I have written over the years allow me to review what was written. In 1991, I first self-published my Be Wise As Serpents manuscript which exposed the top 13 families. In 1992, I began my newsletter to continue exposing the Illuminati, and came out with some monographs exposing the Monarch Mind Control program and the Illuminati Plans/methods to create earthquakes. From the mid-Dec. ‘92 newsletter up to the most recent ones in 1995, I have ran feature articles exposing the different top 13 families. This book is a collection of things, I, Fritz Springmeier, wrote between 1991 and 1995 about the top 13 families.


Besides feature articles about the top 13 families, I have also written articles about the Illuminati in general. When I went to assemble what I had written on the 13 families, I realized that much of what I’d said was in the content of articles about the Illuminati in general. I made the decision to use the approximately 250 pages I’d written specifically about the 13 families as Book #1, and what I had written in general about the families, which was also 200 plus pages as Book #2. Volume two will explain how the Illuminati control the world, and what some of their beliefs are, and about their secret and semi-secret organizations. The two books will provide perhaps the most in-depth complete picture of the 13 top Illuminati families that has been done to date. In fact, I know of no other book which is devoted to exposing the top 13 Illuminati families. In Volume two, you will read about Illuminati life, Illuminati control, and Illuminati organizations including the ACL, the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, MI-6, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, the Pilgrim Society, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power, and other groups. These two books will give the details behind what was written, "the whole world lieth in wickedness" and that the god of this world is in its full reality Satan.


Grace and peace be with you,

Fritz Springmeier,

Feb. 10, 1995


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2nd Feature Article - THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE.

This bloodline is harder to track because it weaves in and out of the other 12 bloodlines. There are many surnames which are part of this bloodline (Including the Smith family), however I can give one very prominent one, the Sinclair family.

2nd Feature Article - THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE.

The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. This bloodline believes that it has both the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood (or seed) of Satan in its bloodline. In my Be Wise As Serpents book, I make reference to this bloodline but I never really took the time to explain it completely. In fact I don’t fully understand this bloodline myself. I encourage those who want to learn more about this bloodline to study the following books:

  • Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Lincoln, Leigh & Balgent 

  • The Messianic Legacy

  • The Temple & the Lodge

  • Crusaders of the Grail by J.R. Church

  • The Anti-Christ King--Juan Carlos by Dr. Charles R. Taylor

This bloodline is so extensive in its many branches that its membership takes in many of the Presidents of the United States, including George Hush and George Washington. The reason that I gave the genealogies of the some of the Mormon Presidents to people back in 1991 in my Be Wise As Serpents book is that all of the Mormon Presidents in history, whether RLDS or LDS, trace their blood back to this 13th bloodline. Within the Illuminati rituals, the emphasis of the 13th bloodline is that they are the seed of Satan. As their secret story goes, they are the direct descendents of Jesus' spiritual brother Lucifer. Since the Freeman family and the Rothschild family have members who are also in the 13th bloodline, It is unclear to me how interwoven the "seed of Satan" is.

Some of the earliest attempts to trace the seed of Satan were some books which did extensive research on the Tribe of Dan and the descendents of Cain.

"The Curse of Canaan" is an interesting book along with its mate World Order by Eustice Mullins. One of the books which I looked with difficulty for before finding it, was Gerald Massey’s A Book of the Beginning (Secaucus, NJ: University Books, Inc., 1974.) The book goes in and shows in detail how the inhabitants of the British Isles came originally from Egypt. This is Important because (as this newsletter has always contended) the Druidism of the British Isles was simply a derivative from the Egyptian Satanic witchcraft/magic of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian word Makhaut (clan or family) became the the Irish Maccu and the Maccu of the Donalds (clan of Donalds) now reflected in the name MacDonald. The sacred keepers of the Clan-Stone in Arran, were also known by the family name of Clan-Chattons. Another word for clan is Mack and the Clan-Chattons were also known as Mack-Intosh. Ptah-rekh the name of the Egyptian god Ptah was passed down to us by the Druids adopting the name Patrick, which sounded similar. St. Patricks day then is a Christianized form of a druidic holiday which originally had its origins in Egypt.

The All-Seeing Eye can be found on ancient buildings in ancient Chaldea, in ancient Greece, and in ancient Egypt. The MI-seeing eye represents Osiris. Osiris had debauched revelries (saturualias) celebrated in his honor. The temples in Arabia clear back in the time that Moses had his black father-in-law Jethro used the all-seeing-eye to represent the false satanic trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus of Egypt. This MI-Seeing Eye pops up everywhere the Illuminati has been. In the Winter Palace Square in St. Petersburg, Russia is that Illuminati all-seeing eye on top of a pyramid. You will also see it in the old Mexican Senate Building which is now a museum in Mexico City. You will find this on the back of our one dollar bill, and you will find the all-seeing eye was placed on Ethiopian stamps when they got a communist government in power.

The Illuminati is the continuation of the Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt. And the bloodlines of the Illuminati go back to people who at one time lived in Babylon and Egypt. Just how the House of David (the Satanic one) and the Holy Blood of the 13th family fit in with everything else in history I can’t say. I’m sure It would be a big story to tell If I knew. But I do feel that somehow the 13th Illuminati family does goes back to ancient times. Is this via the Tribe of Dan or via some Druidic bloodline or is it via the Merovingians or is it via all three’ And where do the Guelphs and Black Nobility fit Into this? Whatever the case, the 13th bloodline has amassed a great deal of power and wealth on this planet. The 13th bloodline lacks nothing to bring forth their Anti-Christ who will appear to have all the correct credentials. I would not even be surprised if their Anti-Christ in order to appear real will expose another Anti-Christ. The 13th bloodline has kept its genealogies very secret. I would welcome more Input from informed persons about this bloodline. The tribe of Dan was prophesied to be the black sheep of the nation of Israel which would bite the other tribes of Israel. The tribe of Dan had the snake and the eagle as its two logos. The tribe of Dan left its calling card all over Europe as it migrated west in the names of many places. The tribe of Dan ruled the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire and many others which used the eagle as its logo.

Great Britain is the mother country of Satanism.1 Scotland has long been an occult center. The national symbol of Scotland is the dragon (the snake), and for years the chief of Scotland was called the dragon. The Gaelic language is an important language for Satanism, although English and French are also use extensively by the Illuminati. The planning sessions for world takeover that some ex-Satanists experienced were held in French. The British Royal Family have long been involved with the occult. For more information on this there is a detailed examination of the Royal family and the occult in the book The Prince and the Paranormal -the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family by John Dale (1987).2 They have also been actively involved with Freemasonry. (See the chart.) British MI6 has been a major vehicle for the Satanic hierarchy working behind the secret veil of Freemasonry to control world events.3 British MI6 is the most secret intelligence organization in the world.4 (It is properly known as British Secret Service not to be confused with the U.S. agency by that name but performing a different function entirely.)

The British Royalty have served as important figureheads to British Freemasonry lending credibility and respectability. British Freemasonry has managed to keep itself free of much of the criticism that the other national masonic groups have brought on themselves. However, much of the credibility of British Freemasonry is undeserved. True, British Freemasonry is what it portrays itself to the public for the lower levels. But., the lower level Masons by their dues and activities are unwittingly supporting an organization that is led by Satanists at the top. An example of the subterfuge constantly exercised on the public by Freemasonry is a book purportedly written by a non-Mason entitled The Unlocked Secret Freemasonry Examined. The book portrays itself as an unbiased and complete expose of Freemasonry. The book states unequivocally that the Masonic order called Societas Rosicrucian in Anglia (sic] is only open to Christians and is a "Christian Order." However, Edith Star Miller reprints copies of a number of letters from the chief of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia which show that the English Grand Masonic Lodge, the SRIA, the OTO, and the German illuminati are all working together.5 She briefly explains how she obtained the letters.


Introduction - Part 1 - Part 2

From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us. Formal education through schools, colleges and universities continues the systematic indoctrination where the ’correct’ views and interpretations of science, history and society result in exam passes and the ability to ’get on’ in life. Alternative views and the rejection of establishment education lead to supposedly lesser jobs and a struggle against economic poverty.


Our entire understanding of the world and current affairs is filtered through the mass media, interpreted by journalists and so-called experts. Their views become our views simply because we are not offered any alternatives. To overcome daily problems within society we turn to elected representatives of our community. We give our decision-making abilities to these few people who are increasingly remote, as local council power is removed to national government and ever more to Europe.

Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit. Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have been, according to their own definition, ’successful’ within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care, cultural and sporting events, religion etc.

With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions to promote it. Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our lives, our thoughts and opinions.



The Merovingian Bloodline - Black Nobility

This page has been prepared to provide some type of table of contents to the various items which ‘will be included in this chapter "The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline".

In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many articles, but It hasn’t been singled out very much. Although a great deal has been mitten by this author on this final family, to pull out articles which concentrate on it solely is difficult. After assembling some pages on it, a few words of explanation were still needed.

Allow me to briefly explain those items which were selected:

  • An article on the top family that appeared in Feb. ‘95 newsletter on page 73.

  • An appendix to the Be Wise As Serpents book about the British Royalty. The British Royalty are tied in with the 13th Bloodline.

  • Many of the American political leaders have been related to the British Royalty incl. George Bush and Dan Quayle. A flier from a Christian conference is Included showing who the speakers are.

  • Finally, a little of the genealogical information I assembled on the Mormon leaden is given. This was included in the Be Wise As Serpents book to give people an idea of how the Mormon leadership ties back in with the leading occult bloodlines of the Merovingian dynasty. The chart for LDS President Albert Smith is only about 1/3 typed out. The remainder of Albert Smith’s (as well as other Mormon leaden) genealogical work is in a file in some unknown box at my house.

merugvian bloodlines black nobility chart table list.jpg
merovigian bloodline chart list 3.jpg
merovigian bloodline with crest chart list.jpg



These people earned the title of "Black" nobility from their ruthless lack of scruple. They employed murder, rape, kidnapping, assassination, robbery, and all manner of deceit on a grand scale, brooking no opposition to attaining their objectives. These all have immense wealth. And money is power.

The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century.


(Following a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as "Leo the Khazar". The Medici popes, and Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) were Khazars, as is the present Pope, John Paul II. Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms. According to researcher and author Dr. John Coleman, a "Committee of 300" was established early in the eighteenth century, "although it did not take on its present form until around 1897", (when the China opium trade was legalized)

Documentary proof as to the existence of the Committee of 300 is not forthcoming, and it may be no more than a convenient phrase to describe certain key players.


Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds, Walter Rathenau, writing in the Wiener Press (24 December, 1921) said,

"Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State which they find unreasonable."

Exactly six months after publication, Rathenau was assassinated.

Dr. Coleman’s work opens the door to further studies on named members of the ruling elite, particularly in America. Whereas the English have a long history and are very aware of their ancestry, certain families of "blue-bloods" in the United States that have historic ties with the British through blood and money.

These "noble" families are behind most if not all of the so-called pro-environmental movements that are actually intended to curb the population growth of ALL nations. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of this movement, and are a true part of this conspiracy to destroy industry and take the world back to a New Dark Age.

Most if not all the crowned and uncrowned heads of these dynasties enjoy huge incomes from ground rents. All favor Global 2000 Report to the President that’s calculated to end all industrial progress, and by famine, disease and wars, eliminate the excess population industry supports. All oppose nuclear power that can produce clean cheap electricity, the key to economic development and prosperity in the Third World. They ardently desire a return to the feudal system where they will once again be absolute rulers.

While professing Christianity, the oligarchical families, for the greater part, actually despise it in secret. Masonry provides their religious fulfillment. And without faith, they have no belief in reward or punishment and a world to come. They live for the here and now.

Many of these oligarchies are in the drug and arms trade through well-distanced intermediaries (like so many of the large banks).


Prince Bernhard's House of Orange had its origins in France. ... And the "Spear of Destiny", which is said to have pierced Christ, reside today in the Treasure House, Vienna, awaiting another Holy Roman Emperor (The Rigby Joy of Knowledge Library. History and Culture I, 1977:160; The Holy Roman Empire, Friedrich Heer, p. 284). ...





The "Black Nobility" are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies).


The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.


The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy (among them the infamous de'Medici family).


Venice has remained in their hands ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and today it is felt in every corner of the globe. (Don't forget, our modern banking system originated in Italy.)

In 1204 the oligarchic family parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and from this epoch dates the great building-up of power and pressure until the government became a closed corporation (don't we know this from somewhere?) of the leading Black Nobility families.


More of this can be found in the works of Dr. John Coleman, Black Nobility Unmasked World-wide, 1985; Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992.  COMMITTEE OF 300 PAGE ON THIS WEBSITE CLICK HERE


Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 - 10

u.s. congress, house committee on internal security, reporting on the institute for policy studies (ips) and the pentagon papers. In the spring of 1970, FBI operative William McDermott went to see Richard Best, who at that time was Rand's top security officer, to warn him of the possibility that Ellsberg had removed Vietnam study papers done ...


Occult Forces Behind Nazism - Inicio - Brotherhood of the Snake

The Brotherhood of the Snake relates to the House of Orange monarchy that goes back to the Sumerian gods, the custodial rulers, who mated with human women. This brotherhood is an essential one that revered the reptilian gods. ... House of Rothschild . Thor and the Dragon . Baphomet, as worshipped by Freemasons. Note the pose.

For example, there is the Brotherhood of the Snake. It is important to understand that monarchy goes back to the antediluvian rulers, and much scientific evidence can be found about advanced civilizations in such books as Secrets of the Lost Races, by Rene Noorbergen.


Those that survived the worldwide disaster, both human and non human, brought their teachings into secret societies, and set themselves up to be venerated within them, in order to be given tangible power.


The Brotherhood of the Snake relates to the House of Orange monarchy that goes back to the Sumerian gods, the custodial rulers, who mated with human women. This brotherhood is an essential one that revered the reptilian gods.

The Black Knights trace their origin back to the Knights Templar. The Nazis had one of their manuscripts, which once belonged to the scribes of Israel. It explained that the Hebrew god was El Shaddai, otherwise known as Satan.


This was used as an excuse to kill the Jews. Jesus supposedly told the Teutons in the Roman legion that they were the chosen people, and the Aryan supremacists sought to bring back that status, over the Jews, who also claimed to be the chosen people.


Knights were those who protected the monarchy, such as the House of Orange.


Some will be surprised to know that Tibet was involved in Nazism. Hitler’s spiritual mentor was a Bon priest initiated in Tibet. Kark Hausfofer groomed him as the messiah using Bon precepts.


Bon is the religion before Buddhism, originally having come from Aryan Persians in the fifth century B.C.. It originally came from the worship of the god Mithras, the bull god. Many Tibets fought in Hitler’s armies.


Hitler went to Tibet, and one of his obsessions was occultum, akin to the philosopher’s stone, and this kind of stone can be found only in Tibet.


Occultum can also be found in other substances, however, such as the secretions from the pineal gland when a person, especially with high percentages of reptilian blood, is balanced in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the eye is single, and they are in a high frequency state brought on by advanced methods such as taught in Tibet by the warrior/spiritual teacher class known as lamas.


This benefits the person himself, but also, it can be physically eaten, which is the basis for the Skull and Bones Society, for example.


Hitler was interested in making a bridge between humans and the reptilian and nordic races, creating the arayan superman. Skull and Bones Society came from the German Brotherhood of Death. The cannibalism of the living for the occultum in the skull bone was called the obscene rite. This rite was behind the tears on the eye of Horus.


This is the eye that is in the pyramid on the dollar bill. It represents the third eye, which was visible on reptilians, turned sideways, and a potent weapon. In initiations of the Eye of Horus, the initiates, with the help of the energies of the pyramid, and intense practices for years, were able to fuse the crystalline structures of the hemispheres of the brain.


This is a goal of Tantra yoga, of which there is an Egyptian form.


It can be shown that the brain of men, which are more separated than women’s, can be more joined across the corpus callosum after these practices. The secretions from the pineal gland at those times have formed residue that is found in the sarcophagi to this day. Moses was knowledgeable about this, and took some of it, and the ark of the covenant, to Egypt to pass the knowledge down through secret societies.


Moses was a Levite priest of the Snake.

The Black Sun Society was within the SS, and SS actually also stood for the German word for Black Sun.


It studied the ancient secrets of the goddess as void, the womb from which all things come, and the earth was seen to unfold from the inside out, from the Black Sun inside of it. It can be seen as the center of the earth we are invited to go to in the alchemical formula of V.I.T.R.I.O.L, to find the philosopher’s stone.


The reptilian Elders were also supposed to have manipulated humans within the earth, the land of Thule.


According to Peter Moon, the swastika is synonymous with the Black Sun, or Thule.


Universe of Stone

People will not die for business but only for ideals.

Adolf Hitler

in Mein Kampf

“ST. GERMAIN” AND “Jesus” were not the only messiahs to appear in the 1930’s bearing promises of an imminent Utopia. Another messiah was gaining a large following in Germany. His “Coming” was said to be the beginning of the Millennium. Using one of the Brotherhood’s most important symbols, the swastika, that German Messiah’s name was Adolph Hitler.

Adolph Hitler, of course, was the strutting man with the toothbrush mustache who became absolute dictator of Germany and instigated World War II. Hitler and his entourage would look comical to us today were not the consequences of their lunacy so tragic.

During his young adulthood before rising to power, Hitler lived in Vienna. One of Hitler’s friends during that period was Walter Johannes Stein. During World War II, Dr. Stein became an advisor to England’s Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. Much of what Dr. Stein had to say about Hitler’s early life found its way into a book entitled, Spear of Destiny, by Trevor Ravenscroft.

Spear of Destiny reports that Hitler had become a devotee of mysticism during his poverty-stricken days in Vienna. Between 1909 and 1913, when Hitler was in his early twenties, Hitler was convinced that he had achieved:

... higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs ... [Hitler] made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic, discussing with him [Stein] the whole span of the political, historical and philosophical reading through which he formulated what was later to become the Nazi Weltanshauung [a special concept of human history].1

In his autobiography, Mein Kampf, Hitler affirmed the importance of this period in shaping his ideas.

Hitler did not develop his ideology in a vacuum. One of his most influential mentors was a Viennese bookstore owner named Ernst Pretzsche. Pretzsche was described by Dr. Steinas a malevolent-looking man with a somewhat toad-like appearance. Pretzsche was a devotee of the Germanic mysticism that was preaching the coming of an Aryan superrace. Hitler frequented Pretzsche’s store and pawned books there when he needed money. During those visits, Pretzsche indoctrinated Hitler in Germanic mysticism and successfully encouraged Hitler to use the hallucinogenic drug peyote as a tool for achieving mystical enlightenment.

As it turns out, Pretzsche was associated with a man named Guido von List. Von List was a founding member and leading figure in an occult lodge which used a swastika instead of a cross in its rituals. Before he was disgraced and forced to flee from Vienna, von List had gained a large audience for his Germanic mystical writings. Hitler became a member of that audience through Pretzsche.

Back in his Viennese flophouse room, young Hitler avidly pored through pamphlets and books expounding on the mystical destiny of Germany and the coming of the Aryan superrace. According to some of those tracts, Aryans were created by an extraterrestrial “superrace” of giants. Hitler became an ardent believer in those ideas as he hawked his watercolors on the street to support his meager existence and to pay for his drug-induced enlightenments.

The notion that Hitler was a “druggie” in his youth seeking mystical enlightenment through chemicals should come as no surprise. Drugs were a major factor in shaping the persona of Adolph Hitler. Hitler remained a user of powerful narcotics his entire life. According to the diaries of Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodore Morell, which surfaced in the U.S. National Archives, the German dictator was repeatedly injected with various painkillers, sedatives, strychnine, cocaine, a morphine derivative, and other drugs during the entire four years of World War II.

The mystical philosophy so eagerly adopted by the young Hitler was the same one which had already deeply affected the Kaiser and other German leaders. In fact, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the mystic who had so influenced the Kaiser, years later declared Hitler to be the prophesized German Messiah. On September 25, 1925, the Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, celebrated Chamberlain’s seventieth birthday and declared his work, Foundations of the Twentieth Century, to be “The Gospel of the Nazi Movement.” As we recall, the Kaiser considered the same book to have been sent by God.

Hitler’s road to politics began as a German soldier during World War I. When that war broke out, Hitler enlisted. He remained very concerned about the mystical destiny of Germany and continued to ponder the Aryan question while fighting in the fields. This made him very unpopular with his fellow soldiers, who were more concerned with food, leave, women, and an end to the war which nearly all of them detested. Hitler, on the other hand, flourished in the war-torn environment and distinguished himself as a soldier. He won the highest award a soldier of his rank (corporal) could earn: the Iron Cross, First Class.

About two months after winning the Iron Cross, Hitler was blinded by mustard gas during a battle. He was taken to the Pasewalk military hospital in northern Germany where he was mistakenly diagnosed as suffering from ”psychopathic hysteria.” (The symptoms were probably caused by the mustard gas.) Hitler was consequently placed under the care of a psychiatrist, Dr. Edmund Forster. What exactly was done to Hitler while under Dr. Forster’s care is uncertain because years later, in 1933, Hitler’s secret police, the Gestapo, rounded up all psychiatric records related to Hitler’s treatment and destroyed them. Dr. Forster “committed suicide” in that same year.

The mystery of what was done to Hitler at Pasewalk is deepened by Hitler’s own statements. According to Hitler, he had experienced a “vision” from “another world” while at the hospital. In that vision, Hitler was told that he would need to restore his sight so that he could lead Germany back to glory. Hitler’s latent anti-Semitism, which had already been planted by his mystical readings in Vienna, emerged at Pasewalk.

What did happen at that hospital?


The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor

One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a "black sheep,'' an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth.


The British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Führer's election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain's planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia.

Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.

So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be "reincarnated as a deadly virus'' to help solve the "population problem,'' he is just "doing what comes naturally'' for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy.

To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party.

Before his family was forced into exile, Prince Philip had been in line of succession to the Greek throne, established after a British-run coup against the son of King Ludwig of Bavaria, who became King Otto I of the Hellenes. Having dispatched King Otto in 1862, London ran a talent search for a successor, which resulted in the selection of Prince William, the son of the designated heir and nephew to the Danish king, Crown Prince Christian.


In 1862, Prince William of the Danes was installed as King George I of Greece, and married a granddaughter of Czar Nicholas I in 1866. Prince Philip is a grandson of Queen Victoria, and he is related to most of the current and former crowned heads of Europe, including seven czars.


Children of The Matrix - 17 - Inicio

Serving the dragon - the future

Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.
Adolf Hitler

The Sumer Empire was the start, or rather re-start, of the Anunnaki takeover of Planet Earth, and the period we are living through today is designed to see its completion. If we take a deep breath and refocus our eyes, the human predicament could hardly be clearer.


For the few to control the many, decisions affecting the many must be made by the few.


This demands the constant centralization of power over all aspects of life. And if you wish to control the entire planet, as the Anunnaki-Illuminati do, the major decisions must be made at a global level. Now look at what has been happening throughout these thousands of years since the last cataclysm. First there was Sumer -a centralized empire controlled by the same bloodlines. When that dismantled amid the squabbles of the "gods", this empire collapsed into its individual parts and, for a time, decision-making was decentralized.


But the Anunnaki covert empire, which then began, has manipulated the world once more to the brink global dictatorship. In fact, in most areas of our lives, that is already the case. As the bloodlines and their influence expanded, especially from the Near and Middle East, tribes have been brought together into nations; the nations are being brought together into power blocs like the European Union; and the final stage, which we are now seeing unfold, is to bring the power blocs together under a world government, central bank, currency, and army.


Game, set, and match to the shapeshifters -unless we awake from our hypnotic state. All this is not by accident, but by coldly calculated design and the structure they are planning to introduce can be seen in Figure 41. Without it, the centralized control of the world by the Anunnaki would not be possible. Try controlling from the centre if the key decisions affecting countries and communities are being made by those who actually live there and care for the freedom of their fellow citizens.


Chapter 1.2: Consolidating the Empire

Bank of England, World War I, RIIA and CFR, Opium Trade, First City

The Robots' Rebellion - 05 - Inicio

The House of Orange, like the German royal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodless takeovers of other countries. Another branch of the Brotherhood was set up to put William on the British throne. It was called the Orange Order and this still continues, particularly in Northern Ireland.

The Robots' Rebellion - 07 - Inicio

The aptly named Harold Pratt House at 58 East 68th Street in New York is the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations. It was started with Rockefeller money in 1921. ... Bilderberg meetings were started, yet again with Rockefeller and Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the Netherlands.

The Atlantean Conspiracy - 08

Sir William Hesse. George Schultz. H.G. Wells. Ted Turner. "In the Committee of 300, which has a 150year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled 'new' society only it isn't new, having drawn most of its ideas from the Clubs of Cultus Diabolicus. It strives ...

The Gods Of Eden - 09

The House of Orange-Nassau was a member of that treacherous German clique. The Stuart family, after its hard-won struggle to regain the English throne, fell into the trap. Its marriages into the House of Orange helped bring the Stuart monarchy to a permanent end during the Glorious Revolution of 1688.


The Gods Of Eden - 10 - Inicio

England began entering into subsidy treaties almost immediately after the German takeover of their country by the House of Orange in 1688. As we recall, one of the first things that William and Mary did after taking the English throne was to launch England into war. The German mercenaries were a constant burden to England.


The Parasitical Elite - Defining The Shifting Enemy of The ... - Inicio

William of Orange. the origins of the House of Windsor. Many believe the Parasitical Elite are divine beings of evil origin. How they differ from aliens is a theological distinction that escapes me, but many will defend that argument. It is believed they have come to us or been cast from their place of origin, depending on what holy book or ...


The Federal Reserve Cartel - Inicio

The House of Rothschild The Dutch House of Orange founded the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609 as the world's first central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II's daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William ...


The House of Orange and the Bank of England

Like other enterprises with which the Rothschilds have been connected, the Bank of England has been a center of international intrigue and espionage since its founding in 1694. Although the Rothschilds did not become associated with the Bank until 1812, when Nathan Mayer Rothschild increased his fortune 6500 times by taking advantage of false rumors that somehow swept the London Stock Exchange, purporting that England had lost [to Napoleon] at Waterloo. The Bank of England originated in a revolution, when William III, Prince of Orange, drove King James II from the throne. Since the Bank of England Charter was granted by William in 1694, there has never been another revolt against the Crown. The royal family has been secure because the source of money, crucial to a revolution, has remained under control.

King Charles II had managed to retain a shaky position because of support from the Duke of Buckingham (George Villiers), and others whose first names formed the word "CABAL", introducing a new term for intrigue. His successor, James II, tried to placate the powerful lords of England, but even his longtime supporters, scenting a change of power, began secret negotiations with the Prince of Orange. Wilhelm I, Prince of Orange, had been married several times, to Anne of Saxony, Charlotte de Bourbon, and Princess de Coligny. Today, every ruling house of Europe, as well as those out of power, is a direct descendant of King William, including Queen Juliana of the Netherlands; Margaretha, Queen of Denmark; Olaf V of Norway; Gustaf of Sweden; Constantine of Greece; Prince Rainier of Monaco; and Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, whose son married the daughter of C. Douglas Dillon.

Lord Shrewsbury (Charles Talbot) had been given places by both Charles II and James II; nevertheless, he played a leading role in the revolution. He took 12,000 pounds to Holland to support William in 1688, returned with him, and was made secretary of state. Sidney Godolphin, one of James II's last adherents, joined with the Duke of Sunderland and the Duchess of Portsmouth in correspondence with William prior to his invasion of England, and was appointed head of the treasury by William. Henry Compton, Earl of Northampton, and Bishop of London, had been removed by James II; he signed the invitation to William to come to England; he was reinstated in his see in 1688; his son Francis became Lord Privy Seal.

John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough, had entered into negotiations with the Prince of Orange in Oct. 1687, and expressed his readiness to support him in Aug. 1688. To allay James II's suspicions, Marlborough then signed a renewed oath of fidelity to him Nov. 10, 1688. On Nov. 24, 1688, he joined the forces of William of Orange.


The Coming Fall of The House of Windsor

Membership in the "1001 Club," founded in 1971 by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, consort to Queen Juliana of the House of Orange, is restricted to 1,001 persons at any given time and is by invitation only. All members pay a $10,000 initiation fee which goes toward a $10 million trust to bankroll World Wildlife Fund operations.


They Control Everything! - Illuminati Handbook

House of Windsor House of Orange Science of physics and astronomy UN Security Council US Military Capitalism, fascism, communism, sionism, liberalism, socialism, green politics . Chapter 5. Subject: JFK, Jr., and the »13" - Line Date: 08 Jan 2000 14:51:56 


Who is the leader of the Illuminati - Mr. Checkout
Prince Stefano Massimo is Satan. Stefano means "Crowned" and Massimo translates to "Greatest" Lucifer is associated with Satan and is called the "Son of the morning" Prince Stefano Massimo is the son of Dawn Addams. Dawn is the morning. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is known as the Leviathan in Hebrew mythology and the King of Pergamos.


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Wake Up 2020

For those of you that want to read the Bloodlines from your computers, I have complied parts 1 through 18 into one big PDF. I believe it's 188 pages. If your phone can handle this entire PDF, then feel free to download either way. Please note that all this information comes from George News Youtube channel. You can find all of the video's under playlists/Bloodlines. I'm just trying to do my part in sharing all this information. Links are included within the PDF for each PART. It is important that YOU do some of the research in what is described in this series. All I did was type it out so I can research it more carefully and since doing so, thought it may help out fellow patriots in their search for TRUTH. We are asked to share this so I'm doing just that.

You can download the pdf from here:

Illuminati History thru -1900 - Inicio

I discovered that the House of David had set up a Kingdom in southern France. I discovered this while rummaging through history books on the Middle Ages. I came upon a book (A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France 768-900.) ... The Dutch William of Orange deposed English King James II in the fighting of 1688-91

The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order

THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL . DRAGON COURT AND ORDER . The Egyptian Academy The original fraternity, which was resurrected in the 15 th century to become the Hungarian Court of the Dragon, can first be identified as the Dragon Court of ancient Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu in about 2170 BC. It was later established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the 12 th ...

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