It's 02022020, the first truly international 'Palindrome Day' in 909 years!
Welcome to World #PalindromeDay: 02 02 2020 This is the first time in over 900 years (since 11/11/1111) the date is palindromic no matter the date format. It’s also the 33rd day of the year with 333 days left!
An eight-digit ubiquitous palindrome date will happen only 11 times in the years between 1000 and 9999: #PalindromeDay #GroundhogDay2020
01/01/1010 (1010 years ago)
11/11/1111 (909 years ago)
02/02/2020 (well, today!)
12/12/2121 (in 101 years)
It’ going to be Biblical!
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Core Awakened
· 37m
Replying to @Charitable_Fury @Trumped18 and 8 others
7/ NINE HUNDRED and NINE Years Ago! — 2020-909 = 1111!...11:11!...The SIGNIFICANCE of 11:11!...Why do We KEEP SEEING 11:11?...It’s GONNA be BIBLICAL!#Q #KAG #WWG1WGA #PatriotsAwakened #DarkToLight @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @StormIsUponUs #QAnon
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Trump poll numbers are the highest since election, despite constant phony Witch Hunts! Tens of thousands of people attending rallies (which the Fake News never mentions) to see “The Greatest Show On Earth”. Fun because USA is WINNING AGAIN!
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Olivia Nuzzi
· Jan 31
Something you notice at Trump campaign events is, for his supporters, these are safe spaces where they can relax. They tailgate. They make new friends. The speech is largely besides the point. @RyanLizza observed their joy outside the DSM rally last night:
RT to make sure Speaker Pelosi knows —> the President will be acquitted for life.
Jimmy Falk ShadowBanned
· 50m
Replying to @cjtruth and @Honda
Their need for symbols will be their downfall.
Joe Biden Lectures Black Voter, Pokes Him in the Chest… For Asking Questions (VIDEO) If Joe keeps Poking Voters, he may not have any more supporters at all!
Check this out! It's our own Jay Sekulow, one of President Trump's lead attorneys during the impeachment trial!! Love it!!!!!!
Praying Medic@prayingmedic
· 18h
Going down the rabbit hole with Jay Sekulow & company.
Facts: The United States is 239 years old 13 members of the Senate have spent a total of 434 YEARS in congress RT if you support TERM LIMITS for ALL members of Congress!
Susan Rice forgot to mention that this is the same oligarch who gave the Clinton Foundation a cool $25,000,000, while Hillary’s team denied their association with him.…
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Susan Rice@AmbassadorRice
· Feb 1
Solomon forgot to mention that this is the same oligarch who gave Donald Trump a cool $150,000 through his foundation for a single speech by video in 2015
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
· Feb 1