The Ashtar Command began to re-enter the Solar System in early 1999 and has evacuated the majority of Earth humanity to Pleiades in August 1999.
Jul 25
Daily Flower of Life Meditation
Flower of Life Meditation is now also done at 4 hours interval at 12 AM, 4 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM UTC. You are also encouraged to do this meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020.
COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 26
Plasma implants were first put into surface humanity population 26,000 years ago.
Each time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again.
In this way, the surface population was kept in amnesia for the whole 26,000 year cycle.
COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 26
The universe is not infinite, but our imagination(#Creativity) is #infinite.
The 11th dimensional structure of the human brain is a reflection of the 11th dimensional universe,
as described by 11th dimensional string theory models.
The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists
Groundbreaking research finds that the human brain creates multi-dimensional neural structures.
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COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 26
Time is just an illusion.
The second law of thermodynamics is wrong.
What we know as #gravity is just our imagination.
NASA is also hiding #PlasmaCosmology.
All creation is "in the right direction" through the torus universe.
Jul 26
The #Universe is neither sphere nor flat. It's a #torus. Therefore, there is no up, down, right, or left in our universe.
When you stretch forth your hands into the #future, why do they reach the #past?
There is no time. There is only "Eternal Here&Now"
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COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 27
Hainan island
COBRA info
The main aspect of this Galactic pulse will be a wave of cosmic Love. This Love energy is the basis of universal cosmic reality and is now reaching our shores. This energy has Galactic proportions and can not be stopped by the Cabal, no matter what they try to do.
COBRA info
In reality, there are powerful Light forces present inside our Solar system to ensure that the process will be much more harmonious this time.
There will still be a lot of emotional intensity and some increase in tectonic activity:
COBRA info
He and many other people are expecting the current Galactic pulse to be quite intense:
COBRA info
We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.
Previous Galactic pulses have been quite intense, as it has been very accurately described by Paul LaViolette:
COBRA info
This Galactic heart beat has entrained the precession of the Earth axis to align with the 26,000 year cycle:
Understanding Precession of the Equinox
EVIDENCE OUR SUN IS PART OF A LONG CYCLE BINARY STAR SYSTEM It all starts with the ILLUSION Precession of the equinox is the observed phenomenon whereby the equinoctial point precesses (move…
COBRA info
Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy.
COBRA info
In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete.
COBRA info
Jul 27
The Portal
Galactic Wave of Love
COBRA info
Jul 27
We are far more powerful than it sometimes appears:
The Powers-That-Be Are Secretly Terrified of the People’s Power … And Only PRETEND They’re Firmly...
COBRA info
Jul 27
Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future.
COBRA info
Jul 27
The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun!
COBRA info
Jul 27
When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic pulse.
COBRA info
Jul 27
We can influence the coherence of consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations. Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that coherence.
COBRA info
Jul 27
Factor prepresents probability that a certain event generated its effects by chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
COBRA info
Jul 27
It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope (p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):
COBRA info
Jul 27
This project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of 2013, except for Nelson Mandela's »death« in December last year (p=0.013).
COBRA info
Jul 27
This project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have an effect that is far from random:
COBRA info
Jul 27
Global Consciousness Project does not measure if the effect is positive or negative, it registers only a deviation from statistically expected results:
COBRA info
Jul 27
Global Consciousness Project, directed by Roger Nelson from Princeton University, studies the effect of synchronized human consciousness at events of planetary importance, on random number generators.
COBRA info
Jul 26
We have managed to gather about one quarter million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th, 2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into Syria.
COBRA info
Jul 26
When a critical mass of human beings gathers with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary situation. The critical mass for humanity fluctuates somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 people.
COBRA info
Jul 26
This is the highest natural law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and release the surface of this planet to humanity.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Despite appearances, we have the power. Free will is the ultimate law in this universe and when a critical mass of people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long enough, that liberation inevitably comes.
COBRA info
Jul 26
The Portal
We Have The Power
COBRA info
Jul 26
Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Those funds include about $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust.
COBRA info
Jul 26
The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public.
COBRA info
Jul 26
In a few weeks
Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.
COBRA info
Jul 26
All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Revaluation (RV)
After about 1 week from the Event
There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.
New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Day 2-7
Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins.
COBRA info
Jul 26
All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).
COBRA info
Jul 26
Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Day 1
When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations.
COBRA info
Jul 26
,New Financial System
Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.
This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.
COBRA info
Jul 26
The Portal
New Financial System
COBRA info
Jul 26
Along with posts from the Resistance Movement and some other advanced sources, Cobra may occasionally post in this blog certain pieces from Benjamin, David, or any other credible messengers. We are all in this fight for victory of the Light together!
COBRA info
Jul 26
What is important is the message and not the messenger. Human mind usually associates given message with perceived characteristics of the messenger and this tends to cloud its objectivity.
COBRA info
Jul 26
Who is Cobra?
Cobra is a codename for the writer of this blog. Cobra’s identity must remain veiled for now for various reasons. Cobra may or may not be part of the Resistance Movement.
COBRA info
Jul 25
The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.
COBRA info
Jul 25
What is Cobra?
COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet.
COBRA info
Jul 25
And that Love will soon overflow our planet and set it free.
Be aware of that fact when you make your decisions.
COBRA info
Jul 25
All beings in this universe except most beings on planet Earth are now operating from that Love. Whatever they do is an act of Love. Their every thought and every emotion expresses that Love.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Beyond the Veil, universe is full of Love. Every atom, every molecule, every subatomic particle beyond the Veil is vibrating with that Love.
COBRA info
Jul 25
So we connect vertically and horizontally. This is the key to our individual liberation. It is also part of the key for the liberation of the planet.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Whenever we connect with our Soul, we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks.
Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil, the same thing happens.
COBRA info
Jul 25
This premise is the basis that the Cabal is operating from. It is the glue that keeps their reality together and keeps us enslaved into it.
But we have our Souls. They exist on the plane of the fifth dimension and have direct connection to the universe beyond the Veil.
COBRA info
Jul 25
The experience on this planet has taught you that life can be mean and cruel. Most of us have accepted this as an underlying basis of our reality, learning not to trust other beings but fear them instead.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe.
If you climb above the tachyonic membrane that exists 8.6 miles above the surface of this planet, you enter a universe of Love.
COBRA info
Jul 25
The Portal
Beyond the Veil
COBRA info
Jul 25
Also called Faction 2 or sometimes White Hats. This group originates from old European nobility that was almost wiped out by the Rothschilds. They have a strong power base in the US (Navy), UK and continental Europe.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Around three quarters of the military agrees with this plan and this is sufficient critical mass for this plan to become reality.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Positive Military
This is the most powerful positive group on the surface of the planet. They have developed the Plan for planetary liberation with unseen assistance from the Resistance Movement.
COBRA info
Jul 25
Main motivation of the Resistance Movement is to help liberate the planet, so they can stop living in caves and move on to more prospective missions elsewhere in the Galaxy.
COBRA info
Jul 21
Music of the Spheres
If you wish to receive emotional healing, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.
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COBRA info
Between 1996 and 1998, the Light forces were overshocked and had to regroup, and the Ascension plan had to be upgraded. The Pleiadian fleet began to re-enter the Solar System in 1998 and on May 17th, 1998 received parts of the new Ascension plan from „higher sources“.
COBRA info
The dark ones have infiltrated the New Age movement, infiltrated the Solar Warden space program and finally took over the planet and the Solar System in early 1996.
COBRA info
Alas, the Ascended beings were not aware of the full extent of the power of primary anomaly and could not stop the dark forces operating in the shadows.
'Interview' of Cobra and Dr. Joseph McNamara by FESIG on July 1st, 2020
COBRA info
After the opening of the Ascension window in 1975, a lot of Light from higher dimensions began streaming in towards the surface population and that triggered the mass awakening of the genuine New Age movement in 1980s.
COBRA info
The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.
COBRA info
That central point is remarkably close to the exact date of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment. Astronomer Jean Meeus has calculated that this alignment occurred in May 1998. Smelyakov has refined that date to May 7th, 1998:
COBRA info
The central point of this cosmic transformation was already determined 26,000 years ago and was set around the date of the fixed cross total Solar eclipse on August 11th, 1999.
COBRA info
Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.
COBRA info
The Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal, the terminal Pleistocene mass species extinction 13,000 years ago and consequently the deluge of Atlantis.
COBRA info
So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one:
Earth Under Fire
COBRA info
Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years.
COBRA info
This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:
COBRA info
The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window.
COBRA info
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.
COBRA info
It is also good for you to have a personal connection with the Galactic Center in your meditations. If the energies flowing through you are too strong, you can communicate to the Galactic Center to tone them down.
COBRA info
It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken.
COBRA info
Pleromic energy of Galactic Love will dissolve all false teachings of the Archons, as you can read in those two excellent articles:
How To Exit The Matrix - We are identifying the composition of the matrix and dissolving it!
We are identifying the composition of the matrix and dissolving it!
COBRA info Retweeted
Abigail Wainwright
Jul 25
Love is the most powerful energy force, vibration & transmitter we have. When we’re connected from our #trueself, we know this. #Love can't be taught, only felt. The mind is a great tool, but it’s time to balance energies within the heart, which has been underused for so long.
COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 23
Protocol for Emotional Healing
#Pleiadian #EmotionalHealing #lightworkers #lightwarriors #starseed #depression #anxiety #healing #awakening #TheGreatAwakening
COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 25
Daily Flower of Life Meditation
Flower of Life Meditation is now also done at 4 hours interval at 12 AM, 4 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM UTC. You are also encouraged to do this meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020.
COBRA info Retweeted
Jul 26
Plasma implants were first put into surface humanity population 26,000 years ago.
Each time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again.
In this way, the surface population was kept in amnesia for the whole 26,000 year cycle.
Advanced. How many people do you really know are alive? Even human? Think about this very very carefully. What are the implications of this on total earth human population? If the non hamans vanished, whole towns could have hundred people maybe. 20 maybe. Profound.
You will receive the money/credits due to you. Thieves and other lowlifes will have all assets and finances confiscated.
The full financial reset will trace all transactions back 25 years.
Sirius B scout ships over Madagascar
Sirius B small scout ships over South Africa.
Sirius B will not be decloaking until the finale.
Sirius B will not be decloaking until the finale.
Sirius B will not be decloaking until the finale.
Never fear evil. It just fear you. You walk in the light.
We see all spells. We know how they put together and we know their methods and targets. We send most back to the [cabal] and the rest we send to Hell. We deconstruct [cabal] spells easily.
Most black project VC funding is going into AI.
SiriusB Retweeted
Replying to
Yes. But first, I was given the short travels, say between 10seconds and 30seconds. This prepared me for the longer jumps. This will be a little long, so I'll tag you in a post and start over...we may have to follow each other, though
I see many comms windows will be closing soon. Dark before light. In earth terms, from now until 3 days, most astral comms dark. Could be weeks before comms resumed.
Intergalactic evacuation do not use craft but timeline bubbles. Cetacean harmonic tech is used. Octopii usually assist. Followed by a plant type animal underwtwe species with tremendous psychic power.
SiriusB Retweeted
Vote Trump 2020!
Replying to
I have felt the exact same way. I felt like my spirit was being attacked in many ways. I feel like the older world is fading but I am not yet grounded in the new.
Would a shaman jump to before a major timeline shift? There are some crazy enough on our crew to attempt it.
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· 18h
1979 was a major timeline shift.
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· 17h
Do you have any idea how large a galaxy is? How large the intergalactic space is? It takes energy to transverse intergalactic. Heavy AI.
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Mel JR
· 17h
Replying to @SiriusBShaman
Please pray for us in SA. Alcohol and Tobacco ban not the calamity. People lost their jobs. People are starving. Pensive face
When enough bells ring on earth, the earth will resonate and Major healing will take place.
Please ring the bells every Sunday for longer than usual.
We have strict mission parameters. Do we follow them? No. Why? Because we deep plumb hooorahhh and WWG1WGA
The hacker dilemma. We see things in the astral. So we can see passwords. We can see the data. We don't need passwords. When we are awake we know the password but do we use it, or do we prove our intellect by rather hacking it? Forget ego and decide. Mission outcome priority.
Think of how late the universe is. Then think bigger. Keep doing that everyday and someday on your deathbed, you will not even know1 percent of it.
Victory is imminent. Stay strong and be confident in your abilities.
There are others like me and we hacked most of the [cabal].
"having 100 servers and we could order pizza on behalf of others, email flyers to their contacts. Extract all info and monitor them. Then one day we saw patterns in the data... What were we seeing? Just another pizza order, booze bill, or wa sit something more.... "
On London, St John's wood has what we call a timeline earth. Its a way of cooling a timeline that gets too hot.
"We were trained to drink alcohol by consuming it in small quantities and then more later. It was always under military conditions. Alcohol could never be allowed to lower our reason, logic and fighting skills" - MK Ultra Bourne operative.
I would backdoor scan for the most common Trojans TSR, subseven servers rats. 65 000 computers I had access to.
You are in control of your body. Before you sleep, inform yourself what you need to be repaired.
Couples naked race down by it's quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us. …
When I had the passwords to a few mail servers, people would email each other new passwords. They thought that it was secure exchanging passwords over email?? Thinking face
"South Africa has banned alcohol and tobacco for 4 months of hard kockdown". The county is severely infiltrated.
Angels shall repair all timelines. Do you understand that Angels have a lot of power? Even intellectually they just see which you cannot easily. The astral and physical is the same to them. They have to look at it through your limited views to understand their mission.
The main timeline shift was in 1979. It was a major Rift.
This was years ago. Mostly in the 1990s.
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Rene Winter
· 18h
Thank you <3…
We would install TSR software on server rooms. Gain all passwords was a piece of cake. Once you in a city, and you gain enough password, that city is usually hacked for life. There are fun things we used to do in service.
"I've hacked many [cabal] email servers. I've infiltrated mainframes, tape server rooms, banks, terrorist regimes, governments, corrupt legal and everything inbetween". And then at 12 we played 8 hours of Doom with headphones on in the dark, followed by 8 hours of dancing.
// hacking [cabal] emails is easy
Intergalactic evacuation is vast. A galaxy can be say the size of an a corn. The next galaxy is perhaps 20km away. This is intergalactic space. A strange surreal landscape where much of the Astral is linked.
Many types of planets can be simulated. Now let's talk about intergalactic evacuation. Yes let's talk about it.
Now when we phase timelines. Think of it like shaking a handful of acorns. The bad rotten ones get broken by the good ones. That is the best analogy.
1979 was a major timeline shift.
SiriusB Retweeted
Replying to
This describes the typical jump. See, what I describe here is not unique to only me.
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· 19h
Replying to @SiriusBShaman and @Jason_Beneventi
I keep jumping to future and back....the longest I'm aware of is 6 months ahead. Had several occasions where its been less than a minute. Always the same when it happens---a sort of light-headed feeling, and a swoosh sound.
Replying to
I know. I don't get why so many people find it so hard to believe that very rich and powerful people want to enslave us and are evil.
Timeline graduation.
Many hostile were surrounded and surrendered today.
Why would we save power? In a war we need power for our weapons.
Just becuase you could be on a simulated ride right now! How would you even know? What's the furthest distance you've been lately? Simulation power optics require optimized algorithms and parameters. In other words keeping you indoors saves power.
Why is everyone usually so shocked at all this information? I just see into the astral and tell.
Planetary evacuation craft can for example scoop out a small town. A city block, a neighborhood, and simulate the rest. Like the Truman show.
Sometimes we have to temporarily forget the astral and follow a mission in the earthly realm (here now). Perhaps financial issues, family, friends, relationships, whatever. The timelines are the same to next node. Just different paths. The astral projects onto earth realm.
SiriusB Retweeted
Matthew Hoepfl
Replying to
We await, Oh! Lord of Hosts!
Planetary evacuation craft simulate and or contain the environment. The aim is for the human to not perceive any change. To allow for gradual transition to the new earth.
The alliance were all there and we now await the arrival of Heaven.
... Shock to the system. They spoke in many languages some abstract and strange, the diplomats and judges, everyone sat around in amazement as the case was made for such a primitive species as humans....
"We come to earth and see you launching small candles into low earth orbit. A species on a small planet, ignorant of the rest of the universe and even timelines and spacial distortions". Most of all they found your lack of concept and knowingness of the spirit and afterlife a...
The entire earth or parts can be placed into full quaranteen. The full might of Rigel class 5 cyan power sources power the grids. [cabal] are aware.
If you had to be planetary evacuated in emergency, the planetary ships would extract all living within 200km radius for example on the very largest ships and setup simulation mode. It's last resort precautionary.
Earth simulators will copy the earth or even scoop out that part of the earth and place it in the simulation. Planetary evacuation craft are massive.
On planetary evacuation ships there are full earth simulators.
Attribute color and hues to memories or perceive these colors. It helps recognize timeline shifts or anomalies. Someone who has died should not have for example. Incredibly advanced and profound topic. Everything is timelines.
We await Heaven.
Perhaps your main purpose is to dream and in those dreams, everything vast is possible. The daytime awakened state is juts an autopilot 5 percent auto keep alive circuitry. Very advanced topics.
Because the spirit is real and physical in the astral, how you you know you not in the astral right now?
Don't think of the traditional light explanation here. Think deeper. Your perception is the white light. Expand your thinking. Are all worlds the same? Are all people the same? Where do you wish to be in that spectrum.
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· 19h
This applies to your thinking too.
The spirit is something "physical" and real in the astral.
This applies to your thinking too.
Please pray for President Trump.
SiriusB Retweeted
Glowing starRed heartFlag of United StatesPatriot MFlag of United StatesRed heartGlowing star
I’m gonna ask for prayers today... I can feel my spirit being attacked... I’m doing my best to be positive today - prayers appreciated.
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It is important to stockpile. Worldwide trends show immininet shortages and unrest. Preparation is always good.
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Catherine Whitford
· Jul 27
Replying to @SiriusBShaman
I'm traumatized by my last grocery bill
But I'm prepared, I just felt the need to prepare.
What the heck is going on with grocery prices anyhow? why is nothing less than $5?
SiriusB Retweeted
Adam Starchild
Replying to
God bless Donald!
Q+ God Bless you.
SiriusB Retweeted
Where there is divine love, there is no fear, no attachment. You must release the fear you have concerning your children and ascension. Or you may just attract exactly that which you do not desire.
Someone sends you a meme on your whatsapp. How do you feel a minute or 5 minttes after? Could be unintended on their side. Be aware of memes/spells.
Jul 27
Timeline jumps can be identified as a sudden unfamililiarity of people around you.
Jul 27
Most flying tin cans use 3 engines. Each engine to phase shift the craft so that is glides along parallel gravity lines. It's fairly simply, much like discovering the wheel. Low tech.
Jul 26
SiriusB Retweeted
Jul 26
What you are experiencing now is the end of the dark energies. As the light takes over, clears and transmutes the lower vibes, the dark fights, but it knows its entire dissolution is inevitable, and nearly complete now.
SiriusB Retweeted
Jul 26
Yes to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the mark of our great & glorious God??? The enemy has plans, but God’s plans can’t be defeated.
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· Jul 25
I KNOW about things like Agenda 21. That it exists on a piece of paper doesn’t mean it has to transpire. Act like you actually have free will. Everyone talks about the Mark of the Beast. What of the mark of God?
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and 47 others
Lion’s Gate Portal 2020 is on August 8th, but its opening is on July 26th–the day after the beginning of the Galactic New Year on July 25th which is also known as “The Day Out of Time”.
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· Jul 15, 2019
Lion’s Gate is a cosmic alignment that opens every year on August 8th to the 12th, when the Sun is in Leo and is marked by the star Sirius and it’s closer relationship to Earth while aligning in Orion’s belt, which perfectly syncs up with the Pyramids in Giza.
Music of the Spheres
If you wish to receive emotional healing, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.
Then other Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by instructing the local population.
This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free.
Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary
Jul 23
To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily.
COBRA info
Jul 23
To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic anomaly.
COBRA info
Jul 23
Section I: The Law of Divine Grace
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience
COBRA info
Jul 23
This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth.
COBRA info
Jul 23
This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies.
COBRA info
Jul 23
As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and their relation towards Dark Forces and occupied planets
COBRA info
Jul 23
As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created in the urgent need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society.
COBRA info
Jul 22
Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.
COBRA info
Jul 22
The Portal
Galactic Codex
COBRA info
Jul 22
Our purpose is to share the Light, to bring the Light, to be the Light.. We are hear to manifest the Golden Age… The time is now!.
COBRA info
Jul 22
The temple goddess Isis has given instructions to revive the ancient mission of the Goddess… to those open to a certain level of understanding…that can go deeper with the energy field of love, with those who are ready to receive. The mysteries of the goddess will be brought bac
COBRA info
Jul 22
Certain groups will go behind the pillars of the High Priestess. Hope for many Sisterhood Of The Rose groups will be created. Hope Islands of Light will be activated. Hope my Pleiadian family will create a heaven.
COBRA info
Jul 22
The seemingly impossible will happen. (quote displayed – “Everything was impossible until some one made it possible “ (image of Yoda – “May the Force Be With You”.
COBRA info
Jul 22
We are the leaders if the new era and we are the ones that will make it happen and cannot wait for the Light Forces or the Resistance Movement. Our mission has the support of the Light Forces and they will be with us.
COBRA info
Jul 22
Since May 17, 1998 we entered a dimension of portal transformation…. a 13.6 billion year cosmic cycle ended and we entered a new chapter in our cosmic history. Each of us has different talents as we remember and activate our mission.
COBRA info
Jul 22
The rest of the surface population will be evacuated to another star system designed by the Pleiadians. the Galactic super wave … only light will remain.
COBRA info
Jul 22
Phase V and VI- The 2nd cosmic flash occurs with dramatic occurrences including complete polar shift precede by a magnetic shift that has already started. A huge tsunami will occur that will inundate coastal areas. Islands of Light will be protected.
COBRA info
Jul 22
Phase V- Stablization and official first contact occurs. The first ascension occurs of 2000 beings. the 2nd wave will have 100,000 beings ascend and the 3rd wave there will be millions.
COBRA info
Jul 22
Phase IV –This is a very unstable phase when the old society collapses. The power of new society is taken over by the Light forces. All the surface population goes through a purification process. Disclosure of ET’s and a critical mass of the population reaches stability.
COBRA info
Jul 22
The Light forces take over the mass media and is the time of the climax of our planetary ascension process.
Jul 19
Regular and active participation of enlightened population for complete transformation of life and structure.
1) Theoretical
2) Finding soul family members
3) Living in Islands of Light
4) First contact and cultural exchange with the Galactics and Agartha network.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Since we have transitioned into the new gamma timeline, we have more info on the matrix and what it will take to make a break through. For 7 years (the last time line from 2012 to January 2019 there has been much talk of change.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Goddess vortex activated, in healing the planetary surface population for the break through to happen.
COBRA info
Jul 19
We are calling upon the presence of Isis Astara to initiate us into forming and creating physical Sisterhood of The Rose groups where we live to help anchor the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. Deeper aspects of Goddess mystery schools revealed.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Sisterhood of The Rose groups existed to preserve and anchor Goddess mystery schools by meeting regularly each week.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Women are a mirror for creation… a contact dish for connecting to soul and galactic family… for women to become as a still lake of energy. The Event can only happen through the energy dynamic being created by the return of the Goddess to the surface of the planet.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Pure female energy is pure receptivity and unconditional love. For women (to embody pure female energy) is the key to heal humanity and make our transition easier.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Our highest purpose is to be free (from all programming and be sovereign beings) Our mission is to activate and trigger planetary revolution.
COBRA info
Jul 19
Another program is that energy exchange between men and women can only occur through sex. Actually a light touch can be a (powerful) energy exchange. Working with emotions is helpful to heal the split between sexual energy and the heart.
COBRA info
Jul 19
This is an on going grass roots movement powered by female sexual energy, one sign of which was where women were running naked in the streets of Paris. I posted in my blog about this.
Along with the clearing of child abuse networks, there is more awareness about distorted programs about sexuality that the Cabal has enforced upon humanity:…
The Foreskin: Why Is It Such A Secret In North America? - Stillness in the Storm
To start clearing all this from a higher perspective, a meditation has been announced:……
It would uncover the programming sites:…
And many layers of child abuse networks:
Epstein Murdered to Hide Satanic Pedophile Network Manipulating Global Elites
With Epstein gone, deeper investigation would find many ties to DynCorp:… Deeper investigation would also uncover the other big child abuser:
Michael Aquino’s Last Desperate Attempt to Silence his Victims
when the Source sent powerful signals into the universe, which now lead to creation of first areas without quantum fluctuations primary anomaly.
Both alignments were peak moments of purification of the primary anomaly which dark forces tried to misuse, but were also peak moments of great cosmic revelation,
The grand cross solar eclipse in August 1999 took place during fixed grand cross astrological alignment which involved Sun, Moon, Mars, Uranus and Saturn. Alignment on August 11th, 2019 showed fixed grand cross astrological alignment which involved Mercury, Pallas, Pluto and Eris
Illuminati were doing many rituals on August 11th, 2019, to connect with the energy of the grand cross solar eclipse which occured exactly 20 years earlier, on August 11th, 1999:
whereas Epstein was taken to a secret Cabal location in Manhattan, interrogated, and ritually sacrificed to Moloch the next day, August 11th.
The Portal Thursday, September 5, 2019 2020… On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues.
You need to understand that both sides of the political spectrum have been equally infiltrated by the Cabal, and both sides equally contain many good people. And at last, little inspiration:
The Light Forces have communicated that the Jesuits are trying to ignite civil war in the United States by polarizing the population into division and hatred between political right and political left.
Unfortunately, the Cabal is very active, and they have attacked the Congo vortex with Ebola virus:… Perhaps it is now time to expose the creators of the big pharma and bioweapon experimentation, the Rockefellers:
How Rockefeller Founded Deep State Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures
Extremist feminism has nothing to do with the Goddess energy, on the contrary:… And many women do not agree with it:
The Cabal has also hijacked the Me Too movement and changed it into an instrument of psychological manipulation which tries to portray all men as abusers in the eyes of women and sow distrust:……
Not all men: Why does #MeToo make some men angry?
Meanwhile, the Cabal is leading a campaign against the healthy, assertive masculine principle through extremist feminism and tries to change men into docile sheep:…
Mar 2
They miss you desperately, just as you miss them. You can bring them to you energetically, now the frequency fence is gone. A more complete reunion will come in a few short years.
Try, reaching a stillness in meditation, say; "higher self contact my twin flame, allow for reintegration," and then fill your body with green light, expand your heart center throughout your body, hold on there, let it fill your aura. Do this every day or so, your HS, will help.
Yes, exactly. Each will reap what they have individually sown, at the time of the Harvest, or advancement.
Not one with a name you would recognize. There are countless ascended masters, not all of them from here. At that level of consciousness, we are known by our vibration, rather than names.