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COBRA info@cobrainfo1


Jan 29

The Portal End Time Madness As we are now right before the dawn of the new Golden Age, a strong purification must occur before we as a planet can enter the Light. This purification is called the end time madness.

COBRA info




The soul family connects through their higher self, which is the single factor for planetary liberation. From 2012 to early 2019 was the first phase transition.

As these connections are made and this stabilization made, the Event can happen easier and sooner.

4)Becoming face to face with sexual energies will be hard for most. This has been the most manipulated sphere. A key to stabilization will be to start gathering into soul families, which will ease and stabilize the energy grid.

3) The realization of how much darkness that has existed on our planet. The amount of suffering that has been endured and hidden and covered up.


1) The realization that our entire society and world has been manipulated- through the media, in the financial, economic, governmental and religious systems. 2) The realization that we have been living next to other ET civilizations will shatter belief systems.


When the Event happens many or most will be faced with real issues to deal with that have been in denial to deal with. There are levels of difficulty that the surface population will have to deal with and will be challenging.


It is one thing to sit in front of a computer and write a blog about first contact and another whole story to see a mother ship land right out side your window and interact with them.

The Resistance Movement, after releasing the Entry Protocols have seen now that no one is ready for joining them. Many are not even ready for first contact.


The Event is not a magical potion that will solve all your problems and give you total freedom. A small group of us are ready to breakthrough and gather with our soul families and create bubbles of heaven.


We have a choice of making a breakthrough (whatever form it takes) or listening to our fear and holding back.


If you go to India for a month or if you own your own business, this is a from of making an initial breakthrough. Each time we make a break through, our options increase and our freedom expands. We expand our sphere of availability.


The other option is to break free. In the short term it is hard and difficult, yet in the long term it is rewarding.


One is to stay in the matrix and live “normal” lives as most of the surface population is living. This a convenient way of living but not very healthy. Many are depressed.


Through the sophisticated programming of the Matrix, the Archons have internalized our enslavement within us. We have 2 basic options.



Old energy is Clearing. . . NEW Energy is Entering. . . GREAT Things are Coming. . . Breathe Deeply. . . just BE. ~Pars Photo: Aurora Rainbow Bridge -Alaska by C.J. Kale


The Resistance Movement was given instructions on how to form soul families in 1997. At the time they were not as harmonious. It took 4 to 5 years in doing inner work to transform their society where they now have zero conflict. Pleiadians have asked me to introduce this info.


Beings connected on a soul level is the key to relationship and harmony. This is the norm in societies in the rest of the universe.


Connecting with our soul family is the key to creating a new society. Soul mates are connected by energy and essence and are beings that were created in a similar way, have similar origins, and soul structure.


On January 21st, our meditation was the most successful thing we have created and is s game changer for us. Why this is possible ? This event has gotten the attention of the Cosmic Central Sun and has initiated their response to relieve suffering.


Tachyons can change the form of physical matter. They carry the quantum signature at the basic level of created matter and connect physical matter back with source. Some years ago the Pleiadians worked with me to develop these technologies, including the tachyon healing chamber.


They carry a strong nuclear force that is not susceptible to electromagnetic force or the force of gravity. They carry a source of this Light energy from Source. This new energy is coming to transform the Galactic Central Sun.


The Tachyons carry a strong nuclear force that is not susceptible to electromagnetic force or the force of gravity. They carry a source of this Light energy from Source. This new energy is coming to transform the Galactic Central Sun.


I have been guided by the Pleiadians to develop technologies to help with liberating the planet, one of which is tachyon technology. Tachyons are the first particles created at the time the universe was created and have the most direct connection to Source.


It is not easy to do this… but is is very rewarding…. to become free sovereign individuals. As we do this, we begin to create a breakaway civilization.


The second primary implant also separates the male and female essence inside us. The effects of this is that we are living in a prison, where a very sophisticated prison program exists and controls us. We must make a prison break a and liberate our souls, minds and bodies.

Feb 8

The second primary implant exists 2 or 3 finger widths above the navel, where there is a small indented spot. This implant has the affect of separating males and females and is the basis for the creation of human society, where everything is basically a lie.

Feb 8

Our primary mission is to connect back to the Light that we are, that we have been created from. This is deconstructing the matrix.

Feb 8

The Implant has the effect of giving us a split personality where we are split between our inner soul presence and our artificial personality self. We are in essence schizophrenic. Most of all of our beliefs and conditioning in the matrix are based upon this primary split.

Feb 8

The one implant is in the fore head at the level of the eye brows….one above each of the center of the eyes. This implant has basically disconnected us from Source, from the Light and from our true Soul nature.

Feb 8

There are two primary implants that have conditioned every level of our being from living as we truly are. They are energetic crystal implants that emit strong electromagnetic particles (and are connected energetically to the primary anomaly exists on the surface of the planet)

Feb 8

We must learn what we have been learned and have been taught and deactivate our programming that has occurred for millions of years…. this is deconstructing the matrix. We have been implanted as part of our agreement to incarnate and enter quarantine earth.

Feb 8

As the Matrix is beginning to fall apart:


A Journey Outside The Matrix

Travelling outside the matrix and seeing that we live inside a large AI controlling globe and on top of this globe was a ocean of spiders crawling around was shocking. Seeing that each spider feeds…

Feb 8

There is currently a meditation campaign to bring Light of the Buddhic columns through members of those families to accelerate purification of the planet:……

Feb 8

The light forces have recently started a campaign to expose Black Nobility families. Much intel about those families is gathered here: And here:

Jesuits themselves are a creation of the Farnese family: Very recently, an excerpt from this article about Farnese from my blog: was reposted on Fulford's blog:


Benjamin Fulford: About the Farnese family

Just to pass this information on … You said in your article that the Farnese family are Italian white nobility. This is the information I have: The main Archon black nobility families still worth...

Feb 8

You need to understand that Black Nobility families control at least 80% of the top echelons of human society through so-called Greek fraternities, which are a Jesuit creation:

Feb 8

Another prominent Black Nobility family that is using negative female archetypes against the Goddess energy is the Sforza family:

Feb 7

This group is made of female Illuminati members who use black magic occult rituals against positive Goddess priestesses:

Feb 7

Orsini are controlling Rosicrucians especially through their Rosenberg branch and have created a negative mirror Sisterhood of the Rose and Snake a few centuries ago.

Feb 7

Orsini family is very strongly against the Goddess energy and for this reason they have infiltrated the Rosicrucian movement which was before strongly influenced by the Sisterhood of the Rose and was promoting Goddess mysteries: https://en.

Feb 7

Orisini family has suffered a big defeat in 2010 and certain sources are claiming that Orsini have killed Isis Astara as their revenge for that defeat.

Feb 7

Black Nobility family that is controlling Ljubljana, certain other parts of Slovenia and certain parts of Italy is the Orsini family:


Orsini and Rosenberg Alchemical Crime Society

The Orsini family of Rome, Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and Roseneberg family of Bohemia and Bavaria control Rosicrucianism which is a secret society of alchemists. These families all use th…

Feb 7

Very recently, certain actions are being taken to revive that energy vortex again.

Feb 7

During the last Archon invasion in 1996, Ljubljana was bombed with etheric and plasma nuclear bombs which have collapsed the energy grid in the country completely and have delayed the spiritual progress of the country for decades.

Feb 7

There were certain events of planetary and cosmic importance taking place in Ljubljana in 1995 that must remain classified for now.

Feb 7

There is a certain leyline connecting Vipava valley to Alexandria and at the turn of the 20th century many women from Vipava valley moved to Alexandria to work there. There is a certain occult secret about these women that must not be revealed yet.

Feb 7

Theodosius belonged to Theodosian bloodline that is now known as Theodoli family, one of the main Black Nobility families:


Theodoli Crime Family

The Theodoli family are a powerful bloodline of the Black Nobility involved with the Vatican and Papal States. They intermarried with the...

Feb 6

During our workshop, more specifically between the lunch break on the first day until the lunch break on the second day, plasma activity around the planet has gone wild.…

Feb 6

All instructions for you group meetings are posted here: More than 170 Sisterhood of the Rose groups have been formed until now around the planet

Feb 6

If your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:


Groups | Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network

All types of people are welcome so please gather in Unity. Physical Sisterhood circles contact information.

Feb 6

Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet.

Feb 6

You can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs:…


The Goddess is Alive and Well in Budapest !

               Above and below the surface, in the physical human, in the Elementals, and on the Etheric plane Yes, she comes and shows Herself in many ways here for me…. in the women and men at th…

Feb 6

Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop

Feb 6

Some people are already having indirect contact with the Resistance Movement: This contact will only grow as we come closer and closer to the moment of the Compression Breakthrough.

Feb 6

Tachyon healing chambers are NOT designed to tachionize objects, and people claiming that they can tachionize objects in their Tachyon healing chambers, or people claiming they have designed their own tachyon chambers or are even selling or promoting them, are not telling truth.

Feb 6

Here we need to clear some misconceptions about Tachyon chambers. Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds. There is only one confirmed source that makes Tachyon healing chambers available, and all public chambers are listed here:

Feb 6

Many people are experiencing benefits of Tachyon chambers:


Tachyon Chambers: The Big Upside to Tiny Tachyons - Prepare For Change

Tachyon chambers around the world: Take a look at these things! High energy cosmic rays enter this solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Tachyons have quite beneficial...

COBRA info Retweeted




Jan 31

Lahore, Pakistan

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COBRA info Retweeted


Alien UFO Sightings



Feb 6British 'X-Files' of UFO sightings is going public via



British 'X-Files' of UFO sightings is going public - Alien UFO Sightings

The U.K.’s Ministry of Defense will publish secret UFO reports for the first time. From the early 1950s until 2009, a department in the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) documented and...

sabine @sabientje


Feb 3

The Universe Is Within You You are The Secret For You are Source in Form...♡☆♡☆♡

Schumann Resonances@schumannbot


Feb 6

2020-02-06 17:00UTC

Feb 6

The Light forces are asking everybody to visualize the bright future of the Golden age to speed up and accelerate the process of manifesting it. The Light forces are also asking people to go beyond their mind and contact their Soul.

Feb 6

All these are signs that we are approaching an event of cosmic proportions that will radically change life on this planet. The most accurate plan for this Event is here:

Bubbles of Heaven // The stages of Earths Ascension Explained

Planet Earth is currently in and moving through a planetary phase called Ascension. Details of Ascension and what it will look like for those of us living on...

Feb 6

The surface population is also becoming aware that we are actually in the middle of a mass extinction event:


Earth's Ecosystems Are On A Collision Course With Extinction: Insect Populations Have Declined By...

Scientists are calling it "the insect apocalypse", and it has extremely serious implications for the future of our planet.  All over the globe, insect populations are plummeting dramatically.  And...

Feb 6

The surface population is becoming more and more aware that there were cataclysmic events taking place in the not so distant past:…


Antarctic Ice Core records resolve competing Pole Shift Theories

A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift (aka crustal displacement) and catastrophic events that may sweep…

Feb 6

They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots:… The Light forces are taking action to counteract all this.


Designer Nanobots Changing Humanity - Stillness in the Storm

(Rosanne Lindsay) What is smaller than a breadbox and can carry 8,000 times its weight? If you guessed an ant, think smaller. Nanobots are so small they function on the same level as viruses and...

Feb 6


20,000 Satellites for 5G will Send Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

Public attention about 5G has been focused on the plans of telecom companies to install millions of small cell towers on electric utility poles, on public buildings and schools, on bus stop shelters,...

Feb 6

Cosmic Central Race is depleting their energy to the point where they are threatened with extinction, the Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with assistance of many microsatellites

Feb 6

Most of those spiders have positioned themselves above the largest cities on the planet.

COBRA info@cobrainfo1·


All these are signs that we are approaching an event of cosmic proportions that will radically change life on this planet. The most accurate plan for this Event is here:

Bubbles of Heaven // The stages of Earths Ascension Explained

Planet Earth is currently in and moving through a planetary phase called Ascension. Details of Ascension and what it will look like for those of us living on...

COBRA info@cobrainfo1



They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots: The Light forces are taking action to counteract all this



20,000 Satellites for 5G will Send Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

Public attention about 5G has been focused on the plans of telecom companies to install millions of small cell towers on electric utility poles, on public buildings and schools, on bus stop shelters,...



Cosmic Central Race is depleting their energy to the point where they are threatened with extinction, the Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with assistance of many



Most of those spiders have positioned themselves above the largest cities on the planet.


Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100 meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles)


Through these Rigel-Earth wormholes, many negative entities came to planet Earth and infected it.

Archons Infection

 Archons The Archons are parasitic entities which are intelligence driven mind predators. They exist on multiply dimensions, able to slip from one dimension to another within the lower frequencies …


Wormholes were created by several etheric and plasma conventional nuclear explosions at and above the beforementioned locations (with total of about 200 etheric / plasma nukes exploding worldwide), which opened a multidimensional wormhole to the Rigel star system


Ljubljana and Santa Monica were two Ascension vortexes with the most potential for Ascension on a planetary scale, and they needed to be suppressed in order for the dark forces to continue their rule.


At the moment of the last Archon invasion in 1996, the dark forces have created three main dark wormhole entry points to collapse planetary Light grid. These three dark wormhole entry points were: Bukavu, Lake Kivu,Congo Ljubljana, Slovenia Santa Monica, California, USA


Archeologists have finally released proof of the first Archon invasion:


The most violent group of people who ever lived

A growing body of evidence is convincing archaeologists that the Yamnaya society   ruthlessly massacred opposing societies in Europe between 5,000 and 4,00 years ago.


For example foot fetish, judged by many, is actually a past life memory of Goddess worship:


Why do so many men have a foot fetish? - Esoteric Center

Many men seem to have a foot fetish. This usually evolves during childhood or young puberty. It is most often the first sexual experience. Having a foot fetish is the most common fetish among all...

n current distorted culture, a fresh perspective on sexual energy is needed:


For Better Sex and a Better Society, Let Women Rule the World

It's time to smash the patriarchy



Her archetype was later distorted by the Cabal, but her original energy is one of the key energies for peaceful transition into the post- Event society.


Atargatis is a mermaid Goddess that came from Sirius star system and landed in an egg shaped craft on the bank of Euphrates river many millennia ago:

Light Forces have also communicated that as much Goddess energy as possible should be anchored in the planetary energy grid to stabilize the situation:


8 Reasons Why Men Should Worship Goddesses - The Good Men Project

No, seriously dudes. Goddess worship is the new macho.


The Light Forces have asked to step up the frequency of Flower of Life meditation to every 4 hours in order to stabilize the planetary situation, for those that feel guided to participate:


The systemic collapse is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble and is planned to coincide with the timing of the Event: Many countries are already preparing their distribution chains for the Event:


Is Walmart Working With the Govt. to Distribute EVERYTHING?

Is Walmart already working with the Government to be the distributors of EVERYTHING from food to medicine to winter coats when the SHTF?

Cosmic Central race is claiming that the Light forces can handle the collapse situation and that plans are in place which can not be discussed. The Resistance has communicated that major volatility is expected in the financial system in October, but not yet the systemic collapse.


Many sources are predicting the bankruptcy of a major bank such as Goldman Sachs or Deutsche Bank in October:


Benjamin Fulford: Many signs point to imminent, bigger than Lehman financial tsunami

Veteran financial market observers will tell you that anomalies in the financial markets last week point to some sort of black swan event on the horizon.  This could be—cross your fingers and knock...


The Jesuit plan for the global collapse and the new crypto financial system is also proceeding


The robots that would control humanity are already being developed:


Microsoft chief Brad Smith says rise of killer robots is 'unstoppable'

The rise of killer robots is now unstoppable and a new digital Geneva Convention is essential to protect the world from the growing threat they pose, according to the President of the world’s biggest...


They were, however, not able to prevent the murder of my soulmate.

Feb 5

After the Pleiades star cluster was liberated in 1999, the majority of Pleiadian hostages were liberated from military underground bases on Earth, the Pleiadians have contacted me in late 2001, given me instructions to construct Tachyon healing chambers: http://tac

Feb 5

The Pleiadians did manage to prevent a nuclear war, but were not able to prevent the Archon invasion in 1996: The Archons were even able to invade the Pleiadian star cluster briefly between 1996 and 1999:

Daft Punk - One More Time

Redes Sociales:

Feb 5

The Pleiadians have contacted president Eisenhower in 1954, trying to prevent a nuclear war: The Pleiadians have contacted me in 1977, trying to prevent a nuclear war:

Feb 5

After the dark forces have hijacked the German secret space program, the Pleiadians have rescued the Vril girls from the surface of the planet in 1945 in a secret project codenamed “Niemand bleibt hier” (nobody stays here).

Feb 5

In order to break the Quarantine status of this planet, they have contacted the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) to start the German secret space program:

The Pleiadians have been contacting the surface population for millennia:

Feb 5

Erotic love is one of the most important aspects of their lives and they know how to heal with that energy:


The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook | Amorah Quan Yin | Dolphin Star Temple

The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: This sequel to The Pleiadian Workbook teaches advanced cellular clearing to heal the male/female split.

Feb 5

They understand the secrets of immortality, but rarely choose to keep the same physical body for more than 1000 years. They are very positive, joyful and sensual.

Feb 4

Many of these cities are like crystal places underground and below oceans on planets in the Pleiades star cluster. They do not need much sleep and sustain their physical bodies with a special elixir:

Feb 4

Pleiadians surround themselves with beautiful art: And music:… They were consciously trying to densify one of their plasma home planets into the physical dense matter and the planet exploded.

Feb 4

They believe in beauty and harmony and their lifestyle reflects this. They surround themselves with liquid light:

Feb 4

and turned their focus on building a peaceful culture that expanded on hundreds of planets in the Pleiades star cluster that make the Pleiadian confederation.

Feb 4

Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pleiadians have learned that violence does not solve problems and have decided not to partake in Galactic wars anymore,

Feb 4

One big piece of Moldavite with 144,000 Light encodements of 144,000 volunteers for the Earth mission was later carved into a holy Grail.

Feb 4

Fragments of their exploded home world scattered throughout the Galaxy and some of them hit the Earth as Moldavites:

Pleiadians were consciously trying to densify one of their plasma home planets into the physical dense matter and the planet exploded.

Feb 4

Pleiadians have then explored the Galaxy in their angelic Light bodies until they settled in the Pleiades star cluster which emerged from plasma into the physical plane about 18 million years ago.

Feb 4

Pleiadians originate from angelic evolution that entered this dimensional universe by entering through the Galactic Central Sun portal.

Feb 4

But they do. In fact, beings like that are the majority in this Galaxy. And Pleiadians are among them.

Feb 4

Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light. Most of the surface population is so enmeshed in the dysfunctional state of affairs on this planet that it is difficult for them to believe that beings that are full of Love and Light without an agenda really exist.

Feb 4

The Portal Pleiadians

Feb 4

Another important vortex point on Goddess leyline is small country of Slovenia. Battle of Frigidus was the key historical moment that has shaped the destiny of the Western civilization and was taking place on September 6th, 394 CE near Vipava, Slovenia https://en.

Feb 4

You need to understand that Daesh is a creation of the Western (RIIA) / Saudi (Wahhabi) Cabal:

Feb 4

According to the more accurate sources, there is still some small Daesh controlled territory in Syria and Iraq: Although peace is finally returning to Syria:

Syrian Goddess Vortex is located on this leyline, and just after our workshop, victory over the Daesh in Syria has been announced in the Western media:


Caliphate defeated but IS remains a threat

Maps and charts following the rise and fall of so-called Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria.

Feb 4

One of the crucial situations that is ongoing is the battle for the energy grid around the planet, between SURFACOM and the Black Nobility families especially battle for the Goddess Leyline, which holds the master key for control over the planet.

Feb 4

Therefore you might take the story about sealed indictments with a grain of salt: The Plan will NOT be popularized on internet. Everybody will be taken by surprise.


Who started the 60k sealed indictment claim?

Introduction: The Qanon movement claims that there are over 60k sealed indictments currently sitting in the Federal court system, which are intended for mass ar

Feb 4

The only comment permitted here is that the Plan for planetary liberation is deeply classified since January 27th, 2018, and NO intel about it is coming out (except from a brief leak about spy satellites in August 2018).

Feb 4

Clearing of the Chimera group continues, as well as clearing of the plasma toplet bombs. Clearing of the toplet bombs is approaching the stage where “certain unprecedented action of the Light forces may be possible in the not too distant future”

Feb 4

Their defeat is coming and with their defeat come many changes, and this is the reason for this dream:


Dream About Huge Importance of Cobra’s Information, Cobra Blog Synchronicities & Possible Memory...

So this is definitely an unexpected post but one that is being stressed as very important right now. Last night I was guided to go to the beginning of Cobra’s blog and analyze the information…

Feb 4

And the Cabal is destroying evidence, deeply in panic:


The US Navy is Destroying Evidence of Its Secret Laser Weapons Research | Mysterious Universe

The Navy is hiring contractors to destroy 4,000 pounds of hard disks and other digital media related to its laser weapons research.

Feb 3

During our workshop, more specifically between the lunch break on the first day until the lunch break on the second day, plasma activity around the planet has gone wild.

Feb 3

All instructions for you group meetings are posted here: More than 170 Sisterhood of the Rose groups have been formed until now around the planet

Feb 3

If your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:


Groups | Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network

All types of people are welcome so please gather in Unity. Physical Sisterhood circles contact information.

Feb 3

Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet.

Feb 3

You can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs:


The Goddess is Alive and Well in Budapest !

               Above and below the surface, in the physical human, in the Elementals, and on the Etheric plane Yes, she comes and shows Herself in many ways here for me…. in the women and men at th…

Feb 3

Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop

Feb 3

Some people are already having indirect contact with the Resistance Movement: This contact will only grow as we come closer and closer to the moment of the Compression Breakthrough.

Feb 3

Tachyon healing chambers are NOT designed to tachionize objects, and people claiming that they can tachionize objects in their Tachyon healing chambers, or people claiming they have designed their own tachyon chambers or are even selling or promoting them, are not telling truth.

Feb 3

Here we need to clear some misconceptions about Tachyon chambers. Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds. There is only one confirmed source that makes Tachyon healing chambers available, and all public chambers are listed here:

Feb 3

Many people are experiencing benefits of Tachyon chambers:


Tachyon Chambers: The Big Upside to Tiny Tachyons - Prepare For Change

Tachyon chambers around the world: Take a look at these things! High energy cosmic rays enter this solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Tachyons have quite beneficial...

Feb 3

The Light forces are asking everybody to visualize the bright future of the Golden age to speed up and accelerate the process of manifesting it. The Light forces are also asking people to go beyond their mind and contact their Soul.

Feb 3

All these are signs that we are approaching an event of cosmic proportions that will radically change life on this planet. The most accurate plan for this Event is here:

The surface population is also becoming aware that we are actually in the middle of a mass extinction event:


Earth's Ecosystems Are On A Collision Course With Extinction: Insect Populations Have Declined By...

Scientists are calling it "the insect apocalypse", and it has extremely serious implications for the future of our planet.  All over the globe, insect populations are plummeting dramatically.  And...

Feb 3

The surface population is becoming more and more aware that there were cataclysmic events taking place in the not so distant past:…


Antarctic Ice Core records resolve competing Pole Shift Theories

A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift (aka crustal displacement) and catastrophic events that may sweep…

Feb 3

They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots: The Light forces are taking action to counteract all


Feb 1

Since 2012, the Chimera was leading a strong war against the Resistance and actually managed to fool the Resistance a few times by arranging leaks of incorrect intel to them.

Feb 1

In their last ditch effort to prevent the shift, the Chimera group have filled the Solar system with as much anomaly and darkness as possible from early 2017 to January 21st, 2019.

Feb 1

The Cosmic Central race has created a multidimensional flower of life grid throughout the Solar system that extends from lunar obit outwards to the heliopause. This grid will serve as transmission buffer for the coming superwave.

Feb 1

This is already creating big changes in our Solar system.

Feb 1

The Galactic Central sun is becoming more active even at subluminal speeds, as the signal of the previous galactic superwave traveling with the speed of Light is perfectly entrained with the new one that is coming extremely soon:


The Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy Just Got Extremely Hungry

Feb 1

So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.

Feb 1

Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle.

Feb 1

In the next few months, if things go according to the plan, I will be able to release much more intel than I could in the last 18 months, and hopefully I will be able to be much less cryptic in my intel releases.

Feb 1

In the next few months, there will be drastic increase of activity in sublunar space, and the military is taking notice:


US Military Eyes Strategic Value of Earth-Moon Space

Feb 1

The reason for those excesses is that Reptilians are being cleared out from the surface of the planet and therefore they are freaking out.

Feb 1

The Archon invasion of 1996 is in its final phases. It is darkest just before the dawn, and now the Draco/Reptilian elements of the surface society are openly promoting cannibalism:…


A modest proposal indeed: Academia considers cannibalism — RT World News

The thought-leaders and philosophers of the Western world have recently turned their attention to a rather radical method of reducing our carbon footprint and self-regulating the Earth’s population.

COBRA info



Feb 1

The Jesuit plan is to engineer a worldwide financial collapse in January 2020, and then introduce a cashless global financial system where Libra or similar globalist cryptocurrencies would replace US dollar,

Feb 1

Mark Carney was educated by the Jesuits at St. Francis Xavier College in Edmonton, Alberta:


The top 100 – A Tablet special report on Britain’s leading lay Catholics in 2015

When the first issue of The Tablet appeared in 1840, the advances made by Catholics in society in the next 175 years would have been unimaginable. Then, the barriers that had prevented Catholics from...

Feb 1

The Jesuit-backed bankers are now openly advocating their own version of the financial Reset:…


Why Mark Carney Thinks The Dollar Can No Longer Be The World's Reserve Currency

Everything the alternative media has warned about for years; all the outcomes other people have called "conspiracy theory", will soon be treated as "common knowledge"...

Feb 1

All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:


Lula Admits, BRICS Was Created As A Tool Of Attack Against The US Dollar

"BRICS was not created to be an instrument of defense, but to be an instrument of attack. So we could create our own currency to become independent from the US dollar in our trade relations..."

Feb 1

At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful.

Feb 1

To assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet utilizing Flower of Life meditation:

Feb 1

As we are getting closer to the transition, Light Forces are still asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression Breakthrough,

Feb 1

Surface population of this planet is finally beginning to taste true Galactic consciousness, as it is becoming aware that there are far better places than planet Earth:


Exoplanets could host abundant life – even BETTER than Earth, scientists discover — RT World News

Exoplanets in our universe may be home to abundant life that enjoys a more hospitable home than we do on Earth, surprising research has revealed. The news may help in the search for alien life.

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