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COBRA info@cobrainfo1



Ascension Process Ascension means becoming one with your Self. This will not happen until all programs are erased. if you are honest with your self, your mission will be of the Light. We signed contracts giving permission to implant and control us.


The Bubbles of Heaven people will have more power to use their free will. Their free will will be stronger and the power of the dark forces will be diminished as Bubbles get stronger.


Most of the planet will be returned to nature and most humans will be taken elsewhere. Those remaining, the awakened being will create a paradise on Earth.


Part of our soul family may be on the mother ships or in the Resistance Movement. The RM is worried about meeting the surface population. The purpose of the awakened human population is to create Islands of Light. Islands of Light is part of the Ascension process.


Underground Islands of Light devote time to do spiritual practices. They know how to deal with the dark forces and have been helped many times. (by the galactics)


The Resistance Movement people are closer to humans than the Pleiadians where they want trough the transformation of the soul family process.


This decision was made after the Alpha timeline (ended?) and the agreement is to use private land as an operation to assist with the planetary liberation. This is part of the Galactic Codex.

Feb 12

Private land is the domain of the Galactic Confederation. If the cabal tries to intervene, they will be stopped by military force. Patience is up for the Pleiadians.

Feb 12

Contact Dish This Pleiadian project bypasses the Matrix, where private land owners give silent permission for a mother shop to land. This program is protected by the Galactic Law of Lands. It is Galactic protocol that land is protected independent of governmental and civil law.

Feb 12

As of last summer there is an irreversible crashing of old systems. All will survive the Event, yet for some it will not be easy. We will be the ones on forefront assisting humanity. Islands of Light people can manifest abudance. The energy grid is the life force of the planet.

Feb 12

In 25,000 years there has never been an Island of light. Science has forgotten. I can give local guidance for individual groups at their level. I will be available for guidance and plans, yet not to deal in depth with specific issues or individuals.

Feb 12

Islands of Light are the healthy cells and the cure for the cancer of negativity. If you go, you will be challenged. It is like we are creating bubbles of heaven inside a war zone. Even friends and family will challenge you as all unresolved issues come to the surface.

Feb 12

Everything magnifies on a vortex point including experiences. Return of Divine Goddess meant for this planet to return it to a Paradise (it once was) All negativity which are like cancer cells, will be removed.

Feb 12

Islands of light are vortex areas… the brightest spots of our planet. the whole light grid of our planet will support manifestation of Islands of Light. Islands of Light will help create the New Atlantis.

Feb 12

A bubble of heaven is a torroidial field/ light body, similar to our individual light body increases power of light body. Meditation on soul increases light body manifestation power. The Cosmic Central race connection has made this process stronger and faster

COBRA info@cobrainfo1



“ I call upon the pillar of the pure white light to descend upon me and to form around me. I call upon the presence of the I Am that I Am to merge and join with me now. So be it and so it is.” This aligns our energy field with our I Am Presence.

“In the name of my I Am Presence In the name of the I Am that I Am I cancel and nullify all my contracts & agreements with the dark forces past, present and future. And I decree and I command All consequences of this contracts to be null and void. So be it and so it is.”


As of January 21st. the particles coming from the Cosmic Central Sun are getting more powerful and will continue to do so. This invocation will connect us within this pillar of light.


ATVOR There is an advanced pillar of light generated in a ship that surrounds the planet. It comes through our body to the center of the earth and creates highly charged particles of liquid light.…

COBRA info




When it reaches light speed, our light body becomes like a chariot (one meaning of “Merkaba”, is chariot) and we can move around in our light body after ascension.


This creates a space time continueum, The sphere is rotating. Half is ours and half is our twin soul, so we are always connected. The male polarity of sphere emits and electrical field. The female creates a magnetic field.


Activating your kundalini also increases activation of the light body. When spinning of the toroidal field reaches the speed of light, ascension occurs.


Out activated Light Body becomes like a crystal, like a portal. Created by the higher self, we become the higher self. The light body is a a torroidial field that spins faster and faster. Using a tachyon chamber helps to activate it.


The ascension process brings the Light Body to all of our bodies. The physical body, the plasma body, the etheric body, astral/emotional body, mental body and soul/light body. All the different energy bodies are absorbed into the Light Body.


The other primary implant located in the solar plexus about 2 or 3 finger widths above the naval separate male from female. By doing this same process of writing again, using the phrases, “sex is not love” and “sex is love,” we can dissolve the affects of this implant.


Doing this process helps dissolve the affect of the primary implants in the forehead that separate us from Source.


We can undermine the basic belief through the triangulation process. Take a sheet of paper and write done “I am God”. next to it write “I am not God”. On the next line write down these two beliefs again. Keep writing until you fill the piece of paper.


They program our mind and creates a belief system. From the basic belief (of the belief system) everything else (all thoughts and underlying beliefs) emerges from the basic belief.


Implant Triangulation Implants are a black hole and connect us to the primary anomaly. The two main primary implants separate us from Source and separate male from female.


“In the name of my I Am Presence In the name of the I Am that I Am I cancel and nullify all my contracts & agreements with the dark forces past, present and future. And I decree and I command All consequences of this contracts to be null and void. So be it and so it is.”


Primary Contracts removal Primary contracts and primary implants must be removed (if we are to become sovereign beings) This is an invocation and command to remove them.

COBRA info@cobrainfo1



5) Be ready to move to a place and build and create a place to live. Be willing to live in a soul family mandala


3-Clear heart energy and sexual energy. 4-Each member needs to be aware of their shadow material and personality and own. Their energy field – be responsible for their actions and space.


1-Soul family 2-Each member has to have some degree of clearing of primary implants and achieve a connection with their higher self. Have an active connection with their soul ad inner guidance and to understand our mission.

Since we have transitioned into the new gamma timeline, we have more info on the matrix and what it will take to make a break through. For 7 years (the last time line from 2012 to January 2019 there has been much talk of change.

Islands of Light will utilize sacred geometry in its architecture. Protocols will be developed. People should be stable enough to live and work together.


Before when we were given the option for Entry Protocols we were not ready. Many saw it as a way to alleviate life problems by going under the surface. Personality issues and money problems we must solve here.


The Resistance Movement has been frustrated lately as no practical work has been done with us. Their life and the life of the surface population are two different realities. They can see through us and can view us clearer than we can see ourselves.


Regular and active participation of enlightened population for complete transformation of life and structure. 1) Theoretical 2) Finding soul family members 3) Living in Islands of Light 4) First contact and cultural exchange with the Galactics and Agartha network.


Goddess vortex activated, in healing the planetary surface population for the break through to happen.


We are calling upon the presence of Isis Astara to initiate us into forming and creating physical Sisterhood of The Rose groups where we live to help anchor the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. Deeper aspects of Goddess mystery schools revealed.


Sisterhood of The Rose groups existed to preserve and anchor Goddess mystery schools by meeting regularly each week.


Women are a mirror for creation… a contact dish for connecting to soul and galactic family… for women to become as a still lake of energy. The Event can only happen through the energy dynamic being created by the return of the Goddess to the surface of the planet.


Pure female energy is pure receptivity and unconditional love. For women (to embody pure female energy) is the key to heal humanity and make our transition easier.


Our highest purpose is to be free (from all programming and be sovereign beings) Our mission is to activate and trigger planetary revolution.


Another program is that energy exchange between men and women can only occur through sex. Actually a light touch can be a (powerful) energy exchange. Working with emotions is helpful to heal the split between sexual energy and the heart.

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