The Portal Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Endtime Madness Update…
We are far more powerful than it sometimes appears:
The Powers-That-Be Are Secretly Terrified of the People’s Power … And Only PRETEND They’re Firmly...
Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future.
The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun!
When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic pulse.
We can influence the coherence of consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations. Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that coherence.
Factor prepresents probability that a certain event generated its effects by chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope (p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):…
This project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of 2013, except for Nelson Mandela's »death« in December last year (p=0.013).
Feb 18Space Adventures announces agreement with@SpaceX to launch private citizens on Dragon spacecraft…
This project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have an effect that is far from random:…
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania - 2/15/20 #Pleiadian Fleet #NEIOH: How can people not know how many of us are here! It is just a matter of time!
Global Consciousness Project does not measure if the effect is positive or negative, it registers only a deviation from statistically expected results:
Global Consciousness Project, directed by Roger Nelson from Princeton University, studies the effect of synchronized human consciousness at events of planetary importance, on random number generators.
We have managed to gather about one quarter million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th, 2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into Syria.
We have managed to gather about one quarter million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th, 2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into Syria.
When a critical mass of human beings gathers with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary situation. The critical mass for humanity fluctuates somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 people.
This is the highest natural law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and release the surface of this planet to humanity.
Despite appearances, we have the power. Free will is the ultimate law in this universe and when a critical mass of people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long enough, that liberation inevitably comes.
The Portal We Have The Power…
Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.
Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal.
Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.
Those funds include about $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust.
The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public.
In a few weeks Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.
All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.
Revaluation (RV) After about 1 week from the Event There might still be light problems in the distribution chain. New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet.
Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.
Day 2-7 Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins.
All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).
Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.
Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.
Day 1 When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations.
New Financial System Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide. Reset This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.
The Portal New Financial System…
Along with posts from the Resistance Movement and some other advanced sources, Cobra may occasionally post in this blog certain pieces from Benjamin, David, or any other credible messengers. We are all in this fight for victory of the Light together!
What is important is the message and not the messenger. Human mind usually associates given message with perceived characteristics of the messenger and this tends to cloud its objectivity.
Who is Cobra? Cobra is a codename for the writer of this blog. Cobra’s identity must remain veiled for now for various reasons. Cobra may or may not be part of the Resistance Movement.
The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program.
Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.
#TheEvent include: -Removal of the #Cabal -#FullDisclosure -#FinancialReset #COBRA official site: I want to spread info of COBRA
Most would agree it's important to love others, yet many struggle with loving themselves. Having healthy #selflove is important not only for your own #wellbeing and #happiness, but also to have a healthy relationship with anyone else. So fall in love with yourself first!
Feb 16So...@zerohedge was right?
Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory?
What is Cobra? COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet.
And that Love will soon overflow our planet and set it free. Be aware of that fact when you make your decisions.
All beings in this universe except most beings on planet Earth are now operating from that Love. Whatever they do is an act of Love. Their every thought and every emotion expresses that Love.
Beyond the Veil, universe is full of Love. Every atom, every molecule, every subatomic particle beyond the Veil is vibrating with that Love.
So we connect vertically and horizontally. This is the key to our individual liberation. It is also part of the key for the liberation of the planet.
Whenever we connect with our Soul, we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks. Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil, the same thing happens.
This premise is the basis that the Cabal is operating from. It is the glue that keeps their reality together and keeps us enslaved into it. But we have our Souls. They exist on the plane of the fifth dimension and have direct connection to the universe beyond the Veil.
The experience on this planet has taught you that life can be mean and cruel. Most of us have accepted this as an underlying basis of our reality, learning not to trust other beings but fear them instead.
Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe. If you climb above the tachyonic membrane that exists 8.6 miles above the surface of this planet, you enter a universe of Love.
The Portal Beyond the Veil
Stillness in the Storm@SITSSHOW
#ORION #ET #ALIENS #PYRAMIDS #HISTORY #DISCLOSURE The Pyramids of Giza Aligned Perfectly with Orion’s Belt in the Year 10,450 BC
The Pyramids of Giza Aligned Perfectly with Orion’s Belt in the Year 10,450 BC - Stillness in the...
(Biblioteca Pleyades) The Orion Mystery
Schumann Resonances@schumannbot
Hard at work building the archive