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Jan 31

You need to understand that both sides of the political spectrum have been equally infiltrated by the Cabal, and both sides equally contain many good people. And at last, little inspiration:

Jan 31

The Light Forces have communicated that the Jesuits are trying to ignite civil war in the United States by polarizing the population into division and hatred between political right and political left.

Jan 31

Unfortunately, the Cabal is very active, and they have attacked the Congo vortex with Ebola virus: Perhaps it is now time to expose the creators of the big pharma and bioweapon experimentation, the Rockefellers:


How Rockefeller Founded Deep State Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, dr…

Jan 31

Extremist feminism has nothing to do with the Goddess energy, on the contrary: And many women do not agree with it:


Feminist harassment of UK strippers exposes movement’s persistent hatred of sex and liberated women...

It’s not just that authoritarian feminists are trying to shut down strip clubs, despite the protestations of the women who work there. It’s that mainstream feminists still think that these militant...

Jan 31

The Cabal has also hijacked the Me Too movement and changed it into an instrument of psychological manipulation which tries to portray all men as abusers in the eyes of women and sow distrust:…


Not all men: Why does #MeToo make some men angry?

Many men feel the "general cultural climate today is negative toward them," says one expert. And it's making them resentful.

Jan 31

Meanwhile, the Cabal is leading a campaign against the healthy, assertive masculine principle through extremist feminism and tries to change men into docile sheep:




Jan 31

Visualization for removing the new coronavirus from the surface of the planet. Please share far and wide if you feel guided. You can also do the meditation every 4…

Jan 31

Another sign that we are slowly approaching the Compression Breakthrough is China bracing for the impact:


Is China Hoarding Food, Gold, & Other Commodities In Anticipation Of A Global Collapse?

The relative stability that we have been enjoying for the past several years is ending, and it appears that the months ahead could potentially be quite chaotic...

Jan 31

While we are speaking about cosmic changes, we might note that NASA probe has detected a plasma anomaly shockwave that collapsed the Alpha timeline in January 2018:


First View of 'Interplanetary Shock' Spotted by NASA Spacecraft

Jan 31

Current increase of activity of the Galactic Center is only indirectly related to this, but it is still another indicator that we are getting closer to the Event:…


Our Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole Has Emitted a Mysteriously Bright Flare

Astronomers are trying to figure out what that was.

Jan 31

This will not lead to the destruction of the universe as physicists falsely claim, but will simply push the universe into a more stable state in which primary anomaly and thus evil will not be possible.

Jan 31

They are not stable yet, but this is the first sign of the beginning of the new cosmic cycle and the coming cosmic vacuum metastability event:…


Vacuum decay: the ultimate catastrophe

Of all the ways the Universe might die, vacuum decay is the most efficient.


People can also help stopping the coronavirus epidemic with the following meditation:…


The Light Forces are asking everybody that feels so guided to support this clearing process by visualizing violet flame purifying all virus-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders.


The Light Forces are now intensively clearing all the infection-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders and with this rate of purification, all plasma Chimera beings will be gone in a week or two, with only physical Chimera in US Space Command and DARPA remaining.


This is a perfect trap for them, as the Light Forces can clear them much more effectively when they all gathered in such a small space and are not evenly spread around the surface of the planet anymore.


Also, all remaining Chimera plasma spiders are extremely starved and on the brink of extinction, and now they are rushing to Wuhan and other cities with high number of infections to feed off fear and suffering.



The viruses can only spread effectively when they receive support from the dark forces on the plasma plane.


After enough attempts, the Pleiadians will be able to completely hack the virus and stop it from spreading, exactly in the same way they stopped the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918:…


The Light forces are expecting that the spread of infection will even out in a week or two, with less and less new cases reported after that.


As as result of this, the virus is not spreading anymore with geometric progression as it was until now, and appears to be slowing down:



Learning from the reaction of the virus, the Pleiadians have developed a more advanced version of Stardust and applied it on Monday and Tuesday (January 27th and 28th).


The virus has reacted to the nanodust and mutated into a slightly less lethal and slightly more transmissible form.


The Pleiadians are working tirelessly to stop the epidemic. On Friday, January 24th, they have developed the first Stardust nanopowder to erase the virus and have spread it towards the surface of the planet from their ships stationed in Low Earth Orbit.


It is interesting to note here that Peter Salama, a renowned epidemiologist that worked for WHO and a board member of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, died on January 23rd:…

COBRA info@cobrainfo1·


From then on the virus was spreading with geometric progression that can really look scary:


Coronavirus Geometric Progression Suggests 100,000 Infections in a Week

Bianco Research mapped out the geometric progression of coronavirus cases. We are on track for 100K in a week.


Then a USA agent, previously infiltrated into the Wuhan lab, and involved in the development of the virus, stole a sample of coronavirus and spread it into the Wuhan seafood and animal market.


And upgraded it into a bioweapon at the lab in Wuhan:………


Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?

"In human history, we have been chasing infectious diseases one after another," says Zhou, "but bats appear to be a 'super-mammal' to these deadly viruses."


The Chinese agents have stolen the coronavirus from Canadian lab:……


Coronavirus Bioweapon - How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It | GreatGameIndia

Coronavirus Bioweapon : How Chinese agents stole Coronavirus from Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory and weaponized it into a Bioweapon.


Chinese long term military strategy against USA is based on bioweapons to a great degree:……




The current epidemic is a result of covert biological warfare that goes on between China and USA.


so what is left? A global pandemic scare. 2019-nCoV is an advanced ethnic bioweapon that targets mostly Asian population:


Benjamin S. Fulford: Engineered "novel corona virus" okay for Europeans

The “novel corona virus” now infecting people in China is designed to leave those of European descent unharmed, according to P3 Freemason sources.  We have previously provided extensive proof to show...


They attempted that in December last year by triggering the financial collapse through the repo market, and that did not work, they tried that in early January through escalation with Iran, that did not work, they tried to engineer a false flag in Virginia, that did not work,


Since they know now that their end is inevitable, the Cabal wants to destroy the surface human population in the process of their own downfall.


The end time madness is happening individually, with many people freaking out and showing dysfunctional behavior, but also globally.


These women were transmitting coded messages with sign language, as you can see in the following pictures (pay attention to the hand mudras): http://madameisistoilette.blogspot.com2013_12_01_archive.html


Cagliostro initiated many women of the French high society as instructed by Saint Germain, to reform and enlighten the society from within.


Rosicrucian alchemists tried to revive them more that 1000 years later, but their real comeback only came in the 18th century, when Comte de Saint Germain initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries and gave him the task to spread those mysteries across Europe.


The end time madness is happening individually, with many people freaking out and showing dysfunctional behavior, but also globally.


These women were transmitting coded messages with sign language, as you can see in the following pictures (pay attention to the hand mudras): http://madameisistoilette.blogspot.com2013_12_01_archive.html


Cagliostro initiated many women of the French high society as instructed by Saint Germain, to reform and enlighten the society from within.


Rosicrucian alchemists tried to revive them more that 1000 years later, but their real comeback only came in the 18th century, when Comte de Saint Germain initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries and gave him the task to spread those mysteries across Europe.


Because of its tremendous impact on dissolving the Veil at that time, the Archons have devised a plan to hijack the evolving Christianity, turn it into a mind programming cult, suppress all Goddess worship and enforce the Nicene creed:…


In the ancient world two millennia ago, Isis worship was the most popular and widespread religion across the Mediterranean:


Isis, An Egyptian Goddess Who Spread Her Wings Across Europe

When the Romans entered Egypt they saw a land of magnificent temples, impressive and monumental statues, and symbolism they did not understand.


Mysteries were taught only to the initiates, whereas the masses worshiped Isis as a personified deity, a protector that can help in times of trouble:


-Protocol to avoid Archons and reach the realms of Light after death -The protocol to embody the Goddess presence and to become a living embodiment of that Goddess presence in all daily actions -Mysteries of the underground kingdom -Mysteries of the sacred union (hieros gamos).

-The existence of divine plane of creation of pure Love and Light where no darkness can exist, and techniques to access that plane in your consciousness -The immortality of the Soul and the path to become that Soul


Egyptian mystery schools tried to preserve the legacy of Atlantean mystery schools as pure as possible. Isis mysteries, as taught in the Egyptian and later Greco-Roman mystery schools, included the following.


Astara was known as Aset to the Egyptians, Isis to the Greek and that is the name that is most widely used now.


Astara was a being from Sirius star system that took upon herself the task of preserving the Goddesss presence on the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 year cycle.

Jan 29

After the interferences of the dark forces started on the planet, and especially after the Archon invasion 26,000 years ago, that perfect connection with the feminine aspect of the Source got interrupted.

COBRA info@cobrainfo1·

Jan 29

After the interferences of the dark forces started on the planet, and especially after the Archon invasion 26,000 years ago, that perfect connection with the feminine aspect of the Source got interrupted.

Jan 29

Living contact with the Goddess presence, the clear divine feminine archetype originating directly from the Source, was the basis of stability and harmony of the society.

Jan 29

These mysteries were practiced uninterrupted for countless millennia on the surface of the planet in sacred temples dedicated to the Goddess.

Jan 29

Mysteries of Isis are the remnant of the original Goddess mysteries that were brought to Atlantis by the Central Race many hundreds of thousands of years ago.…

Jan 29

The Portal Mysteries of Isis…

Jan 29

It all boils down to the battle for the energy grid. And here, Light will be victorious and New Atlantis will shine as never before.

Jan 29

He has received the stone directly from goddess Isais ( an aspect of Isis) at Nineveh near Mosul in Iraq. Nineveh is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet: It is not a coincidence that Daesh wants to destroy it: http://new



Nineveh (modern-day Mosul, Iraq) was one of the oldest and greatest cities in antiquity. It was originally known as Ninua, a trade center, and would become one of the largest and most affluent...

Jan 29

Needless to say, the Cathars have received their Cintmanis from the Templars who have received their first specimen from Hubertus Koch from Untersberg.

Jan 29

Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. Blue Stones, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals:…

Jan 29

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter.

Jan 28

Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.

Jan 28

Cagliostro was one of the very few people on the surface of the planet that had an understanding of a certain aspect of mysteries of Isis that must remain veiled for now. Nothing more can be said about that matter before the Event.

Jan 28

The third group joined the Cagliostro's Isis lodge in Paris. That lodge is the main source of Isiac mysteries that were later fragmentarily preserved in some Memphis Misraim lodges.


Jan 27

The sooner the better! #DarkToLight

COBRA info@cobrainfo1·

Jan 28

75,000 years ago and earlier, energy gird around the planet was complete, under full control of the Ascended beings and with many sacred temples positioned around the equator. You can see the old Atlantean equator on this picture as a red line crossing South America and Africa

Jan 28

In Old Atlantis, before the polar shift 75,000 years ago, the position of equator was different and thus the position of the whole planetary energy grid was different also.…

Jan 28

New Atlantis is the codename for the energy grid around the planetary surface that will support the Compression Breakthrough and also the codename for the New Society after the Event.

Jan 28

This is the best description of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation that I could find on the surface of the planet:…

140311 Michael El Legion Interview with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra's website: Michael's website: MP3s available at: http://kau...

Jan 28

After the First Contact, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will be more and more visible as they will decloak at their positions throughout the Solar System.

Jan 28

Ascension chambers are a very advanced positive organic technology that lifts our vibrational frequency and is a great tool to help in our Ascension process. They will be used after the First Contact to speed up the Ascension process for those that are ready.

Jan 28

Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.

Jan 27

With non-physical Archon influence removed, they will learn in those communities to finally live together in harmony, with each individual following his higher purpose and together creating a beautiful mandala of Light.

Jan 27

At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light.

Jan 27

After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifthdimensional golden age.

Jan 27

First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide.

Jan 27

Those individuals will go to the mass media and report their experience, therefore preparing humanity for the reality of the Contact. These contact zones will become more and more numerous until a certain critical mass will be reached for the First Contact.

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