AAMichael: I am watching a very healthy discussion over this feed and I am thrilled some are seeing the big picture. I was unexpectedly called away in service again for much of the day, but I want to respond to a few things, and thank AARaphael for being with you earlier.
We freed the largest group of trafficked souls already. Most of those trafficked off the planet returned and are being healed. To deal with those remaining in sad situations, change your collective consciousness in love, and you will drive the evil away. That is how energy works.
I am having signal problems where I am and not all these tweets loaded in the order I intended. I apologize. I hope you all can figure them out.
1hReplying to
As with all who serve the Creator, I know who I am, and I know how I serve. I and my gestalt members have always been incarnated here with you. We serve among you, so we see and feel what you feel. I will be discussing more about my experience here over the past 10,000 years.
Since the topic of how to deal with evil is being discussed, I will address the matter of archons and tell you how we destroyed them. They did not invade you from somewhere else. They were energetic creations of the Service to Self among you.
Archons looked like little black bugs that collected and traveled in swarms. They were programmed to attack you in times of substance use, when you are not in full control of yourselves. They lodged in your brains and bodily chakras. They were meant to lower your frequency.
It is absolutely true that evil is all around you. You have been cleverly tricked into bolstering evil by concentrating on sending energy to it. There really is nothing you can individually do but send positive light to those affected by evil. In doing so, you turn on the light.
We are still battling those who are still creating them here. How do we do that? We identify the archon’s low frequency, and neutralize it with higher frequency energy that effectively destroys them. Only their residue them remains in the bodies where they lodged.
AA Raphael: 1. I am happy to be back with you today. I will be sharing ways you can utilize energy to create healing for yourself/others. Please take a few moments to connect with The Creator Energy with your mind. I encourage you to do this each morning.
AA Raphael: 4 Because of this access you have even a greater ability to heal yourself in the manner I suggested. Do this a few times a day or any time you think of it--this direction of energy into unhealed or weary parts of you. Over time you will learn the subtleties of energy.
AA Rapahael: 5 More than information, your connection within to your HS and to the Creator and the real experience of this is what will change you and heal you. We look to answers to provide peace, but the answers are not always there for us at this time. Go within and connect.
Thank you again for allowing me to spend the day among you all. I will return tomorrow for more Discussion and another message. Much love to all of you.
AA Raphael: 1. I am happy to be back with you today. I will be sharing ways you can utilize energy to create healing for yourself/others. Please take a few moments to connect with The Creator Energy with your mind. I encourage you to do this each morning.
AA Raphael: 4 Because of this access you have even a greater ability to heal yourself in the manner I suggested. Do this a few times a day or any time you think of it--this direction of energy into unhealed or weary parts of you. Over time you will learn the subtleties of energy.
AA Rapahael: 5 More than information, your connection within to your HS and to the Creator and the real experience of this is what will change you and heal you. We look to answers to provide peace, but the answers are not always there for us at this time. Go within and connect.
Thank you again for allowing me to spend the day among you all. I will return tomorrow for more Discussion and another message. Much love to all of you.
We are always with you. Call on me, or any other soul you need to stand by you in this time of difficult contemplation needed to free yourselves. We will stand by each one of you and hold your hand through this process of finding your freedom. You are loved.
We are always with you. Call on me, or any other soul you need to stand by you in this time of difficult contemplation needed to free yourselves. We will stand by each one of you and hold your hand through this process of finding your freedom. You are loved.
You are all deeply loved as a collective and as individuals. You have the support and love of your galactic neighbors who are incarnated among you and out beyond you, cheering you on through this process. Free yourselves. Become who you were meant to be.
Those of you who continue to cling to oppressive politics, religions, and corporate practices will not make it to the New Earth because you are not yet ready to learn to live in unity consciousness. You must be ready to let free will play out as the Creator allows it to play out.
Your own thoughts are what will free you. You are the savior you’ve been hoping for. You can do this. We repaired your brains. We changed the energy here. Whether you free yourselves or not now is solely up to you. I hope you will all do as I’ve described.
As I stated several weeks ago, we have rolled part of the energetic veil off this planet that will allow you to see those who truly are oppressing you, if you will go through this process of freeing yourself. If you do not, your own free will will keep you from seeing.
No organization of any kind that teaches anything but living by the Law of One is doing anything but continuing to oppress you. The Law of One honors your free will. Whenever you seek to restrict the free will of another, you create a karmic bond that restricts your free will.
The best and easiest way to analyze your thoughts are to compare them to the principles in the Law of One. Do they help you love and forgive yourself and all? Or do they make you judge others you think are against you or evil?
Many of your thoughts are going to be very painful for awhile if you are doing this process of freeing yourself correctly. Many of you will find that the things you hold dear are only using you to oppress others to create energetic control over you and others.
If you want to free yourself, your ego is going to hurt while you consider sources which are saying things you don’t currently believe in. You must take a broad survey across all of media so that you will see how information has been used to oppress you.
Ask yourself if everything you support is protecting and nurturing all, or protecting and nurturing only that which you agree with. This is why I’ve been talking so much about information, and how it can be used to lead you to catastrophe.
02/24/20: HOW DO WE FREE OURSELVES FROM THOSE WHO HAVE OPPRESSED US? Today I will be going over some changes we have made since last July that will allow all who choose to do so to free themselves from oppression.
The best and easiest way to analyze your thoughts are to compare them to the principles in the Law of One. Do they help you love and forgive yourself and all? Or do they make you judge others you think are against you or evil?
Many of your thoughts are going to be very painful for awhile if you are doing this process of freeing yourself correctly. Many of you will find that the things you hold dear are only using you to oppress others to create energetic control over you and others.
If you want to free yourself, your ego is going to hurt while you consider sources which are saying things you don’t currently believe in. You must take a broad survey across all of media so that you will see how information has been used to oppress you.
Ask yourself if everything you support is protecting and nurturing all, or protecting and nurturing only that which you agree with. This is why I’ve been talking so much about information, and how it can be used to lead you to catastrophe.
02/24/20: HOW DO WE FREE OURSELVES FROM THOSE WHO HAVE OPPRESSED US? Today I will be going over some changes we have made since last July that will allow all who choose to do so to free themselves from oppression.
In your oppression, your own free will was used to deprive others of their free will by making you think others are evil, and that they are harming you by their own free will expression. Remember that nobody gets away with anything in the Creator’s plan for divine justice.
To free yourselves, you must go through every single idea you hold that restricts the free will of anyone else. If you want free will, the karmic cost to you is to respect it in others, even if you don’t agree with what they are doing. Again, that is not your problem.
Churches and politics exist because they want you to feel broken and incapable of finding your own way without them. You are all perfect souls, no matter where you are on your journey. Where others are in their journey is their business.
Now you each have a real opportunity to free yourself from the control systems that have kept you oppressed. These are primarily religious and political constructs, as well as business and corporate organizations that use you without a fair exchange of energy for your services.
You were led by these beliefs that others are evil to follow people who seemed to offer you plans to deprive others of their free will that seemed to ring true for you. In reality, all you were ever doing is throwing your energetic support to those leaders who o-press you.
Archangel Raphael also spent a lot of time last month repairing your brains, that were tampered with early in your history, to make you susceptible to brainwashing and mind control. All of your brains have now had time to heal from the repairs.
In order to free yourselves, you must allow yourselves to challenge each belief you have and see if it really serves you, or whether you have been made to think thoughts that allow you to try to suppress the expression of free will in others and yourself.
I’ve enjoyed talking with you all today. I did not get to very many of my backlog of DMs , but I will continue to work on them. I love you and appreciate you each as individuals, right where you are in your journeys. I’ll see you tomorrow for a message and discussion.
Hello, dear friends. I am still out as ny service takes me on a walkabout around North America. I will be answering questions throughout the day as I am able and will return with a message tomorrow. Much love to you.
02/23/20. I am still called elsewhere in service until tomorrow. I do not have good Wifi signal where I am at. I will continue to check in and answer tweets and DMs as I can today, and will return with a daily message tomorrow.
I’ve enjoyed talking with you all today. I did not get to very many of my backlog of DMs , but I will continue to work on them. I love you and appreciate you each as individuals, right where you are in your journeys. I’ll see you tomorrow for a message and discussion.
Hello, dear friends. I am still out as ny service takes me on a walkabout around North America. I will be answering questions throughout the day as I am able and will return with a message tomorrow. Much love to you.
02/23/20. I am still called elsewhere in service until tomorrow. I do not have good Wifi signal where I am at. I will continue to check in and answer tweets and DMs as I can today, and will return with a daily message tomorrow.
AA Raphael: 1. Good morning to you all! AA Michael will be away from Twitter for a few days. This morning I would like to help you become more aligned with your true essence. To be who you really are, it's important to connect within to your Higher Self.
AA Raphael 5: If you want to help others, keep yourself in a place of peace, then when you are out in public, imagine bringing in Love from The Creator down through your crown chakra, into your heart chakra and then out into the environment around you. Imagine if we all did this?
AA Raphael 6: Many of you are seeking answers. Today, I suggest you work with your heart more than your mind and find peace within. Connect with The Creator through your heart.
AA Raphael: I agree. So much distraction. Stay in a place of Love.
It is getting late where I am. Thank you for another day of allowing me to be of service. I love you all so much. I will return in the morning for a daily message. Much love to you all.
02/21/20.1. Please note that today I am not in my own space, and I do not have good Wifi signal. I will go back through the feed and answer your questions and many, many DMs as I am able. Much love to all of you.
If the West continues to hate the East, and the Right and the Left continue to hate each other, you are only clinging to the very tools of oppression you have all cried out to be freed from. Free yourselves. Love each other. Your greatest trial as a soul group is at hand.
Use this time of your great awakening to move your efforts away from the service of political and religious leaders, to those of service and love to each other. You all want the same things for yourself and your family. This “right” and “left” business are artificial divisions.
This great awakening that is happening is not because of your political leaders. It is because it was time. Those who have tangled it with political and religious movements have done so because they want you to trust them, so they can enslave you at the time of the harvest.
Many of you would progress so much faster in your ability to serve if you would just hear my one thing I have been trying to tell all: Your political ideas are holding you back. They will hold you back forever unless you see political factions on all “sides” are using you.
How you care for each other in this time of crisis will help you develop polarity, as Service to Others, or Service to Self. Resolve now to care for each other. Start today to change the energy by reaching across political or religious divides and extend unconditional love.
These natural disasters that will affect your whole planet in one way or another will create a huge stream of refugees. Those countries who have treated refugees the worst will see their energy returned as they become a nation of refugees themselves.
The “preppier mentality” I see among you of those who think they can survive The Event is not useful, unless it helps you control your own fear. It is more useful to get involved in service in your communities and develop service plans to help others in need.
You all need to reach across your borders and embrace those around you who will serve you in your time of desperate need. You need to open your hearts and put away your guns, so that others will be willing to come and help you at a this time.
Your governments will not be able to provide all that you will need in what awaits you on this planet. You will need help. You need to come together and recognize the situation you have all caused together and resolve to act as a worldwide family.
Very few from the galaxy are brave enough to show up here because when they do, your governments try to shoot them down. You all get out your guns and hunt them. This confounds us, as the threats to you are those you elect and support with your churches.
Your governments have even created a space force to fight off the ones who would try to come and help you in your upcoming horrors. Why would they do this? Again, as I have said many times, your government and religious leaders want you to believe in them.
These governments you think have united you have only divided you more against each other. They have created more hatred and disdain for each other than we have ever seen on this planet. You are, as a group, moving backwards in developing Higher Consciousness.
As I have stated already at least several hundred times, the governments on this planet you have thrown your support behind are controlled by the two ET races that have always kept you in misery, slavery, and ignorance. They are playing the long game to get you to follow them.
Others throughout the galaxy already know what is going to happen here and they are ready to come to your service. You must understand that ALL of the powerful governments on this planet do not want you to receive help from your galactic neighbors. Why is that?
You are experiencing First Contact all around you as the soul groups who are your guardians are moving their souls in and off of the planet according to service plans. They were largely prevented from doing this till we removed the Frequency Fence last Summer.
02/21/20: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN THE NEXT FEW YEARS, AND HOW DOES IT RELATE TO FIRST CONTACT FROM BEYOND? Today I will be discussing what you can expect over the next few years, and why it will occur. Humanity, as a group, creates its own future and can change it still.
This flood could still be avoided if you would all break down all of these political and religious constructs you use to blame everyone else for all of the problems that exist in your world. You could still avoid it if you would come together in love and unity.
What we see now is that your systems of locking each other out of your parts of the world will create barriers so those who come to help you can’t get into the countries which will be most profoundly affected. None of you own the planet, or where you live.
Thank you all again for being with me and standing with me for the light. It is very late where I am, so I will return tomorrow for more discussion. I love and value each of you so much. Thank you again.
Fourth Density Positive on the New Earth is the paradise that so many have foreseen for so long. And Fourth Density Negative is about as opposite as you can get from the New Earth opportunity. Fourth Density Negativeis the energetic return for “using” people here.
This is not to say there will not be disagreement, as free will allows for the development of new and challenging ideas. What will be different is you will see how to work respectfully through disagreement without turning against those who disagree with you.
This wonderful opportunity to finally get the peace so many of you long for is worth the effort to get there. Fourth Density Positive on the New Earth will be a constant reflection of the love you share for all those around you.
There will be malevolent ETs who try to show up and persuade you to be their slaves, as they have done here. Your own individual vibrations and that of the collective consciousness will drive malevolence out. You will not ever again be slaves to anyone unless you misalign.
There will be those among you who want to try to construct old religious idols and governments of the past. They will not be supported, and the collective consciousness will recognize how much profound harm politics and religion brought to Earth.
Many of you who are of ET origin who are in service to humanity will accompany you out of love to continue serving you in your new place. They will be able to appear in their actual forms and teach you without having to fear for their lives. You will have teachers from all over.
You will all contribute by loving yourself and doing that which you do to benefit yourself and others. Some will develop skills of healing, others will learn advanced methods of producing energy and food that do not suck the life out of the planet like is done here.
You will be given the tools necessary to allow you to live in service to each other, as you each pursue your own talents and gifts and contribute to the whole. There will be no banks or currency or economic systems that keep some in privilege and others in poverty.
You will also be given the tools of protecting and loving your beautiful new planet. You will be taught how to heal it. You will be given the information necessary to create housing and food production that respects all life and the planet.
You will all feel the deep inner connectiveness so many of you long to feel here. You will learn the processes of making decisions that benefit ALL, not just those of power and privilege as is done here on Earth. You will learn to heal ALL, because all will feel the pain of each.
02/19/20.1. WHAT IS FOURTH DENSITY ALL ABOUT? Hello, dear friends. Today I would like to discuss what awaits those of you who are of Service to Others “polarity” who will be going to the paradise of the beautiful New Earth.
You will have the opportunity to choose what life form you will take as you determine your own path forward as a soul. The leadership is starting to get established there now, many of whom are coming from the 4th Density civilization your Inner Earth.
There you will learn to live in what is called “Unity Consciousness.” Unity consciousness recognizes that each soul is loved and valued. You will all be “telepathic,” so you will experience for yourself what the collective creates and experienced.
Those who are well on the path to STO polarity will move, as a soul group, to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It is not named yet so those of you who go there will choose a name for it. The planet is simply spectacular in its beauty.
For those who earn the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful new place, life will be very different than here. For instance, there will be no insects like mosquitoes to harm you, as mosquitos are manifestations of the negativity of humanity here.
You do not have to be perfect in STO to be eligible for the New Earth. You only have to be showing the attitude and behaviors of STO more often than not, as some would describe, over 50% of the time. As long as you are progressing in your growth, you will not need to recycle.
There you will find that many of the animals who have recently died and gone extinct in natural processes actually migrated to the New Earth and are alive and well. There will be many familiar life forms there in plants and animals, as well as many new ones.
Since I’ve been tweeting for twelve hours, I will leave you now and return tomorrow with another message. I love you all as individuals. I’m so pleased to see the love among you growing. Goodnight.
It is always necessary to maintain your own aura with the energy of light, in order to be able to use gifts of healing for others. In order to serve in any way, you need to maintain and care for yourself energetically. You will physically feel much better physically as you do.
Keeping your aura filled with light, and your body filled with light as I discussed, is key to shielding yourself from the energy of others. At some point you will learn how to select what energy you let through, so you can hopefully learn to heal yourself and others.
Now focus on your abdomen and your lower back. These areas act as energetic portals, as do other areas of your bodies. We see many of you with open portals, or holes, in these places that need to be filled. Imagine gold light coming into you from these areas, filling your body.
Hello, my dear friends. Today, as promised, I would like to address the feelings many of you are now experiencing as you realize you can feel the energy of the life around you in its many forms.
Please imagine with me a bubble of energy around your body. Your aura actually looks like a bubble in its form. Imagine this bubble as a shield of protection around you. If you focus on it, you can see that sometimes it has gaping holes in it where energy has gotten through it.
In your imagination of this bubble, direct your energy, simply by focusing on the bubble, to fill the holes, and imagine blue, white, and gold light filling the bubble in its entirety. By focusing on these light colors, you invite actual light energy of fill your aura bubble.
(I just realized I forgot to number this. I’m sorry, I will improve my Twitter skills. I look forward to the time when I can again communicate with you all energetically, and not need to Tweet.)
When one of you learns and considers new information, the effect goes far beyond you. It spreads out like water spilled on the floor. Your influence as individuals is vast, for the dark or the light.
02/17/20.2. Service calls me elsewhere for most of the day. I hope to return later for discussion. Please do not produce more fear among yourselves. Please concentrate on the possibility of going to the New Earth, and what you need to learn to get there.
02/17/20.1. Hello, my dear friends. Today I would like to go over many past discussions and put information about the “Event” and the Harvest all in one long thread so you have it available to you to consider.
9:16 AM · Feb 17, 2020·Twitter for iPad
Feb 17Replying to
For all of the time beings of higher consciousness from different places throughout your galaxy have been serving among you, many who brought their gifts of clairvoyance have seen and discussed possible timelines they foresaw. There were many possible timelines until recently.
Representatives of your guardian alliance and I met last year to consider the possible outcomes of many different timelines, and through much respectful discussion, settled on a timeline, the only remaining timeline that you are now on. All timelines collapsed into one.
The timeline that was chosen was to harvest this planet within the next three to five years. Your guardians determined they had done all they could think of to help all of you polarize to either Service to Self polarity or Service to Others polarity.
Service to Self polarity is one of wanting to use control to manipulate others into one’s own personal scheme. Service to Others polarity is one of viewing and treating oneself as well as ALL others with unconditional love, forgiveness, and nonjudgment.
The Creator does not care which polarity a person adopts at this level of consciousness. This is because both polarities merge higher up in the density system. The two polarities create different paths. The Service to Self path is longer, more difficult, and more painful.
Beings from over 600 different soul groups that form up your guardian alliance have tried many programs over the years to help you reach polarity. The Creator set up the system whereby those of higher consciousness nurture those younger and less conscious souls as they progress.
This cycle on Earth is the level of consciousness called Third Density. Many of you have polarized, and are ready to advance to Fourth Density. Fourth Density splits into two parts—one for each polarity, with differing plans for soul development according to polarity.
About 20% of you are firmly anchored in Service to Self polarity. A little more than 40% of you are firmly Service to Others. The remainder of you are still working on deciding your course, and remain of no polarity.
Your guardians expected this would be a 75,000 year Third Density cycle like it has been on other planets. Instead, it has been hundreds of thousands of years, with everything tried that anyone could think of to help you develop as a human soul group.
It was determined last year that all that could be done had been done, and it was time to let those who reached polarity move onto Fourth Density. Those that did not reach polarity in this cycle will be repeating Third Density in another location.
Another factor came into play that led to our decision to end this cycle on this planet. Your beautiful planet is very ill due to the long cycle. It has endured more than was expected at the hands of humanity, and it needs to heal. Your planet is a living being itself.
Because of the facts that humanity needs to now move on to different opportunities, and the fact the planet needs to heal, the decision was made to “harvest” the planet, using an energetic process some have called “The Event. “
Unless humanity changes a lot as a group and becomes more peaceful, the time for The Event has been set and is known to very few. Although it will be accomplished through natural means, all energy can be controlled by high consciousness. It will not be a random thing.
We are advising you now that the timeframe for The Event is set for 3-5 years. Beyond that figure, we will not say, because we want to try to control the fear that many will feel and others will use to try to manipulate you.
There is no need to fear what is happening. The Event is a process of releasing you from your physical body, so that your soul can travel to the new location of your next opportunity. Because your planet needs to heal, you will all be moving to new locations on other planets.
The souls who developed Service to Others polarity will be moving to a beautiful new place called by some The New Earth. It will be like the paradise so many have foreseen and described. There they will be taught the skills of living in “unity consciousness.”
Those who have not reached a polarity will be relocated to one of several Third Density planets to continue the Third Density plan of developing a polarity.
And the relatively small number of you who have anchored yourselves in Service to Self will receive the karmic energetic return for using people in this cycle—you will move on basically as slaves of beings of higher consciousness who are also Service to Self.
The Harvest will scare a lot of people, and there are those among you now—a group of individuals representing different ET factions—who will try to get you to follow them by offering to save you from The Event by taking you off the planet in ships and giving you new bodies.
Please understand that all of you will be provided new bodies as you arrive as souls at your new locations. You are not taking these bodies with you. They will not function in the new environments of the new places you are going. Don’t sell your souls in fear.
I have been trying to alert you, through daily discussions with you, as to who the beings are that some foresaw and called “the Antichrist.” It is not one person, but a number, all who compete with each other to fool you into giving up your freedom so they can use you.
Religion and politics has always had the goal of “control.” Many Service to Other souls work behind the scenes of both to try to mitigate the harm these organizations do to society. However, all of the powerful governments of your planet are controlled by Service to Self beings.
Your guardians decided to allow the Service to Self beings among you to try to get you to adopt their ways, in hope you would see also the option to step forward and achieve Service to Others polarity instead. What happened is more Service to Self polarity was created.
Again, the Creator does not care what polarity you are, because your free will is the most important gift of the Creator. But your guardians, as do I, hope that you will see the three paths available to you, anf hope you will choose the one of love, forgiveness, and nonjudgment.
dont be deceived into a new age religion
Victoria Ciaramitaro#WWG1WGAThe Mighty 200@ciaramitari
Feb 18Replying to@ArchangelAmongU
So we were lied to so you believe those lyers. You going to stay a slave. Sex slave rock slave owed slave what kind of slave. Not Fair
I’m explaining all this to you. Are you seeing my replies? Only you choose now whether you will ever be a slave again, not anyone else. Your own choices, going forward, will make you a slave or free you to go to the New Earth and learn “unity consciousness.”
How can I sustain a pure positive vibration long enough to achieve a realistic outcome?
The very best instructions I can offer are found in the many pages of Jesus’s book. It is a multi step process of healing yourself and your energy. But you can do it. The steps are simple. There is no special knowledge required.
"Jesus's book" The Bible? Also, I seen a link 1-9 Jesus teaching but I lost it in the thread can u post again pls?
Yes, here it is. The book clarifies that much that was written in the Bibke about Jesus was incorrect.
Christ's Letters - Letter 1 of 9
NOTE: 30 seconds of sound is missing from 1:17:37 to 1:18:07. It is from this paragraph: It is entirely earthly and probably filled with mythical ideas, prej...
Because the cabal wrote that book.
Feb 24Replying to@ArchangelAmongU
While I deeply appreciate info from the Christ Letters u provided, I feel a lot of discord in ur messages, especially the last few days. I believe I am same, human but spiritual being. I have experienced AAM messages since 2010. Always mess says see how it plays out. Free choice
Good advice. All is always done with utmost respect for free will. Many of you are not here to experience the harvest because you have other plans to return from the place you came from before you came to serve here. You are remembering your own paths home
Feb 17Replying to@ArchangelAmongU
Are you familiar with Urantia?
Yes, it is a book with a lot of good information from the Melchezidek group of the planet Tara. Paul Selig channels the Melchezidek today in his books. Use everything as it resonates for you personally, including what I say.
I was "all in" on the first or original. Read it several times and studied thoroughly but found the second book to be somewhat of an imitation and lost faith altogether and then became utterly disappointed
There really are only four points to the Law of One: You are all aspects of the living network of the Creator, and we are all asked to extend unconditional love, nonjudgment, and forgiveness to all, including ourselves.