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Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream Paperback – Illustrated, April 30, 2014

Hotel California: The True-Life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends Hardcover – May 1, 2006

The Resurrection of Humpty Dumpty: The Rise of the Antichrist and the New World Order Paperback – March 6, 2009

THE Q MAP TRAP: How The Cow Jumped Over The Moon (DAYS OF NOAH Book 1)


by Carol Raymond;jsessionid=823B10D557D0F34773F237B116EE4911.prodny_store01-atgap15?ean=9781666289671


Just A Boy: The True Story of A Stolen Childhood by Richard McCann (2005-03-01)

by Richard McCann  | Jan 1, 1750

One October night in 1975 Richard, aged five, was alone in the house with his three sisters. It was 3am and their mother hadn't come home yet. Next morning, the police arrived to take the children away. Their mother had become the first victim of a serial killer soon to become known as the 'Yorkshire Ripper'.

Passed from one violent home to another, the children were forgotten by all except the press. As the salacious headlines multiplied, Richard and his sisters were never able to recover from their mother's murder. Whilst Richard tried to handle the terror of his violent upbringing, his sister struggled to deal with memories of sexual abuse. Without love or support they spiralled away from help or happiness.

Then one day Richard McCann, having reached suicidal rock bottom, decided no one was going to rescue their lives but him. It was the beginning of an inspirational transformation. Now he is able to tell the story of how the forgotten children of violence suffer, and how they can heal. A heartbreaking, uplifting story of survival and hope.

THE LAW OF FREQUENCIES: Mathematical rules in development of universal frequencies in curing diseases including thecword, lyme disease, morgellons, nanotechnology and MND/ALS Paperback – 20 July 2020

1975 book “The Illuminatus Trilogy” by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.

Illuminati New World Order Card Game Unlimited Edition Starter set Second Printing with colored Titles by Steve Jackson 1994-1995

"Digital Soldiers"

Book Amara was reading in Supernatural

Kafka on the Shore (2002)

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Kicking off our list is a book comprised of two narratives: First, there’s Kafka Tamura, a teenage boy on a quest to find his long-lost mother and sister. Then there’s Nakata, an old simpleton who finds and returns lost cats to their owners. As they unravel, these two odysseys begin to intertwine and connect.  

The Stranger at the Pentagon 

What exactly happened to Valiant Thor?

Dr. Frank Stranges was born and educated in Brooklyn, New York. He received his Bachelors of Divinity, as well as Ph.D's in Psychology and Philosophy, from Faith Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Stranges was a member of the Mayor's Advisory Council of Los Angeles, and a member of the American Association for Social Psychology. He also held a Ph.D. from the National Institute of Criminology, in Washington, D.C., and was an accredited Diplomat of the American Academy of Professional Arts.

Dr. Stranges authored several books on scientific and religious subjects, including his classic "The Stranger at the Pentagon," which tells the unusual story of a spaceman named Valiant Thor. Because Thor was a real person, who appeared in a public on a few occasions (including at the United Nations headquarters in New York City), the legend of the Stranger at the Pentagon has grown, becoming a real head-scratcher for 21st-century UFO researchers. Today, it is still one of the hottest topics in ufology, having spawned various other books, documentaries, and even feature Hollywood films.

What exactly happened to Valiant Thor? Did he get back on his spaceship and return to his home planet, or did he help the U.S. government set up alien-human hybrid experimentation in remote underground bases? Or was he imprisoned - thrown in the clink - by those in the government who have been fighting UFO Disclosure all these years?

Since no one knows how long an alien can live, could Valiant Thor still be alive today, in 2016, somewhere in - or under - our nation's capitol?

This special reprint - the 6th revised edition from 2001 - features an introduction by Dr. Harley Byrd, nephew of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, and an epilogue by Valiant Thor himself, as well as several interesting photos, covering years of UFO history. A must-have for the serious paranormal researcher.

Robert Flood Meterologia Cosmica 1626

Flat Earth Book

Sagrado Libro del Yo - Sacred Book of I Am

Saint Germain (Author) , Maestro Saint Germain (Author) , Fernando Candiotto (Editor) , Rubén Cedeño - Fernando Candiotto (Editor) , Rubén Cedeño (Contributor) , Paula Catañy (Contributor)


The Count St. Germain was a man of mystery. An 18th century European aristocrat of unknown origin. He had no visible means of support, but no lack of resources, and moved in high social circles. He was a renowned conversationalist and a skilled musician. He dropped hints that he was centuries old and could grow diamonds. He never ate in public, was ambidextrous, and as far as anyone could tell, totally celibate. He served as a backchannel diplomat between England and France, and may have played some role in Freemasonry. He hobnobbed with Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, Voltaire, Rousseau, Mesmer, and Casanova. He dabbled in materials and textile technology as well as alchemy, as did many intellectuals of the time (e.g., Newton). These are established historical facts, documented by the extensive collection of contemporary accounts in this book. Less well understood are some of the other stories that have been made about the elusive Count: he always appeared about forty years old, popped up from time to time after his official death (on February 27th, 1784), made spot-on, unambiguous prophecies, could transmute matter, and spontaneously teleported to distant locations. This has made him a subject of interest for students of the esoteric. The Theosophists, (of which Cooper-Oakley was a founding member), considered St. Germain to be one of the hidden immortals who manipulate history. In the 20th century, the 'I Am' Activity, and its successors such as Elizabeth Clare Prophet's adherents, elevated St. Germain to the status of a demigod, an 'Ascended Master.'


Sagrado Libro del Yo Soy (8 book series)

Kindle Edition

by Saint Germain (Author) , Maestro Saint Germain (Author) , Fernando Candiotto (Editor) and 3 more

"I AM and the Violet Flame", by Master Saint Germain, is Volume I of the "Sacred Book of the I AM". This work contains the two main foundations of the Master's Teachings: the instruction and practice of the "I AM", and the use of the Violet Flame, so that everyone who studies these Teachings first receives the foundations on which it is built. this great wisdom, foundation of all spiritual students of the New Age. The "Sacred Book of the I AM" is the content of the Instruction of the Master Saint Germain for the spiritual students of these two thousand years of the Age of Aquarius; Due to its length, and to facilitate access to it, it is organized and compiled in eight volumes, which are:

Volume I “I AM and the Violet Flame”

Volume II “Divine Virtues”

Volume III "Cosmic Laws"

Volume IV "Subtle Bodies"

Volume V "Personal Improvement"

Volume VI "Treatments and Decrees"

Volume VII "Great Beings of Light"

Volume VIII "I AM Saint Germain"

Tomo I “YO SOY y la Llama Violeta”
Tomo II “Virtudes Divinas”
Tomo III “Leyes Cósmicas”
Tomo IV “Cuerpos Sutiles”
Tomo V “Superación Personal”
Tomo VI “Tratamientos y Decretos”
Tomo VII “Grandes Seres de Luz”
Tomo VIII “YO SOY Saint Germain”

Seres de Luz (6 books)

Kindle Edition

by Rubén Cedeño (Author) , Fernando Candiotto (Contributor)

“Saint Germain”, by Rubén Cedeño, reveals unpublished mysteries about this Master –Avatar of the New Age of Aquarius–, the work he does, his reincarnations and the teaching he imparts. It is part of the notes that the author began in Hungary in 1980, when he specialized there in the Kodály system, an opportunity in which he moved to Sárospatak, a town where Master Saint Germain was born as a Hungarian Prince. Later, in 2002, he completed these investigations in Romania, visiting the physical place where the Master's Retreat is located, in the Carpathians.

Bruno MUNARI: "Cartina Cosmica", 1930 (coll. privata).

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Updated Edition

By: Alfred Edersheim

Paradise Lost (1667) John Milton


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The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History
Easily See Over 6,000 Years of Biblical and World History Together!

Jacob Israel

My Novel "THE CALLING" is AVAILABLE Now! :) The 2nd edition re-release is now a #1 Amazon Best Seller for New Releases... Get your copy today.


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The Year Zero--The Beginning of the End 

'The Year Zero' is the story of the end of time as we know it. It is also the beginning of time as we have never known it. It is a 21st Century Orwellesk 1984 modern look at the world and what could happen to us and if we are not extremely careful. Find out what the elites did and what pact they made with Satan and how they perpetrated their grand scheme to enslave the world.

Secret History:

The erased clues that prove who rules the world from behind the curtain. Paperback – November 24, 2016

by Johnny Cirucci  (Author)

“Italics suspended!” Johnny Cirucci has done it again. After unmasking the Illuminati in his first book Illuminati Unmasked, Johnny returns to give the full background leading up to Illuminati in a way only he and his dogged research skills could present. • What’s the truth behind Emperor Constantine and his controversial conversion to Christianity? • Has Islam been both task master and whipping boy for the Catholic Church since its inception? • The real story about the Templars; who were they and are they still around? • Who is the “Great Whore of Babylon” found in the Book of Revelation? • Never-before-told stories about Christianity’s greatest Protestors; Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale and more! • World history as only Johnny could tell it; from Joan of

Illuminati Unmasked: Everything you need to know about the "New World Order" and how we will beat it. Paperback – January 27, 2015

by Johnny Cirucci  (Author)

* Barack Obama’s shocking ties to this Mystery Religion—and it’s not Islam. * How American politics have been rigged and who has the power to control every level of your government. * All of America’s external threats—illegal immigration, pandemics, terrorism— orchestrated by the same people. * Who was really behind 9/11 and how they have far worse planned. * America’s top leaders from both Parties bow to this secret power. * The worst days in America can all be traced back to them. * American Patriots have been framed and murdered by them. * Assassination is their specialty. * Hidden history uncovered! The Communists and Nazis owe them their origins. * “Another lone gunman” lie with a twist you’ve never heard: the real story behind Abraham Lincoln’s death. *



When the Lights Go Out: From Survivor to Champion

by David Rodriguez  | Nov 10, 2016


The Mexican Mix: A Memoir Paperback – October 29, 2019


When the Revolution stampeded over Mexico, David’s dad and his brothers fled to the US to save their lives. His dad went on to marry a beautiful American girl and had five kids—the rowdiest of which was David. Sent at age seven to live on his uncle’s massive plantation in Mexico, David claimed his heritage and became deeply immersed in his family’s culture and language. He returned after two years to resume his life at home—traveling between the sister cities of Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, to help run his Dad’s fruit business. Later, David spent years working in law enforcement, and married Patricia. Patricia, an untraveled hometown college girl, ignited David’s interest—not only in her but also in pursuing a university education and establishing a stake, as his dad had, in the Great America. A wild ride that takes the reader through 120 years of Mexican and American cultural interaction, The Mexican Mix is a lively, true adventure of real people who suffered through hard times, thrived through good times, and loved through it all.

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler

by Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams, et al.

Featured on Man of Truth Podcast on You Tube

Man of Truth Juan O Savin latest thoughts and updates 7-11-2021

Call It Conspiracy Paperback – January 8, 2016

by Larry Abraham  (Author)

None Dare Call It Conspiracy Hardcover – January 8, 2014

by Gary Allen  (Author), Larry Abraham (Author)

None Dare Call It Conspiracy . pdf

The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska Mass Market Paperback – August 16, 2011

by John W. DeCamp  (Author)

America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones Paperback – Illustrated, April 1, 2004

by Antony C. Sutton  (Author)


by H. Verlan Andersen  (Author)

The Curse of Canaan

by Eustace Clarence Mullins  | Jan 18, 2016


The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 Paperback – August 1, 1997

by John Coleman (Author)

The World Order - Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism Paperback – January 20, 2016

by Eustace Clarence Mullins  (Author)

Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

by Eustace Clarence Mullins  | Apr 21, 2016

Eustace Clarence Mullins

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Murder by Injection

The Curse of Canaan

The World Order - Our Secret Rulers

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy

The Rape of Justice: America's Tribunals Exposed

Conversations with John F. Kennedy

There's a Gulag in Your Future 

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Les secrets de la Réserve Fédérale : La "London Connection"

Michel Drac, Eustace Mullins

A Study of the Federal Reserve

Eustace Clarence Mullins


Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation 

by Maureen J. St. Germain  (Author)

The Works of Aleister Crowley [Three volumes]

Book featured in the Zac Brown Band Video "If Tomorrow Never Comes"

Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus   Ludwig Wittgenstein

International Library of Psychology Philosophy and Scientic Method General Editor: C. K. Ogden, m.a. (Magdalene College, Cambridge)

REMEDY - Teaser Trailer (Part 1) | Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band - Remedy ( Part i )

Zac Brown Band - Remedy (A Zac Brown Band Film Part 2)

Remedy - A Zac Brown Band Film (Part 3) | Zac Brown Band

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Tammy Teigland

Author - Researcher - Manager

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Anita Meyer

(Pam)  MJ Miller

Author - Researcher

Author - Researcher - Editor

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