The Disney Pedophilia Symbolism thread is back!
Normies are asking me what Disney has done that's bad.
Brenda Hackett@BrendaHackett3
Replying to @LoveBling6 and
Reverse [Their] spells...Save Our children #WWG1WGA #ThesePeopleAreSick #TheGreatAwakening ♡♡♡
Who was Walt Disney??
Top 10 Symbolism in Disney Cartoons
Did Disney Cover Up Epstein's Story?
•Nov 18, 2019
Disney owns ABC, cruise ships went to Epstein Island, Chairman flew Lolita Express, ABC squashed Epstein story.
Heather O'Rourke story and Issac Kappy
Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary
Brice Taylor 2 – Child abuse at Disneyland
The Dark Side of Disney:
Sex Trafficking & Child Predators
July 19, 20209 min read Steve Alexander
Vanessa Hudgens Dishes On Disney's Secret Club - CONAN on TBS
Mar 27, 2013
The Elites Adrenochrome and Disneys Warning
•Jul 25, 2020
Disney and the Illuminati Bloodlines
“The CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, has been arrested for human trafficking at his home in Southern California.”
How is this not the #1 trending piece of news right now? Why is only the Vancouver Times reporting this?
Truth Revealed17, [3/18/2022 11:37 AM][Forwarded from Gonzalo Lira (Gonzalo Lira)][ Photo ]
EstherSpeaksTruth🍊, [3/18/2022 10:24 PM]
[Forwarded from Freedom Force Battalion (Freedom Force Battalion)]
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/aaEtTUHESA9B/
Frank Speech https://frankspeech.com/video/108-arrests-children-rescued-disney-world-how-you-can-help-restoration-3-18-21
BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/video/aaEtTUHESA9B/
108 ARRESTS! Children Rescued! Disney World & How you can help Restoration 3-18-21
FREE Read 4 Chapters of Revelation Decode Book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08V9HZLHD
Disney World guests wading through flood - one worker says he hasn’t seen the likes of this in 17 years

Club 33 is a set of private clubs located in three of the Disney Parks. The original is in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland.
A Meeting Place For VIPs
It has been discretely located in the heart of the New Orleans Square on “33 Royal Street”. In fact, you have probably walked past the entrance many times without even knowing it was there!
A Meeting Place For VIPs
Club 33 is a set of private clubs located in three of the Disney Parks. The original is in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland. Known similar locations in Tokyo Disneyland and Shanghai Disneyland, and new locations coming to Walt Disney World's four parks.
Jul 26th 2019, 11 tweets, 2 min read
Boasting an alleged initiation fee of $25,000 to $50,000, with annual dues as high as $30,000, and a 10-year waiting list to join, Club 33 is a five-star restaurant and lounge whose members are corporations, high-rollers, and celebrities. It's rumored that Tom Hanks is a member.
What Is Club 33
Club 33 is a private and exclusive five star restaurant in Disneyland. It has been discretely located in the heart of the New Orleans Square on “33 Royal Street”. In fact, you have probably walked past the entrance many times without even knowing it was there!
A Meeting Place For VIPs
This exclusive club was originally intended for use by Disneyland’s Corporate sponsors and other industry VIPs when it opened May, 1967.
Other Members
Limited individual memberships soon became available, and now dignitaries, celebrities, and even U.S.Presidents might be spotted entering Club 33.
EOnline reports recent (2012-2013) visits by Katy Perry (at Club 33)
The fact that they openly use the number 33 and other symbolism to decorate the place lets us know that there is something more sinister going on in there.
Those who are fortunate enough/have sufficient disposable income to get in can expect to rub some pretty darn impressive shoulders. Mental Floss has this to say about the calibre of the clientele: “Johnny Depp sometimes pops in when he's around.
Now it boasts members such as Tom Hanks and Christina Aguilera.
Elton John, Kobe Bryant and Arnold Schwarzenegger have all dined there.
Angela Gabour, who has worked at Club 33 for 28 years, likes to tell of the time Prince Rainier of Monaco visited.
Exposing The "Keys" to Disney's Operations and Agenda - coreysdigs.com
From the CIA to the FBI, Walt Disney's connections ran deep. See what Disney's operations were really about and the pedophiles involved,
EstherSpeaksTruth🍊, [2/20/2022 9:16 AM]
[Forwarded from Scotty Bee-17 (Kendra Stetler)]
L. Operation Snow White (in 30 Q drops):
• The CIA had seven huge, super-secret, global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters that was named after the seven dwarfs: Operation Snow White.
• The CIA in Hollywood also funded Walt Disney, Hugh Hefner and among many other paid/controlled operations like Mockingbird and Honey traps.
• Marilyn Monroe had Military clearance to California CIA Military base. Courtney Love also was a placed low level CIA agent who ran drugs through England punk scene and trafficked girls between elites.
• These CIA super computers were hacked by US Military Intelligence battalions.
• These files and Snow White computers were the connection to worldwide Child Trafficking rings and elites like Epstein, Hollywood, Britney Spears, HRC, Obama, Facebook, Twitter and Google.
EstherSpeaksTruth🍊, [2/20/2022 5:53 PM]
[Forwarded from GhostEzra]
People often say, why not just jolt the sheep awake. The wakeup process is very serious and delicate. You are dealing with some big serious lies that will be uncovered. Nasa, Cia, Disney, WW2, 911, Antarctica, Vatican, Mockingbird Mossad Media, Dumbs, Central banks, Fed, Synagogue of Satan, Black Triangles, The earth, Royal blood lines, Frazzeldrip, Vril, Adrenochrome, and much more. Now imagine all this being downloaded all at once. People would be in padded rooms or cliff jumping. Yes, even conservatives who don't wear masks fall into this category. This has to be unwound delicately for your own sanity. It's coming out drip by drip. Nothing at this point can stop it. You may not understand the process, but you'll end up respecting and appreciating it greatly. The battle is won already, this is Operation Wakeup. Pay attention to everything, but don't let anything consume you. Everything matters, and is connected in some fashion. You can't tell people, you must show them. Decades of brainwashing is slowly being unwound.
(also Laurel Canyon and also Disney Club 33!) has long been a part of MK ULTRA. I
Sep 12th 2019, 14 tweets, 4 min read
Hollywood (also see Laurel Canyon and also Disney Club 33!) has long been a part of MK ULTRA. If you cooperate you will be successful, if not you get ostracized or “suicided“. A few though do break out of their programming or become programmers but are able to get out.
Take a look at Tila Tequila (got out), Britany Spears (tried to…), Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith (“suicide”). Some are not necessarily “programmed” but become part of the program, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle.
Ever wonder how so many of these Hollywood celebs wind up so seriously f** up? Sure access to all the free money, drugs and sex you can handle? That can account for quite a few…. but all of them? Even if you don’t think there is a connection do some further reading,
find out what you can and I’ll bet you’ll find some connections there. The “powers that be” really just can’t help themselves with their own sense of self importance so they leave behind tell tale signs and symbols (remember the 33 Club?
Britney Spears’ career is a perfect case study of trauma-based mind control in the entertainment industry. From Lolita/kitten themes to group sex to Mars and clone labs, practically every aspect of MK ULTRA programming can be witnessed in her career.
"If you have a little bit of Sunshine in you, it's never good to play in the dark. ~2Pac.
When her music videos are watched in chronological order, they tell a horrific story of never ending enslavement, Britney has been a performer since her childhood days of Disney’s Mouseketeers and won many pageants and talent competitions in the vein of Toddlers and Tiaras.
Her 1998 first hit single, Hit Me Baby One More Time, is an obvious reference to physical abuse and identification with her handler and she appears in a uniform similar to a catholic schoolgirl.
The Babylonian Mystery Religion eventually became the Roman Catholic Church and factions of the church are at the root of the mind control network. Survivor Cathy O’Brien’s formal induction as a presidential model mind controlled slave began with her first Holy Communion.
where she was given the “Rite to Remain Silent.” She received a Rosy Cross necklace which would lead her through the rest of her mind controlled existence. Her abuser told her he worked for the Vatican and now, so did she. The Rite to Remain Silent is anchored in the
“Vow of Silence” performed by the Jesuit monks. At the end of the music video Britney awakens from her disassociation to find that the entire scenario was all in her imagination. This becomes a common theme in many of her videos.
I love Hollywood. I hate what [They] do to children, women, men, and innocent people. When I was much younger this was my dream. Make entertainment moral and safe again. I've been at this sick twisted game for so dang long clearly.
#WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE it's not left vs. right. It's good vs. evil. #DarkToLight #GoodVsEvil #FreeBritney "if you have a little bit of Sunshine in you, it's never good to play in the dark. ~2Pac.
The Elites Adrenochrome and Disneys Warning
•Jul 25, 2020
EstherSpeaksTruth🍊, [2/20/2022 5:53 PM]
[Forwarded from GhostEzra]
People often say, why not just jolt the sheep awake. The wakeup process is very serious and delicate. You are dealing with some big serious lies that will be uncovered. Nasa, Cia, Disney, WW2, 911, Antarctica, Vatican, Mockingbird Mossad Media, Dumbs, Central banks, Fed, Synagogue of Satan, Black Triangles, The earth, Royal blood lines, Frazzeldrip, Vril, Adrenochrome, and much more. Now imagine all this being downloaded all at once. People would be in padded rooms or cliff jumping. Yes, even conservatives who don't wear masks fall into this category. This has to be unwound delicately for your own sanity. It's coming out drip by drip. Nothing at this point can stop it. You may not understand the process, but you'll end up respecting and appreciating it greatly. The battle is won already, this is Operation Wakeup. Pay attention to everything, but don't let anything consume you. Everything matters, and is connected in some fashion. You can't tell people, you must show them. Decades of brainwashing is slowly being unwound.
The Dark Side of Walt Disney Exposed, MK Ultra and Club 33.
[Forwarded from John F. Kennedy Jr]
[ Video ]
SHARE!!=====================Channel 🆔 John F. Kennedy https://t.me/JohnF_KennedyJr
Disney CEO says 1/2 of characters will be LGBT going forward.
Boycotted Disney long ago.
Disney disclosure hits mainstream. https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/My_Peoples_(Cancelled_Disney_Film)
Captain EO 1986 Disneyland
•Premiered Apr 26, 2019
What?! Did I hear that right? Disney has not been paying their corporate taxes for more than 50 years!
"Going forward, Disney is going to have to pay its taxes. Oh wow! Just like everybody else."
It’s been operating as its own sovereign country within the state of Florida.
Hitting Disney where it hurts: Florida GOP threatens to strip Walt Disney World of its right to build anything it wants inside its theme park as feud over 'Don't Say Gay' bill escalates
Florida House lawmakers have met twice to discuss repealing the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Walt Disney World
Tucker: This will cost the Disney corporation a ton of money

Disney.. What you Need to Know. Message from George News / Anonymous Charity
Premiered Jul 25, 2019
🏰 Disney's Dark Secrets > The Dark Side Of The Happiest Place On Earth
Juan O Savin SITREP Published April 9, 2022
Disney's Tomorrowland
NASA to Demonstrate Self-Healing Quantum Communications Tech
Pentagon releases 1,500 pages of secret files on shadowy UFO programmed
The US Sun
Flying Microchips The Size Of A Sand Grain Could Be Used For Population Surveillance
Werner Von Braughn
A View from Space 1969
Is This Real,...You Tell Me...Screw The Moon...including Mars (of which the Moon is a part) #SCOTUS Jun 7, 2019
First published at 06:20 UTC on August 7th, 2021.
George News: In 1959 They Were Able To Move a Hurricane!
A Walt Disney Presentation!