A couple interesting facts about Eyes Wide Shut. It was released on the same day as JFK JR's plane crash, July 16, 1999, and this was the headline of the newspaper Tom Cruise was reading. 10 Insane Conspiracy Theories About Stanley Kubrick ... http://listverse.com/2014/01/17/10-insane-conspiracy-theories-about-stanley-kubrick/
just call me Patriot
· 17h
Replying to @Charitable_Fury and @jeanette_landen
My father called Kidman and cruises downfall when they made eyes wide shut and he noticed when oprah changed. People have been awake for years. It has just taken this long to catch on.

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· 7m
Nicole Kidman's father, Antony, recently passed away from a heart attack while in Singapore. While this seems fairly innocuous, there is an article on BeforeItsNews that seems to argue he was murdered for his alleged involvement in a Satanic-Pedo ring called the Ninth Circle https://twitter.com/ALWado1/status/1234219181442293767…
Illuminati symbolism and analysis of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
Home»Best of IlluminatiWatcher»Illuminati symbolism and analysis of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
Posted By Isaac Weishaupt on Mar 25, 2015 | 131 comments
The film Eyes Wide Shut was Stanley Kubrick’s last film, and he based it off the novella by Austrian author Arthur Schnitzler entitled Traumnovelle, or Dream Novella. It revolves around the difficulty of the protagonist couple played by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman as they struggle with themes of sexuality, monogamy, and distinguishing the difference between dreams and reality (hence the name Dream Novella).
With all of the theories involved with Stanley Kubrick’s films, (such as The Shining, of which I have an in-depth breakdown and explanation for in my The Shining symbolic analysis post), EWS appears to follow along the same path of a hidden expose. I’ll pull together an all-encompassing post to cover as many of the relevant theories for the film, including my theory that it is based on the Illuminati-shadow group’s obsession with goddess worship. Kubrick worked on the film’s script for almost 30 years and considered it to be his best work to date.
You can watch the full expose (with more images) here on my YouTube channel:
His unforeseen death a few months prior to the release of the film stoked conspiracy theories that the Illuminati took him out because he simply revealed too much this time. Warner Bros went on record as having digitally altered several scenes post-production and claim that it was in order to get an R-rating, even though we’ve never seen the uncut version. So did Kubrick intend to convey a message of elite obsession with goddess worship through magical sexual orgies? I think so.
Before I get into the different aspects of the film, I’d like to introduce a few pieces that influenced and help me get through the film that I’ll reference in the breakdown later.
Introducing Sociology A Review of Eyes Wide Shut by Tim Kreider
Tim Kreider is an essayist and cartoonist who provides commentary via multiple channels. He provided a great, in-depth essay on the film and some of the theories behind it symbolism, which can be retrieved at Visual-Memory.co.uk. I highly suggest reading his essay, but I will refer to it a few times throughout this post. Here’s a great paragraph to show what I’m talking about on how well it is written:
The real pornography in this film is in its lingering depiction of the shameless, naked wealth of millennial Manhattan, and of its obscene effect on society and the human soul. National reviewers’ myopic focus on sex, and the shallow psychologies of the film’s central couple, the Harfords, at the expense of every other element of the film-the trappings of stupendous wealth, its references to fin-de-siecle Europe and other imperial periods, its Christmastime setting, even the sum Dr. Harford spends on a single night out-says more about the blindness of the elites to their own surroundings than it does about Kubrick’s inadequacies as a pornographer. For those with their eyes open, there are plenty of money shots.
TheKonformist.com posted up an interpretation by Adam Gorightly that sees the film as one in which Kubrick tries to expose MK ULTRA mind programming into sex slaves. This idea of MONARCH programming has been postulated in musical acts such as Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. The sources that claim this programming exists (e.g. Cathy O’Brien) say that the programming starts at a young age, which is what we witness with the prevalence of former Disney Mickey Mouse Club members who become stars such as Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera. We see Alice grooming her daughter, Helena throughout the film to follow in her footsteps, which could arguably be to become the next sex slave or goddess.
There are several other good articles and references including VigilantCitizen and Jay’sAnalysis. Let’s get into it now… At the onset of the film, we see two tennis rackets that are uncovered. Alice Harford (Nicole Kidman’s character) is standing between two sets of columns/pillars which some say are symbolic of Boaz and Jachin, the two pillars that were at the entrance to Solomon’s Temple (and see in Freemason temples, which is explained further in the Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Saturn and the Black Cube, & Saturn Worship post). It’s also theorized that the drapes behind her are symbols for the pyramid; an esoteric Illuminati symbol.
The villain in Dan Brown’s book The Lost Symbol has Boaz and Jachin tattooed on his legs; and the name of the villain is Mal’akh, which is a reformed version of the name of the ancient horned deity Moloch (or Molech) as well. Alice Harford is the female protagonist in this film, and it should be noted that her red hair is synonymous with the Scarlet Woman that Aleister Crowley identified as the the goddess of his religion, Thelema. The Scarlet Woman represents the female sexual impulse and liberated woman, which Alice Harford alludes to desiring to be in her true form later in the film. She is representative of female goddesses, and the occult just love to have symbolism revolving around the Triple Goddess (three forms of goddess; one of which is the Earth Mother, aka Scarlet Woman, aka Babalon). We’ll revisit this again when we meet Alice and Bill’s daughter… When we are introduced to Tom Cruise’s character (Dr. William Harford; or ‘Bill’; some claim this is related to the ‘dollar bill’- filled with Illuminati symbolism), he has an equal yet opposing scene, note the shoes at bottom, same pillars, etc., but he’s in the dark (her scene had her in the light). This implies that she has been enlightened by the illuminated ones. This theme will pop up throughout as she gives us this hint of being in the know through the film.
When you’re watching the film, note the size and beauty of the Harford apartment. It has been speculated that this proves Bill’s connection to these elite types who help support this standard of living. Tim Kreider’s article says the following:
Kubrick and his collaborator, Frederic Raphael, discussed exactly how much money a New York doctor like Bill Harford must earn per year. The Harfords’ standard of living raises questions about their money, and where it comes from–from Bill’s sparsely scheduled private practice, or the sorts of under-the-table services we see rendered upstairs at the party? Dr. Harford is on call to that class of person who can afford not to wait in emergency rooms or die in hospitals–people like his friend Victor Ziegler, whose name denotes him as one of the world’s winners.
It’s all part of painting the scene of a world much disconnected from the other 99%ers. The comparisons are also drawn between the mysteriously well-to-do Harfords against the much better off Ziegler. Later you see the pinnacle of the elite (the Rothschilds) in the Somerton mansion which blows the other ones away.
The first instance where Alice displays her superior goddess status is that of her knowledge and awareness (as opposed to Bill’s) when he asks where his wallet is, and she knows it’s on his nightstand. She has the knowledge, while he is clueless. About a minute later, he asks what the name of the babysitter is, even though she literally just told him her name when she asked if he gave the phone numbers for Roz.
In the opening scene we see Alice and Bill’s daughter, Helena:
The name Helen has ties to the ancient pagans because of Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Zeus and the most beautiful woman in the world. She also has red hair which is also symbolic of the Scarlet Woman again. The name Helena could be inspired by Aleister Crowley yet again, this time through the Gnostic Catholic Church, which is not a Christian church, but rather another occult organization stemming from Crowley’s Thelema, and affiliated with the Ordo Templi Orientis secret society. One of the prominent members of the church is named Helena Apiryon, and she wrote their creed in 1998 which states:
And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON.
And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.
Here we see the name Babalon, which refers to the Scarlet Woman (which we’ll see shape shifting here in a few minutes…). We also see Baphomet, which we know as the occult image of the goat and identified with the Church of Satan:
Her name is also believed to be modeled after Helena Blavatsky, the occultist and founder of Theosophical Society that influenced Adolf Hitler (her concept of superiority of Aryan races and Atlantis in development of human history in The Secret Doctrine) and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’s author L. Frank Baum.
The Wizard of Oz film featured the song Over the Rainbow sang by Judy Garland (note that the song Over the Rainbow was featured in other Illuminati-esque events such as Lady Gaga performing on Good Morning America and also the Sandy Hook shooting memorial which links to the record label of “Sandy Hook Records” that Judy Garland was on at one time; and all of that ties to the fact that Oz equals ’77’ in occult symbolism which is the publication of Aleister Crowley ‘Liber Oz’ or ‘Book 77’). These themes involving rainbows will be recurring in the film…
The Konformist.com suggests more on the Wizard’s involvement with mind control programming, implying that the references throughout the film ultimately go back to this sexual programming:
The Wizard of Oz has been long acknowledged by Monarch insiders as a common programming matrix, which uses Wizard of Oz themes and imagery as a tool to program minds. (It has been rumored that Judy Garland herself was the subject of just this sort of Monarch-styled mind control.)
We’ll revisit this later in the film as well.
After the Harfords leave their house they attend a party at their friend (and patient of Bill’s), Victor Ziegler’s house. As they walk in we see the checkered pattern on the floor that is typical of Freemasonry temples:
“Ziegler” is a German surname meaning ‘brick-maker’. There is also a Jewish University in Los Angeles that ordains Rabbis under this same title. Some theorists believe this is a tie to Freemasonry and the Kabbalah, which the checkered floor and surname support.
Big ups to GLP’s forum on this subject, where a poster named Anonymous Coward pointed out that there is in fact a shape shifter scene in the film. Kubrick wasn’t known for inconsistencies in his filming so we’ve got to assume this is purposefully placed. During the first dance scene (Kidman and Cruise together), the band pauses for a break. She says she must go to the bathroom and you’ll notice an older man with white hair is walking with a girl with a dark red cape on (red might signify the Crowley Whore of Babylon; more occult beliefs previously mentioned). Right as they pass through a doorway (portal?…) she turns into an entirely different woman. Check it out; here are shots from 4:57-4:58 of the film:
Here’s an eight pointed star inside of an eight pointed star at the house. This appears all over this first party house of Ziegler’s, and we will see it again later in the film at Milich’s Rainbow Costume store. Also-check out the blue Forget-Me-Nots in Sander’s lapel; they are symbolism from Freemasons and Nazis (Super big-ups to commenter Yeshi for finding that one, I totally didn’t even see it). From Wiki:
Freemasons began using the flower in 1926 as a symbol well known in Germany as message not to forget the poor and desperate. Many other German charities were also using it at this time. In later years, by a handful of Masons, it was a means of recognition in place of the square and compass design. This was done across Nazi occupied Europe to avoid any danger of being singled out and persecuted. The symbol of the forget-me-not in modern Masonry has become more prevalent and exaggerated claims about the use of the symbol are often made in order to promote sales of bumper stickers of the symbol.[5] Today it is an interchangeable symbol with Freemasonry and some also use the forget-me-not to remember those masons who were victimized by the Nazi regime.[6] In English Freemasonry it is more commonly now worn to remember those that have died as a symbol that you may be gone but not forgotten.
The placement of this eight pointed star is undoubtedly purposeful, and it supports my theory that this film is about occult goddess worship. This star can be seen as the Star of Venus, (aka Star of Ishtar; the Babylonian goddess) which both refers to ancient goddesses:
The same star can be found in Chaos magick which is a modern version of magic that utilizes various occult beliefs:
At Ziegler’s house you’ll notice that there is a statue of a god Cupid; (who is derived from the goddess Venus as Tammuz) at the spiral staircase:
We just saw that the eight pointed star refers to the Star of Venus, so we see yet another piece of goddess symbolism. Notice that it has seats set up around it that features the same men from the final scene of the film who take their daughter away. I’ll address this again later, but here is the image from the final scene of the film where Bill and Alice’s daughter goes away with the men:
Not sure those are the same men? I’ll zoom it in:
Getting back to that statue of Cupid; it is involved in the goddess worship we see with the celebration of Valentine’s Day since Cupid was the god of desire. This theme is found in circles of occult and Pagan symbolism as pointed out in my post about Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions:
Tammuz, aka Cupid, was known for shooting arrows at the heart, which was considered the seed for all emotions in the body at one time. The tradition of giving flowers and candy comes from the occult practice during this celebration when worshippers would bring spring flowers, candies, etc. to the temple for the spring goddess (Semiramis) who had been hibernating and is now beginning to awake.
At the party, we witness a character playing the Hungarian Sandor Szavost as he hits on a bored Alice Harford, and we can guess that his name is inspired by the founder of the Church of Satan Anton “Sandor” LaVey.
Szavost also has a prepped come-on line, as pointed out by Tim Kreider:
Sandor Szavost, Alice’s would-be seducer, inquires whether she has read Ovid’s Art of Love, a reference fraught with sly implications. Art of Love is a satiric guide to the etiquette of adultery, set among the elite classes of Augustus’s Rome, full of advice about bribing servants, buying gifts, and avoiding gold-diggers. (Szavost’s drinking from Alice’s glass is a move lifted right out of Ovid’s pick-up manual.)
Still at the house, Bill is enticed by two young females, and one of them is named Nuala Windsor. The name Windsor identifies with the royal house of the UK as the House of Windsor, where the bloodlines of the elite still hold power to this day. Theorists claim that Kubrick was trying to expose the secrets of the elitists such as the Windsor family in films like these.
Nuala’s friend asks Bill if he remembers her and said she was in Rockefeller Plaza and had something in eye and he helped her. Rockefeller Plaza has links to this film and the Illuminati because it holds the iconic gigantic Christmas tree right above the occult statue of Prometheus at the ice rink. Also it should be pointed out that her reference to the eye is symbolic for the all seeing eye.
Bill asks where the girls where they are taking him and the girls tell him they are taking him to “where the rainbow ends”. Again, a rainbow reference. Another idea about the rainbows could be an analogy to the Rainbow Room at “30 Roc” (30th floor of the formerly known as “GE Building” in Rockefeller Plaza; home of NBC, but now being renamed to the Comcast Building) that was a club/restaurant, run by none other than the Rockefeller family for several years before they sold it to the Capriani family in 1998. Interestingly enough, the Rockefeller family knew to sell this successful restaurant right before the 9/11 event, because the Capriani family would see a severe downturn in business and eventually had to close this historic landmark in the late 2000s (it’s since reopened).
I was also given information that the floor of the Rainbow Room also features the 8-pointed Star of Ishtar, which again links us into the film’s pervasive use of it:
After meeting the girls, Bill is sent for by Ziegler to attend to a prostitute named Mandy (who will appear later…). Mandy has overdosed and needs medical attention, which Bill provides. Note that the theme of mind controlled women (whether it be MK ULTRA, or just a good ol’ fashioned cult leader like Charles Manson), generally will involve some drug use. I think that Kubrick knew that and is displaying this as part of the overarching message of the film.
Another theme that recurs is that of mirrors. They’re always analyzing themselves in mirrors (e.g. shots before the love scene, bathroom scenes, etc.). The film poster also features the one eye and Bill and Alice in a mirror.
There are tons of mirrors throughout the film, which could be ties to Alice in Wonderland, especially given the female protagonist’s name. The mirrors might represent the characters having to look at themselves honestly in the mirror and seeing the farce of an image they are attempting to portray to the outside world. It could also reference Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There since Nicole Kidman’s character is named Alice and the film exposes what Kubrick ‘found there.’
Something odd; It appears that Bill’s ring is on his right hand for this one particular part of the film. In Europe, some couples wear the wedding band on the right hand, but that is not the case for this film. He wears it on the left hand throughout, except for this one scene, which is shot with mirrors as well:
A bit later, Bill and Alice are fighting and she asks about what he’s thinking when he’s examining a woman’s breasts in his office; almost like she knows he did that earlier in the day. This is another reference to her almost mystical ability to know what he’s doing without being there.
During the verbal altercation Alice argues that she (and other women in general) might want to have male ‘tendencies’ of promiscuity and gets mad that Bill doesn’t even get jealous over her. She reveals that at Cape Cod last summer she fantasized about a naval officer. Theories suggest this is supposed to be analogous to the event when L. Ron Hubbard stole rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons’ mistress Sara Northrup. L. Ron Hubbard was the founder of the Church of Scientology; of which Tom Cruise is a prominent member.
Even stranger, the Church of Scientology has a fraternal order established by L. Ron Hubbard entitled The Sea Organization (or Sea Org). It was established in 1967 aboard three ships: the Diana, the Athena, and the Apollo. Note that Diana and Athena are both references to ancient goddesses, with Diana being a moon goddess that can readily be referenced to Princess Diana who was murdered by an “unknown” cause. I’ve got endless amounts of material on Princess Diana on the website.
Continuing on the Sea Org group, recall that Tom Cruise is a member of the CoS and split off with Katie Holmes when he insisted on sending their daughter, Suri, to Sea Org. Here’s DailyMail.co.uk:
The prospect of sending six-year-old Suri to the Sea Organisation, or Sea Org as it is known, is what is said to have been the final straw for Katie Holmes before she filed for divorce.
The clergy like group is run like a military clique from the Scientology Gold Base in California which has a sniper-style nest bunker on the site
If Sea Org members try to leave they are also given a ‘freeloader tab’ which is a bill for all the work they have received, and can run into six figures.
Under the influence of Scientology ‘elders’, Sea Org members are convinced to ‘volunteer’ for punishments which can include being given poor quality food, sleep deprivation or being banned from talking to anyone, ABC news has reported.
They can also involve manual labour, wearing black clothes to mark you out from everybody else – and can go on for years.
Then there are the alleged beatings at the hands of leaders and The Hole, two trailers which can hold up to 100 people forced to do group confessions all night.
In one episode detailed in an piece in the New Yorker, those put in The Hole were told that they had to play a game of musical chairs and only the person who won would be allowed to stay.
As the Queen hit ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ boomed out of the stereo, it took until 4am before there was a winner, by which time things turned violent with one chair being ripped in two.
And Katie had valid concerns, here’s what Wiki says about Sea Org and children:
According to Melton, couples with children must leave the Sea Org and return to other staff positions within the church until the child is six years old; thereafter the children are raised communally and allowed to visit their parents in the Sea Org at weekends. Children of members have themselves joined the Sea Org when they came of age.[21] Several former members have said they were advised (or even forced) to have an abortion when they became pregnant to avoid being sent to lower organizations
Just last year, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise’s adopted daughter Isabella decided on not joining Sea Org. Check out the tattoo on her forearm of the Illuminati triangle and all seeing eye from DailyMail:
Of course we could go on all day about this, including conspiracies that L. Ron Hubbard had frozen sperm that was used to impregnate Katie Holmes in order to make Suri the next leader of the CoS, but we’re getting too far off track.
There is an idea (from the original novel) that some or all of the story is indeterminably a dream or reality. If in fact it is a dream, I propose that the phone ringing is symbolic for alarms going off in Bill’s head. This seems to be when the weird dream-like part of the film begins with Bill heading out on the town in the middle of the night, which corresponds to the hours of sleep.
We are introduced to an older woman (albeit slightly), who plays the part in the theme of the Triple Goddess of the Crone. The Crone is symbolic of death, and that is appropriate since she is at the house where her father just passed away. She tries to give herself away to Bill, but he declines:
After helping ‘the Crone’ out, Bill is walking the streets of New York City and comes across a group of young men who start attacking him and yelling out gay slurs. I watched this scene several times, wondering why they thought Bill was gay, and why they were harassing him. It doesn’t make sense at all. However, you’ll notice that ALL of the young men are wearing Yale University clothing:
We are never told how this happens; was it Alice who found the mask? Was it a solidified threat from Ziegler and the boys club? The novel asserts it was Alice (well, her equivalent character under a different name), but it doesn’t necessarily have the secret society threat at the end like the film does, nor Ziegler’s character, so who knows what Kubrick was trying to convey.
The next morning Bill and Alice wrap up an unseen conversation and she says that Helena will be up soon and they are to take her Christmas shopping. In the final scene at the toy store we see they’ve got a game called the Magic Circle and pentagram stars all over the ceiling.
There are a ton of bears all over and she even asks for one. The bear is symbolic of child abuse, with the internet meme of pedo-bear, and even Miley Cyrus’ 2013 MTV VMA performance reiterating that:
In fact, Tim Kreider points out those connections between Helena’s Christmas list and the tragedy surrounding all of Bill’s female encounters in the film:
Helena’s Christmas list includes a blue baby carriage (like the blue stroller seen twice outside Domino’s apartment), an oversized teddy bear (next to a rack of tigers like the one on Domino’s bed) and a Barbie doll (reminiscent of Milich’s daughter) dressed in a diaphanous angel costume just like the one Helena herself wore in the film’s first scene. She herself has already become a doll, a thing to be dressed up with cute costumes and accessories. Another toy, conspicuously displayed under a red ring of lights, is called “The Magic Circle”; the name is an allusion to the ring of ritual prostitutes at the orgy, and the bright red color of the box recalls the carpet on which they genuflected to the high priest, as well as the felt of the pool table over which Bill made his own bargain with the devil. The subplot with Milich and his daughter is clearly echoed here, in another place of business, as the Harfords also casually pimp their own little angel out to the world of commerce
In the final seconds of the film, we see that there are two old men are in the background of this toy store. They are claimed to be the same men at the first house party at Ziegler’s house. We then see the daughter, Helena as she disappears with them while Alice and Bill are talking.
You can clearly see Helena leaving with the two men. Now take a look at the Ziegler house at the old men at the table by the Cupid statue:
And here’s a zoom in on them at the toy store:
If you’re still in doubt that she is being sold out to some disgusting sex-ring type organization, check out this screenshot that commenter ‘Unknown’ found that proves that Helena had a painting in her room that had the letters SEX on it:
If you don’t see it, take another look; once you see it you can’t unsee it:
So the film ends with the sacrifice of their own daughter to this shadow group, wrapping up the goddess-sacrificial symbolism we see in the Illuminati groups. The prostitution ring you saw in the film has basis in real world crimes. We saw this in a $7M prostitution ring bust in 2011. Here’s CNN:
Seventeen people and five “corporations” connected to a New York City escort service were indicted in Brooklyn Wednesday, charged with running a high-price prostitution and drug ring.
The alleged racket earned more than $7 million in three years, catering to high-rolling customers who could drop more than $10,000 a night, according to the Kings County District Attorney’s Office.
Fees for High Class NY’s escort services allegedly ranged from $400 per hour to more than $3,600 per hour, and clients often spent more than $10,000 in one night, according to the indictment. Authorities claim the money paid for sexual contact with the escorts as well as cocaine and other controlled substances.
Lastly, I’d like to cover a few interesting points and debunked conspiracy theories that I’ve found online from several sources.
There are claims that Stanley Kubrick holds the Guinness World Record for the number of takes due to this film (he supposedly has Tom Cruise walk through a doorway 90+ times); but I haven’t been able to confirm that. I think these are unfounded, because I’ve also seen that The Shining holds the record for the number of takes at 140+, but wasn’t able to verify it either. I did, however find that EWS holds the Guinness Record for longest constant movie shoot at 400 days.
There are also claims that Kubrick died 666 days before the events of EWS took place (in the film). The claim is that the events on EWS happen on January 1st, 2001, but I haven’t been able to confirm that anywhere. So if you take Kubrick’s death on March 7th, 1999 and convert it to Julian date, you’ll see he died on the 66th day of the year. 66 does have some symbolism in occult circles, namely conspiracy theorist Freeman points this out in symbolism found with the O and X such as in the logo for Xmen and Russell Brand, and also in the FX network. So, if we take 365-66, we get 299 days left in 1999. Add 366 days to that for the leap year of 2000 and we are at 665, with January 1sth, 2001 being day 666. Even if the January 1st date isn’t accurate, Kubrick did in fact release his most famous film 2001: A Space Odyssey which could correlate to January 1st, 2001.
There are claims that Kubrick makes a cameo in this film in the Sonata Café, but that is unfounded according to author Geoffrey Cocks who wrote The Wolf at the Door: Stanley Kubrick, History & the Holocaust (and I haven’t been able to see it when watching it). There’s dozens of forum posts and websites with more details on some aspects, but I tried to grab the most valid stuff that seemed relevant and present it. Feel free to comment with anything else I’ll be sure to investigate and update the article where appropriate.
You can learn more about the faked moon landing conspiracy theories in The Shining or perhaps you’d like to learn more about A Clockwork Orange and the mind control aspects…
Watch the “EYES WIDE SHUT” video I created for my YouTube channel for even more images:
…and if you like the website and analysis, check out the RESOURCES page where I have all of my books, my interviews, and a newsletter signup, including a promo video for my beginner’s guide to conspiracy theories.
I’ve got a comprehensive e-book and 2+hour documentary video that compiled several of Kubrick film analysis’ (A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut AND the exclusive 2001: A Space Odyssey) into a downloadable PDF & video project I called KUBRICK’S CODE. Check it out here:
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com, author, and independent researcher; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, VICE, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
This implies that they are students at Yale, a university in Connecticut; not New York City (where EWS takes place). Kubrick placed this in the film because he was highlighting the homosexual hazing ritual of the secret society of the Skull and Bones, an idea we can see on Henry Makow’s website:
The revelations of Kay Griggs provide insight into how hazing operates inside the Illuminati. Kay was married to a US marine colonel who was an Illuminati insider. He was a trained assassin and worked in mind control among other things. He liaised with public names such as Donald Rumsfeld, George H. Bush, Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger.
He called the people he was involved with ‘members of The Firm or The Brotherhood.’
“He mentioned how many … are members of the “Cap and Gown” Princeton group or the “Skull and Bones” Yale crowd and how they performed sexually perverted induction ceremonies with anal and oral sex performed inside coffins.”
Bill finds his way into a prostitute named Domino’s home. As things heat up in the room, the phone rings and the call is from Alice, who again seems to have a sixth sense about things, somehow knowing that he is up to no good.
You can see a book entitled ‘Shadows in the Mirror’ on her bookcase; (yet another reference to mirrors to add to the many images of mirrors). Tim Kreider asserts that this scene where Alice calls Bill is more of a reference to the fact that prostitution is more of a social issue than psychological:
There is a moment in Eyes Wide Shut, as Bill Harford is lying to his wife over a cellphone from a prostitute’s apartment, when we see a textbook in the foreground titled Introducing Sociology. The book’s title is a dry caption to the action onscreen (like the slogan PEACE IS OUR PROFESSION looming over the battle at Burpelson Air Force Base in Dr. Strangelove), telling us that prostitution is the basic, defining transaction of our society. It is also, more importantly, a key to understanding the film, suggesting that we ought to interpret it sociologically–not as most reviewers insisted on doing, psychologically.
Other theories for why there are so many mirrors would tie into the mind control aspect. Fritz Springmeier is an extensive researcher and he said that mirrors are used in the trauma process to confuse the inner sanctums of the person’s mind and to trigger various alters (like drugs do). From his book The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Mind Control Slave:
Another thing which happens with the first splits is the creation of mirror images. Some of the time, in the early splitting procedures, the child creates extra splits. In the early stages, these strong extra splits are made into mirror images of regular alters. Some of these mirror images are known to be placed into the mind before any splitting occurs. As long as the victim’s dissociation exists, the potential for mischief exists for the programmers. This is why integration can be a positive goal for a Monarch multiple if the deprogrammer knows what he is doing. After suffering decades of the most horrible traumas imaginable and the most severe abuse as slaves, most slaves have minds which are habitually dissociative
Here’s an odd error in the film, I’m not sure if it has any meaning though. You can see the photos outside of the Sonata Café and it clearly shows Kip Fleming on the bass, Bobby on lead guitar, Larry McVeigh on drums, and Nick on piano. Remember this until about one minute later…
Once Bill is in the Sonata Club, we hear Nick say “…Larry McVeigh on bass, Kip Fleming is on the drums, and Bobby on guitar…” which is in violation of the photos seen on the outside of Sonata Cafe. This might just be a film mistake, but Kubrick was obsessive about details, so maybe there’s more to this? Any theories on this one??… This scene is where Bill learns of the orgy party and we see Fidelio is the password, which is Beethoven’s one and only German opera.
After the cafe, Bill needs to obtain his mask, so we see the Rainbow shop with an upstairs and downstairs (although we never see what’s downstairs). Some theories claim that there is a Freemason lodge adjacent to this shop, but I haven’t been able to prove or see that yet either. The film wasn’t shot in NYC, but rather London, as Kubrick had much disdain for the states at this point of his career.
We hear alarms again as Bill enters upstairs of Rainbow Fashions (he hears phones ringing and alarms throughout the film), and I’ve read online that he turns it off with a password of 56784. I haven’t been able to connect that to anything, so if you know, by all means comment below and I’ll update. Again, we see a tree inside the store.
When Bill gets to the back of the store, we can see the same curtain of lights we see at the beginning of film at Ziegler’s house, effectively connecting the two (as we will see again shortly with the 8-pointed star…). These white curtains of lights are also seen in Batman Dark Knight Rises by Christopher Nolan, which was loaded with Illuminati connections of Sandy Hook and such:
Another idea that I saw (in a GLP forum that used this screenshot image I posted above) was that the 2001: A Space Odyssey black monolith stone is the same as this carpet strip we see between the two men:
Milich is distracted by his back room, and we see that same 8-pointed star from the beginning of the film at Ziegler’s. We see the disturbing interaction with the child-daughter of Mililch and the two Asian men as well. Is this suggesting the décor from Ziegler’s house party shares a common bond of indecency? Or is it just pointing out that there is a connection in this ring of indecency?
We also see Milich’s daughter do this controversial whisper into Bill’s ear. It is said that the subtitles show the dialogue:
‘You Should Have a Cloak Lined with Ermine’
That dialogue is telling him to get a cloak that’s lined with a certain pattern, which is found to be in possession of royal monarchy. This reinforces the theory that there is a privileged elite and bloodline tied to these characters. We’ll come back to this Milich/daughter scenario again later as we explore her role in the Triple Goddess formula…
With costume in hand, Bill walks up to gates of Somerton; the mansion in which the infamous orgy scene takes place. We hear a crow cawing three times, which could be a metaphor for denying Christ as Peter did in the Bible. Surely the house he is about to walk in is a mockery of Christ with its reversed-mass and orgies. He also provides the password for entry with Fidelio, which was a Beethoven opera. The connection here is pointed out by Tim Kreider:
Asked about Alex’s fondness for Ludwig Van in A Clockwork Orange, Kubrick answered, “I think this suggests the failure of culture to have any morally refining effect on society. Many top Nazis were cultured and sophisticated men, but it didn’t do them, or anyone else, much good.” This point is reprised overtly in Eyes Wide Shut when we hear the title of a Beethoven opera used as the password to an orgy
As he walks in we see female goddesses holding up lights; indicating Venus the light bearer or Lucifer, or the Illuminated ones:
It seems as if every scene up until this point features a Christmas tree, usually upon entrance. Wikipedia says that Lee Siegel believes the purpose of the Christmas tree motif is:
because it symbolizes the way that “Compared with the everyday reality of sex and emotion, our fantasies of gratification are, yes, pompous and solemn in the extreme…. For desire is like Christmas: it always promises more than it delivers.”
The Somerton mansion is the only location in the film without a tree, and there is no Christmas music to be found on the film, so there is some very peculiarities with this theme that needs explored further.
The mansion referred to as Somerton in the film is actually a mansion that was built for Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild. That name of Rothschild should ring a bell because of their ties to conspiracy theories and their history of running the banking industry; which effectively made them the wealthiest family in human history. The Rothschild family name means “at the sign of the red shield”, derived from the location of the house in the Jewish ghettos of Frankfurt where the ancestors trace to. Their financial power was used to help the British win in the Napoleonic Wars against the French and their Jewish background led to conspiracy theories that not only persist to this day, but were the subject of Nazi propaganda films.
Getting back to the Mentmore Towers, we can see this mansion in the film Batman Begins as Bruce Wayne’s Manor which is directed by Christopher Nolan (again tying EWS to Batman films). Some say that Nolan has access to esoteric knowledge through the placement of themes in his films like the ‘SANDY HOOK’ that appears on the map before the shootings occurred.
When Bill is in the house you can witness the creepy mask and the ominous music. Theorists claim that the chanting is reverse of Catholic mass, which is close, but not quite. The music is a backwards liturgy of Orthodox Christianity.
The masks at the mansion are Venetian, and authors Tim Kreider and Thomas Nelson claim that it links to Venice’s reputation of being a center of eroticism. The sexual ritual shows that the previous party at Ziegler’s was just a ‘disguise’ to the Somerton mansion party in which people really let loose. This is one of the themes of the film, showing us that everyone puts on a mask to hide their true nature and desires (to be promiscuous, presumably).
I’d also like to point out that the masks worn at the ball are reminiscent the secret society who held orgies in the HellFire Club (as seen on Ghost Adventures which prompted my post about the symbolism found in the caves and Orion’s Belt):
The caves were hand-built for 2nd Baronet Francis Dashwood in 1748-1752 in West Wycombe. It was built as a mockery to churches (it’s actually built under a church and the entrance was designed to look like a church entrance, even though satanic rituals occurred inside). Building it under a church is a call sign of Illuminati symbolism, they love to have reflections and juxtapositions such as these. Dashwood co-founded the Hellfire Club, a secret society that included John Wilkes and Benjamin Franklin. Dashwood was a known Pagan and they routinely performed Pagan rituals to gods such as Bacchus (a.k.a. Dionysus), while also performing black magic.
The Hellfire Club was known to worship Venus, which is yet another link to this Illuminati Triple Goddess theory I’m presenting for the film.
Interestingly enough, this Kentroversy.com article points out that in Milton Keynes, England there are a pair of statues that feature masks from the film. It also claims that the Rothschild family is the largest landowners in Buckinghamshire, where the statues are located:
These statues are also located in Buckinghamshire where the Hellfire Caves’ secret society was located.
At the epicenter of the orgy/ball, the master (referred to as ‘Red Cloak’) makes commands and the women in the circle obey; indicating MK ULTRA slaves (there will be an interesting connection here with Red Cloak later). The audio track we hear is composed by Jocelyn Pook and is entitled Masked Ball. She created it from a fragment of an Orthodox Liturgy and played it backwards with changed Romanian lyrics. The lyrics are played in reverse to indicate the presence of evil since satanic groups like to invert all symbols and meanings (*think inverted crosses).
The VigilantCitizen article about this film covers some interesting aspects of a Hindu protest of the use of the Bhagavad Gita that was pulled from the film after a protest (big ups to Conspirazzi for enlightening me to this). VC also goes into some Crowley-sex magick stuff too:
The interior scenes of the party were shot at Elveden Hall, a private house in the UK designed to look like an Indian palace. When the “festivities” begin, a Tamil song called “Migration” plays in the background, adding to the South-Asian atmosphere (the original version of the song contained actual scriptural recitation of the Bhagavad Gita, but the chant was removed in the final version of the movie). This peculiar Indian atmosphere, combined with the lascivious scenes witnessed by Bill as he walks around the house, ultimately points towards the most important, yet most hidden part of the movie: Tantric Yoga and its Western occultism derivative, Sex Magick. This last concept was “imported” by British occultist Aleister Crowley and is now at the center of the teachings of various secret societies:
“Aleister Crowley’s connections with Indian Yoga and Tantra were both considerable and complex. Crowley had direct exposure to some forms of these practices and was familiar with the contemporary literature of the subjects, wrote extensively about them, and – what is perhaps the most important – he practiced them. In his assessment of the value of Tantra, he was ahead of his time, which habitually considered Tantra a degenerate form of Hinduism. Instead, he claimed that, “paradoxical as it may sound the Tantrics are in reality the most advanced of the Hindus”. Crowley’s influence in bringing Eastern, primarily Indian, esoteric traditions to the West extends also to his incorporation of the elements of Yoga and Tantra into the structure and program of two influential magical orders, the A.:A.: and the OTO.”
– Martin P. Starr, Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism
The above quote stipulates that Tantric concepts were incorporated in two important secret societies: the A.:A.: and the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). The OTO is still extremely influential in elite circles and reaches the highest levels of politics, business and even the entertainment industry. At the core of these orders is the Thelema, a philosophy created by Aleister Crowley that he summed up with the saying “Do What Thou Wilt”. This saying is actually a translation of “Fais ce que tu voudras” the motto of an 18th century secret society, the infamous Hellfire Club.
The Hindu protest was claiming that…
When thousands of Hindus watched the latest movie by Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, “Eyes Wide Shut” they were stunned. While they have been admirers of the stars, what lay ahead, was completely unexpected.
The orgy scene in the middle of the movie has the recitation of the verse from the Bhagwad Gita, one of the most revered Hindu scripture. The shloka
Parithranaya Saadhunam Vinashaya cha dushkrithaam Dharmasamsthabanarthaya Sambhavami yuge yuge
which means :
“Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and the rise of Adharma,O Arjun, then I Shree Krishna manifest (or incarnate) Myself. I incarnate from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the wicked, and for establishing Dharma”
American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD) expresses shock and dismay on behalf of a billion strong Hindu community in the world at the insensitivity expressed by Warner Brothers at the depiction of this key Hindu verse.
One of the theories for the inclusion of the Bhagavad Gita was that Kubrick was trying to invoke an other-worldly avatar. The concept of this in Hindu is that you can invoke an avatar of the supreme deity, Vishnu, to come down and bring social order. Perhaps Kubrick was trying to destroy the evil forces of the Illuminati through this invocation…
After some time Bill gets escorted by a strange mask-toting woman, and we hear the song “Strangers in the Night” play as a mysterious woman warns Bill to leave. Notice the blue light coming in the windows; which looks like the blue light from Bill and Alice’s bedroom, and in several scenes of Bill throughout this dream-like evening:
You can see William Ramsey discuss how these 11 women are the ’11 magical consorts’ on his documentary for Occult Hollywood:
He also details the Freemason double headed eagle you can find hidden in the film as well; go check it out:
After ignoring the warnings, Bill is confronted by Red Cloak and told to give the password, and he finds out that “Fidelio” is for admittance, but not for the house (is this the House of Rothschild, indicating that his type are not allowed?). They require him to remove his mask, and the phrase they use is “Would you kindly remove your mask?” I found this peculiar in that the video game Bioshock revolves around a man who is mind controlled using the same phrase. Every time the character is asked to do something he is asked with the phrase “Would you kindly…” in order to establish the control and have the mind control alter take over.
Before the problems escalate, the mysterious woman comes out in a theatrical manner and says she will ‘redeem’ him as a sacrifice. It seems that Bill was setup from the beginning to become an unknowing participant of this ritual A sacrifice of the goddess would fit nicely to the Illuminati obsession with ritual. This would explain how they knew who he was even though he had a mask on.
Here is where I can tie together all of the three goddess forms of the Triple Goddess. This theme is found in circles of occult symbolism as pointed out in my post about Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions:
The Semiramis (or any goddess who represents Semiramis) is believed to go through the same cycles of life over and over. She is believed to be three different forms, referred to as the “Triple Goddess.” These three forms are: fertility goddess, aka the Maiden; the Earth Mother, aka the Mother; and the old lady, aka the Crone. These forms are believed to be based on the phases of the moon, which is why we get concepts such as the “moon” goddess
The cycles of holidays throughout the year is celebrated by this Illuminati group who watch the three forms of goddess go through the annual cycle. She starts out the year as the fertility goddess of youth (Bill and Alice’s daughter), then transitions into the Earth Mother of sexuality (or Mother Gaia) who is played by Mandy, the overdosed prostitute who is also supposedly this sacrificial woman at the Somerton party. Towards Halloween she eventually gets old and turns into the Crone who represents death and endings (played by the first house Bill visits where the woman’s father dies). The sacrifice of the Earth Mother (Mandy) is observed in EWS. The death and rebirth cycle is completed when we see Bill and Alice’s daughter at the end of the film.
Another interesting theory brought up by Tim Kreider is the parallels drawn between Alice and the prostitute (Mandy):
Alice’s real status is unmistakably suggested: the wife as prostitute. She’s identified with the hooker Mandy through a series of parallels: they’re both tall redheads with a taste for numbing drugs, we first see them both in bathrooms, and Mandy’s last night “being fucked by hundreds of men” is distortedly echoed in Alice’s dream.
That portion of the theory goes on in further detail in his article, claiming that Alice might simply be one woman. Even more interesting (and disturbing) is his idea that their daughter Helena is being groomed into this servitude role of a prostitute:
She’s also grooming her daughter Helena (named after the most beautiful woman in history) to become a high-ticket item like herself. During the montage of their day at home, we see Helena alongside her mother in almost every shot, holding the brush while her mother gathers her hair into a ponytail, brushing her teeth at the mirror, learning to groom herself. When we overhear her doing word problems with her mother, she’s learning how to calculate which boy has more money than the other. We hear her reading a bedtime story aloud, reciting the line, “…before me when I jump into my bed.” In this film, a line about “jumping into bed” can’t be innocent. Her mother silently mouths it along with her, echoing and coaching her. At Bill’s office, we see a photo of Helena in a purple dress, like the one worn by the girl her father paid for sex the night before.
I believe that the symbolism of the Triple Goddess is held up through both theories, but I subscribe to mine because of the ubiquitous goddess symbolism found throughout the film in statues and anecdotes.
After the party, Bill comes home and wakes Alice up who is laughing, yet she says she’s having a “bad” dream. She reveals that her dream was about ‘weird things’ which includes another visit from the Naval officer. The next morning Bill investigates what happened to him and he walks into a hotel with a presumably gay male attendant. The hotel attendant seems to be interested in Bill (which makes the second time he has been accused of being homosexual in the film thus far, for no apparent reason). The man says Bill’s piano player friend, Nick, came in early in the morning with two ‘big’ men. Oddly enough, he makes the sign referring to phallic ‘big’; and says he wouldn’t want to fool around with them “if you know what I mean.”
Also, theories in forums claim this man does other Illuminati symbols with his hands and claims there is an odd bracelet which is indicative of something (I don’t know what that is though). He is believed to be part of the one (and only) gay-male couple at the Somerton mansion the night prior also.
After the hotel, Bill goes back to the Rainbow costume shop. Milich’s daughter comes out with the same two Asian men from earlier and Milich acts as if everything is kosher now. He was only pretending to be upset with the Asian men the night prior. He excuses it by saying he came to an agreement; and offers his daughter to Bill as well. What’s ironic (and threaded throughout the film) is the juxtaposition of commercialism and Christmas. Tim Kreider points out:
Even Milich, the Scroogelike owner of Rainbow Costumes, calls holiday greetings to the two men who have just come to “another arrangement” concerning the use of his daughter.
Milich is obviously very much the handler of his daughter, and we see this role of the handler in MK ULTRA MONARCH mind control (according to the theories of Springmeier mentioned earlier).
After some more fruitless investigation and being followed, Bill picks up a copy of the New York Post and goes into a café to read it. He sees a headline that says ‘Ex-beauty queen in hotel drugs overdose’ and it turns out to be Amanda Curran (who Ziegler called ‘Mandy’; the overdose goddess sacrifice). What’s weird is that the article points out that she
“has many important friends in the fashion and entertainment world”
and also that she had a relationship with a guy named Leon Vitali. It proceeds to say that insiders claimed that Vitali adored her but not for
“how she wore his stunning clothes in public, but for how she wowed him by taking them off in private, seductive solo performances.”
So we’ve got a mention of her ties to these Hollywood-Illuminati types, and then it describes how she did these seductive performances, which are just like what we see in the Somerton orgy. It’s the last thing said about her in the article, so it must have meaning. It also says
“It was only a matter of time”
when referring to her overdose. This was repeated throughout the film, even by Bill himself. I think Kubrick highlights it to show how the “official story” gets repeated by the mainstream media until it’s a “truth.”
To elaborate more on this newspaper article, notice how it said she dated Leon Vitali? Well, IMDB.com lists an actor by the name of Leon Vitali who is actually Red Cloak at the Somerset scene! This effectively could be saying that Red Cloak and Mandy were an item in the film. The actor Leon Vitali was also in Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon film as Lord Bullingdon, (the Lyndon’s step son), The Shining as the “personal assistant to the director”, and Full Metal Jacket as another assistant.
When Bill is walking through the streets and being followed by a mysterious bald man, I propose that this bald man is Leon Vitali; aka Red Cloak. I say this because you can see that Kubrick had a banner made with Vitali’s name on it in the background:
Here’s the zoom-in:
Here you can see the bald man who I’m claiming is Red Cloak:
Another oddity is my proposed Red Cloak looks just like another infamous man who sports the ‘devil’s haircut’:
You’ll recognize Aleister Crowley because he plays such an intricate role in these Illuminati conspiracies due to his heavy persuasion of the occult beliefs upon the entertainment industry and other occult magick practitioners. In fact, after a revealing conversation I had with theorist William Ramsey (and Crowley expert), it was found that Crowley was actually born in the same town (Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England) as the actor Leon Vitali!
Bill goes over to Ziegler’s upon his request and finds out that Ziegler was actually at Somerset. After some haranguing, Ziegler says,
“who do you think those people were?”
and that if he told them who they really were he wouldn’t sleep well. This is Kubrick telling us that we would have a similar reaction if we understood how deep the rabbit hole really went.
Ziegler says
“suppose I said that all of that was staged, It was a charade, it was fake.”
Bill asks why they would do it, and he said it was just a way of keeping Bill quiet about where he’s been and what he’s seen. Bill pulls out the New York Post article about Mandy and this is where Ziegler admits that she was the woman at the party. After some back and forth he reiterates the lie (like the MSM) and says,
“it was only a matter of time, you even said it yourself”
Ziegler then threatens Bill to keep his mouth shut and he goes back home. Here we see a longer shot of the tree and Bill as he turns the lights on it off, which is the last we see of the trees.
As Bill makes his way to the bedroom, we see that Alice lies on bed with the mask he wore on his pillow:
We are never told how this happens; was it Alice who found the mask? Was it a solidified threat from Ziegler and the boys club? The novel asserts it was Alice (well, her equivalent character under a different name), but it doesn’t necessarily have the secret society threat at the end like the film does, nor Ziegler’s character, so who knows what Kubrick was trying to convey.
The next morning Bill and Alice wrap up an unseen conversation and she says that Helena will be up soon and they are to take her Christmas shopping. In the final scene at the toy store we see they’ve got a game called the Magic Circle and pentagram stars all over the ceiling.
There are a ton of bears all over and she even asks for one. The bear is symbolic of child abuse, with the internet meme of pedo-bear, and even Miley Cyrus’ 2013 MTV VMA performance reiterating that:
In fact, Tim Kreider points out those connections between Helena’s Christmas list and the tragedy surrounding all of Bill’s female encounters in the film:
Helena’s Christmas list includes a blue baby carriage (like the blue stroller seen twice outside Domino’s apartment), an oversized teddy bear (next to a rack of tigers like the one on Domino’s bed) and a Barbie doll (reminiscent of Milich’s daughter) dressed in a diaphanous angel costume just like the one Helena herself wore in the film’s first scene. She herself has already become a doll, a thing to be dressed up with cute costumes and accessories. Another toy, conspicuously displayed under a red ring of lights, is called “The Magic Circle”; the name is an allusion to the ring of ritual prostitutes at the orgy, and the bright red color of the box recalls the carpet on which they genuflected to the high priest, as well as the felt of the pool table over which Bill made his own bargain with the devil. The subplot with Milich and his daughter is clearly echoed here, in another place of business, as the Harfords also casually pimp their own little angel out to the world of commerce
In the final seconds of the film, we see that there are two old men are in the background of this toy store. They are claimed to be the same men at the first house party at Ziegler’s house. We then see the daughter, Helena as she disappears with them while Alice and Bill are talking.
You can clearly see Helena leaving with the two men. Now take a look at the Ziegler house at the old men at the table by the Cupid statue:
And here’s a zoom in on them at the toy store:
If you’re still in doubt that she is being sold out to some disgusting sex-ring type organization, check out this screenshot that commenter ‘Unknown’ found that proves that Helena had a painting in her room that had the letters SEX on it:
If you don’t see it, take another look; once you see it you can’t unsee it:
So the film ends with the sacrifice of their own daughter to this shadow group, wrapping up the goddess-sacrificial symbolism we see in the Illuminati groups. The prostitution ring you saw in the film has basis in real world crimes. We saw this in a $7M prostitution ring bust in 2011. Here’s CNN:
Seventeen people and five “corporations” connected to a New York City escort service were indicted in Brooklyn Wednesday, charged with running a high-price prostitution and drug ring.
The alleged racket earned more than $7 million in three years, catering to high-rolling customers who could drop more than $10,000 a night, according to the Kings County District Attorney’s Office.
Fees for High Class NY’s escort services allegedly ranged from $400 per hour to more than $3,600 per hour, and clients often spent more than $10,000 in one night, according to the indictment. Authorities claim the money paid for sexual contact with the escorts as well as cocaine and other controlled substances.
Lastly, I’d like to cover a few interesting points and debunked conspiracy theories that I’ve found online from several sources.
There are claims that Stanley Kubrick holds the Guinness World Record for the number of takes due to this film (he supposedly has Tom Cruise walk through a doorway 90+ times); but I haven’t been able to confirm that. I think these are unfounded, because I’ve also seen that The Shining holds the record for the number of takes at 140+, but wasn’t able to verify it either. I did, however find that EWS holds the Guinness Record for longest constant movie shoot at 400 days.
There are also claims that Kubrick died 666 days before the events of EWS took place (in the film). The claim is that the events on EWS happen on January 1st, 2001, but I haven’t been able to confirm that anywhere. So if you take Kubrick’s death on March 7th, 1999 and convert it to Julian date, you’ll see he died on the 66th day of the year. 66 does have some symbolism in occult circles, namely conspiracy theorist Freeman points this out in symbolism found with the O and X such as in the logo for Xmen and Russell Brand, and also in the FX network. So, if we take 365-66, we get 299 days left in 1999. Add 366 days to that for the leap year of 2000 and we are at 665, with January 1sth, 2001 being day 666. Even if the January 1st date isn’t accurate, Kubrick did in fact release his most famous film 2001: A Space Odyssey which could correlate to January 1st, 2001.
There are claims that Kubrick makes a cameo in this film in the Sonata Café, but that is unfounded according to author Geoffrey Cocks who wrote The Wolf at the Door: Stanley Kubrick, History & the Holocaust (and I haven’t been able to see it when watching it). There’s dozens of forum posts and websites with more details on some aspects, but I tried to grab the most valid stuff that seemed relevant and present it. Feel free to comment with anything else I’ll be sure to investigate and update the article where appropriate.
You can learn more about the faked moon landing conspiracy theories in The Shining or perhaps you’d like to learn more about A Clockwork Orange and the mind control aspects…
Watch the “EYES WIDE SHUT” video I created for my YouTube channel for even more images:
…and if you like the website and analysis, check out the RESOURCES page where I have all of my books, my interviews, and a newsletter signup, including a promo video for my beginner’s guide to conspiracy theories.
I’ve got a comprehensive e-book and 2+hour documentary video that compiled several of Kubrick film analysis’ (A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut AND the exclusive 2001: A Space Odyssey) into a downloadable PDF & video project I called KUBRICK’S CODE. Check it out here:
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com, author, and independent researcher; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, VICE, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.