The Council of Five Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, Redan, Emerther
December 8, 2020 by Nancy Thames
About the council of Five: ORELA – EGAROT – EMERTHER – GINVO – REDAN
Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the Council of 5. These races have been protecting Earth and Humans for as long as there are (alien) records of it.
An Alien race reported that the “Council of 5” last met on Earth in 1944.
“After the Anunakene tempered with the DNA of “primates” and created Humans ,
the “Council of 5 ” decided to not only monitor but also to protect us, as they
realized that one day Humans would be able to join other alien races in
development and enlightenment.”
This Council knows how to keep track of your incarnations and to a degree can control your souls birth position if necessary when you affiliate with them closely as an insider. They stay very mysterious for good reasons but their intent is good. If there is an Adjustment Bureau it’s them. There are great reasons why they stay mostly off the radar. I pity the soul that is on their bad side. Still they are full of compassion while at the same time they can strike a fear into evil ones that is 2nd to none. That’s a good thing.
Little is known to humanity about the Emerther race. We do know that they are a peaceful race and are part of the Council of Five. Our few encounters with them have painted them as intelligent, humorous, and generally very pleasant to be around. The last meeting of the Council of Five reportedly took place on Earth in 1944.
GINVO No information found.
REDAN This is a REDAN, they are part of the council of 5 that protect this planet. In other words they are benevolent. They are technologically superior to us and can speak our language as well as communicate telepathically. I encountered one when I was at room 16 of Methodist hospital in Houston TX. I was asked to go to a checkup room and there was a Dr their that looked very strange to me as if she had had to much plastic surgery. She also moved strange. She didn’t say anything she just looked at me. I asked her questions and all she did was say “I don’t know” and play stupid. I was wondering if she was an alien or somthing because of her strange appearance and movements and the fact she didn’t need to talk to me the way a normal Dr would. After a while they told me that the checkup was over, they just wanted her to stair at me and read my mind apparently. I got no answers I could understand about that situation. Now years later, that happened in 2011, I understand that I was right about her being an alien. Apparently she was a member of the REDAN alien race. She matches the description of this kind of alien.
Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.
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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone!
Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.
Love and Regards,
Happy Quarantine
Thank You,
Nancy Thames
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The Council of Nine - A Perspective on "Briefings from ...
by Dick Farley 1998. from t'CotO/Scripture Website The Council of Nine describes themselves, through their two-decades channeller Phyllis Schlemmer, as "a circle of universal beings living outside time and space.". In the 1993 compendium of their dialogues with various of their human questioners, among them Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and many, many others including heads of state and ...
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The Council of Nine - A Perspective on "Briefings from ...
by Dick Farley 1998. from t'CotO/Scripture Website The Council of Nine describes themselves, through their two-decades channeller Phyllis Schlemmer, as "a circle of universal beings living outside time and space.". In the 1993 compendium of their dialogues with various of their human questioners, among them Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and many, many others including heads of state and ...
The Council of Nine - bibliotecapleyades.net
The Council of Nine - One New Age channeling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians.
The Ancient Council of Nine
To punish the creation of Prometheus, Mankind, Zeus and eight other deities gathered to form the Council of Nine. The council members were as follows: Aphrodite. Apollo. Athena. Demeter. Hephaestus. Hera. Hermes. Poseidon . Zeus. Together this council created Pandora, and sent her, as a gift, to Mankind, which Epimetheus received. Epimetheus ...
Galactic Federations and Councils
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The Group of Nine
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The Spiritual Government
The Council of Nine are said to be nine principles and basic manifestations of God, and each represents a portion of energy, for example, knowledge, wisdom, love, kindness, technology, etc. Related to the Nine are 24 civilizations, which are in effect extensions of the Nine. These are each a collective consciousness that can express in physical ...
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The Council of Nine say that They are "a high-level circle of great beings who exist outside the Universe of space and time," who are in connection with "one that is higher." It is their responsibility, They say, "to maintain the energy-balances in this Universe." We will be referring to their ...
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