Verbana - increases oxygen
Pearl Powder helps teeth grow
Royal Jelly helps with breathing/oxygen
Starlink Quantum Internet (Project Odin) WILL
This Is How Starlink Will HEAL HUMANITY. PT 2 (This Will Create A GOLDEN AGE)
The Miracle that is Mankind~We are Pure Magic!
With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war
With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war
liberty coin on Ebay
Watch the Waters
Undersea charities.
Connect them.
TerraMar is not unique.
Blue Prosperity - Waitt
Oceans 5:- Rockefeller
LDF - DiCaprio
Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation?
For 2 million to "Oceans 5"?
Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht?
Blue Prosperity.
Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer.
Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested.
Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer.
Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank?
Not much saving oceans.
Very much laundering money
Providing kids for the 'network'
This goes so much deeper......
Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar.
Listen to the video at 3.28
1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock chicken tates like fish.
Fish is code for Andrenochrome.
Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal.
The underseas charities are trafficking kartels run by the Elite.
International waterways fall under no jurisdiction.
Anyone can do anything under water.
Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell
Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation.
Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt.
Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation.
Waitt Found.=> Clint. Found.
Waitt Found=> Gates Found.
Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island.
Water Island => Biden Family.
Maxwell Family
Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley
Understand how the Maxwell,s link to the Isrealian Mossad, FBI & CIA and the elite.
Via honeytrapping, trafficking and treason.
By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders, Paul Allen and Bill Gates.
What you need to know about Iran, Isreal and the US
The agreement between Israel & the UAE is a step towards peace.
Will #Iran ever make such a move? It depends on how we define “Iran."
The Iranian people have no enmity against Israel, the U.S. or the world.
The mullahs do not represent us Iranians.
This is a 41-year old lie.
Iranians hate the mullahs’ regime, symbolized in their supreme leader Ali Khamenei.
In recent years there have been nationwide uprisings & protesters are seen setting fire to posters of Khamenei while chanting "Death to the Dictator!"
While some politicians & MSM may glorify Qassem Soleimani & describe him as a "popular general," a "divine" figure & a "national war hero," watch how people in Iran tear apart a poster of his image along with Khamenei.
Iran’s regime claims to support the people of Palestine.
This is another 41-year old lie.
The mullahs are known to provide at least $360 million a year to Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Palestinian woman criticizes Hamas:
"Hamas officials' children drive in luxurious cars, but I have 4 unemployed sons. All of Gaza are unemployed because of Ismail Haniyeh & Yahya Sinwar. These officials care nothing about the poor people's necessities. We have the right to live."
More footage of #Iran-backed Hamas forces raiding the homes of Palestinians in Gaza.
Palestinian protesters are demanding better living conditions & saying, "We have the right to live!"
Tehran provides $100 million/year to Hamas terrorists.
This is the meaning of the mullahs of #Iran exporting extremism:
Tehran provides $100 million/year to Hamas (and their filthy ideology).
Hamas security forces attacked the students of Al-Azhar University today.
More recently in Lebanon, the people are chanting very significant slogans.
The world should listen to the brave people of Lebanon:
"Beirut, free, free! Iran, out, out!"
"Terrorist! Terrorist! Hezbollah, terrorist!"
Will peace between Iran and the U.S., Israel and the world ever be possible?
Of course. But not with this regime.
But no, that doesn’t mean we want war. Not at all.
We just want an end to the appeasement policy that the mullahs’ thrived from especially during the Obama years & continue to enjoy from the Europeans.
Chamberlain appeased Hitler. And the rest is history…
Unfortunately, the Europeans seem not to learn from their own past.
End the appeasement & we’ll take care of the rest.
No need for a single bullet shot.
No need for boots on the ground.
No need for a single tax payer dollar or euro.
Currently dismanteling....the Vatican.
The black pope was taken out in may 2020 under operation Europe Defender.
Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.
1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.
The Black pope is THE ANTICHRIST
Why is it significant that the first Black Pope settled in the first foothold of the Arabs/Moors?
The arabs and north africans have always worshipped the #SUN and #SATURN.
Sun worship = #Egyptian beliefs.
Saturn Worship = Islamic beliefs
#Jesuit symbolism is centered around the sacred sun symbols dating back to Nimrod of Nebuchadnezzar.
Now how did sunworshipers infiltrate the #catholic church?
It started with the #Christian hero, Constantine I.
In 400AD Constantine and the Byzantine empire took over PHOENICIA, created a new province that lasted just long enough to legalize "Christianity". The Pagan gods of Rome.
And sun worshipers were united under the newly legal "Christianity" called Roman Catholicism.
Basilicas are the most important buildings in the Vaticans operation with the largest being #StPetersBasilica in the Vatican.
Serpent symbolism is all over the pope especially at the basilicas. St. Peter's Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.
WHAT DO THEY WANT? Simple; to rule. But how?
Rules - They create rules that were not originally here on earth. The jesuits have used the #Basilica to deceive man.
They have infiltrated every political, religious and educational realm.
The imposed rules and spells on this earth can be determined by who is able to enforce them. Any rules/laws that can be enforced by man are always subject to corrupt RULE OF LAW.
Since man can always be corrupted by fear and money.
That is why the bible says "Money is the root of all kinds of evil". This corrupt system has corrupted the RULE OF LAW. Meaning that each person is held to the exact same standard as another.
When #Obama & the #democrats frequently talked about the "Rule of Law". They are speaking to their leaders about the illegitimate rule of law that has been ruling over earth.
The Phoenicians were the worlds experts in sea travel and trade. They are now the logistics partners of the Vatican in Human Trafficking and other nefarious items. There are a lot of dots to connect regarding Maritime Law, Birth Certificates & how they are designed to keep.
Think about the symbolism of the ""land" of the dead" (the ocean). The king of the waters (Phoenicia/Ancient Beirut) has enslaved the seed of woman (the Childeren) by a serpent(The Vatican).
The BeirutBlast back in august revealed a massive network of underground tunnels that were not on any city plans. The #BeirutExplosions were a message from Christ the Messiah to Satan. The seed of woman and the christ are crushing the head of the serpent in front of our eyes.
the image of the BASILISK serpent and the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion are major biblical indications of the end times!
#Italygate = the start of the destruction of the #pope and the #vatican
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.
Attached is Q1871 outlining this.
Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.
Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.
Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.
SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?
[Controlled] moment activated? [17]
This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.
Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time.
If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.
THE EVENT has many facets too it.
The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
All dreams are under the control of the aliens.
Through dreams, their purpose is to make the character of a soul within us and to make us travel through thoughts related to illusion and fear.
Illusion Exists only as long as there is fear. When there is no fear there is no Illusion.
--- Jiddu Krishnamurti __________________________________________
All spiritual practices are illusions created by illusionists to escape illusion.
--- Ram das
The most beautiful things we can experience is the mysterious.
--- Albert Einstein
We also live in our dreams, we do not live only by day. Sometimes we accomplish our greatest deeds in dreams.
--- Carl Jung
Individual consciousness + soul + Lightworkers + healers + starseed + witch + gothic + enlightenment + pineal gland ? = Products of impressive dreams
Otherwise soul has no gender.
spiritual awaking is awaking from the dream of thought.
--- Eckhart tolle
Because; what you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.
--- Buddha
Your life is a mirror image of your mind, your consciousness, and who you really are.
--- dr. Joe Dispenza
Watch the Waters
Undersea charities.
Connect them.
TerraMar is not unique.
Blue Prosperity - Waitt
Oceans 5:- Rockefeller
LDF - DiCaprio
Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation?
For 2 million to "Oceans 5"?
Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht?
Blue Prosperity.
Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer.
Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested.
Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer.
Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank?
Not much saving oceans.
Very much laundering money
Providing kids for the 'network'
This goes so much deeper......
Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar.
Listen to the video at 3.28
1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock chicken tates like fish.
Fish is code for Andrenochrome.
Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal.
The underseas charities are trafficking kartels run by the Elite.
International waterways fall under no jurisdiction.
Anyone can do anything under water.
Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell
Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation.
Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt.
Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation.
Waitt Found.=> Clint. Found.
Waitt Found=> Gates Found.
Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island.
Water Island => Biden Family.
Bridges are everywhere
See Myanmar - TerraMar.
Myanmar the largest Drug & Child Trafficking country in the World.
The Golden Triangle is being shutdown.
You know the Ruby Red Rings the Elites wear. See Qassam Soleimani.
TerraMar Project. Maxwell's etc use old Submarines with new Tech to collect Jewells from the bottom of the Ocean Floors in International Waters.
They use the remains of children, put them through a whole heap of processes & they end up in the Ruby Red Rings they wear.
Same goes for The RED SHOE CLUB.
It goes in their shoes.
As you can see The Black Eye Club, Red Shoe Club & TerraMar Project all go back to ISRAEL/Maxwell/Mossad, Khazarian/Bolshevic Mafia & the Vatican who control the Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma & have infiltrated the whole Justice System on Earth. It is all compromised.
You are the Master at this moment in time
“All the forces of Darkness cannot stop what God has ordained.”
In the Bible we find the story of Jacob, who discovers a hidden ‘ladder to Heaven’ of incredible beauty, with pure angels ascending and descending on it.
In order to climb this ladder, Jacob has to fight against the Angel Samael.
So Jacob wins and asks to Samael to ‘bless him’ and to change his name to Israel.
This place was called Penile,
from Pineal Gland/Third Eyea and was where “Israel” saw God in front of him, face to face.
The ‘ladder’ that Jacob had to climb in order to get to the land of Penile was made of 7 churches (7 chakras) along 33 steps (stairway to Heaven), that are the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column which led to the Father above in the brain (the opening of the 3d eye).
When we learn how to break out of the 3D programming that has kept you out of alignment with your higher Self, we mend and heal the “ladder” to ascend towards our highest divine potential.
How we were created as a reflection of God.
We all cary a piece of God in our blueprint to experience, express and create life through in our own unique ways.
In the 3rd dimension you believe you identify only with your physical personality half and do not believe or doubt or even fear you have a spiritual blue print, your divine other half. The two make up your soul and connect you to the quantum field of Love of God.
You are a piece of God.
The divine is flowing through you and to you via the ladder of Jacob.
We have to fight our demons, and falen angels in our shadow to enter into the Light of who we truely are. This is the 4th dimension where we face to see the dark and the light within oursleves and in the world. This is the dimension of turmoil, storm and war.
We have to master our own connection to the divine by healing and mending the ladder.
You are the master.
Do not give up, hold on, continue on your path towards the light by transmuting lower vibrations by feeling them and acknowledging the pain, fear, shame, anger, doubt, sadness and loneliness.
This is the work.
In every moment, feel the energy and breathe through whatever you are feeling.
If you feel anxiety or any other low vibration emotion.
Put a hand on your heart, close your eyes.
And connect to the higher divine part of you insidw.
Take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold your breath a few seconds. Then breathe out through your mouth and feel the life force energy flow through you. Caress you, vitalise you, feed you.
This is your connection to the Love that you truely are. Rest in that moment and feel how you are loved and safe.❤️
You are doing so well.
This is the work of transmuting.
Staircase by staircase we mend the ladder and rise.
Individually and collectively
From 3D to 5D
From Dark towards Light
In the 5D dimension where we experience harmony, peace, joy, prosperity, compassion, passion and grattitude.
This is Love.
This is God.
This is who we truely are.
This is the real Kingdom of Heaven.
Heaven is right here in our heart when we create and co-create harmony within and outside of ourselves.
Be the Light.
[Forwarded from Daniëlle Stotijn (Danielle Stotijn)]
17 militaries
4 Beasts
What does the number 17 represent?
In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory."
God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the 17th of the second Hebrew month.
Noah's ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th of the seventh month (right in the middle of God's annual Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles).
Jesus Christ gained a complete victory over death and the grave when God resurrected him near sunset on Nisan 17 (Saturday, April 8, 30 A.D.).
In the book of 1Corinthians the thirteenth chapter, the seventeenth mention of the word 'love' comes when the apostle Paul states that it is the greatest gift of all (1Corinthians 13:13). God's unending love (John 3:16) is truly victorious over all things. Those who stay faithful to God to the end of their lives will gain the victory over the grave when they are miraculously brought back to life (see 1Corinthians 15).
Daniel,s beasts have seven heads and ten horns, for a total number of 17. They represent world-ruling powers from Daniel's time to the Second Coming of Jesus.
The devil's end-time system (Revelation 13) will have seven heads and ten horns, which totals 17.
17 Militaries (Elite Forces)
Australia , France, Germany , Poland, Romania, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, N. Korea, and USA
Daniel 7:17 (4 Beasts)
• USA, Can, Aus. Combo of Lion and Eagle.
• Russia - Bear.
• Leopard with 4 heads and wings.
Germany and other Euro nations.
• Beast with Iron teeth and 10 horns - North Korea
17 is the letter Q in the alphabet.
Q is the plan to save the world.