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The People's Bride on Telegram

Veronica Wolski

If Media Told The Truth. 
I Wouldn't Have To.

Fox 32 Chicago 

3hrs ago @ 10:50 am cst 

BREAKING: A woman who demanded a Chicago hospital treat her COVID-19 diagnosis with a controversial drug has died.



Head to ThePBI.US for details

The Empowered Citizen Institute

This information was created from an interview with Veronica Wolski, who has been using public banners for a few years in Chicago, to raise public awareness for The Great Awakening. Veronica can be found on Twitter.

Telegram Gen Michael Flynn

To Veronica Wolski (known as the Bridge Lady—created the People’s Bridge over Chicago), was a friend of the Flynn’s, a patriot of the highest order, a blossom of truth in the field of fight that we find ourselves engaged in, she stood as a giant among Patriots who believe in freedom, believed in America and the American dream and was always willing to give of herself before others. God speed beautiful and kind Veronica

May you Rest In Peace my beautiful friend in Christ. God Bless You for your courage and your fight. You showed many how to be strong, courageous, funny and patriotic while standing up against the tyranny that our nation faces. As many who have sacrificed for our nation, your sacrifice will not be in Vain. RIP Veronica and May the Angels of the Lord clear your path to your final resting place. I know they will


P Miller, [13.09.21 03:19]

[Forwarded from Lin Wood]

I have just learned that Veronica Wolski saw the face of God this morning at 12:44 a.m.

My faith tells me that as she knelt before her Creator, He said, “Well done, my good and faithful child, well done.”

Now on Earth, it is our responsibility to ensure that these medical murders stop NOW and the perpetrators be brought to justice.

Veronica will be on her bridge in Heaven looking down on us.

We must do our best to make sure Veronica did not leave this Earth in vain.

We pray for Veronica’s family and friends that they be comforted in this difficult time of loss. We pray for ALL that are captives to medical tyranny in our country and around the world. It must end.

As my brother in Christ, Jarrin Jackson, says, “Now go to war.”

Non-violent civil disobedience.

Let your voices be heard, Patriots. For Veronica. For your fellow Americans. For the world. For humanity.


P Miller, [13.09.21 03:19]

[Forwarded from DrLee4America]

I have been involved helping her POA try to get her released as she kept pleading. All of us helping her POA, who put up such a heroic fight, are outraged at what they did to her. WE WILL NOT BE SILENT. However her POA and family decide to take this fight to the public to shine light on what they did to Veronica, Truth for Health Foundation and our team

Involved with advocating for her, stand with you.

Our desire is to see them be held accountable for her death imprisoned against her express wishes. And to expose the lack of basic medical care in what was supposed to be a faith based setting to receive help .I hope we will live to see JUSTICE for Veronica. We are here to help that.

Love in Christ,

Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD

President and CEO

Truth for Health Foundation,

The People’s Foundation


Leslie Nelson

17m  · @10:31pm cst

Prayer warriors” our sister Veronica on your prayer list Lynnwood general Flynn TV stations advocates are all trying to get her out of this hospital please please pray for her healing I will keep you updated as much as I can.

Telegram Lin Wood

The police have informed Veronica’s representative who holds her medical power of attorney that the matter of a wellness check or possible transfer will have to be addressed with the hospital administrator tomorrow morning.

The officer was responding to the request for a wellness check by Veronica’s lawful representative AND a complaint by the hospital against Veronica’s representative.

The rule of law does not exist in our country at this time for ordinary citizens. It only exists to be abused by the elite establishment.

Pray for Veronica.

Pray for our country.

Pray for We The People.


Julia Williams

28m  · 

Friends, I've told you before about an older lady named Veronica who lives in Chicago and stood up on The People's bridge posting signs every day.

She came down with covid and is being horribly mistreated by Amita Resurrection Hospital.

How many others???

Please pass this message around. As i have been asked to do.

I just received this message for the individual who holds Veronica’s medical power of attorney.

“September 12th 7:00CST



URGENT EMERGENCY! Veronica was stable yesterday and was going to receive a feeding tube over 24 hours ago. She has not received enough nutrients and has taken an extreme turn for the worse. We have a team in place including a private ambulance to transport her. They are DELAYING hospice or releasing her from the hospital. We don’t have that kind of time! She is declining due to lack of medical treatment and nutrients. We are left with other NO option than to alert the public and request your assistance as we are trying to SAVE VERONICAS LIFE. Her advocate just had to call the police department from the hosptial. Make calls, be loud and be heard!!!

Please help get as much attention FOR VERONICA as possible. Time of the essence.


Her advocate is standing outside of the hospital to field questions right now!

RESSURECTION - (773) 774-8000

Fox 32 - 312-565-5533

ABC 7 - 312-750-7070

Sun Times - Tom Mcamee - 312-321-2921

NBC 5 - 312-836-5555

16t District - 312-742-4480

OAN NEWS - CHARLES ERRING - 858-270-6900”

President John F. Kennedy’s Speech: Return to the Sea


President John F. Kennedy’s speech from America’s Cup Dinner in 1962 is played while showcasing the Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf crew patrolling the Eastern Pacific Ocean.


Leslie Nelson

21h  · 

Telegram The People’s Bridge

UPDATE! Monday, September 13th

Veronica’s family and close friends are still digesting the sudden shock and loss of our dear Angel. We are in discussions regarding a memorial celebration of her life but we are respecting their privacy so the information will be provided when they are ready. They wished to express the following information:

They are grateful for your prayers (we are too) Their wishes are that you keep educating the public with what is happening in these hospitals and the denial of medical freedoms. Please allow us some time and we will have more updates as they become available. The People’s Bridge is forever in our hearts and the family hopes that you have been inspired by Veronica and will stand on bridges where you live and keep Veronica’s spirit alive! In the words of Veronica “Never Be Silent, Never Give Up”!

We will let you know as soon as possible what the memorial celebration plans are. Also, there are plans for fundraising that are being discussed. Thank you for your love, prayers and patience.

-The People’s Bridge Admin

Rest in Peace Veronica - Mary Flynn is with Sharon Pilati
Emma Ann

We all have lost an amazing Patriot and friend. Veronica touched so many lives and has left a legacy which will never be forgotten. She is watching over all of us now from the People’s Bridge. Sending love and condolences to everyone.

Leslie Nelson

RIP dear sisiter - you are already missed fly high into the very arms of God sweet Patriot Sister - Psalm 139: 16 -Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

Nothingto SeeHere

My heart is aching over the news. Already missing you terribly. It’s just not going to be the same without you, Veronica.

Fly high, my beautiful Sister.....

I love you.

Jenny Beth

So blessed we got to know your beautiful, sweet soul, Veronica! We will continue to FIGHT LIKE A FLYNN for you on this side!! God Speed my friend, may all beautiful things find you!!

Leslie Nelson is with Keith Remlinger and 

44 others

.We know that pain is coming and we thought it was for the other side - the evil ds -I know many warned us - Matthew told us - now I see - the pain is not for those that are still sleeping as they feel nothing - the pain is felt by those of us awake

Irina Kisser is feeling sad.

In memory of Veronica Wolski

Praying for Veronica's family and friends to be comforted during this hard time of loss.



Gen. M. Flynn

For Veronica Wolski (known as the Bridge Lady - she created the People's Bridge over Chicago), she was a friend of the Flynns, a patriot of highest order, a blossom of truth in the field of battle we are in as a giant under Patriots who believe in freedom, believed in America and the American dream and were always willing to give themselves before others. God's blessings on beautiful and kind Veronica

May they rest in peace my beautiful friend in Christ. God bless you for your courage and struggle. You have shown many how to be strong, courageous, funny and patriotic, how to stand against the tyranny of our nation. How many who have sacrificed for our nation, your sacrifice will not be for nothing. RIP Veronica and may the angels of the Lord pave your way to your final resting place. I know they will

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