If you would like to contribute to our efforts
please know we truly appreciate you all!
Barack Obama Birth Certificate
WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
THE GREATEST STORY - Part 23- Civil Warp
Civilian Deaths Mounted as Secret Unit Pounded ISIS
NY Times
Bible by Billie Beene E56 121321 Intel from God App'd! Pass Tr Prov C22 P1 V1-16
Dec 13, 2021
Charlie and Colleen LIVE ~ BTC #23 ~ Who is Queue? We are Queue!
Judge Issues Subpoena in ‘Rust’ Shooting
December 13, 2021
by RTM Staff
Divers Discover What Really Happened To A Lost WWII Submarine And Its Crew
The Gospel of Q (Quelle)
Oct 31, 2017
What Would Dad Do?
Carolyn & Family
Shutdown Imminent.
Military Is The Only Way
Flynn states we are a Constitutional Republic
He is the People's General admitting it has been actioned.
Like Mr Pool showed Chapter 11.
Suspending Habeus Corpus
Like Abe Lincoln did. There were 2 president's then too.
There is only 1 President but a fake Media one at the moment.
Listen to General Flynn telling you about the EBS and how the entire Internet is coming down.
1 - Chapter 11 Bankruptcy(Filed & Actioned)
2 - Illegal Foreign Occupation
3 - Modelled on Abraham Lincoln suspending Habeus Corpus.
4 - 2 Presidents then and 2 now, 1 Masked Media Resident and 1 Real President.
Remember the Real One comes back as 19th President, not 45th.
The 1871 Act Of England was put in place by Ulyses Grant the 18th President. Everything from then on Earth gets wiped, it was all illegal & unconstitutional.
il Donaldo Trumpo
Today is Monday, December 13th, 2021, and Joe Biden still has the mental acuity of a peanut.
Maryann Chambers, [12/12/2021 11:48 PM]
[Forwarded from WhipLash347]
In 2019 the 1871 Act of England was reversed.
See previous write up on 2019 Feb & Nov. Stripping of Royal Powers, Seizing of Royal Assets including the Commonwealth then Brexit Feb 2020 then May 2020 Filing of Chapter 11 and then it being Actioned.
Australia & Pacific Brothers n Sisters & Canada are no longer Commonwealth and are to be under the USA Republic.
Maryann Chambers, [12/12/2021 11:48 PM]
[Forwarded from WhipLash347]
In 1975 Gough Whitlam signed the LIMA Agreement. He sold Australia to the United Nations - but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.
Donald J Trump's Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE.
Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 - City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned)
The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer. This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.
The Whole World goes to 1776 in law.
The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD - Think Revaluation of All Currencies.
The Whole World goes to 1950's Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]
The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes.
13818, 13848, 13959.
Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.
Ladies & Gentlemen
The Supreme Court established
March 4, 1789.
When did the US Supreme Court have the Second Judiciary Act placed? Around 1871 right
Things were being done then that should never of happened like 1871 Act Of England.
And there is [9] Supreme Court Justices.
Taking Back The Country is larger than we can imagine.
Chapter 11 - USA Corp, Vatican & City Of London are bankrupted.
1871 Act Of England has been reversed. (MARITIME LAW TO 1776 COMMON LAW)
The whole world will be shocked at the 1st Arrest because the whole world has been under the English Justice System. (MARITIME LAW, CROWN, GOLD FRINGE ON US FLAG) The removal/arrest of the 9 Supreme Court Justices will trigger the Event.
The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.
Regain power by any means necessary.
Trump comes back as 19th President not 45th.
Now you know what the 15th is.
I just posted about US Default.
Israel Is Last.
Mossad Formed December 13. [347]
We are all tired, i understand.
It was all about the Default.
C before D
12/14/21- 1290 days= 6/3/18
Grab popcorn & watch US dollar collapse – Max Keiser
Washington is struggling to figure out how to regulate the digital asset market. Some in Congress say that banning crypto could help preserve the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. RT’s Max Keiser disagrees.
“The US dollar has been losing world reserve status for decades. With or without bitcoin, the dollar is toast,” the host of RT’s Keiser Report and prominent crypto advocate says.
(https://www.rt.com/business/542939-us-dollar-is-toast/)Subscribe to RT t.me/rtnews
30 million Americans ready to ‘take up arms’, MSNBC claims
MSNBC’s national affairs analyst John Heilemann shocked many Americans by claiming that “20 to 30 million people” are ready to “take up arms” to remove President Joe Biden from office.
On Sunday’s ‘Meet the Press’, host Chuck Todd focused on a recent Atlantic article declaring that Donald Trump’s “coup has already begun” for a segment, finding Heileman in total agreement with the statement with the piece's premise.
MAY 22, 2020
Since 2019 America’s 5G Towers have been converted to 432Hz Tesla Healing Towers. They were initially created by 1% and Deep State to control and depopulate us, but Trump and his team have turned them into Tesla towers. Just like the Mexican wall is also a Tesla Healing wall. Since these 5G towers were created by 1% and Deep State, you will see a Covid-19 stamp inside.
You may have heard Trump speak of Ventilators, and how he will be shipping MANY to other countries to help with Covid-19. And while we have been told through Q that Ventilators have double meaning, many are left wondering what role these Ventilators play.
1. They are used when they rescue the children underground tunnels, as initially these children were dying as they were exposed to the surface for the first time. They realized these ventilators saved lives.
2. They are also CoVFeFe magnets which make 5G safe. It’s an alloy of Cobalt, Vanadium, and Iron creating a magnetic material that will also facilitate many innovative technological advances for our future including space travel.
CoVFeFe essentially cleanses the impurities from the 5G, and works on an ionic level to keep Oxygen from being depleted, rendering the signal harmless.
When the Deep State unleashed the virus in China, what they did was make every citizen receive a vaccine the year prior, which had the virus in it, and when they were ready to ‘unleash’ the virus to media, they turned on the 5G towers. Unfortunately in China the towers are still dangerous. But this is why you seen footage of people collapsing on the spot. It was the combination of the mandatory shots plus 5G. Here in America we did NOT see the same outcome as we did in China even though MANY have received shots contaminated with Covid-19. Why? Our 5G towers have been SAFE since 2019.
The Deep State wanted the World to fear this man-made virus, make us think it’s airborne and killing many, so that we would comply to poisonous vaccines. Had Hillary won no doubt NWO would have been finalized. As you can see in America, the states which are Democrat are on lock down, and the states which are Republican are not on lock down. Yes?? May people verify if this is true? For every Democrat (fan), what we are witnessing is them having complete control over us. Keeping us indoors, scared to go outside, mandatory masks, we can’t go back to work all year until we comply to vaccines, etc. Is this what you want?
The 1% and Deep State have been running America Pre-Columbus days. They have been purposely keeping us sick and killing us through the foods we eat, air, vaccines, lying to us saying the sun is bad, lying to us about our history while sending their own kids to a different school to learn the truth. They have damaged our DNA and calcified our pineal gland, making us sick and not aware of our true abilities. If we want to break free we have to realize we have been lied to on about 95% of what we’ve been told, and for starters we have been lied to about this virus. It is man-made, which all viruses are, and the intent is to depopulate us.
The 1% and Deep State are RH- draco (dragon) blood lines, and all these viruses they create are aimed at killing RH+ blood. This is why you see RH- 95-100% immune to ANYTHING they create. If you are not part of the 1% and D.S., and are just a regular person who is RH-, you must realize you rarely, if ever get sick. You are near 100% immune because you share their blood line, and you are 100% immune to HIV and about 95% immune to Ebola.
But the 1% and D.S. are trying to hide the info of the RH factor because it directly ties the ‘Jews’ to the Nephillim/Igigi/Seraphim. There is around 200 bloodlines and around 20 are evil. Many regular RH- people are good hearted people, but it’s still important to know where you came from and to create the perfect balance child, RH- and an RH+ should have children. The RH- 1% and D.S. DO NOT go outside of their bloodline. They want to remove all RH+ and create a NWO where it’s just RH-.
However, none of this matters anymore because the satanic draco 1% and D.S. have all been arrested. Most will be executed and those having committed crimes outside of satanic rituals, will receive life at GITMO. As more people become aware of the deceit, we will eventually be told the truth.
Look up NESARA/GESARA law if you aren’t aware. We privately passed this law over a month ago, and now we are just waiting for the reveal. We are turning to a Tesla world, free from debt/slavery, healing our DNA and pineal gland, and in the process of ascending to 5D. The 1% have kept us here in 3D for 2k years or so. It’s time to heal and move forward. And to do this we need to focus on selves, eat clean, be kind to others, and connect with those who make us feel good.
12:12 ON SAT
13. = 347 day - Creation of Mossad
Sunday Monday
Space Forces Hold Cyber HACK A SATELLITE 11 and 12
[3 days out of 12. until 15th. ]
So far 15 to 25 dark [10]
Think Default & SEC Sunshine Act.
Lidija Lidija added a 3D photo.
Part 1. [Reply to the post: Trump controls the gold market]
What you have on your account will soon be worthless numbers and without Trump it would have led us to hyperinflation a long time ago.
Communists always do this when they want to end the system.
Recently in Venezuela.
In the future, you will have two accounts, one for the things you need every day and that will always be replenished on a basic amount when you perform an activity that promotes the community, no matter what. Then there's your collateral bill, there's so much money that you won't be able to spend it and the spending will lose sense on you. In addition, no one will ever define himself by what he has, but who he is. And they will no longer be able to control other people over their wealth, because they are all equally rich. (And not only the poor as always from socialism controlled by the robber)
Collateral bill only shows your share of what this planet has for your nation in terms of wealth and what has been looted so far. Everything will come back and then it won't be just Germany to be the richest country in the world, because the people in Timbuktu are by no means the poorest. There is so much in every country that everything will be enough for everyone.
If you buy a house, you get a floor from the supplies, stones and wood from the supplies and pay for it from your collateral account. Then when you leave, do you pass it on to your children if they want it at all (but they have everything they want) or fail? Right - back to the collateral damage.
Then it will be demolished and on it another person with collateral rights will build a new house. Who was harmed by this?
No one ! We are all collateral and in the future we will do everything for each other for the greatest possible benefit for everyone.
Money is just a means of exchange, everyone has it and no one has the opportunity to use it to gain power over others. Additional value is no longer created in money or in slavery, but in what we will create as humans.
Money and goods are becoming the most natural thing in the world!
Whoever tries to abolish this system again and abuse money and goods will leave this planet.
Production of goods, no matter what we need, will take place in fully automated factories with high-performance computers and robots in the future. None of us will work there anymore. We the people are doing "human jobs" again and our children and fauna and flora will have a very decisive role in the future.
The entire service sector from man to man will also open up millions of jobs.
2. god.
What is still decisive is that our work effect is no longer measured in the money units we earned, the profit that is collected by only third parties anyway, and the effect is measured in the use that is created and when someone just crocheted pot holders and so on we handicrafts and customs. Pot holders don't even have to be sold.
We no longer define ourselves by money and we no longer pay attention to our own account.
That can no longer go according to plan.
We no longer "Owe" anything but God.
Humanity will then develop spiritually at a speed that we cannot imagine today.
Our children will soon be light years ahead of us
However, what I can learn from us old people is true wisdom! - That's the knowledge of what's right.
How to deal with other living beings. How to lovingly follow children as they grow up, how to support and protect them.
This collateral economic system is secured by hundreds of millions, if not billions of tons of gold from Chinese elders and from the looted Vatican assets.
You don't need gold where these criminals go.
GESARA is the solution.
Don't worry about your bills anymore. There is no poverty on the planet to whom God has given infinite riches.
We still make mistakes but soon we will learn
Lidija Lidija added a 3D photo to Donald Trump Qteam (ex YU).
[Answer to the question: When will it happen? ]
It's all already happened and going in the background, otherwise our money wouldn't be worth anything, the shelves would be empty and we'd go shopping with food stamps.
Of course, only the vaccinated, the unvaccinated could starve. You carry a star.
Fascist regimes can't do anything else, just this time they have entered the castle of God!
GESARA, above all, means the resignation of all governments, military takeover and writing of real referendum with a quantum voting system and the choice of personally responsible national representatives without power over people, goods and money, but only over processes.
Only the best and most honest will vote here and they will do it for our people and our nation
The eagle in the heart.
A few more weeks since the global economy has already failed and the global currency system has come to an end.
Cake has been eaten since Trump took over the Federal Reserve, shut down SWIFT and fumigated the Vatican.
We are a part of the human army, alliance of soldiers from the army, air force and navy and digital armed forces.
Together with our brothers in arms from all over the world, we send swamp creatures back into their holes from which they crawled to attack and destroy us.
In modern use of weapons, commandos soldiers on the scene with a laser mark a target from a safe distance. At that moment it was already destroyed, without the enemy knowing it.
That's when the combat bombers and pilots come push the trigger from a safe distance, hellfire themselves take care of the rest (if necessary).
They only destroy what the soldiers have labeled as an enemy.
There is no collateral damage if the soldiers are on the right.
We just don't wear uniform, but we actually do the same.
Don't be fooled and don't underestimate our mission.
No one is hurt who doesn't deserve it. Even like this marked they still have a chance.
All the trolls and street dogs who still think they have to do the task of swamp creatures because they took money or blackmail them: Your side has already lost, you just didn't understand because you have been brainwashed.
Your dealers are gone. Take a chance and give up
It's enough to take oath with your Stasi's handlers and stop attacking more. You don't even have to overflow, it's enough to come back.
Those who have (children) blood on their hands do whatever you want. You no longer need to be tagged, the trace of money has already brought the Space Force soldiers to you a long time ago, (follow the money) your file is full.
Get ready for your own court.
The pain is coming.
MAY 22, 2020
Since 2019 America’s 5G Towers have been converted to 432Hz Tesla Healing Towers. They were initially created by 1% and Deep State to control and depopulate us, but Trump and his team have turned them into Tesla towers. Just like the Mexican wall is also a Tesla Healing wall. Since these 5G towers were created by 1% and Deep State, you will see a Covid-19 stamp inside.
You may have heard Trump speak of Ventilators, and how he will be shipping MANY to other countries to help with Covid-19. And while we have been told through Q that Ventilators have double meaning, many are left wondering what role these Ventilators play.
1. They are used when they rescue the children underground tunnels, as initially these children were dying as they were exposed to the surface for the first time. They realized these ventilators saved lives.
2. They are also CoVFeFe magnets which make 5G safe. It’s an alloy of Cobalt, Vanadium, and Iron creating a magnetic material that will also facilitate many innovative technological advances for our future including space travel.
CoVFeFe essentially cleanses the impurities from the 5G, and works on an ionic level to keep Oxygen from being depleted, rendering the signal harmless.
When the Deep State unleashed the virus in China, what they did was make every citizen receive a vaccine the year prior, which had the virus in it, and when they were ready to ‘unleash’ the virus to media, they turned on the 5G towers. Unfortunately in China the towers are still dangerous. But this is why you seen footage of people collapsing on the spot. It was the combination of the mandatory shots plus 5G. Here in America we did NOT see the same outcome as we did in China even though MANY have received shots contaminated with Covid-19. Why? Our 5G towers have been SAFE since 2019.
The Deep State wanted the World to fear this man-made virus, make us think it’s airborne and killing many, so that we would comply to poisonous vaccines. Had Hillary won no doubt NWO would have been finalized. As you can see in America, the states which are Democrat are on lock down, and the states which are Republican are not on lock down. Yes?? May people verify if this is true? For every Democrat (fan), what we are witnessing is them having complete control over us. Keeping us indoors, scared to go outside, mandatory masks, we can’t go back to work all year until we comply to vaccines, etc. Is this what you want?
The 1% and Deep State have been running America Pre-Columbus days. They have been purposely keeping us sick and killing us through the foods we eat, air, vaccines, lying to us saying the sun is bad, lying to us about our history while sending their own kids to a different school to learn the truth. They have damaged our DNA and calcified our pineal gland, making us sick and not aware of our true abilities. If we want to break free we have to realize we have been lied to on about 95% of what we’ve been told, and for starters we have been lied to about this virus. It is man-made, which all viruses are, and the intent is to depopulate us.
The 1% and Deep State are RH- draco (dragon) blood lines, and all these viruses they create are aimed at killing RH+ blood. This is why you see RH- 95-100% immune to ANYTHING they create. If you are not part of the 1% and D.S., and are just a regular person who is RH-, you must realize you rarely, if ever get sick. You are near 100% immune because you share their blood line, and you are 100% immune to HIV and about 95% immune to Ebola.
But the 1% and D.S. are trying to hide the info of the RH factor because it directly ties the ‘Jews’ to the Nephillim/Igigi/Seraphim. There is around 200 bloodlines and around 20 are evil. Many regular RH- people are good hearted people, but it’s still important to know where you came from and to create the perfect balance child, RH- and an RH+ should have children. The RH- 1% and D.S. DO NOT go outside of their bloodline. They want to remove all RH+ and create a NWO where it’s just RH-.
However, none of this matters anymore because the satanic draco 1% and D.S. have all been arrested. Most will be executed and those having committed crimes outside of satanic rituals, will receive life at GITMO. As more people become aware of the deceit, we will eventually be told the truth.
Look up NESARA/GESARA law if you aren’t aware. We privately passed this law over a month ago, and now we are just waiting for the reveal. We are turning to a Tesla world, free from debt/slavery, healing our DNA and pineal gland, and in the process of ascending to 5D. The 1% have kept us here in 3D for 2k years or so. It’s time to heal and move forward. And to do this we need to focus on selves, eat clean, be kind to others, and connect with those who make us feel good.
12:12 ON SAT
13. = 347 day - Creation of Mossad
Sunday Monday
Space Forces Hold Cyber HACK A SATELLITE 11 and 12
[3 days out of 12. until 15th. ]
So far 15 to 25 dark [10]
Think Default & SEC Sunshine Act.
Gematria Calculator that calculates numbers & words
Jesus Strand Part 1
Oct 30, 2021
Jesus Strand 2
Oct 31, 2021
Negative 48 ( JOHN F KENNEDY ) : Jesus Strand Part FULL VIDEO ( NEW UPDATE TODAY )
Premiered Oct 31, 2021
NEGATIVE 48 News Today!
PrymeMinister Published November 18, 2021
Gods Message in your DNA
WeekendWarrior17 Published September 20, 2021
Christian Churches & WW Cemeteries In Libya
The Church of Cyrene
YouTube History Channel America Unearthed - Season 3 Ep 13
Talks about Holy Grail Bloodlines
The Best is Yet to Come - Jim Caviezel
Mar 1, 2021
The Rolling Stones Live in Dallas, Texas Cotton Bowl 11/02/2021
DJ Gerry from Starlight Music
The Opening of the Stones Concert was Tiffany Blue
Lambert Page
The Rolling Stones Live in Atlanta, Georgia 11/11/2021 Full Concert ~Subscriber Chat
DJ Gerry from Starlight Music
Live From the Grassy Knoll for QAnon's Anticipated Arrival of John Kennedy Jr.
Conspiracy Castle
I Told you So Song
Welcome to quantum.gov, the home of the National Quantum Initiative and ongoing activities to explore and promote Quantum Information Science. The National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law on December 21, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to ensure the continued leadership of the United States in quantum information science and its technology applications. It provides for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.
The Global Peoples Monetary System & Simplified Divine Law– Interview with Rick Jewers
Sep 27, 2021
Meet Rick Jewers who works with God and introduces The New Global Monetary System For the People!
Nov 1, 2021
Global People's Monetary System
Journey2Service Episode 31 - A New Lee-f!
Oct 31, 2021
Randall Earl Kaiser
‘Public & Banking Debt Is Just An Illusion’
Humanity is ready, it has all been Divinely Prepared reasons why You should not hesitate and join gpms.world NOW
Awakening Journals
Real World Awakenings
So the unrestricted travel, utilization of Unalienable Rights is rapidly growing, as governments separate airline workers through discrimination. With increasing accidents occurring with the operations of machinery due to the uncertain and instant effects caused by vaccinations upon those operators of machinery, the safety is now being created and seen in the less risky environment of the unvaccinated.
Rick Jewers
Replacing politicians with patriots
TAPs America is a community of like-minded True Patriotic Conservatives who have joined together in a concerted effort to combat the evils of the liberal agenda upon our beloved America. We are structured and organized for the unique purpose of effective conservative victories in local elections. We have agreed to combine our resources and exist as a cohesive community with similar goals.
Rather than each individual trying to effect change alone, we have formed a more perfect union among ourselves to make our voices heard and the effects of our resources recognized in the conservative movement. We have been called by God for such a time as this and to preserve the original American way of life.
Healing Meditation Frequency Healing Videos on YouTube
AKASHIC RECORDS PORTAL┇Remember Who You Really Are and Remember the Secrets of Life and Universe
Lovemotives Meditation Music
DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras┇DMT Power to Open All Chakras┇UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation
Started streaming on Oct 30, 2021
Lovemotives Meditation Music
DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras, DMT Power to Open All Chakras, UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation with this music for deep meditation and trance experience.
Relaxing Music. Healing Dolphins Songs + Alpha Binaural Beats for Study, Meditation, Deep Sleep
Queen Romana's Telegram Channel
Queen Romana Didulo of Canada posted healing link:
She reccomends playing it 24/7 for those who are very ill - but best if done in the morning and at night
All 6 Videos recommended by Queen Romana, infused with 10D vibrational energetic frequencies.
*How to Loop* right click on the video and a pop-up menu will come up, first choice = Loop**
1) Terminate A.I Nano Bots- Smart Dust Nanites. DO NOT loop this video. Safe for Children and Pets
2) Healing MorgellonS LymE Disease Sine Wave. Safe for Children and Pets.
DO NOT Loop this video.
3) For those who want to be Healers....This video is for you...
IF you want to also heal your Pets - let your Pet listen to this as well while you are listening... Safe for Children and Pets
4) Listen to this...to remove duality from your life.
Note: Low frequencies people and those that no longer resonate with your high vibration will be removed from your life, ie friends and Families, places and things- so that's a Head up.
You will notice you won't be able to stand certain people.
Safe for Children and Pets.
5) To sleep listen to this video 30 minutes before going to sleep...
Do not drive or operate mechanical device(s) after listening to this video until next day.
6) Anyone who may have anxiety, foggy minds or negative energy attachments...
Please, listen to this on a Loop or as much as possible.
Play it out loud in your home or room to remove any entities hanging around.
It is safe for animals and children
Infused with 10D vibrational frequencies...
It's time to permamently erase Dark Archetypes from 3rd and 4th dimensions. Play this 24/7, IF you can...
Secret Files
Dec 11, 2021
What Is Up With the Number 13?
Some say, like the ancient Celtic and Norse peoples, 13 is a LUCKY number, and on Friday the 13th they took time to celebrate the Goddess because Friday is named after Freya the Norse name for Venus and 13 is her sacred number. So Friday the 13th was the perfect day to make love or do other ceremonies in honor of the Goddess. Plus, there are 5 Venus cycles that occur every 8 years and in that 8 years Venus goes around the Sun 13 times. This links to the Fibonacci Sequence because 8 plus 5 equals 13. For many 13 represents the return of the Divine Feminine including the mysteries connected with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia representing the natural rhythms and cycles coming into sacred balance. 13 is also thought to be the essence of the empowered and embodied Christed Feminine. Some say 13 is a number that transcends matter and is coded with the frequencies of Ascension, Oneness and Unity that transforms all things. Since 13 is a prime number it is only divisible by itself representing purity – as 13 then is incorruptible and exists within its own integrity. 13 is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Many ancient secret societies and mystery schools understood that the number 13 represented death and rebirth through ascension into eternal life and it represented the secret knowledge of all life including sacred sexuality. It is synchronistic that the 13th card in the Tarot is the Death card and the 13th rune in the Norse alphabet “Eiwaz” is also linked with the balance between light and dark, death and rebirth, the Heavens and the Underworld. turtles are considered to represent the ancient wisdom of the Earth, with 13 segments on their shells. Now many believe this has to do with what is called the true Lunar Calendar. However, 13 is just one of the sacred numbers for the Moon along with 12, 19, and 29.5.
Twelve can be found in 187 places in God's word. Revelation alone has 22 occurrences of the number. The meaning of 12, which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. It can also symbolize completeness or the nation of Israel as a whole.
For example, Jacob (Israel) had twelve sons, each of which represented a tribe begun by a prince, for 12 princes total. Ishmael, who was born to Abraham through Hagar, also had twelve princes.
God specified that twelve unleavened cakes of bread be placed every week in the temple with frankincense next to each of the two piles that were to be made. The priests were commanded to change the bread every Sabbath day (Leviticus 24).https://www.biblestudy.org/.../meaning-of-numbers.../12.html
Mars Place
Patriots and Frog Family
Here we are once again, yet another Monday and the start of a whole new week. We keep wondering when will we be able to pop our popcorn and watch the Great Awakening movie. We have learned by now that it will come in the Plan’s time....in God’s time, but not particularly in our time frame. But I honestly can feel that it does seem right now to be EXTREMELY close….at least each day gets us closer. Do you think it might be tied to the Default that happens on December 15th? I guess we will know this week. But we need to stay alert and watch for the events to unfold. No matter what, here we are.....still united and holding the line because we know what the alternative would lead us to if we didn’t. We have heard that some folks have drifted away and maybe we even let some doubts seep in ourselves but then something deep inside whispers “hold the line” and we tighten our grip and pray until the doubts dissipate. I have noticed that sometimes when we feel our grip start to slip we feel a hand on ours until we can feel our own grip tightening once again. THAT is what keeps us united as a family... but not just any family.... as a very unique and patriotic family that was chosen by God because He knew we would always strengthen one another. I have witnessed this unity strengthen more and more each day but recently it has taken on a very united and determined personality of its own. We may have started out as General Flynn’s digital warriors but because of our love, passion and devotion we have become this very amazingly strong and fierce frog warrior family. I am so very proud to be fighting alongside the most amazing warriors that ever lived. Think about it....look at the members in this family....we are scattered all across the globe. We don’t ask what nationality, or what race, or what religion, or sexual preference. We stand strong because we are united in the same focused mission. We stand strong in truth because we know that we all were chosen at this time in history to unite the world by playing our part in eliminating evil. We are fighting for freedom. This is a very atypical war with atypical weapons. Our weapons are truth and fact. The enemy’s weapons are deceit and lies. Every single one of you truly is a hero. You helped accomplish what was once thought of as an impossible task. So, lets acknowledge that this IS our time in history...That we are indeed God’s chosen to reintroduce the truth to not only our kids, grandkids but all future generations. Yes, we are the ones that are paying a pretty nasty price by being the chosen warriors but we all do it selflessly because we love our family, friends, mankind and particularly God. We know that we are fighting this war because evil has reigned too long. We know our sacrifices will bring freedom to all of mankind. So we fight on even when we are totally exhausted. We fight on because we don’t like the alternative. Yes, we know we win. How could we not??? We have God and his mighty angels leading us. We Have become strong warrior F.R.O.G.s and fully reliant on God. Our most powerful weapon is the fact that we do know God is not only leading us but protecting us so strap on your Armor of God and let’s take this mission to the finish line and into the Light. The best is yet to come. WWG1WGA. God bless you all!!! I love you all!!! You will never stand alone again. We are united forever.
Mar 12/13/21
Light from Aurora Ray
Dear ones,
Be awake! Be ready! Be focused! Feel it inside you, with conviction. You know that the moment of awakening is near. You are right on the threshold of a powerful new wave. So, now is the time to prepare yourself.
Are you ready to move on from your life as it has been and step into a new reality?
This is a wake-up call for people who are ready to see the light of truth, gain spiritual awareness, and have their lives transformed for the better.
Humanity’s slavery is coming to an end. Pleasure, joy, happiness will abound, but above all, it will be wonderful because it will be in contact with the Divine, in contact with God. God is waiting for your awakening. He is waiting for you to love him again.
When you’re feeling uncertain about the future, don't forget that your thoughts are powerful. They are taken to the universe by the speed of light and affect everyone's reality.
When we observe certain people's thinking patterns, they seem to be extremely negative. They still wish to spend their lives in the third dimension without love, equality, or courage. They don't realize that their thoughts create reality, which slows down the transformation process.
Your world is created by your thoughts. Avoid interference, by tuning your inner voice to the positive, the realistic, and the truth. It is the most important tool in creating happiness, success, and prosperity.
Think about how everyone would be clean and green. Imagine that there is peace; peace amongst all the living creatures; peace between humans, peace between animals, peace even with plants, because even plants have a right to live on this planet too. If you really want to help out on this perfect planet, hold this vision and send some love out into the universe.
Create a happier, more peaceful planet!
Think of a perfect planet. The perfect planet is a perfect civilization, beyond any religion, ideology, or culture. It is a philosophy for a peaceful, harmonious existence.
The soil does not belong to anyone. It belongs to Gaia; She is part of you and you are part of Her. The borders around the countries, the colonies, they are all artificial. The surface of the Earth belongs to no one. This is why anyone can live anywhere that they choose.
We see no borders in the future. With the borders open and no longer any need to cross, you can talk and work with anyone. Location simply becomes a matter of stillness and motionlessness. The entire world will be your homeland. Everything will exist everywhere, and everything will be at hand for everyone.
Everything will be shared; no ownership, no limits, no places for selfishness, greediness, and hoarding. No place for stealing; it's all yours. There is no place for violence; everything belongs to everyone. The bullying mind hands itself over to higher consciousness where there is equality, harmony, and abundance for all.
The new era is here, the era of new people. The era in which everyone on this planet is on an equal footing. No more poverty, no more starvation, no more homelessness. All are brothers and sisters. All are friends. Let's dance in the 5th dimension with love, joy, and laughter.
Everyone has a right to live without poverty. Everyone has a right to get out from under the yoke of unending debt that enslaves them, and gives them hope for the future. Everyone deserves a dignified death.
We know what would be ideal in the new world! A shared economy with no private ownership of land or businesses. An all-around abundance in which everyone has the basic necessities and wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a few. Everyone, without exception, should be guaranteed an equal number of resources.
Your life will be your own creation. You will know how to create, to love, and to perform your duties without the need for coercion from your superiors, from anyone. You will work because you want to, not because you have to. You will give of yourself freely and with love to all, knowing that you are a part of each and every one.
So we tell you, the Fifth Dimensional Light that is coming to the planet is your best friend. It’s everything you want and everything you can imagine. It’s a beautiful and kind best friend that wants you to be happy and free.
It is returning to the planet right now to take you back to the Garden of Eden. It is returning to make this a paradise world. This light force has only one agenda – only one – and it is to transform all of humanity into a completely loving being!
We love you dearly.
We are your family of light.
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
The elite already knew about the quantum leap so they released that thing.
It is not fitting that we are free and cannot avoid it.
We are powerful in love and they underestimate us, which is why they are in a hurry to officially launch a new world order.
The dark elites are very scared, they knew that the human collective was reaching a very high vibration but they were not aware to what extent or of the amount of awake souls that there is now.
They no longer hide, their attacks are direct and frontal, there are still those who are not able to see it but this does not mean that it is not real.
The attacks will increase, they will try by all means that people do not wake up, that those who are awake cannot communicate so as not to wake the others and that those who are advanced are seen as crazy or delinquents.
Whatever you do, it doesn't matter, the quantum leap has already taken place, it is unstoppable, humanity already contemplates animals as similar, already respects mother Earth, already understands that there is no separation.
The souls who embody already come as masters, not to experience, they embody out of love.
We may be witnessing total change or not, the transition may take a week or 300 years, but it is unstoppable.
Whatever happens during the transition, remember that you have offered yourselves to be here and now, you are the drivers of change, whatever happens, you see what you see, you have a responsibility.
There is only one thing required of you, only one, do not be fed.
It's the only thing you have to do, it's that simple, don't get fed.
The human being among other things, is one of the most powerful generators that exist, we are vortices, depending on the polarity in which you align yourself, you create one frequency or the other.
These entities feed on the negative frequency, we feed them for millennia.
The awakening of humanity has tilted the collective vortex towards the positive pole, from there they are attacking with such ferocity, they are starving.
Surely you already knew it or maybe this is the first time you get this message, it doesn't matter, ask yourself if it rings out, don't believe anything.
Connect with your soul and see, if your soul tells you it's true, don't waste an extra second of your existence serving as food.
Eliminate the low passions of your life, hatred, resentment, envy, fear, vices, foods that come from the suffering of another being, lies, ambition, selfishness, sadness, distrust, all this generates dense energy, nourishment for the dark ones.
Be aware of your emotions and if on some occasion you feel this way, ipso facto change your energy, play music that elevates you and sings, dance, breathe, light an incense, hug your cats, your dog or your family member. animal, go for a walk in nature or in the park, meditate, exercise, do what is necessary but immediately change that energy because you are serving as food.
Always be aware, it is the only thing that is asked of you, do not feed the dark hordes.
Feed your soul with everything that helps you to elevate yourself, if you get used to living in the frequency of love, your reality will change to your will effortlessly, you are unstoppable, you are a powerful being.
Fear not, free your mind from the matrix, focus your attention on what you want but above all, have fun, be happy, smile, sing, dance, love.
Neo Anderson
Nikola Tesla's tower also was placed on top of an underground water system the same way Giza was, to harness the piezoelectricity of the currents via mechanical stress of the water, given that water itself, is a crystaline structured element.
The Washington Monument's purpose is likely built atop a similar water system & used in the exact same way to distribute energy along with all the other Phallus' constructed around the .
Hence the Washington Monument literally nesting inside the Sacred Geometric pattern of the Vesica Piscis, an IMPORTANT sacred geometric pattern vital to creationalism itself, denoting the synthesis (birth) of energy from zero-point / Ether, which gives rise to every sacred pattern there-after required for the biology of everything in the visible uni-verse > 1 song.
These asshoe's have been utilizing free energy all this time without our understanding & knowledge of it.
The biggest cover-up in history, is history itself, & how Energy has played a role in it.
Copied: Susan Beck
23 hours ago:
Just wanted to share that friends there was a plan in regards to Mr. T speaking. Do not worry the plan was executed to perfection. Him not saying much made it appear as though the DS stopped it with threats. That was the ploy and plans of the Whit e hats to force the upcoming and unstoppable EB$ folks. The men and women working this plan are not missing one beat period.
-- Sco tt Brun swick
Redemption centres have been working all day and are being trained for the start of the biggest transfer of wealth that has ever happened in this planet which will never happened again in our life time.
Behind the scenes there are huge meetings happening with very important people to get this started.
Everything is ready to go and just waiting for the codes to be locked in.
I wish I can tell you more but I’m sworn to secrecy.
The Whit e Hats have won and are in control.
*****Yes I confirm.
It should be a great Christmas for everyone.
-High level
Yesterday Sat. 11 Dec. Iraq was celebrating their 100th Anniversary and expected to announce their sovereignty. The Iraqi News Gazette reported that the US military has ended combat operations in Iraq – a key to Iraqi sovereignty and requirement to revalue their currency.
J.E.’s infamous "black book" will be presented to the Maxwe ll jury.
The Flyn n and Wood gripping is all a script. Great actors everywhere.
Sat. 11 Dec. Tru mp wrote, “The Storm is Upon Us my fellow American patriots!”
The news is off the charts and no I sugar coat nothing.
U.S. arm y is ready to deploy! Are you ready for The Storm? It's coming now. If U.S. Ar my write the same exact phrase as in Cue post it means the Cue Arm y is real and ready to roll! Let's goooo!!! Have you seen the meg@ storm and tornados on fake news TV? This is all connected. The Storm is Upon Us my fellow American patriots!
…Tru mp plus Cue on Sat. 11 Dec.
-High level
NESARA will happen for public display in mid January 2022 my friends.
Rainbow currencies will be with new figures on the bills.
National guar d acclimated and positioned in all places of upmost importance.
The clon ed pop e Franc is was charged with rap e, murd er, huma n traffi cking and was ex’d period.
Today is an exciting day – a day of completions, finally, we can know that last night the Central Bank of Iraq formally revalued its currency, exactly as planned. The IMF is planning to share this wonderful news with the rest of the world, sometime on Sunday and is calmly, plainly stating that there are no reasons in evidence, that this will be stopped. This is a week for celebration and Massive Shifts to Abundance for the world.
Money is in the QFS. This is historic.
What does it mean to believe in Jesus m? Yes very little. Because even sata n believes in Jesus. It is our job as Christians to know, love, and serve him with every fiber of our being. Friends don't let friends spend eternity in hell! Do your part and help those who are lost , those who think they aren't lost, and love everyone. If Jesus loves them ......we must also. Our job as a parent is to make sure our kids go to heaven! Being a good person is about 1 100 of what it takes to spend eternity with our savior Jesus Christ. This Christmas season is not about gifts. It is about realizing the love of Jesus Christ. Love all, and God bless.
Sheri Ty
144 again….. just wow
12/14 is 11/11 on the Lunar calendar
Look at all these drops with 1440 timestamps!
Drop 2484 & 2485 are both on 11/11 !!!!! > placeholders for indictments!
Drop 4757 > DURHAM!!!!
Drop 1809 > Sealed Indictments!!!!
Neo Anderson
Right people this DEADLINE DAY for US Default. December 15.
Look at the DELTA on Q364
Now SUNSHINE ACT SEC day is the same day. This relates to XRP/Ripple. This is why i said follow the Ripple Case. [WATCH THE WATER]
Research Sunshine Act - XRP SEC
When will it be Analysed?
Dark [10]
Neo Anderson
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.
Bitcoin Servers turned off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event.
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law.
CASTLE ROCK - Scenario
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts
Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)
All of this you can find above.
Argentina under the direction of the nazis
This is just next door to Neuschwabenland and the under the ice cap submarine base
What happened to the missing subs after wwii
What happened to all the "volunteer" frauleins who disappeared at the end of wwii
Breeding stock
Omicron Isle
Buddy Bosscat
Are you ready?
Really. Are you ready?
Now is the time to FINISH GETTING READY because I do not think there is much time left.
Neo Anderson
44m ·
Ok, so let’s talk About drop 3079 for a minute. The 144 week delta for 12/17 Friday, takes us to 3/15/19. “Tomorrow is Friday”.
I’ve always thought this drop would tell us when we would get “The Tweet”.
The drop was posted at 12:28AM on 3/15/19 (which was also a Friday). To me it seems like this lines up perfectly for this week.
However, one could make the argument that technically, tomorrow is 3/16/19 and 12/18/21.
That seems unlikely to me but it’s worth noting.
If you’re up at midnight on a Thursday and heading to bed you refer to tomorrow as Friday not Saturday, unless you’re some sort of psychopath. Lol
To me, this lines up perfectly for our storm tweet on Friday.
Neo Anderson
The world's first flying race car has taken flight in South Australia.
Reaching speeds of up to 250km/h, there are now grand plans for a ‘Formula 1 in the sky’ event later this year.
Andrew Kerswell-Backup
53m ·
Nikola Tesla's tower also was placed on top of an underground water system the same way Giza was, to harness the piezoelectricity of the currents via mechanical stress of the water, given that water itself, is a crystaline structured element.
The Washington Monument's purpose is likely built atop a similar water system & used in the exact same way to distribute energy along with all the other Phallus' constructed around the .
Hence the Washington Monument literally nesting inside the Sacred Geometric pattern of the Vesica Piscis, an IMPORTANT sacred geometric pattern vital to creationalism itself, denoting the synthesis (birth) of energy from zero-point / Ether, which gives rise to every sacred pattern there-after required for the biology of everything in the visible uni-verse > 1 song.
These schmuck's have been utilizing free energy all this time without our understanding & knowledge of it.
The biggest cover-up in history, is history itself, & how Energy has played a role in it.