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under construction work in progress.jpg

If you would like to contribute to our efforts

please know we truly appreciate you all!

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

4 people are in Antarctica today for the total solar eclipse and new moon that happens 10 minutes after the peak of the eclipse.

What happens when the Queen dies?

Social Media Blackout.

3 days of no work +

10 days of Mourning

What about the Bombings, Buildings Leylines, Pharma Labs, Dams etc

3 Days Bay Of Pigs 10 Disclosure + further arrests.

Humpty Dumpty means this taken down so they can NEVER EVER come back.

They are bombing Labs, Oil Refineries etc already. It's not for Show

EBS is connected to Quantum Starlink Internet. Remember they are going to cut off the current Internet to go to the Space Force Controlled Quantum Internet. EBS is needed for many parts of this.

Wren Berlin is with Rhen Carberry and 

6 October 2017 The Calm before the Storm.

21 December 2017 The Storm started.

1st January 2019 Military Tribunal has gone into effect.

21st January 2021 New Era of Love & Peace will start.

2021 is phase 5.

We are Right

We are US

We are the Army of Jesus Christ


We have here 4 different dates in 21st Century:

21 = 777

20 1720 1720 1920 21

Years 17+17+19+21 = 74


The Military of J E SUS

Patrick Bouvier Kennedy

Neo Anderson

45 m @12:38pm cst

BREAKING - Multiple Explosions went off minutes back over the Nantaz Airspace of Iran.

Nantaz Harbour's the Iranian Nuclear Facility, According to reports Iranian Air Defence intercepted something.

There has been a large blast 20km away from the #Natanz nuclear site in #Iran in the #Badroud region. Bright light is reported to be lingering in the sky. #Drone allegedly shot down, and locals are reporting a pungent smell in the air.

Read More:

Neo Anderson

5m  · @ 9:03pm cst

Blast in Iran not near nuclear site but 20 km away. No threat to Iran nuclear site.

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

President Donald Trump at Mar A Lago TPUSA event right now:

“CNN finally fired Fredo. He should have never had a job in the first place. I called him Fredo. Chris Cuomo. We fought. Now Fredo is fired.”

Join @police_frequency

Florentin Patriotaseven

CERN identified as secret entrance to CIA underground headquarters under Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

Consequently, the CIA headquarters below Lake Geneva is accessible only by meter from the CERN and by submarines traveling through a 275 kilometer underground tunnel that apparently begins in Geneva (Italy) and ends at Lake Geneva.

CIA Headquarters of the Sub-Biosphere 2 modeled under Lake Geneva. This notion is based on the fact that Sub-Biosphere 2 is the European Bubble Chamber1 (BEBC2), which serves as a command center.

The 26.659 km LEP tunnel of the CERN crosses Switzerland and France. The CERN is 27 km from the center of Lake Geneva (d. H. 46° 27'19.8 " N6° 36'01.9 " E).

Neo Anderson

Alec Baldwin is confirmed as being present in Epstein's black book.


On the fourth day of the trial of Gilane Maxwell, the long-awaited debut of material evidence 52 took place - Jeffrey Epstein's "little black book" - a telephone directory containing the names and numbers of a huge list of his rich and influential friends, as well as, presumably, some people who accused him of crimes.

The book was presented when the prosecution witness Juan Alessi testified. Alessi was a butler/driver/tutor at Epstein's home in Palm Beach, Florida, from about 1991 to 2002. He described the decadent atmosphere of the mansion, which he said was run "like a five-star hotel."

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 






P.A.N.I.C. IN D.C.





Very important msg on the RV etc.

Like i explained Castle Rock. Everyone blames Bidan, All the Bad goes down on Bidan then Trump, John or Military will announce Quantum Gesara and do the RV.

Quantum Starlink video to come



Whiplash 347

Neo Anderson










join us



Neo Anderson

Which Anons are currently defending Israel?

1. Jordan Sather

2. Pepe Lives Matter

3. Praying Medic

And many more..

Neo Anderson

15 m @ 9:55pm cstt

Moved to Sunday Night US Time.

Neo Anderson

More than 2,000 employees have filed a class action lawsuit against United Airlines for religious and medical discrimination over an unconstitutional mandatory vaccine.

Captain Sherry Walker, co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom, said many of her colleagues were fired by United for not wanting to go against their faith, or for being too sick to get an injection.

"The stories are sad and evil. Our CEO is harming our people and perpetuating the destruction of our country for his profit," she added.

The lawsuit is sent to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals of the State of Louisiana.

Below is a copy of the letter they sent to the legislators.

Ramona Silvestri

Why was Dolly the sheep so special?

What made Dolly so special is that she had been made from an adult cell, which no-one at the time thought was possible. This showed that it was possible to turn the clock back on the development of cells, leading other scientists to later make pluripotent stem cells from adult cells, which was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2012. <<<<< CLEVER ARE THE DECIEVERS AS THEY HAVE BEEN CLONING HUMANS FOR OVER 50 YEARS .

Queen Romana


Someone asked...

Q: Queen Romana, will there be Banks in your timeline?

A: No. The Quantum Financial System eliminates the middle-man. Banks are middle-men.

Yes correct. Your Bank Accounts are protected and transfers over to Quantum Financial System.

Visualize the Quantum Financial System as the Treasury Department - where the golds are

So, your Account moved from the Bank to the Treasury Department.

Someone asked...

QR, are the Quantum Cellphones #real?

Answer: #Yes. They will replace the current Cellphones.

Someone asked...

QR, are quantum laptops/computers real?

Answer: #Yes. They will replace the current Laptops.

Someone asked...

QR, will Canadians receive or have FREE access to Quantum Cellphones and Laptops?

Answer: #Yes

~ The Kingdom of Canada ~

Of course, you would ask for Television too eh?

Thank God Master Creator for #Replicators technologies

~The Kingdom of Canada~

What are you going to use Television for when the I AMs are outside enjoying Nature after MedBed technologies healed them?

I AM not sure if Soap Operas will still be around?!

Neo Anderson

In 1776, I bet Old King George thought American Patriots were terrorists.

In 1776, the American Patriots stood tall for FREEDOM.

That realization terrorized King George.

Remind me. How did things work out for Old King George? Like Humpty Dumpty, I recall that he fell off the American Wall.

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.”

The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.

Join @John_McAfee_Channel

Donald Trump Qteam (ex YU)

Lidija Lidija 

TRUMP ADVICE: I'll be back by Christmas

Trump rejected the messages hinting that he will return publicly by Christmas, although the appearance seems impossible to believe. Announcement at 10:03 => 1003 = TRUMP CHRISTMAS GIFT (in Jewish Gematry).

Capital 1st sentence = 81 = I'M HERE. And a capital sentence: STARTING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS = 412 = PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP BACK FOR CHRISTMAS.

The second phrase in capital letters ENJOY YOUR UNBELIEVABLE DAY = 185 = DONALD JOHN TRUMP = HE'S BACK IN PUBLIC = 21. December 20_21.

All capital letters together = 678 = EMERGENCY SYSTEM BEFORE PRESIDENT TRUMP'S RETURN.

Is Trump trolling [them] or is he honest? Let's hope for later, because all Anoni wants for Christmas is a TRUME CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

US may be on the brink of DEFAULT — think tank projects

The Bipartisan Policy Center said Friday the US federal government is likely to run out of borrowing room and breach the debt limit after December 21.

“The debt limit ‘X Date’ – when the United States will no longer be able to meet its obligations in full and on time – will most likely occur between December 21, 2021, and January 28, 2022,” the DC-based think tank warned on its website.

According to the director of economic policy at BPC, “Those who believe the debt limit can safely be pushed to the back of the December legislative pileup are misinformed.” Before adding, “Congress would be flirting with financial disaster if it leaves for the holiday recess without addressing the debt limit.”

Happy holidays…


Lidija Lidija added a 3D photo to Donald Trump Qteam (ex YU).

Republic updated via GCR: update from 4. December 2021

sub. 4. December 2021. , 12:01 EST , Judy Byington

Judy Note: No one actually knew when the global currency resetting liquidation would come because it was a military decision and they did not talk.

Since before Thanksgiving, Paymasters have stayed in place to be ready to pay off bond owners, Tier 3 and Tier 4 A, B (we, Internet group).

I have a feeling that all the queues would see the liquidity somewhere within this weekend, or if not, at least 15th. December og, when B was resigned as president in bankruptcy USA Inc.

“Iraq became international on Monday. 29. November's (new dinar) course when we see it will be over $11.90. ”... Nick Fleming

On Friday. evening 3 December MarkZ reported that Dong stayed at about $2.00. His contact to deliver CMKX packages was on duty on Sunday evening 5. Dec. Mark thought we were at any point, from now until this week. theoriginalMarkz - YouTube

American marches were currently in South Africa to help people adapt to military law. They had been informed that the military would take over South Africa for some time using the Sunday emergency broadcast system. 4. december

HSBC owned by Chinese elderly would lead the process starting with Shanghai Banking Corp. in Hong Kong. In the US buyout/exchange terms would start in Temple Texas and not Ren.

From Friday. Morning 3 December's new Iraqi dinar rate has not yet appeared on Forex, although it was not surprising since the IMF controlled Forex and prevented the new dinar rate from being announced on Monday. 29. November when he became international. http://www.xecom/currencyconverter/convert/?From=USD&To=CNY

The Republic has been renewed:

Obviously Operation Emergency Broadcasting Systems, "Global Event of Scare Tactics" and the liquidity of global currency abolition were interconnected. One thing wouldn't have happened without the other, although the exact order "when" was the main military secret.

Ten days of darkness will probably start with the publication of the upcoming EBS that has taken over the internet and media in order to spread true information about what is really happening.

I suppose that, regardless of the educational broadcasts 24 hours a day, all detailed information published will be a slow process and we may never get complete lists of arrests, execution and abolition.

On Friday. 3. December had difficult moments gathering the market as it worked on extreme fears. Dow, Nasdaq and the S&P 500 jumped up and down, then fell into the minus. The US dollar index also dropped sharply. On the international plan, everything has failed except Japan.

GCR/Restored Republic Timeline as we think we know it:

USA withdrew the remaining 3,630 soldiers from Iraq on the night of Thursday. 2. December so that Iraq could announce its sovereignty to the world in five. 3. december

Cabal's US Inc. has been broke since Friday. 3. December Congress is now - February. Extension for government closure until 2022. wouldn't change that fact. The stock market has been in free fall since last Friday, and this Friday it ended in minus. The best way to go!

South Africa holding Zim bonds has received a notification that the emergency broadcast system will be activated and that it will be under war by Saturday. 4. December 2021.

Sometimes on Saturday or Sunday 3,4. Dec. Bond owners could be given access to their funds, while at the same time Tier 4B should receive notice of the start of buy-out/exchange.

HSBC Bank (owned by Chinese elders) would lead the process through Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. In the US, the redemption process would begin in Temple Texas, not in Reno.

According to several sources, the president of the US Inc. company in bankruptcy would resign by Sri. 15. december

Global financial crisis:

The Chinese government calls on the founder of Evergrande in the conflict. The construction giant warned that there is "no guarantee" that it can fulfill financial obligations in the Hong Kong stock exchange application.

Chinese Evergrande says he received a $260 million guarantee on Friday - which he may not be able to pay

The repayment date of 300 billion dollars debt may be withdrawn if it is unable to meet the obligations

Thursday, once the largest Chinese developer, did not pay coupons in a total amount of $82.5 million, reaching 6. November

It is very likely that Evergrande will not fulfill its obligations, even considering the 30 day delay period that is near the end.

Lack of food, goods and fuel:

Wednesday Biden commented on the crisis he created in the supply chain, joked about the problems his administration has created: “I can’t promise that everyone will receive their gift in time.” Only Santa can keep this promise. “In addition, Biden has many times promised to stop the virus in various ways, in the very near future. But to the question of the journalist who reminded him of this, he decided not to answer and just left.

Project ODIN: Project ODIN is an operation of the Military Space Force intelligence agency connected to the new Starlink satellite system. Over 500 Starlink satellites sent into space since January 2021. now controls all nations in the world networks and has the possibility to bypass,

take over and manage all media, radio, internet and digital platforms worldwide, including a new emergency broadcasting system.

The final goal of the Plan was to conduct a resetting of the global currency where currencies of different nations were gold and secured by assets in a 1:1 ratio with each other.

Chinese elders were made up of various multi-generational Chinese families who lived in the Philippines that have owned and held responsible for around 90% of the world gold for centuries, lending it to countries for the establishment of their finances The systems of ijis.

There were five top Chinese elders who were responsible for resetting the global currency and releasing funds for RV.

BRICS was an alliance of nations Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa after the so-called American "mortgage crisis".

In reality, the crisis occurred when Kabala continued to print fiat US dollars while it was bankrupt and couldn't even pay interest on gold borrowed from Chinese elderly people who supported the US dollar, the foundation of international trade.

Next years of the BRICS launch, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 countries in preparation for the resetting of global currency.

After the GCR, all the currencies of the countries would be 1:1 to each other instead of relying on Fiat US dollar for international trade. it was founded in 2008.

dr. Charlie Wardradi and been friends with Chinese elders for more than 15 years. He is the leader of the Global Currency Reset Team. He had great confidence in the financial world and transferred money all over the world to private clients, from super wealthy to various global governments.

His team moved 650 gold planes from the Vatican tunnels and returned it to the real owners to the treasury of the United States and treasury of other countries around the world. He is currently transferring money, gold and valuables to lands and individuals in the Global Currency Reset.

Many of Ward's information came from what he called the Four Walls of Power, including the Chinese elders, Alliance, Trump's White House and Trump's redemption team.

For the last few months he has been under the Data Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and said what he could and what he could not reveal.

Nic Fleming received Intel from a contact from military Intel who was part of Trump's redemption team. That team received Intel and GCR/RV orders from President Trump, the Alliance and five Chinese highest-grossing elders

P Miller, [12/4/2021 2:38 AM]
[Forwarded from Disclosure Library (Disclosure Library)]
Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Updates

Monkey Werx: Where is Ghislaine Maxwell?

News related to trial follow on this Channel

Follow the@TrackerTrial on Twitter

Neo Anderson



▪︎ The Earth is under Military Law.

▪︎ No Human or Non-Human

an entity neither exit nor enter

on the Planet.

▪︎ Quantum Satellites in Orange


▪︎ The biggest military begins

business in its history


▪︎ 17 Nations with the most powerful armies

under the leadership of General Flynn, for

the liberation of Humanity.

▪︎ 26,000 years our slavery lasted.

▪︎ For the Understood Teachers who

they helped us only lasted days.

▪︎ Time is not the same for everyone.

▪︎ Have fun watching the End!




We have a serious pandemic of stupid people in this country.

Join: @Catturd_2

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

I saw the storm warning for Hawaii. Does that have something to do with the anniversary of pearl Harbor? December 7th??

Yeah they are saying blizzard. That would shut down the whole state since they probably have never seen snow EVER

Neo Anderson is with Mars Place and 

The US National Weather Service has issued a BLIZZARD warning for Hawaii!

The state could get upward of 12 inches (30cm) of snow this weekend.

The warning will remain in effect through 6am local time on Sunday, the National Weather Service (NWS) said on Friday. In addition to a foot of snow, mountains on Hawaii’s Big Island may have wind gusts of over 100 miles per hour, according to the advisory.

“Travel could be very difficult to impossible,” the NWS said. “Blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility at times, with periods of zero visibility.”

Subscribe to RT

Norway to Restrict NATO Activity Near Russia

Norway's new govt has insisted it's better suited to patrolling its northern territories close to Russia than NATO, and wants allied planes and vessels to keep their distance.

“It is in Norway's interest to take care of these areas on its own, with the Norwegian defense," said Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt. "We are trying to tell our partners that Norway is NATO in the north."

"This is how we want it to be in the future as well: that it is not American P8 surveillance aircraft, but our own."

Is NATO being given the cold shoulder?

Subscribe to RT News:

Iran Scenario?


Joao Carlo

DRAMATIC footage shows scared locals FLEE as Indonesia’s Mount Semeru erupts, sending ash plume to some 40000ft! WATCH!

Gematria Calculator that calculates numbers & words



Starlink video

Trump - Thunder

Melania & Donald on Dec 3, 2021

La Palma speaks 

Indonesia’s Mount Semeru erupts

Rush Limbaugh Sings The End by The Doors

The Doors - In The End on YT

Tanks Rolling In - Where Was This?

Jade -Helm  Walmart Shutdown replacing '2 miles of plumbing'


Nurermburg 2.0 Project

Prince - 17 days

Trump TV

Commanders Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare

Keepers of the Weath of Solomon - FIVE STAR TRUST UN

Stoney Stone, Mike Penny, ML, Dave Net4TruthUSA, Believe In Truth Now Or It may Be To Late 12/4/21

Stoney Stone BLACK VAULT NEWS !!

6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

 by RTM Staff

 December 4, 2021

Military Tribunals at GITMO: A Partial List of Those Believed Named in Over 71,000 Federal Indictments

On August 1, 2019, the Department of Health and Human Services gave Arizona's Health Services Department a grant of $862.6 million dollars for emerging infectious disease response of which $836 (Q) million is dedicated to Covid-19.


Alex Collier speaks about the Reptilians


il Donaldo Trumpo Published December 2, 2021


Dec 21, 2018

By_the Book

Hamstead Cover Up



Jesus Strand Part 1

Oct 30, 2021

Jesus Strand 2

Oct 31, 2021


Negative 48 ( JOHN F KENNEDY ) : Jesus Strand Part FULL VIDEO ( NEW UPDATE TODAY )

Premiered Oct 31, 2021

NEGATIVE 48 News Today!


PrymeMinister Published November 18, 2021

Gods Message in your DNA

WeekendWarrior17 Published September 20, 2021

Christian Churches & WW Cemeteries  In Libya 

The Church of Cyrene

YouTube History Channel America Unearthed - Season 3 Ep 13

Talks about Holy Grail Bloodlines

The Best is Yet to Come - Jim Caviezel

Mar 1, 2021


The Rolling Stones Live in Dallas, Texas Cotton Bowl 11/02/2021

DJ Gerry from Starlight Music

The Opening of the Stones Concert was Tiffany Blue


Lambert Page

The Rolling Stones Live in Atlanta, Georgia 11/11/2021 Full Concert ~Subscriber Chat

DJ Gerry from Starlight Music


Live From the Grassy Knoll for QAnon's Anticipated Arrival of John Kennedy Jr.

Conspiracy Castle

I Told you So Song

Welcome to, the home of the National Quantum Initiative and ongoing activities to explore and promote Quantum Information Science. The National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law on December 21, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to ensure the continued leadership of the United States in quantum information science and its technology applications. It provides for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

The Global Peoples Monetary System & Simplified Divine Law– Interview with Rick Jewers

Sep 27, 2021

Meet Rick Jewers who works with God and introduces The New Global Monetary System For the People!

Nov 1, 2021

Global People's Monetary System

Journey2Service Episode 31 - A New Lee-f!

Oct 31, 2021

Randall Earl Kaiser

‘Public & Banking Debt Is Just An Illusion’

Humanity is ready, it has all been Divinely Prepared reasons why You should not hesitate and join NOW

Awakening Journals

Real World Awakenings


So the unrestricted travel, utilization of Unalienable Rights is rapidly growing, as governments separate airline workers through discrimination. With increasing accidents occurring with the operations of machinery due to the uncertain and instant effects caused by vaccinations upon those operators of machinery, the safety is now being created and seen in the less risky environment of the unvaccinated.

Rick Jewers


Replacing politicians with patriots

TAPs America is a community of like-minded True Patriotic Conservatives who have joined together in a concerted effort to combat the evils of the liberal agenda upon our beloved America. We are structured and organized for the unique purpose of effective conservative victories in local elections. We have agreed to combine our resources and exist as a cohesive community with similar goals.

Rather than each individual trying to effect change alone, we have formed a more perfect union among ourselves to make our voices heard and the effects of our resources recognized in the conservative movement. We have been called by God for such a time as this and to preserve the original American way of life.


Healing Meditation Frequency Healing Videos on YouTube

AKASHIC RECORDS PORTAL┇Remember Who You Really Are and Remember the Secrets of Life and Universe

Lovemotives Meditation Music

DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras┇DMT Power to Open All Chakras┇UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation

Started streaming on Oct 30, 2021

Lovemotives Meditation Music

DMT Music to Full Restore All 7 Chakras, DMT Power to Open All Chakras, UNLOCK Pineal Gland Activation with this music for deep meditation and trance experience.

Relaxing Music. Healing Dolphins Songs + Alpha Binaural Beats for Study, Meditation, Deep Sleep

Queen Romana's Telegram Channel

Queen Romana Didulo of Canada posted healing link:

She reccomends playing it 24/7 for those who are very ill - but best if done in the morning and at night

All 6 Videos recommended by Queen Romana, infused with 10D vibrational energetic frequencies.

*How to Loop* right click on the video and a pop-up menu will come up, first choice = Loop**

1) Terminate A.I Nano Bots- Smart Dust Nanites. DO NOT loop this video. Safe for Children and Pets

2) Healing MorgellonS LymE Disease Sine Wave. Safe for Children and Pets.

DO NOT Loop this video.

3) For those who want to be Healers....This video is for you...

IF you want to also heal your Pets - let your Pet listen to this as well while you are listening... Safe for Children and Pets

4) Listen to remove duality from your life.

Note: Low frequencies people and those that no longer resonate with your high vibration will be removed from your life, ie friends and Families, places and things- so that's a Head up.

You will notice you won't be able to stand certain people.

Safe for Children and Pets.

5) To sleep listen to this video 30 minutes before going to sleep...

Do not drive or operate mechanical device(s) after listening to this video until next day.

6) Anyone who may have anxiety, foggy minds or negative energy attachments...

Please, listen to this on a Loop or as much as possible.

Play it out loud in your home or room to remove any entities hanging around.

It is safe for animals and children

Infused with 10D vibrational frequencies...

It's time to permamently erase Dark Archetypes from 3rd and 4th dimensions. Play this 24/7, IF you can...


Was Trump Tower designed to represent the Sword 🗡 of Orion the Hunter? Was Trump saying he was going to break their NWO pyramid system?

It’s, also, interesting to 📝 that the Deep Underground Military Bunkers
form the shape of Orion & the belt is Colorado (🤔of the Creepy Illuminati Airport)

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
(7 Sisters… 7 Churches of Revelation)
Can you loosen Orion’s belt?

Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?

Do you know the laws of the heavens? 

Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?” Job 38: 31-33

Agnes Janssen

1h1imS3fh21sgh237ed  · 

EBS IS READY: BlackSky Satellites Are For Overriding Fake News Satellites SpaceX's launch on 12-2 (122 = SATELLITES = LAUNCH EBS/EMS), was about overriding the Fake News Satellites.

Two types of satellites were deployed: BLACKSKY = 84 = FAKE NEWS, and 48 Starlinks. 84 reversed is 48, meaning the op's objective was to override the Fake News Media's satellites.


At 7:20pm (72 = MEDIA SAT), 1 hour & 7 minues after liftoff, the BlackSky sats were deployed. 1:07 => 107 = EBS IS READY.

And 7:20 connects to Q720 EMS/EBS activations, blackouts...

The phrase: Deployment of BlackSky satellites confirmed = 443 = Patriots Control All Of [Their] Satellites.

At 7:45pm, 1 hour & 32 min after liftoff (132 = The Media Offline), 48 Starlink sats are deployed. 48 = EBS GO.

With thanks to Jodie Pillow

Neo Anderson


17:00 MIL













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Neo Anderson










join us








We Are Quantum


Neo Anderson


17:00 MIL













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Stallone posted this image two days ago. Look at the hand waving behind him and look who used to wave like that with the two fingers connecting. Someone in twitter actually noticed and posted it.

Shell Evans

Schumann Resonance Report - Telegram


The integration of Light in the lower frequencies creates your reality, visible, in the higher frequencies

"[If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"

Nikola Tesla

And manifestation it is!

EBS IS READY: BlackSky Satellites Are For Overriding Fake News Satellites

SpaceX's launch on 12-2 (122 = SATELLITES = LAUNCH EBS/EMS), was about overriding the Fake News Satellites. Two types of satellites were deployed: BLACKSKY = 84 = FAKE NEWS, and 48 Starlinks. 84 reversed is 48, meaning the op's objective was to override the media sats.


At 7:20pm (72 = MEDIA SAT), 1 hour & 7 minues after liftoff, the BlackSky sats were deployed. 1:07 => 107 = EBS IS READY. And 7:20 connects to Q720 EMS/EBS activations, blackouts... The phrase: Deployment of BlackSky satellites confirmed = 443 = Patriots Control All Of [Their] Satellites.

At 7:45pm, 1 hour & 32 min after liftoff (132 = The Media Offline), 48 Starlink sats are deployed. 48 = EBS GO.

Donald Trump Qteam (ex YU)

Lidija Lidija 

TRUMP ADVICE: I'll be back by Christmas

Trump rejected the messages hinting that he will return publicly by Christmas, although the appearance seems impossible to believe. Announcement at 10:03 => 1003 = TRUMP CHRISTMAS GIFT (in Jewish Gematry).

Capital 1st sentence = 81 = I'M HERE. And a capital sentence: STARTING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS = 412 = PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP BACK FOR CHRISTMAS.

The second phrase in capital letters ENJOY YOUR UNBELIEVABLE DAY = 185 = DONALD JOHN TRUMP = HE'S BACK IN PUBLIC = 21. December 20_21.

All capital letters together = 678 = EMERGENCY SYSTEM BEFORE PRESIDENT TRUMP'S RETURN.

Is Trump trolling [them] or is he honest? Let's hope for later, because all Anoni wants for Christmas is a TRUME CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

Neo Anderson

Twitter goes bye bye.
As do they all.

Thankyou Lin Lincoln Wood.
Humpty Dumpty.

Neo Anderson

3 Whoppers Joe Biden Just Told To Cover Up His Terrible Job Performance

President Joe Biden did his best at Friday morning's press conference to deflect attention from a surprisingly anemic jobs report.

How bad is it? All the Brandon Administration has to offer are demonstrable lies.

And in related news, his approval rating continues to plummet.

Join @OfficialBarronTrump

The truth will come out, bigger and stronger than ever before.


Wren Berlin is with Rhen Carberry.

6m  · 

Charlie Freak Write-Up

[Forwarded from Charlie Freak • FreakSense TV]

Set to one of Clint Eastwood's Masterpieces, High Plain's Drifter, this Video transmutates two Brilliant Creations, into ONE incredible lesson for Life...

Every single Steely Dan studio album was a CHAKRA, and their first album, Can't Buy a Thrill, focused upon the First and Lowest Chakra of them all, the Root, or Muladhara...and what is the color for the Muladhara Chakra? Blood Red, or Hell, because when our Life Energy is trapped upon LOW, then our entire Lives begin to "Stink", People around you are "Full of Shit", and your Life is "Fucked"...and why? Because where is the Muladhara Chakra located? Right next to your BOWELS, where life eternally "Stinks", and just below your Reproductive Organs...

So, how to we get out of Hell then??? Well, in the Land of Milk and Honey, you MUST lay your Black Cards down on the Table...thus, to get off the Samsara Wheel of Life, that endlessly goes around and around and around, we MUST come back, one time, and make things RIGHT...just like Clint Eastwood's Pale Rider, who came silently out of the West, bringing Death and Judgment with him...he brought HELL FIRE to Lago to bring an end to this Evil Town, and the EVIL Deed that they were Hiding from...and this is just like Dallas, Texas, November 22nd, 1963...we cannot let these Evil acts against us go uncorrected, we MUST learn to Stand up for ourselves and for what is RIGHT, always, and by setting things A-Right, we then STOP the Wheel of Carnality from going round and round, allowing us to GET OFF THE WHEEL, and back on to the SOLID ROCK of God's Creation...

We must set A-Right, what was Wrong, and then we can lay all of Karma, all of our Ghosts of Christmas Past to rest, by staying connected to God in the NOW...remember, both God and Jesus Christ have nothing but forgiveness for us, but only when we ATONE for what went wrong...only when we DO THE WORK to set things Right, do we meet with Forgiveness, and Rise to Heaven Once, no more Going Back, Jack, and Doing it Again, No, get it Right and Live Eternally with God in the NOW!


Orion the Hunter Minnesota border Racine.jpg
Orion the Hunter Minnesota border Racine

EBS IS READY: BlackSky Satellites Are For Overriding Fake News Satellites

SpaceX's launch on 12-2 (122 = SATELLITES = LAUNCH EBS/EMS), was about overriding the Fake News Satellites. Two types of satellites were deployed: BLACKSKY = 84 = FAKE NEWS, and 48 Starlinks. 84 reversed is 48, meaning the op's objective was to override the media sats.


At 7:20pm (72 = MEDIA SAT), 1 hour & 7 minues after liftoff, the BlackSky sats were deployed. 1:07 => 107 = EBS IS READY. And 7:20 connects to Q720 EMS/EBS activations, blackouts... The phrase: Deployment of BlackSky satellites confirmed = 443 = Patriots Control All Of [Their] Satellites.

At 7:45pm, 1 hour & 32 min after liftoff (132 = The Media Offline), 48 Starlink sats are deployed. 48 = EBS GO.

Kathy E Payne is with John Quent and 

How's everyone feeling?

It's been a rough day for many of us, trying to figure out why we are feeling the way we do. Hopefully this will give you some insight as to what's going on in the Universe and its affect on us to our core.

Schumann Resonance is back and it’s really lighting a fire within us. A fire to have things come up to be healed, a fire to start whatever we are meant to start. That quiet period was for integration and to prep us for these intense Solar Eclipse energies. The Solar Eclipse is happening at 2:44AM EST tonight. Please do make sure you drink plenty and I mean plenty of water.

Allow yourself to think about what needs to be cleared from your home, what needs to be cleared from your emotional body, mental body and your social life. Consider if things bring you growth or if they bring you stagnation. The think about what it is that you would like to create in your life. Really give yourself some time (even if just 3 minutes) in a quiet moment and ask yourself what are you ready to give life to in your reality.

Love to you all

The Greys and the Earth Agenda

- A 1995 Alex Collier Lecture

Interaction Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany

The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys were however turned away by the German government, because it had already committed itself to involvement with the Gizeh intelligence. Now, I don't know if you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade group of human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt.

They were predominantly Pleiadians at the time. Ashtar was part of that group, Kamagol was part of that group. Even Jehovah was part of that group for some time. They did their own thing. They came down here and "played God" with us, and people worshipped them as "Gods" because they had this technology. They abused their power. The Germans were, in the 1930's, building rockets and starting a space program because of their contacts with extraterrestrials - the Gizeh intelligence.

Technology was developed and used to create weapons, because the German governmental bodies involved were concerned that there was going to be an alien invasion. The Gizeh intelligence told them that the Greys were here. However, there was not an actual invasion, per se, in progress. Weapons, such as sound devices, lasers, neutron bombs, particle beam weapons were created , although many of these were actualized later on in history.

The Germans were given a lot of this technology by the Gizeh intelligence. These technologies also included free energy devices and anti-gravity technology.

Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain

The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico.

This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers".

Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues.

The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome.

Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars.

Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get more clarification on that.

In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms.

A select body in the United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.

The Agreement and Contract

In May of 1954, the United States government made the agreement with an alien race. Some of the terms of this agreement featured the exchange of technology of anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environmental type technologies, free energy and medical technologies geared toward dealing with the human body.

All the Greys asked for in return, they said, was to be allowed to study human development in terms of consciousness and emotional makeup, and to be allowed to stay here on Earth. The agreement took place at Holloman Air Force Base.

This single act involving the signing of a "contract" with an extraterrestrial race was the most significant event in human history, because it launched mankind in a direction we were never intended to go in the first place. It also thrust us into a role that we were not prepared for, either, of being host to an alien race.

This also essentially "handcuffed" the Andromedan Council, and those benevolent extra- terrestrial races from being able to take a more active role in our evolution. In effect, it has placed the burden squarely on the shoulders of humanity, to enlighten itself relative to the facts, and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis, because outside help was now unavailable.

The particular treaty was agreed upon between these aliens and the Ultra unit in the NSA, which is in actuality a government unto itself. Now, pay close attention, because this is the first time I have ever mentioned this. The particular document and originally exchanged materials may be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon, underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico.

The entrance to this base is in the Manzano mountains. Also, at this location is the private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base. Currently, the building of free energy devices for use in space is ongoing in this particular facility.

Much of the alien technology has been reconstructed and sent, via a connecting tunnel, to Los Alamos and an area located underneath the cliffsides of Los Alamos canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth. This facility is 29,000 square feet, and contains laboratories equipped to study light, thought, and pure energy.

This facility is also used as a jail for aliens captured by black government factions.

Now, the NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States, unless it is itself mentioned in any creation of law. This is because of its interaction with alien species and what it sees as necessary intervention into the civil and constitutional rights of the American people.

The Underground Network and Its Management

Corporations that are currently assisting the various alien groups and the "black government" are:

Standard Oil,






the A.Matthews Construction Company,

the Robbins Company,

the Utah Mining Company,

and a host of others.

There was a great deal of private money used by the NSA to build alien technology, and to keep humanity under control, and the status quo secure. Even the CIA doesn't know a lot about the Ultra unit or the Blue Moon unit in the NSA, which deal with alien technology and information.

Now, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 (under Blue Moon) control compartmentalization, building and applications of alien technology. According to the Andromedans, Alpha 2 is MJ-12, and MJ-12 is at the bottom of the hierarchy, even though we are led to believe that it is at the top.

Alpha 2 also controls the release of information and the security of that information. MJ-12 meets in a facility called the "country club" in the mountains of Virginia. The "country club" is owned by the Rockefeller Foundation. The vital meetings are held underground, and the members of MJ-12 are taken via a small subway to the town of Warrington, Virginia.

From there, they are taken to an underground city called "Ravenrock", which is located just south of the Blue Ridge summit in Pennsylvania. The effort and energy they put into keeping all of this secret is incredible. It's nice to know that a race 2.2 million light years away knows what is going on here.

Most of the underground tunnel system across the United States is between 2,500 and 3,500 feet underground. The Boeing Aerospace Company built and created fuel batteries and power generators to operate this subterranean highway system that is apparently all across the United States. Apparently, in these fuel cells, they mix chlorine and hydrogen and electricity is created, as well as hydrogen chloride, which is then reseparated again into hydrogen and chlorine. The process continues forever, creating electricity forever. It never wears out, apparently.

The planning and implementation for blueprints and designed for the tunnel connections underground was handled by the Navy. The National Research Council was responsible for the underground tunneling systems across the United States. The management of all these facilities is handled by the Department of Energy.

Now, the machines that were built to create this underground tunnel system and the underground facilities were built by the Jarva Corporation of Ohio, the Morrison-Knudson Company out of Boise, Idaho, and the Robbins Company in Washington State. Most of the financing for this program, and all of these facilities, has been done through the NSA.

Black Project Finance Through Drug Trafficking

Ok. The New World Order and the "black government" financed the building the alien bases and underground facilities. How is it that the NSA signed a treaty without going through Congress and did this without anybody knowing about it? The majority of the financing was the result of the CIA creating solutions to impossible situations.

Proceeds from the sale of narcotics (to the American people) have been used to finance these black projects. The one example that I will give you, that apparently is just now coming to the surface, is a book called Compromise.

It talks about Bill Clinton's involvement with the CIA, and the import of over $100 million worth of cocaine, each month for a period of years, into Mena airport in Arkansas, from where it was distributed throughout the United States.

Secret Bases and Tunnels

There are also underground bases around and tunnel systems that penetrate all throughout the earth. Some of these are millions and millions of years old, built by advanced alien beings who were here in the past, mining our planet for minerals and precious metals. Some of these underground ancient facilities are protected by current earth governments.

As you will notice, the bulk of the underground installations are in the United States, and we are going to talk about where those bases are, and about what information I have been given about them.

In Australia, there is Pine Gap, located in the center of the continent. Pine Gap is an extremely dangerous place. Many of the things that are being taken from the Earth to the Moon are leaving from Pine Gap. Also, in the Snowy Mountains in Australia there is another base.

In China, there is an underground base that is US-Alien-Soviet controlled located in Mongolia, in Xining. There is also a benevolent alien base under Tibet.

The Soviet Union. Now, much of the underground hidden space program which developed the lunar bases has been a covert US-British-Soviet operation since 1958. Most of it has been launched from the Soviet Union, because of its vast expanse, and no one, anywhere, can see what is coming and going. They did not use the technology that we're used to seeing, these large rockets, to get that stuff up there. The Greys provided anti-gravity technology which allowed them to do this very easily. There is a based at Serov that is a joint US-Soviet-Alien base. The Andromedans say that this base is very large and very dangerous. There is a base at Karagaj and Sakaueen. There is an ultra-secret level base in the Ural Mountains, north of Serov.

There are bases in Iran. There is one right smack in the middle of the country, in the desert. It's very large, and apparently there are tunnel systems that run to the Red Sea and to the Indian Ocean. The Masurine Islands, underwater, there is a very large trench where there is also a base.

In Africa,

In Algeria, there is base in the Tahat mountains.

in the Sudan, there is an alien base in the Nyala Range.

In Zaire, there is an alien base west of Kindu.

In Botswana, there is a base at Kamahaki.

There is a base at the South Sandwich Islands.

In Egypt, there is a base close to the Libyan border, and I understand that the base is as big as the state of Maryland.

There is also one west of Cairo, underneath the Giza plateau. There are no aliens there at all right now, I am told, but there are United States NSA personnel in it.

In Europe:

In Switzerland, there is a base under Mount Blanc shared by seven races considered to be benevolent.

In Scandinavia, east of Narvik there is a base.

In Sweden, there is a base under Gottland island, a private island. How many of you have seen the story of Hangar 18? According to the Andromedans, that particular craft was given to our government by the Andromedans themselves as a good-will gesture to open up dialog and communications. Apparently, they still have not been able to get inside the craft because they still haven't figured how to open it, but what they did was move it to Gottland island off the coast of Sweden. That's where it is now.

There have been many attempts by the Andromedans to open up a dialog with the government. The benevolent Pleiadians and a group from Sirius A have also made the attempt, but the first thing they ask the government to do is to disarm itself, because the government doesn't really know what to do with the technology they have, especially with the nuclear weapons. The benevolent races are afraid of what the government might do to them with these weapons. They have offered help in dealing with the problems here on earth if they would only put their weapons away, but apparently the world government's don't want to abandon their killing capability.

In South America:

there are bases in the Andes Mountains.

In Chile, there is a bases north of Calama.

In Brazil, there is a base at Moto Brava Cuinva.

In the United States, there are bases on one of the borders of Alabama, in Missouri east of Braxton, south of St. Paul, Minnesota, east of Amarillo, Texas. In New Mexico there are bases at Dulce, Datil, and at White Sands. In Arizona, there are bases in the White Mountains and the Superstitious Mountains. In Utah, there are bases underneath Salt Lake. There are bases in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. In Oregon there is a base under Mount Hood, which is a very significant one, and I will talk more about that one later. It's important, but not in a positive way.

In California, there are bases at Twenty-Nine Palms, Death Valley, Edwards AFB, and in Bishop, where there are landing ports. There are also bases in the Mojave Desert and a NASA secret underground base at Crows Landing near Nights Ferry.

In Washington State, there are two. There are several in Nevada, including Groom Lake and Sunspot. There are 19 miles of caverns and tunnels in the Yucca Mountains that are used for the construction of gravity craft. This area is also attached to S-4. These facilities were designed and built by the A.A.Matthews Construction Company in Maryland, which was once owned by the Payseur family (See Alex Christophers’ Pandora's Box). Now, relative to S-4, the Greys gave our government nine of their craft. Out of that nine, our government duplicated and created 53 other craft. The NSA now has at least 53 of these UFO-type craft, and virtually all of them are sitting on the moon at this time (1995).

In Alberta, Canada, there are bases near Calgary. In British Columbia, there is a base near Dawson Creek. In North Bay, Ontario, there is a large NORAD facility.

Benevolent Facilities

There's Mount Shasta, the Grand Tetons and Banff, Canada, and of course Mount Blanc in Switzerland. There is also one in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. I don't know a lot about it, but I can tell you this. I don't know if any of you are aware of the recent efforts of the government wanting to "test sound devices" in the ocean, off the coast of Hawaii and down to New Zealand.

It's the military that is running this. I have been told by the Andromedans that the military, in using this technology, is trying to look for a particular (benevolent) mothership that they know is hiding south of the equator in the Pacific, and that they feel they cannot find it in any other way. They are thinking that the sound will do the trick.

Geo-Electrical Grid Anomaly Launching Sites

In the Indian Ocean, there is also a base at Diego Garcia island. Now, the earth has an electrical grid system around it, and there are times when this grid system shorts out, and where ever it shorts out, it creates anomalies. Well, two places that are predisposed to these anomalies, on a regular basis, are the area of the Bermuda Triangle and the island of Diego Garcia.

My understanding is that when the grid shorts out, gravity becomes null and void. Whatever is caught within that area when the grid snaps back is blown up into space. What they would do is that they would send a craft from the moon, hook up a towline to whatever went up from Diego Garcia, and simply haul it to the moon.

Tractors, bulldozers and all kinds of equipment to build underground bases and to move earth have been "launched" from Diego Garcia island. They actually have platforms built, and they slide them out to where the anomaly is going to be, and they just sit there and wait for the anomaly to occur. Boom.

Once it occurs, the item is instantaneously up there in space in the upper atmosphere. Now, this has been going on for more than 30 years, and all the while no one has had a clue.

Underground base illus #1

Underground base illus #2

Genetic Research At Underground Facilities

The Greys are genetic engineers. They're not the only ones. Most of the extraterrestrials out there are genetic engineers, because they value lifeforms, as opposed to gold and silver. That's their wealth. A lot of the genetic engineering and experimentation that is going on here on Earth is being done now by the Greys, who are also doing the same thing on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars.

They are using this opportunity to try to satisfy their own agenda, which is to create new DNA and genetic stock that is clean enough to foster new physical life forms that are capable of regeneration and birth. As of right now, the Greys are destined for extinction. Through constant interaction and manipulation of the human race, they have created hybrids grey-human children. [Editor note: for further data and pictures, see Matrix II].

There are many problems that come with this. The Greys are really interested in female genetic stock, because all the family lineage's follow the female line, as far as they are concerned.

Many new races have been created this way throughout our galaxy. It's not just something that came about "new" here. It's been going on for a very very long time. Few races today remain as their pure original genetic stock, with the exception of two races that the Andromedan's say are really "clean". Those two races are the reptilians from Alpha Draconis and the other are those that we know as the Elohim, which are a very ancient race of humans survived the wars in Lyrae.

All other races in this universe, as far as the Andromedans know, are a mixture of hybrid genetic stock. The Greys themselves would like to be free of the Orion Empire, and will have no chance of survival if they do not create or match their body type or genetics with ours. You see, time is running out for them, and we are also evolving at a tremendous rate, on a spiritual level.

So, even though what they're doing is inappropriate, they are caught in a very tough position themselves, because what they are doing to us has been done to them. This does not serve as a justification in any way. When any of these have a hybrid child, they take it outside the atmosphere of the earth so that the child is fully aware of its reincarnational history and has no veil. Apparently, there is some kind of "agreement" that if you are born inside the atmosphere of the planet you have a veil.

The Grey's agenda is to create a slave race, which is currently in full swing for the purposes of control, physical services and labor, sexual energy acquisition, as a food source, a stock for more hybrid experimentation, and as biological material.

Apparently, they feed off of energy. If two people are fighting, for example, we create a lot of energy. They can feed off that energy. Whenever there are wars going on, there are a lot of "ufo" activity feeding off the energy of fear. Also, they are doing extensive research on the capabilities of the human brain and the nature of the soul.

Many people who have been implanted by the Greys are aware of the fact that they have been put on a kind of machine and are "being trained" in some kind of activity. According to the Andromedans, the Greys are "training" humans to fight their war against the Draconians, when they arrive here.

[Editor note: This was also the presumption in Matrix II when it was written in 1990].

They intend on using humans as their soldiers against the reptilians, while at the same time preparing the planet for its new, soon to be arriving, owners. This has very serious implications for us.

Now, I am not here to promote fear. I don't believe in that, but I am telling you what I have been told to tell you. We have boxed ourselves into this corner, and the only way we can change this is that we have to become consciously aware of what our world is really about, what is really going on here, and that we have to create a space of love. If we can create a space of love, the Greys, Draconians and other controlling races could not handle that kind of vibration. Now, either this has to happen or we are going to ask for some serious intervention here.

[Editor note: See our January 12, 1997 interview with Alex Collier for the complete discussion on the topic of intervention].

In the case of serious intervention, there will be "war in the heavens" as the Bible has predicted, and the whole thing will be for our sake.

Ashtar, Haton and "Savior' Scenarios

You know, this talk about "Ashtar" coming down here to save you. Ladies and gentlemen, it isn't going to happen. It just isn't going to happen. It's belief systems. When I was coming up here today, someone was reading some material to me by Haton, who was saying the same thing, "we're going to pick you up and take you to Mars." No thanks, I don't want to go to Mars. [Editor note: That is where the Orion Group is].

Nobody is going to "save" you. According to the Andromedans, if you are sitting here waiting for a 'savior', you're not 'doing the work' yourself. Now, who else [but negative controllers] would come down here and 'take you off the hook'? For what purpose? You'd only re-create the situation again, because you haven't permanently evolved to the level of becoming your own savior. You haven't learned the lesson, and this is what their strongest message is.

You have to do the work yourself. You are only responsible for yourself. Nobody is going to come down here and take you off the hook. They even said if that even if they do directly intervene, they are not going to baby-sit. That means that we have to get it straight.

We as a race have to come together and decide what it is we want and how it is we want to live. We have to decide how we want to raise our children, what moral and ethical systems we want to have, etc. We don't need to be told by somebody else 'out there' what is best for us. It never works, and it isn't going to work now. Most human beings would rather die that live as a slave. That is just our nature.

Our soul. We need to be free, and we are coming to that point again. We're there.

The National Security Agency, the Greys, Implants and Human Clones

The Greys are currently (1995) monitoring the brain waves of those they have implanted. The Greys have been implanting people for the last 100 years. So, generations of family members have had implants. The cloning of human beings, of life forms, was taught by the Greys to the NSA.

The art of subversion was taught by the Greys to the NSA. On the two highest levels of human interaction with the Greys, within the NSA, there exist cloned human beings or human beings so heavily implanted, that according to the Andromedans, the NSA no longer considers them to be human beings.

They are part of the Grey group-mind. These people have no free will and are essentially robots and their soul is trapped.

The Grey Group Mind Complex and Communication System

The Greys clone their own race into a caste system, just like insects. They all basically think the same things at the same time. [ Editor note: As I pointed out in Matrix II in 1990, this is the reason that the Greys have a hard time when you "throw them a curve". They don't do well with the unexpected].

Their minds are like 'radios'. If there are no 'radio waves', they don't do anything. In other words, the Greys themselves have computers which put out a vibratory wave (carrying information), instructing them what to do. If somebody shut off the computers, they would stop in their tracks, because they don't think for themselves.

They are part of a group mind. They are not individualized intelligence, like we are. They would very much like to create us to be like them. Now, this is not the case exactly with the aliens from Zeta Reticuli 1, who have the same technology but use it to heal, not to control. We'll get to that later.

The Grey Group Mind Conceives of the Creator as a Mind

The Greys consider the Creator as a mind. What has happened is that they have completely detached themselves from their spiritual essence so long ago, that their physical existence and personality has become pure Ego. This is also the orientation of the Draconians, who are pure Ego as well.

Many of the other races genetically altered by the Draconians are also experiencing the separation from their own essence. I don't understand the process or how it works, but they no longer believe themselves to be Spirit, to be an essence. They are in fact trapped, physically and emotionally, in a purely physical existence, and therefore, that is all they see. They literally disown, or fractionalize themselves, away from their spiritual essence.

That no longer becomes a part of them. Human beings have been known to do that to themselves, as well. You can fractionalize your Self into many different personalities. Now, with this dimensional compression that is going on, this why we are seeing a lot of insane things going on.

Ego is now being compressed on itself. It's imploding on itself, and you are finding huge pockets of incredible negativity, not only here, but in other parts of the galaxy as well. On Sirius B there is a terrible civil war going on right now. In Perseus, there are 21 systems getting ready to go to war in a battle between the Orion Group and the benevolent races of the Andromedan Council.

You have to understand, for people in this state of being, they associate their physical life and the ego as the same existence. They are totally detached. Those beings that refuse to acknowledge their spiritual essence and only associate with the physical and the ego are going to be removed from our universe and put somewhere else that is apparently is in the process of being created.

According to the Andromedans, the healing of all Souls in this universe is not possible at this time, because some of these Souls literally threaten the existence of universal consciousness. In other words, they are going to resist and there is no way they are going to make the leap, so they are going to be removed.

[Editor note: See the beginning discussion on "pocket" forming at the beginning of this book].

Pockets will be formed holding them and new universes will be created for them to work on their problem.

The Greys are very sophisticated in mathematics and energy sciences. It has been said that our military, at the time of the Holloman agreement, had an exchange of personnel with these aliens, and that 16 military personnel were supposed to have been taken to the Grey's point of origin.

They left us several of their own. Now, according to the Andromedans it was really 109 human beings that were taken by the Greys, they did not end up being brought to the Grey's point of origin ( Zeta Reticuli 2). The humans instead were taken to motherships and to Phobos, where they were experimented on.

Viral Technologies, Human Cloning and Planetary Surveillance

They have certain viral technologies to the National Security Agency, who in turn passed these technological developments on to lower levels within the military industrial complex. In Africa, we find the testing ground for the AIDS virus. There is a reason for this. This type of biological technology was given to Ultra within the NSA.

One of the NSA facilities that deals with this is under Fort Meade in Maryland. There are 19 acres of underground caverns with some of the most highly technological supercomputers in the world, that were build and designed inside this facility. They have never seen the light of day.

This area, and the area we talked about before at Mount Hood in Oregon, are engaged in massive surveillance of the world's communications. The complex in Oregon is where our military is cloning human beings. I don't know what aliens are involved, but they are cloning human beings there.

More Historical Review

In the late 1950's the Greys approached the Russians in regard to the idea of mutual exchange and signing treaties but the Russians were already at the time included in the proceedings of the NSA, and chose not to sign an independent treaty, because they knew full well that the Greys would try to pit the United States against Russia. It is, in fact, and I have gotten this straight from Vissaeus, the Soviet Union that informed John F. Kennedy of the presence of the Greys during the Cuban missile crisis.

The Andromedans have stated that the Russians were trying to blackmail the U.S. into sharing the alien technology. Thus, the Russians put the missiles in Cuba in order to attempt to intimidate the United States. The Russians became increasingly aware the NSA and the CIA were developing incredible technology and were not sharing it with the Soviet Union, as was the original agreement shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.

Apparently, Kennedy asked the CIA three times if the Russian allegations were true. The CIA lied twice to Kennedy, even though nuclear weapons were only 18 minutes away from striking the United States. They just lied to him. This prompted Kennedy to want to "scatter the CIA to the winds".

This is one of the more important reasons the "black government" saw Kennedy as a threat, and why Kennedy died prematurely. It was the desire of President Kennedy that some of this technology would reach the common people, and be used for the betterment of mankind.

This was one of the reasons that he launched the public space program, in anticipation of the possibility that the people could share in some of this technology. [Editor note: some of the data in the next paragraph duplicates some data given in a previous lecture, shown before, but not all of the data]

Now, in 1953, satellites and radar showed large objects coming toward the Earth, and these were Grey, time-traveling motherships. They were the same craft seen near Venus in 1787, 1788 and 1789. In 1645, it was reported that "a large moon" was seen near Venus, and was seen coming and going until 1767.

The same type of incidents happened in the vicinity of Mars on November 25, 1894, when a large ship was seen illuminating part of Mars. The same thing happened with Mercury in 1789, the Sun in 1859, and this same body that sits out there today, has been dubbed Vulcan. It's a large mothership.

During the total eclipse of July 29, 1878, astronomers saw two large planetary bodies the size of Venus between Mercury and Venus. According to the Andromedans, these bodies were Pleiadian and Andromedan motherships that had traveled back in time and were observing the Greys, who were at the time orbiting around the Sun.

In 1783 and 1787, huge bright lights were reported on the moon, mistakenly reported as volcanoes, they then lit up the dark side of the moon. In February 1894, a comet was photographed striking a large dark object in our solar system. It happened to have wings, and according to the Andromedans, this was a Draconian mothership.

The same phenomena occurred on April 4, 1892, and the Draconian ship was about one third the size of the moon, about 700 miles in diameter, and it had wings. Another Draconian mothership was observed on January 27, 1912. It was 250 miles in length and 50 miles wide and resembled a crow. It was sitting on the moon.

Religious Programming of Human Cultures

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to offend anybody, but I am going to tell you just the way it has been presented to me. Ok? All you have to do is listen. If it doesn't feel right for you in here, then dismiss it. If it does feel right, and you get chills, then maybe you should start paying attention to it.

Many religious operations have been undertaken by the Greys over the past 500 years for the purposes of manipulation and control of human belief systems, and to get us to compromise our free will to a 'savior-like image'. Under these false pretenses, the Greys would be absolved from creating karma for themselves. Instead, they let us create the karma ourselves. It's such a set-up, it really is.

The power of belief systems can be used as fuel for the game of seducing people into believing that certain things are 'true'. By the power created by these conscious thoughts, we can literally make these things occur and come true, whether they benefit us or not. These are real spiritual dynamics at work, here, and they are being used against us.

According to the Andromedans,

"Our physical bodies, and matter, are the embodiment of ideas or belief systems. Our universe consists of ideas and thought systems, condensed and turned towards itself, to create and originate spirit and energy."

In other words, we really are "Gods". We really can do anything we want to do. They continue:

"We of earth have evolved only in terms of technical and material sciences. Our spiritual evolution for the most part has been suppressed from us by a group of extraterrestrials, now the 'black government' or the New World Order."

Because, upon learning of these spiritual truths, the NSA and the world government realizes that everything they have been trying to do, according to the Andromedans, could be swept away in a day, should humanity become enlightened.

If a billion people come to the realization and decision that this is going to change, that we no longer want the current reality, then it will literally change with the setting and the rising of the sun. But, they stress that we need to be clear about what we want, which is part of the decision and responsibility that is ours. So, if we are going to create it, we have to take responsibility for it.

The Shroud of Turin

According to the Andromedans, this one example of extraterrestrial manipulation and an assault on our belief systems. The holographic image on the shroud was created by the Greys in order to strengthen a belief in a "savior".

This belief system assists their plan for control, because humanity would love to give their power away to someone that appeared to be a true and legitimate messiah, because they have been taught to do that. The Greys know that few people truly want to accept responsibility for their own evolution.

Most would rather be told what to do, than to realize the situation and take appropriate action necessary to free themselves.

A Staged "Second Coming"

To further Grey manipulation on the belief-system level, there is also a plan in development, according to the Andromedans, to play out a staged "second coming". This will occur shortly after the destruction of the world economy. We are not very far away from that. Maybe six years at the most.

Why, I don't know, but this is what they're saying. The Andromedans continue, saying that the intent of this being will be evil, that the being will not have a soul. It is in fact a robotoid. A synthetic clone. The Greys have this kind of ability to stage this with their technology. This individual will be "the image of the man on the shroud of Turin".

"The "Anti-Christ" will not be the evil soul portrayed in the Bible. In fact, the "Anti-Christ" will (ironically) be someone who tries to express the truth, and who sees the United States government as the cause of all this evil."

This is what they've said. Now, I have to add this, in defense of that belief system. The Vatican, in 1960, admitted that there were 14 plagarisms in the New Testament. They refused to say what they were, but they said there were 14 of them. In other words, it wasn't "God" who wrote it, but they changed it, and they admitted it.

So, you do with that piece of information what you want, ok? But, everybody is believing that this kind of event has to happen, and by us believing it has to happen, we're going to create it. And, they are sitting up there laughing at us.

The Incident At Fatima

The Greys are responsible for the Fatima episode in Portugal, where the Virgin Mary supposedly spoke to the children. In fact, according to the Andromedans, this was a holographic image of a woman, professed to be the Virgin Mary, "the mother of Jesus Christ."

During this incident, "the sun" supposedly "fell from the sky" and "miraculously healed people". Using Grey technology, these apparent "miracles" did in fact occur, but they used light and sound beamed at these people to effect these changes. Now, this is technology that has been here on the earth for at least the last 100 years or so, but it is against the law now in most places in the United States --- because it works.

Color and sound technology. The reason that color and sound work is because the entire universe is a holographic projection, turned inside of itself. It's all a holograph. Virtually all the people present at Fatima were implanted during the "missing time" phase of this episode.

"Jesus" and "Mary" Are Composite Characters Created by Council of Nicea

A large ship positioned itself in front of the sun to create this occurrence. The reason that this is not a "true miracle" is because the Biblical Jesus is a composite character, and as such is an allegorical myth.

The Virgin Mary is also a composite character. These composites were made for the purpose of uniting religions of the ancient Roman empire, so that their resources were not being used to constantly stop religious wars between different factions.

From 310 AD to 325 AD, the Council of Nicea created these composite characters. Some books that discuss this truth are Holy Blood-Holy Grail, Antiquities Unveiled, The Messianic Legacy, The Council of Nicea: Gnosis and the Law.

Reincarnation was "written out" of the Bible by Justinian and Theodora in 553 AD.

Pollution and Population

In the 1950's, the so-called meetings of the JASON society were triggered by information given to the Ultra unit in the NSA by the Greys about the world situation, regarding the subjects of pollution and our population. It was at this particular time that the Greys offered little assistance or sharing of technology regarding environmental issues. This has persisted, even until today.

The Pleaidians have, in fact, offered more solutions than any other group to date, but they were turned away by the NSA. This prompted the first of three "alternatives" that are often discussed in "ufo circles" today. These "alternatives" were in fact a reality.

"The "New World Order" is in a major predicament. The Greys are 2,500 years ahead of us technologically. The "black government" is afraid to tell us the truth concerning this reality, because they fear a revolution, overthrow and self-preservation for the people who will want their scalps."

This is what the Andromedans are saying. Two large motherships are on the planet now hiding in the ocean (1995). One is below the equator and the other one is in the Atlantic. I don't know who they belong to, but they are here.

My feeling is that they are benevolent in nature, because the government has actually talked about implementing "alternative 4", which was to create a controlled pole-shift, and the Andromedans have said that they would not allow this to happen. So, my feeling is that these ships are, in effect, there to "anchor" the planet on its axis.

Attacks on the "Space Program"

Aliens have been more openly attacking us in space as time as progressed. It started with the Russian Mars probe, when it was destroyed. The Mars Observer was captured by reptilians on Mars. Also, closer to home, on December 1993, a Landsat satellite disappeared in orbit. It just winked out of existence.

In August of 1993, the European Space Agency lost two communication satellites. Again, they just vanished from orbit. A Canadian Telsat was destroyed in our atmosphere on January 15, 1994, and was seen crashing to earth.

This was shot down by the Greys. Again, I don't know why. A NASA Satcom-3 communications satellite vanished in May of 1979. It was just taken. Two Soviet Mulanaya satellites just vanished from orbit.

Governments Ask for Help With Greys - Draconians Respond (Hale-Bopp)

Here's a scenario. The benevolent races have told the world governments that would help them, but they would have to dismantle their nuclear weapons. The earth governments don't want to do this, because they don't know who to trust because of their own activities.

However, the world government is so desperate to get rid of the Greys, that they apparently have put a "call" out asking for help, using the SETI program. Well, the Andromedans have told me that there is a group that has offered to help our earth governments with the problem of the Greys, and even to give them weapons to fight the Greys.

The ones who responded are the reptilians from Alpha Draconis. Ironically, the only real enemy the Greys have and that human beings on Earth have. Now, interestingly, the Greys actually work for the Draconians. It's all part of a setup. We will invite them in here, there will be no battle, and once they're here, we'll never get rid of the Draconians.

The Line of Defense Against the Orion and Draconian Groups

The Pleaidians are assisting the Andromedan Council in an attempt to quarantine our solar system from the invading forces, namely the Orion Group and the Draconians.

The quarantine defense line is between Uranus and Pluto, and consists of a mixture of benevolent races, both physical and non-physical. Included are groups from the Pleaidian system, the Arcturus system, Andromeda, a group from Sirius A, Reticulans, and others.

This line of defense is really like a last resort, because apparently two huge Grey motherships have already been turned back that were on their way to Earth and Mars. There were casualties on both sides during this process.

The Underground Alien Population in 1995

There are currently (1995) over 15,000 Greys under the United States, and they are a renegade group of Reticulans who have not been to Reticuli for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been traveling through space in their "arks".

Before they came to Earth, a process which also involved time travel, they were residing in the Sirius B system. The Andromedans have huge mother ships on Jupiter, the moon of Gandymede and the moon Demos.

I don't know if they were actually on Jupiter when the comet hit, but they probably weren't. There are 3,000 greys on the moon (1995).

Reptoid Redoux

There are approximately 1,833 reptilians living underneath the United States. Their underground habitat ranges from a depth of 100 miles to 200 miles beneath the surface of the Earth. They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel systems created hundreds of thousands of years ago.

They are not benevolent, and every once and a while they come up for a contact. They have been seen in New York City, Missouri, Chicago and in the Southwestern states. These areas happen to be the largest areas, coincidentally, for missing human children, numbering in the thousands. The Andromedans have stated that 31,712 children have been taken by the reptilians over the last 25 years.

In Linda Moulton Howe's book, Alien Harvest, there is mention of human body parts being seen in underground bases. The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for food. The Greys use our blood and the reptilians consume live human flesh. Their favorite human food is children.

[Editor note: Not to belabor the point, but this material is discussed in great detail elsewhere in this section].

More on the Subject of Walk-in's

The Greys are searching for walk-in's because of their desire to learn about the human Spirit. Walk-in's are necessary at this particular time. They are higher evolved souls. There are 72,000 walk-in's on the planet right now (1995), and are part of the Andromedan Council. In the next three years, 72,000 more will be coming.

[Editor note: Gee, that's 144,000. Where have we seen that number before?].

All this is to balance the negativity being created. Because of the Council's laws of non-intervention, the Andromedan Council felt it necessary to intervene in another way that would not violate Council directives. Thus, the walk-in's, who are earth human beings, are here to do that work. It's a "back-door" approach.

There are 1,531 actual human benevolent extraterrestrials on our planet right now, and where they are I don't know. But, they are here to record, report, observe and possibly assist some of the walk-in's. At some point they will be leaving, but they look just like us in our everyday lives.

Washington D.C Hasn't A Clue What's Happening

The regular government in Washington, D.C. hasn't a clue what is going on. They really don't. The "black government" itself consists of various levels. At the top they know everything.

The lower levels only know small pieces. Knowledge is very compartmentalized, need-to-know basis. The total picture involves outrageous deceit and subversion of the public trust.

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